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1、-_ _ _ 第一单元复习题 A. few 4. There are many_ (activity) in our school. (building). 9. Can you tell me the_(different) between 11. 我忘记带伞,所以被淋湿了 .I _ bring_, soI was_. it s very expensive. _ _ the drums. _ basketball.6. WhenI tried paragliding, I _ (feel like) _ _ you_ on vacation? 疑问句,并做否认答复 )_she _ her

2、math teacher last week?1- A. A. _, _. My father_ 17. 昨天我遇见了一些有趣的人 . I_ yesterday. She has many homework_. A. do 22. Linda seems_ _ ( bore). 昨天下午我尝试着做汤 . I_ yesterday afternoon.27.We should try our best _ (help)the 28. Why not_ (play) volleyball with us? 30. Everyone should keep_ (learn). He is _ you

3、ng _ he can t2-school. _? Does he_ _. 子 ) I_ books_.35. 每个人都想挣跟多的钱 ._ make_.第二单元复习题1. 我经常帮助妈妈做家务 .I _ my mother _.2. He_ ( 几乎不 ) watches TV on weekdays.3. I play computer games_ 4. She reads story books_ 5. Her brother buys clothes_ ( 一年四次 ).6. This little boy always _ _( 上网 ). _.8. _( 垃圾食品 ) is bad

4、 for our 10. Her daughter learns _(play) the piano_ 11. _ ( 百分之五十 ) of students play computer games 3 (run), _(draw) and so on. _( 一起 ).14. 去年他的宠物狗死了 . His_ dog_ _. _去( 看牙医 ). _ _ does she_ shopping?19. Whats your favorite color? _ do you_? _ a nurse.21. 他熬了整个晚上看足球赛 . He_ allnight _ football game.22

5、. We should eat _ _( 安康的食物 ). very _(danger).24. We are surprised_( see ) the elephants. soccer _.26. The answer_ the question is very difficult. 4-science.28. We can_ (learn) English by_(read) newspapers.29. I think the best way_(relax) is through exercise.30.Don t_ too much time watching TV, it sb

6、ad for your eyes.A. spendB. takeC. payD. cost 32. The man is seventy years old,_( is _ ten years old. _. _ sometimes. is my_ in the school.37.Our school is_ ( 相当漂亮 ).38. _(Eat) more vegetables is good for our health.39. Toms life is _ from Bob s. are some_.A. different; different B. difference; diff

7、erent different; differences40. 5 第三单元复习题 _ Yes. here -_(many) friends than me.2. Which is_(good), this one or that one?3. Your shoes are smaller than_(I ). is a_(quietly) girl.5. Did you like_( 赛) last week? 7. Yesterday she_(win) the first prize, so she became a_(win). _(serious). _ _( 取得好成绩 ).13.

8、 好朋友想一面镜子 .A good friend_ a_.歌唱比 _ yours. 19.This question is similar _ that one. A.on6- _ _.21. Can you give mesome_( 信息 ) about the 22. 他和我都是学生 . _ he _ I _ students.23. Both of_ (we) want to go to the movies. That is an orange,_ ( something new. is _(learn)26. Tom is _(smart) than Linda.She is _(

9、outgoing) than her classmates. Tina _ as_ as Tony? 30. 她经常帮助我显示出我最好的一面 .She often _ to _ _ the best_ me. _(thin), Lucy or Lily?32.He is _(funn y) than Paul.Bob sbicycle is_(new) than_(she).33. Thisjacket is_(expensive) than that one. 7-He is _ _ her.She is_ _ him. _ _ me. _ _ my brother. more smarte

10、rC. too smarter39.Tom runs faster than Jane.( 对划线局部提问 )_ runs faster than Jane? _ _ friends would you like to have?第四单元复习题 _ _ in_?-2. 这些座位非常舒服 . These _ are very_.3. You can sit_ (comfortable) there.4. Town Cinema has_ ( 最大 6. 我有两 X免费票 .I have _ _.7. These clothes are very_ (cheap), you can buy the

11、_ (cheap).8. 昨天的晚会她选了一首很简单的歌曲 .Yesterday s party she _ a veryeasy8-_. _(grow) up. 11. This Noodle House has _ _ _ ( 最友好的效劳 ). 13. 这家超市买各种各样的东西 . This_ sells_ things.14. This street is very_(crowd).15.The teacher is popular _ hisstudents. A. _?17. 欢送来我们学校 ._ our school.18. 谢谢你帮助我 ._ me.19.He_ (give)

12、20. 这些节目有一个共同之处 . These_ have one thing_. 22. They usually play a role_ (decide) the winners.23. 你应该认真对待这件事 . You should_ the thing_.24. 让我们用这些生词编一个故事 .Let s _ a story with these new_.9- The store has the_(bad) clothes.26. I think our Chinese teacher is_(good) of 27. Beijingisone ofthe_(big) _(city)

13、 in the world. do you_ the bag? _ _ is it from here to school? Town Cinema is_ in our town.31. Some people think that the_(life) ofthe cheaply C. cheaperD. the cheapest 35. 衣服越来越贵了 .The clothes aregetting_ and_. taller C. the tallest you _ your English teacher? _.- _.40.The next_(perform) 1. 这些访谈节目时

14、很有教育意义的 ._ are very_.2. There_(be) some news in today _.4. These_(comedy) are very funny.-5. 昨天晚上我看了一部动作片 . I _ _ yesterday evening. 6. I think game shows are_ (第五单元复习题These _s newspaper._ _ _ _.8. What do you think of sports shows? do you_ sports shoes? 9. 我不介意去购物_. . I_.He _ _ _. _(see) you again.

15、13. we had a_(discuss) about _ (buy) students. -the Great Wall.17. 这个演员被大多数人所熟知 . This actor is_ many people.18. 最后,他成为了一个成功人士 ._, he_ a_ man.19. 这部动画片是 1990 年发行的 . This _ 20. 最主要的原因之一是他像一个普通人 .One of the_ is that he _ a_ man.21. 我总是尽力面对所有的危险 .I always try_ _ any_.22. Tigers are very_ (danger) anima

16、ls. 24. 昨天她打扮得像个男孩 .She_-_ a boy. _( 不幸的 ) child.27. Mickey is the first_ ( 卡 28. He_ (not like)the film,it s very _(bored).29. Talk shows may not be very_(excite).30. What about_(tell) ajoke?31. 我从李教师那里学英语 .I_ Mr. Li. _ English what is _ next.- _ to_?34. He doesn t mind sitcoms.( 提问 )_ _ he _ sitco

17、ms?35. The young mantakes his father s place_ (be)a teacher. 37. Let s_(go) to school. he _? computer games. 40. Can you tell me how_ to Beijing Zoo? A.get A. warm something B. anything warm C. warmanything D. something warm第六单元复习题1. She wants _(be) a teacherwhen she _(grow) up. take _(act) lessons.

18、 _ is_ sister going to_?4. I want to be a_ ( 计算机程序设计员 ). _ _ ( 一名工程师 ). learning another_ (7. There are many_ ( 8. Everyone should get good_(_ at a_. She sent_ at my go shopping. 公交车司机 ) in 16. 让我们和你讨论一下这个问题 . Let s_the question_ you. _ the word? he wrote many_ ( 文章 ). 19. There are_ ( 不同种 _. 不要担忧我

19、. Don t _ me . 20. We usually make a plan _ _ _ -21. 这次事故与司机有关 . The accident_ _ _ the driver.22. 我们应该为学业制定周方案 .We should make a _ _ for_.23. This is my new telephone number,_ _ ( 把它写下来 ).24. There _ a class meeting tomorrow. 25. At the beginning of the year, everyone_(want) to_( 提高 ) themselves. wi

20、th make diner27. Are you going to draw_? A. last year B. 28. 我同意你的意见 . I_ you. They _ a math class_. _ Li Lei _ play the piano_ _? Lucy _ herNewYears resolutions. going to visit B. visitsC. visited-33. Did you finish_(read) that book? 35. 我将继续写故事 . I am going to_ _. My father is going to travel_. 第七

21、单元复习题1. There_ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. 3. The day after tomorrow they_ a volleyball match.同A. will watchingB. watchesC. iswatchingD. are going to watch _ _ more robots in 50 years?_, _. _. _ _ the weather_the day after tomorrow? _ ten years old_. - There _ robots _ robots She _ _

22、 to her_. 疑问句,并作否认答复_ people_, _. 16.People will live_ 200 years old. A. is sister_in theirhomes? great_. there will be_ people. 20. There are some teachers_ in the office. A. work B.works C. working D. worked _?22. 作为一名记者,我将会遇到很多有趣的人 ._ a _, I _ _ people.23. Robots are like_ ( 24. He is _( 一名宇航员 ).

23、 Ion a_ (25. She is_ _( 27. 未来将不会有纸币 . There_ any_ _ in the_. _ _will Linda s sister be a scientist?29. We will have to move to other planets._ you have to_? 第八单元复习题 -2. 这栋房子有数百个房间 . The building has_ _ rooms.3. They_(build) lots of_(build) last month.4. 我不喜欢反复做同样的工作 . I don t like doing the same wo

24、rk_ _. tomorrow? _ _?8. 请翻开搅拌器,十五分钟后把它关掉 .Please _ the_, and then_ 9. 昨天我给我的妹妹买了两盒酸奶 .I _ two_ of_ mysister yesterday.10. 请把水倒进锅里 .Please _ the water _ the_.11. 我需要两勺蜂蜜 . I_ _. _, because it s too_. 14. 我想要两片面包 . I want two_.15. This shop has the friendliest_(serve). would you mind _ _ _ _?17. 你可以把书

25、放进你的书包里books _ your schoolbag. _ do you want?22. Howmany_(potato) are there on the table?23. Every day I drink two_(cup) ofyogurt.24. You can_ some sugar_ the water. A. add; / _. 26. The_(tradition) food in Chinese Spring Festival isdumplings.27. There are lots of _(travel) in Hainan 29. Please give

26、 me_juice to drink. A. few -( 改为否认祈使句 ( 改为否认祈使句 )_ is the_ the desk_ 33. we need four watermelons._watermelons do you need? _ _ the onions please. 37. There _ somecheese in the cup and there _(be)some sandwiches on the table. computer games.第九单元复习题 _( 有空 ) this afternoon.3. Whats wrong with _( 感冒 ).

27、4. 噪声一直到午夜才停you?I _ _ _ midnight.5. 她喜欢看书并且经常去逛书店 . She likes_ and sheoften _ in the bookshop.6. Yesterday he invited me_(play) golf. _.8. 你不应该拒绝帮助他 . You shouldn t _ _ him.- _ _. _ _. the park_.12. 他足够大了,能照顾自己了to _. _ the dog. should _14. 她拒绝了好朋友的建议 . She_ her good friend s _. Zhang often_ me_ my E

28、nglish. 18. The beat way_(remember) new words is 19. 在这个月末,我们将会考试. _ the month, we ll have an exam. _.21. 我很快乐能帮助你 . I_ _ you.22. 我每天努力学习,以便能赶上汤姆 .I work hard every day,_ _ I can_ Tom.23. 在哪里见到他我感到很吃惊 .I was_ him there.-A. A. Sure, 24. 我正期待着游览 XX .I am_ _ Hong Kong.25. 上周我收到了我母亲的来信 .I _ my mother la

29、st week.26. 我没有回复她 . I didn t _27.Ca you_ over to my home to watch CDs?Yes, A. comeB. comesC. comingD. came28.-_ you turn downyour radio? -Yes,I can. A. 29. -Can you go to the movies tomorrow night? -_. 30. Can you go to the supermarket this weekend?_. _( 其他时间 ). A. surprised; surprisedB. surprising; surprisingC. surprised; surprising too35. _ great idea! That sounds great. AWhatB. -_ _ you_ _ you to_ she didn t go to work. _ _36. You can play tennis_ Saturd


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