高中英语选择性必修一 3.4 Reading for writingUsing language 2 练习(原卷版)_第1页
高中英语选择性必修一 3.4 Reading for writingUsing language 2 练习(原卷版)_第2页
高中英语选择性必修一 3.4 Reading for writingUsing language 2 练习(原卷版)_第3页
高中英语选择性必修一 3.4 Reading for writingUsing language 2 练习(原卷版)_第4页
高中英语选择性必修一 3.4 Reading for writingUsing language 2 练习(原卷版)_第5页
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1、Unit 3 Fascinating ParksPeriod 4 Reading for writing(练习原卷版)I:单词拼写1.These a_ (惹人喜爱的) tree-hugging animals feed on tree leaves. 2. The novel has achieved e_(巨大的) popularity in Britain.3. The _(水族馆)istheveryplacethat youcannotmisswhen youvisitthe city.4. Sheexcelled atimpersonationsofhisteachers,whichp

2、rovided great_(娱乐)forhim.5. Irememberlovingto gothereand just_(闲逛)aroundandlook atall the toys.6. His arms _ (摇摆) a lot as he walks alone on the path.7. In an electric power plant, the heat turns water into high-pressure_ (蒸汽).8. There was a period of excessive warmth which melted some of the _(极地的)

3、 ice.9. The sandwich took theedge offmy_(胃口).10. Ialwaysreadher_(栏目)inthelocalpaper.II:单句语法填空1. We _ (amuse) to learn that she was to sing us a song.2. Exercises will increase your appetite _ food.3. Designs forthenewsports hallare_displayinthe library.4. Ideal with customerson thephoneand_ (rare)me

4、etthemface-to-face.5. _ amused us was that the little kid mistook the aunt for his mother. 6. Its verysmart. Shortskirtsare_fashionnow.7. The theme park he is probably familiar _ is Disneyland. 8. Disneyland has many exciting rides _ (amuse) people, especially teenagers. 9. Many people have fun _ (g

5、et) to know each other on the Internet.10. You can enjoy the delicious food while _ (watch) the fish swim by. III. 选词并用其适当的形式填空。 all the year around be familiar with have fun appeal to put on performances be world-famous for in addition to bring into plenty of fight against 1. _ my weekly pay,Igota

6、lot oftips.2. Howshouldwe_ childhoodobesity(肥胖症)?3. Hismusicis highlyindividualisticandmaynot_everyone.4. Withmild spring likeweather_,Gulangyuis reputed as agardenonthesea.5.There are_activitiesat theresortforthelessdaring.6. Beijing_ the Chinas political center as well as many places of interest.7

7、. Thisballetgroupalsogoestosome othercitiesto_for thecitizens.8. The things you must not _ the hotel include daily packages. 9. Youshould_howitworkssoyou knowwhatto expect.10. No matter whatourage,weneed to playand_inlife.IV. 七选五:从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Ways to Get Your Kids into NatureBe

8、ing in nature for kids has tremendous health benefits.There are many ways you can incorporate nature into your childrens lives,even if you live in the city.Inspire curiosity by being curious yourself.A parents excitement can be spread to the children,and when you show respect for nature,your childre

9、n follow suit. 21 “I dont know!Lets find out together.”is a wonderful way to get the ball rolling.Be open to a mutual adventure and allow your curious inner child to come out while you explore nature with your children. 22 If you have to carpool(拼车) in the morning,turn off the devices instead and en

10、courage your children to look out of the window.The early morning fall skies are beautiful with color and migrating birds.After all,even views of nature from the car window are calming and beneficial.Stop thinking about nature time as leisure time.Time in nature is an essential investment in your ch

11、ildrens health and wellbeing.If you view nature time as essential to good health,you will be more likely to engage in it. 23 ,nurturing creativity and wonder is part of your responsibility as parents.Look at the stars.Visit your local observatory,and then drive out of the city some morning or evenin

12、g for your own stargazing(天体观察) with a blanket and telescope.Observing the stars offers a deeper and wider understanding of the universe. 24 Plant a small garden. 25 Bean and pea plants grow quickly and can be eaten when mature,so teach your children about food and the wonder of growth.ALimit electr

13、onic devices while drivingBEncourage questions you dont know the answers toCIf you want to raise your healthy,wellbalanced childrenDIf you have the space,help your children plant a few vegetablesEIt will teach teamwork,pride in the community,and family togethernessFIf your child is interested,encour

14、age him to get involved in the communityGAllow yourself to think about it,and talk to your children about that wonderV: 完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选。In a remote village, selling chestnuts was the main source of livelihood for local villagers. In late autumn, the hills were covered

15、 by the trees and chestnuts were 1 from the branches of the trees,which 2 with the wind attracting local villagers to 3 them at this time of year.The villagers took the chestnuts, carried them home and 4 them out.The whole family sifted(筛) and sorted them according to their5 , and then transported t

16、hem to the city for wholesale or retail. Every villager knew that if they wanted to sell for a good price, what really6 was to send the selected chestnuts to the market first. Many families, which were short of 7 , would go to the nearby villages to hire workers with high 8 Still, to many peoples 9

17、, there was a young man in the village who could never need help,10he had limited hands.He lived with his blind and old mother. He always arrived at the market one step ahead of the other ones11he could sell out of all the chestnuts and then happily drove back with his truck12 The secret of the youn

18、g man was: after picking chestnuts, he put them 13 into a sack(麻袋) and carried them to the truck.When he set out,he chose the road, 14 and bumpy(不平的) to go, 15 the small ones would jump to the16of the bag and the larger ones would stay on the top of the bag.It would save time for classification and

19、selection. When inquired how he found the way, the young man17 : “If you put your heart into it, you will find the right way.This is not an accident but a(n) 18 result.”There will always be people who get 19 or complain when they hear bad news. As a matter of fact, if you use your head,you will be 2

20、0 to the people and things in the environment. When you turn your mind into action to move forward step by step, you can also create a new world for yourself.1 A. holding B. filling C. planting D. hanging2 A. fell B. shook C. jumped D. folded3 A. enjoy B. view C. seek D. pick4 A. poured B. took C. t

21、hought D. figured5 A. shape B. size C. taste D. color6 A. mattered B. cared C. interested D. minded7 A. hands B. power C. experience D. ways8 A. quality B. quantity C. money D. salary9 A. puzzlement B. relief C. astonishment D. delight10A. only if B. as if C. even if D. if only11A. which B. where C.

22、 whom D. who12A. full B. filled C. empty D. loaded13A. suddenly B. shortly C. directly D. hurriedly14A. tough B. rough C. regular D. smooth15A. even B. or C. but D. so16A. hole B. tip C. middle D. bottom17A. sighed B. excited C. smiled D. sneezed18A. unexpected B. necessary C. accidental D. delibera

23、te19A. stricken B. satisfied C. upset D. surprised20A. sensitive B. accessible C. relative D. flexibleVI. 语篇填空In the past few years, more than half of bookstores in China have closed down, 1 is the result of the 2 (compete) with online bookstores. But the success of Sisyphe Bookstore, one of the 3 ( big) privatelyowned bookstore chains in China, may serve 4 a great example. _5_ (found) in 1993, Sisyphe started to transform and upgrade its b


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