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1、8AUnit1Friends导学Comicstripetothe学班【学习(Learning 等【重点、难(key sand【学法(methods8AUnit1Friends导学Comicstripetothe学班【学习(Learning 等【重点、难(key sand【学法(methodsandskills 指导:1)102)5P6 , 【学习过程A. 课前预习:(尽量通过预习默出词组并对照词组表自改 有 乐于帮10. 信任他12. 给你讲笑B. 课堂导入:Howmanyfriendsdo youhaveinourWhenyou choosea friend,what doyou wanth

2、e is (appearance,独立完7 页A 部分练5.Makeaconversationtotalkaboutwhatqualitiesareimportantingood6. comic(1)If youareEddie, willyou give zza to Hobo? (2)Doyoulike EddieorHobo? C. 小组展1. (A1-C2,A2-C1,B1-2. 学生两人一表D、精讲点1. E、课In ourclass, everyone likes Daniel.Becausehe is (friend) to Tomisa(honest)boy.Wedontlik

3、eWhat a nice day!What about (go)fishingwithC. 小组展1. (A1-C2,A2-C1,B1-2. 学生两人一表D、精讲点1. E、课In ourclass, everyone likes Daniel.Becausehe is (friend) to Tomisa(honest)boy.WedontlikeWhat a nice day!What about (go)fishingwith4. Nancy is a(care)girl.Soshegotgood he5.Asa student, you need tobe and speak to o

4、ld people 6.Hishandwritingisn anyone (else)inhis7. Can l your good friend everything about What makes your friend so ?Hissenseofhumor.HarryPotter sells wellamong 青少年10Weshould(信任ourbestfriends,becausetheyl )11. Reader is a popular(杂志inChinaManypeoplelikereading 12. The manlikestravellingtodifferent二

5、、选择填. (幽默的()1. ngry,canIhaveA.anythingB.somethingC.anything to D.somethingto()2.Thereis a big cake. shareA.May beweB.WemayC.MaybeweD.Maybecanwe()3.Itssodifficultaquestion.IthinkhewillhaveproblemsA.workitB.workingitC.inworkingout D.workout()4. Ive ,because he is honest A.thewordshesays;C.hesayswhat;B

6、.whathesays;D.whatdoeshesay;()5.Therearentenoughchairs.Wouldyoupleaseones A.tobringanother C.totakethreeB. bring moreD.bring three(A.thewordshesays;C.hesayswhat;B.whathesays;D.whatdoeshesay;()5.Therearentenoughchairs.Wouldyoupleaseones A.tobringanother C.totakethreeB. bring moreD.bring three() 6. Im

7、 going to themsomething aboutour new A.lC. D.() 7. It made me quite whenIthoughtofmydearsickA.)8. B.worryC. D.worrying(is, soweallwant to makewithA.friends, B.friendly , C.friendly,D.friends, ()9. -Where willyougo,-LetsgotoBinhai,aniceandmodernA.B. C. D.the()10.What do you think yourfriend soA. make

8、 1.TheresnothingB. C. of D.to hefridge. (改同义句There he 2.Sheandhertwinsisterhesamebedroom.改同义句She the bedroom hertwin Doyouvewhathesays? (改同义句Doyou ve MayIborrowtwomorebooks? (改同义句May I borrow 5.Heate threebowlsof ricefor ch.对划线部分提问did he foryoutalkto6.ItalktohimwhenIrouble对划线部分提问I have .WouldyouTher

9、es . Its I dont ,becauseyoure 。I can , because he always justMy parents Who when Everyoneneeds friends. We all like to 1 close to someone. 2 is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. 3 , sometimes we need to be alone. We dont always want people 4 . But we would feel lonely if we 。

10、I can , because he always justMy parents Who when Everyoneneeds friends. We all like to 1 close to someone. 2 is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. 3 , sometimes we need to be alone. We dont always want people 4 . But we would feel lonely if we 5 had a friend.No two people are

11、 . Friends t doesnt mean they no like each other. Most of the time they will make up(和好)e again.Sometimesfriendsmoveaway(分离).Thenwefeelvery.Wemissthemverybut wecan themand writetothem. Itcould twewouldevenseethemagain. we can new friends. It rprising to find out we like new people when get to know t

12、hem. Theres more good news for people who have friends. They live npeople who dont. Why? It could t they are . Being happy helps you stay well or couldbejustknowing tsomeone cares.If someonecares aboutyou, youtake careCall over CjusttheDquitedifferent t12Alook for 13Ahowoften Bhowlong C l Dtalkwith

13、Dhowmuch Carol and Susan are very good friends. They 12Alook for 13Ahowoften Bhowlong C l Dtalkwith Dhowmuch Carol and Susan are very good friends. They he same grade at the same school they often visit each o home kends. Now they are b eight years old. Carolsmother hasgot a new baby.Carol is very g

14、 tohavealittle sister.Sosheisalwaystalkingabout her to Susan. she is very he new baby because she ve brothers or sisters. But some time she begins to get tired of Carols endless(地) t about it. She also f 7_alittlejealous (嫉妒)ofher Onemorning when the two girls he school ground, Carol said to Susan,

15、Do know, Susan, my baby sister has put on nearly half a pound in weight (体重增加了半磅) Susan b _ very and she answered, putson tenpounds a t is n strange. I know a baby and Oh,Icantb it.answeredCarollaughingly.Whosebabyisit?Anelephants 2.b 4.i 5.a 9.nDo youliketable tennis?Ifyou hadtravelledto heUK likeL

16、ondonor Birminghamsummer, you might have seen one of the dozens of free t were there as part of project !is a three-year table tennis project. What s been running since 2010 and year, 2012, is the final year. The idea is to put free table tennis tables in eight different towns the UK for ks during t

17、he summer. Each table comes with its own bats and balls and freetoplay.YoucanfindthetablesWhat hope to achieve? It would be great !helped find a new Olympic tennis star but together. Putting ! really hopes. to achieve is just to get people playing and having pong table on the street gives people a c

18、hance to connect with people,said!ProjectOne of the t took he project was Hull, a city in England. Forty-five tables o the city. Jakob Adamski, an ESOL student learning English, said, I really playingOne of the t took he project was Hull, a city in England. Forty-five tables o the city. Jakob Adamsk

19、i, an ESOL student learning English, said, I really playing table he park. It was also a good way for me to practise my English and 1.Whendidng!project A.Last B.Last C. InD.In 2.Whatsng!A.ChoosingtabletennisC.Teachingpeoplehowto.playtableD.Puttingfreetabletennistablesin someB.Holdingtabletennis 3.Th

20、ee of ng!projecttohelppeoplepractisetoencouragepeopletotakehe 2012 C.togetpeopleto playandhavefun D.toinvitepeopletovisittheUKReading班 学【学习(Learning 【重点、难点(key posanddifficulty)【学法(methodsandskills 指导:1)10Reading2)5P8 课文, 家长签家长签3)P8【学习过程A. 课前预习 2. 愿意和朋友们一 4. 有一副好嗓子 6. 8.幽默感 有一个真正的朋说11. 不可容纳在课桌12. 把书

21、和笔撞掉到地B. 小组内核C. 课堂探(阅读交流Whoarethe 6. 8.幽默感 有一个真正的朋说11. 不可容纳在课桌12. 把书和笔撞掉到地B. 小组内核C. 课堂探(阅读交流WhoarethethreeentriesD. 小组展一、单词MyEnglishteacherhasagoodsenseof I borrow three fromthe library every “Harry Potter” was very pwiththestudentsafewyearsago. The boy is always ready to help others. He is very hSh

22、evecurly(卷曲)hair.ShehasMr.Sunlooksheir ofIm really bwith the bbook,becausethereisnothing in it.Mylittlecousin isa girl.Wealllike“Keep quiet and listen to the teacher,” she said in a low vYou can cone of the boys as your best friend.(具体信息11. Hels funny thingsto me and always A.makes meto B. makesmeC.

23、makesme D.makesme -IsMr.LiverytallYes.Heis.Heisgood atA.1.85-meter-B.1.85 metersC.1.85 meterD.1.85metersMay always givesbooksand clothesto children need poorA.in ;B.in ;C. on ; D.on ;I want to singaround the world he11. Hels funny thingsto me and always A.makes meto B. makesmeC.makesme D.makesme -Is

24、Mr.LiverytallYes.Heis.Heisgood atA.1.85-meter-B.1.85 metersC.1.85 meterD.1.85metersMay always givesbooksand clothesto children need poorA.in ;B.in ;C. on ; D.on ;I want to singaround the world heB.ina C.in D.on the Bobdoesntknowthewaytothecinema.Idontknow,A.B. C. D.She is ready to help peopleA.any B

25、. no C.someD.Mr.ZhouisgoodatA.llD.May , which is ,the sun,themoonortheA.He is B.bigger y class.B. one oftheC. D.theA.thettC. t D.one ofthetMyEnglishissopoor,soImyA.needhelp B.needto C. need for D.need21.WeoftenhearA.BC. D.22.Please writeto me A.B.C.D.Do you mind myA.24.ThesongisA.made B.to C. D.ong.

26、 Its five verses (段B.made C. oD.made up 25.YourEnglishisperfect.HowdidyoulearnsuchgoodtalkingwithmyAmericanfriendsA.F、课后拓B. C.D.Kate wants (be) a (sing) when she (grow) When something (worry)me,IlSandyaboutAre you (will) (sing)us an English .Its much too here. Theres too much everywhere.(noise) One

27、of my best friends (come) from Nanjing.She always talks to (she)inclass.TheteacherisangrywithItsveryeasyforherKate wants (be) a (sing) when she (grow) When something (worry)me,IlSandyaboutAre you (will) (sing)us an English .Its much too here. Theres too much everywhere.(noise) One of my best friends

28、 (come) from Nanjing.She always talks to (she)inclass.TheteacherisangrywithItsveryeasyforher(work)out thisShe is a good and girl. She often does her. Everyone (think) she (be)She always (give)seatstopeopleinneedonthel others my secrets,sense of humour,knock onto,make me laugh, be kind to, feel bored

29、,readytohelp,sayadadwordabout,travelaroundtheworldHeling funny jokes and always Our English teacher has a good and always makes us happy. When Jim walks past the desk, he often our books and pensMy grandfatherothers and looks happy.Amy is my best friend and she never She is always willing tothings o

30、thersandhelpothers. Betty wants to be a singer and I never orunhappywhenheiswithme. She is also very helpful and is TomisakindmanandheneverSomeone says, Time is money. But I think time is 11 n money. Because when money is spent, we can earn more. However, when time is 12 , itll tis wewasteIt goes wi

31、thout t is usually limited. Even a second is very important. Weshouldmakefulluseof ourtime todo But it is a t there are a lot of people who know the importance of time. Theyspend their limited time smoking, drinking and playing. They do not meanswasting part oftheirown 18 t wasting In a word,spend t

32、heir limited time smoking, drinking and playing. They do not meanswasting part oftheirown 18 t wasting In a word, weshould save time. We shouldnt todays work fortomorrow. Remember havenotimeto A.A.A.A.A.A.A.do A.A.A.B. B. B. C.much C. C. C. C. C. C. did C. C. C. D.evenD.D.D.D.D.everyD.D.D.D.tB. B. B

33、. doesB. B. B. Henry finds a job on a farm. He is the strongest and youngest. He eats more, sleeps more, but works less. He doesnt like to use his head, so he knows little. He has to do some unskilled (无需特殊技能的) work. He always says hes tired and hopes to have a good rest. So he lessn eriscoming.The

34、workersaregettingready forthenextyear.OnlyHenrydoesThe ls him to cut down some he forest. The young man has to go there chair. He feels he forest and is afraid of the animals. So he looks around and loudly.NobodyknowswhathesAfter three days, Henry doesnt cut down any trees. The farmer feels strange.

35、 He wants to find out how the young man is working there. To his anger (生气), Henry is sitting on the chair, cutting the tree. Why are you sitting here to cut the trees? asks the farmer. Because I cant work if lying, sir.21.Henrydoesntliketousehishead,Aheknowslittleknowledge知识C.he tries to be a22.Hen

36、rygetslessmoneyA.hesleepsC.heisntpolitetotheB. he is youngand D.he findsa jobon a B.hedoessomeunskilled D.he eats 23. Henry hasto cut down the treesbecause Ahe can donothing except除了) C.hecantgetonwellwith24. Henry is toheB.he likestohe quiet D.he is very A.25. Henry hopes to A.makethefarmerB. C. D.

37、B.getD.cutdown more heO.23. Henry hasto cut down the treesbecause Ahe can donothing except除了) C.hecantgetonwellwith24. Henry is toheB.he likestohe quiet D.he is very A.25. Henry hopes to A.makethefarmerB. C. D.B.getD.cutdown more heO.Henry,afamousAmericanwriterofshortstories,wasborninNorthCarolinain

38、O. Henry wasa p 26 name. His real name was William Sydney Porter. When hewasa young boy,he didnotgo toschool for l 27 becauseof b 28 born ina poor family,buthe tried to teach h 29 everything he needed to know.Whenhewasabout20yearsold,O.HenrywenttoTexas.Therehetrieddifferentjobs.f worked on a newspr,

39、 and then had a job in a . But he got o t 31 . Some money went missing from the . O. Henry was ved to have stolen s he was sent to ). During the three years in prison, he learned to write stories.Afterhegotoutof prison,hewentYorkandw on Hewrotemostlya NewYorkandthelifeofthepoorthere.Peoplelikedhisbe

40、causealmostallofthemfinishedsuddenchange.Thismade thereaderss 35 30.fReading班 学【学习(Learning 【重点、难(key sand【学法(methodsandskills 指导:1)10家长签P8【学习过程A. 课前预背课文,默写她。B. 小组内核【学法(methodsandskills 指导:1)10家长签P8【学习过程A. 课前预背课文,默写她。B. 小组内核C. 课堂探1)one of +the+ 序数词+oneofthelongest thesecond longestbewillingto与文中短语意思

41、相近原haveagoodsenseofhumor 有强烈幽默感=beveryhumorous have no sense of directionsadj. 令人无趣的 类似的adj.还5) make meP8 原其他用法还有make sbdo makesth.+adj;make+宾语+宾语补足6)trueadj.trulyadvtruthn. real truerealadj.“真的”,表示人或物是客观存在的,与的”trueadj. “真实的”,侧重于和事实情况相符,与“虚构的”7)worry使 Worriedadj. 一、选择填Sth.P8 原其他用法还有make sbdo makesth

42、.+adj;make+宾语+宾语补足6)trueadj.trulyadvtruthn. real truerealadj.“真的”,表示人或物是客观存在的,与的”trueadj. “真实的”,侧重于和事实情况相符,与“虚构的”7)worry使 Worriedadj. 一、选择填Sth.worries烦恼的 Sbisworried aboutIts toknock atthedoorbefore o a C. A.B. D.Wewantsomeoneelsetoteachus.BecausewewanttolearnsomeotherA.somethingC.anythingB.differen

43、tD.differentsomething ppenedheremany years C. This A.ls a B. D.Eddieiseightyearsold,butwehavesevencandlesonly,weneedA.only B.one C.someD.one DontwatchTV,itsbadforyourA.manyB.much C.too D.too Most of the children are generousA.B. C. D.The earth goes theA. over TherewereA.a B.C. from midnight.Sohedrov

44、efast.C. a D.heB. D.Hisfathertold A.not withmatches.ItcanbeB.not toC.dontD.donttoShe has a quite singingA.good-B. C. D.boringsportsnewsitA.HowB.WhatC. D.12. Weknow it.And itenjoysthe A.verywell,veryC.verywell,veryG、课后拓B.very much,very D.verymuch,very12. Weknow it.And itenjoysthe A.verywell,veryC.ver

45、ywell,veryG、课后拓B.very much,very D.verymuch,veryDoes Maywant to be a (sing)whenshegrowsHe (想起)ofhisbestfriendwhenhesawthisoldpicture. He left the room without ( say ) a word.If you want to be n before, you should eat .Afterthelong rip, Mum was a little . The sad newsmade us all Dadwassleepyatworkbeca

46、useof(work) tooast(travel)aroundtheworldisadream I am (real) sorry for what I said.My best friend looks (fun),hescome ls usGo (笔直的onandyoullfindthe restauranton your Simon has a good (感觉) of sport. And he is good at playing Youcanreadmany(杂志hereading He is very kind It is 1.88The boy look Max 的幽默感真强

47、Maxhas30. 。him 36. 37. 。and 38. Doyou Mr. Black works in a hospital. As a good , the he town like him. often 2and 38. Doyou Mr. Black works in a hospital. As a good , the he town like him. often 2to the patients and looks them over 3 . 4hes always busy and has time to rest.One morning Mr. Black to t

48、he hospital and saw there was a woman in .Hecalled ohisoffice andasked,“ “It was my birthday yesterday, sir,” said the woman. “My husband gave me a 10ButI couldnt push my way in (挤进)it.“ It doesnt matter, madam,” said Mr. Black, “ You must lose some .Youllbe yourcoat, ifyou do tIsay.“Youre ,expensiv

49、e said the . “He not a coat, but ()1.A. )2.A.)3.A.)4.A.)5.A.)6.A.)7.A.)8.A.)9.A.Howdoyoudo B. B. B. B. B. a B. B. B.waitingC. C. C. . C. C. C. C. B.Howareyou D.D.D.D.D.a D.is D.D.C.WhatsthematterD.Howoldareyou()10.A.)11.A.)12.A.)13.A.)14.A.)15.A.B. B. B. B. B. B. C. C.C. C. C. C. D.D.D.D.D.D.ZhangLi

50、li:ThemostbeautifulteacherinZhang Lili is a teacher at No.19 Middle he city of Jiamusi, Heilongjiang These days, many people think she is the most beautiful teacher in China, becauseZhangLili:ThemostbeautifulteacherinZhang Lili is a teacher at No.19 Middle he city of Jiamusi, Heilongjiang These days

51、, many people think she is the most beautiful teacher in China, because she saved studentsfromatrafficaccidentonMay8,t day, Zhang and her two students were crossing the road outside the school gate when ddenly lost control (控制) and ran fast towards them. Zhang pushed both students out theway,butsheh

52、erselfwashitbythebus.Asaresult,the29-year-oldteacherlostherThe principal of No. 19 Middle School, Jiamusi City, said, Zhang is a great teacher in our school. Shes also the most popular teacher among the students. For the students, she is like a sister. They call her Beautiful Sister. After hearing a

53、bout this accident, all the students in class cried. But Zhang is na teacher and sisterto the53 studentsinher class. She abouttheirstudiesandeventheir Zhangsbraveryandkindnessmoved感动alotofpeopleinChina.Peoplealloverthecountry are donating money to her now. They all hope she can get better soon and l

54、ive happily for the rest of her life.1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 4. 5. 10. 8. 9. Mr. Turner works in a middle school. A a good teacher, he is friendly to his students.And he is always strict()with h 2 . He lshis students todo their b to sOne Saturday morning, Mr. Turner went to see his friend who was i in hospit

55、al. AsThemost teacherin May8, theschoolgateofNo.19MiddleSchoolinZhangLiliandher two Abus lost control and towardsZhangpushedthestudentsawayandwashitbytheZhang is 6among the students because she 7aboutboththeir studies and lives.Many people are moved because Zhang is 8andkind. People 9the country are

56、 donating money to Zhang.Everyonehopes thebeautiful teacher canlive of her s 5 waswrongwithhiscar,hehadtotakea bus.Afterhe goton the bus,he foundaseatand sat down. Butsoon m 6 people got on the bus and some had to stand. He looked a 7 and saw a woman behind. He stood up and gave his seat to her. The

57、 woman said n s 5 waswrongwithhiscar,hehadtotakea bus.Afterhe goton the bus,he foundaseatand sat down. Butsoon m 6 people got on the bus and some had to stand. He looked a 7 and saw a woman behind. He stood up and gave his seat to her. The woman said n 8 and downHerbehavior(举止madeMrTurneru 9 “Itssar

58、y to t the woman to be polite,” he said to himself. Then he asked, didyousay,“Ididntsayanything,”answeredthe“I thought you NKYOU.”Whenthewomanheardthis,herfaceturned red 3. b 4. i5. 7. a8. 9.u10. 学号班等【学习(Learning 【重点、难(key sand和【学法(methodsandskills 和的【学习过程A. 课前预习和good lazy much polite heavy bad/ill

59、little large thin far popular B. 形容词:前可加下列词或词组表示程度:much,farstill,even,alittle,abit,alot,Heisfar/much/alot n manyalot.much 或a Ihavemany/alotmore n Hehas much/a lotmore free n +betterand thinnerB. 形容词:前可加下列词或词组表示程度:much,farstill,even,alittle,abit,alot,Heisfar/much/alot n manyalot.much 或a Ihavemany/alo

60、tmore n Hehas much/a lotmore free n +betterand thinnerandcleanerandmoreand more(长词)原级 表示“越来越”moreand morefamousnervous The+句子,the+句子 “越越Thebusiersheis,thehappiersheis/willThemorecarefully youdo ,thefewermistakesyouwillthe+ofthe two “两个中较thefatterofthetwo themoreexciting matchof the Chinaisbigger Chi


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