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1、Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (F)Scientist toiling.athlete training. suggest that the first blank is hard work. (B) means unyielding. The just as indicates that there is no shift, so the second blank is similar to the first blank. (F) means not giving up easily. Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (D)Fung

2、us toxic to, numbers long dwindling suggest that the first blank means harmful or destructive. (B) disastrous matches up well. Numbers also matches up with the second blank. The frog is already in danger, or imperiled (D).Text ExplanationAnswers: (A), (D)rather than carry on shows that the candidate

3、 is not doing well. Thus his campaign will (D) end. The reason: his support is lessening, or (A) waning.Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (D)Categorically squelch insights indicates the first blank is going to be a word like stifle. (A) and (C) create the opposite meaning. Conversely indicates a shift.

4、Therefore the second part of the sentence is opposite. For the second blank we are looking for the opposite of categorically squelch insights. Only (D) works. Text ExplanationAnswer: (B), (E) The best in into this sentence is to notice the clue at the end, men who dissented. Therefore, the second bl

5、ank means men who agree, or (E). The first blank will be the opposite (notice the than signaling a comparison). (B) is the opposite of (E). Related LessonsText ExplanationAnswers: (B), (E)Corroborate means to support somebodys statement. Here the evidence did not support the prosecutors case and was

6、 therefore used by the opposition. The fact that the other side used this evidence is ironic.Underscore has a somewhat similar meaning and is tempting. Both that and corroborate mean to make stronger, in ways. But underscore, used metaphorically, means to emphasize. That is, it puts more stress on s

7、omething. What we want in this sentence is a word that makes stronger in a different way, by proving or supporting. You can put as much emphasis on an idea as you want without supporting it.Text ExplanationAnswers: (C), (F)(C) heyday, which means summit or prime, is supported by most feared. Fall fr

8、om, or greatness, was surprising and (F) precipitous, which means sudden. (F) is the only answer that creates a sensible meaning. (D) seemly means appropriate and unsustainable means able to be continued at a certain rate.Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (F)Cloak any venality is the key phrase, which r

9、oughly translated means hide any wrongdoing. Therefore, if the company knew, or had an inkling, it was being investigated for fraud, it would have been careful, or been more diligent, to cover up any wrongdoing. Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (E)(B) contrition, or remorse, works best for the first bl

10、ank. As a result, the judge handed out a (E) severe sentence. Heinous, which means awful, backs up the second blankText ExplanationAnswers: (C), (D)a mishmash of, anything fresh, matches with (C) hackneyed. Haydens contemporaries signals a time shift. Therefore the second blank is opposite, (D) refr

11、eshingly novel.Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (D)Known to e squeamishsmattering applause, retreated from suggests that the critics were excessive or (B) fulsome in their (D) praise. (A) merciless is too extreme and does not fit the context, light smatteringText ExplanationAnswers: (B), (F)The relatio

12、nship between the blanks is that they are opposite, something you should be able to notice from the clue words, change and just as suddenly eOn the other hand, if you were to spend time trying to come up with your own word for the blank, you could come up with a variety of different words for the fi

13、rst and second blanks, even if you know the two blanks are in opposition. Instead you should look at the pairs of answer choices that are antonyms. In the question above, we have morose, jubilant and magnanimous, selfish.Now we need to pay closer attention to the sentence, specifically the last part

14、, to note that the change is in some ways e. Therefore the second word has to be a positive word. So the answer is (B) morose and (C) jubilant.Sometimes the relationship between the blanks is not as straightforward in a vague Text Completion. In these rare cases, you will have plug pairs of words in

15、to the two blanks, respectively, to see which pair makes the most sense.Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (E)Just asso to shows a similarity between chess players and politicians. Hold in their minds matches the first blank. At ones disposal means available for ones use. The second blank matches with ra

16、mifications. Therefore (E) consequences.Text ExplanationAnswers: (A), (E)Despite signals a contrast. quickly devolved shows the second part of the sentence is negative. Thus the first part is positive. (A) auspicious means favorable. (E) calumny means slanderText ExplanationAnswer: (A), (E).discuss

17、the very same. indicates that the first blank has to be similar in meaning. This sentence is the opposite of a time shift in that it states how two time periods are similar. Only (A) is the same as discussing. (B) doesnt make sense stylistically (how does on disprove a question?). Since the two time

18、 periods are similar (we have traded.Internet), philosophy can be seen as (E).Text ExplanationAnswers: (C), (F)Cheswick is so guarded that it is nearly impossible to understand his motives. (C) Obscured means hidden. Any attempt to do so is thus (F) futile, or hopeless.Text ExplanationAnswers: (A),

19、(E)are used to heal supports (A) curative. Only these afflicted are allowed to see supports (E) destroyed, since it is the only answer choice which would prevent other people from seeing the painting.Text ExplanationAnswers: (A), (D)The more untruths matches up with (A) calumny, or slander. (D) comm

20、ensurate describes the relationship between two things, in which when one increases the other increases, or when one decreases the other decreases. In proportion to is another way of saying commensurate with.Text ExplanationAnswers: (C), (F)A clash between the conservative and the unorthodox provide

21、s the best support for (C) heresy. Used figuratively heresy means to go against the prevailing beliefs. As a result, any scientist who does so may be (F) ostracized, or excluded from conservative scientific circles.Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (F)Vituperative means harsh and scathing. By not modera

22、ting these angry words, the ambassador is only going to make the committed more some negative word. Only (F) incensed, or very upset/enraged works.Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (F)quantity for substance indicates that writers are going to think that longer or (B) involved sentences are of more value

23、. The only answer choice that makes sense in the context of conveying though, and quality thought at that, is (F) profound.Text ExplanationAnswers: (A), (D)It may be tempting to choose (B) tentatively disrupted. First off, it fits the context. Secondly, (A) irreparably compromised is very extreme. H

24、owever, none of the answer choices for the second blank make sense if coupled with (B). The most alluring, (D) fully reactivated, doesnt quite work, because if something is tentatively disrupted it implies that it is only temporarily affected and will change back (or be fully reactivated) soon.(A) i

25、rreparably compromised, on the other hand, implies that the level of engagement may always be compromised. The or in the sentence indicates that we need an opposite to (A). (D) fully reactivated supplies this contrast.Text ExplanationAnswers: (C), (F)surprisingly little effort shows that the blanks

26、before the time shift until will make the fort seem (F) impregnable thus preventing or (C) thwarting would be conquerors.Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (E)wind tossing” suggest that the weather is harsh. (E) inclement, the answer, means unpleasant. (D) torrid, which means hot and dry, does not fit. F

27、or the first blank, the aviators had hoped for the opposite. (B) Untoward means inconvenient/unexpected. Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (D)Many have been writing sonnets for hundreds of years so it is not at all surprising for an obscure poet to write a great sonnet. The author of the paragraph would

28、 therefore be very confused if nobody had ever written a great sonnet. (D) confounded, to be completely confused, works for the second blank. For the first blank, we need a word that contrasts nicely with confounded. (B) puzzling captures this contrast nicely: It is not all puzzling for an obscure p

29、oet, but it would be very puzzling had not one poet written a great sonnet. While tempting (A) rare is not supported as much by the context and does not contrast with (D) confounded.FAQ: Why doesnt rare work? The sentence directly following the first blank (The sonnet, after all, has been a favored

30、form for hundreds of years, amongst the amateur and the lionized alike) does not support the choice of rare for the first blank. If the question wanted to emphasize that the scenario was not at all rare, then the sentence should mention something about the quantity of similar cases, in which great p

31、oems were written by obscure poets. However, it doesnt- it simply further elaborates upon the popularity of the sonnet form. Just sonnets in general, not refined, poignant ones, which is what we need more mentions of in order to judge the case presented as not at all rare. So, though we do get the v

32、ariety of poets (amateur and lionized) we dont have any mention of the right kind of high-quality poems.As for sheer number mentioned in the last sentence, that also doesnt provide enough evidence for judging rarity (or lack thereof), because sheer number references the number of general poets- agai

33、n, not the specific case were looking for, which is obscure poets who produce amazing poems.Text Explanation(C), (D)This is a very difficult sentence to crack open. A good approach is to plug in answer choices and see which ones result in a coherent and logical meaning. While this may not sound very

34、 time-efficient, on a difficult sentence like this one, you are likely to waste more time trying to figure out the sentence (but probably to no avail).Only (C) hardly account for and (D) cannot solely be attributed to create a logical and coherent meaning. Some small errors on the governments part c

35、annot be entirely blamed for the fact that entire areas of land have gone barren. The sentence is therefore implying that disasters in the environment are not entirely the governments fault.Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (D)The word ingratiating implies that Fenton is trying to win others over. From

36、this behavior, we can conclude that his motives were some negative word. Base means despicable and works well. Therefore, he would want to assert or (D) maintain his innocence.Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (E)It is uncertain whether paintings idolize or subjugate animals. (B) equivocal meaning open

37、interpretation best fits this context. As though in obeisance, or in respect, matches up best with (E) deferential. (F) sacerdotal simply means priestly, which is a strange way to describe someone acting deferentially towards a beast.Related LessonsText ExplanationAnswers: (C), (D)Deforestation, or

38、the cutting down of forests, threatens biodiversity, or the variety of life living in forested areas. Therefore, if deforestation continues, biodiversity will suffer. The second blank is modified by the keywords, robbing posterity. Therefore, the second blank must be (D) ebb, which means to e less.

39、Sanctioned means a possible penalty for the breaking of a law.Confused? Check out the FAQs for more clarification!Text ExplanationAnswers: (B), (E)The so-called robbers apparently were magnanimous (outward gestures). The despite shows that the term robber-barons is still apt (they gave to charity, b

40、ut they were still robbers). (B) misnomer is the improper name for something. Hardly a misnomer suggests that the term “robber barons” aptly described them. They were thus known for their (E) cupidity, or greed.Hemingways imagination was nowhere near as _ as that of James Joyce yet the latter publis

41、hed _ works.Blank (i)fecund warped stunted Blank (ii)far fewer less controversial more estimableText ExplanationAnswers: (A), (D)The issue here is one of publishing a certain number of works. (A) fecund imagination means rich, abundant. The yet signals a contrast. Though Joyce had a more fertile ima

42、gination, he wrote far fewer works, which leads us to (D). A tempting answer choice is (B) and (E). One way to interpret the sentence is to think that Joyce wrote really warped (bizarre) novels, yet those works were less controversial than Hemingways non-warped books. This interpretation is dangerou

43、s, because it breaks a cardinal rule of Text Completion: a correct answer has to, by definition, relate to the clue in the sentence, or, in this case, the word for the second blank. For instance, fecund, by definition, means creating lots of something. Therefore, far fewer directly relates to fecund

44、. On the other hand, warped, by definition, does not relate to controversy. A warped play may be likely to create controversy, but it isnt, by definition, a controversial play. Claires moods shifted drastically and unexpectedly one moment she was _, chatting lively, the next she was _, looking forlo

45、rnly out of the window.Blank (i)prolific dysphoric ebullient Blank (ii)unflappable taciturn Despondent Text ExplanationAnswers: (C), (F)drastically and unexpectedly indicates that the two blanks are opposite. Chatting lively modifies the first blank. (C) ebullient works best. (F) despondent, or with

46、out hope, fits the keyword forlornly.To critics the authors latest work was _ : with so few people purchasing the book, this reception proved to be _.Blank (i)disastrous puzzling captivating Blank (ii)poignant unnoticeable ironicText ExplanationAnswers: (C), (F)If we plug in a negative word (A) disa

47、strous, then none of the three words for the second blanks work. (E) unnoticeable does not logically follow from critics thinking the book was a disaster. That is because critics though it a disaster their reception isnt necessarily unnoticeable, whether or not the book does well. The same logic app

48、lies to (B). Therefore (C) captivating works well. (F) ironic complements this nicely. Critics found the work amazing but so few people bought the book.Of course irony is a complex term and there has to be a sense of something running counter to expectations. In this case, if critics rave about a bo

49、ok it should not utterly founder with the public. There is a reasonable expectation the book does well. Since it did not, so few people purchasing the critics reception proved ironic.For all his _, Honore de Balzac betrayed a remarkable _ to the plight of 19th century women, populating his novels wi

50、th characters sympathetic to womens rights.Blank (i)affability diffidence boorishness Blank (ii)contemptuousness sensitivity obliviousnessText ExplanationAnswers: (C), (E)For all indicates the two blanks are opposite. Betrayed means revealed and so the contrast is between how he was perceived, (C) b

51、oorishness, and what was revealed in his books (E) sensitivity.Far less _ than her predecessor, the new superintendent remained _, even on issues in which some form of compromise was expected.Blank (i)timid modating implacable Blank (ii)intransigent debonair stolid Next QuestionText ExplanationAnswe

52、rs: (B), (D)(D) intransigent means unyielding and matches up with the keywords, some form of compromise Meaning she never compromised. Far less indicates that she was very different from her predecessor. (B) modating means willing to be flexible and compromise.In Speak, Memory, Vladimir Nabokovs aut

53、obiography, the author seems as _ an ornate prose style as with communicating, often in excruciating detail, the _ of a singular life, describing his familys fall from aristocracy following the Bolshevik Revolution.Blank (i)taken with inimical to unaccustomed to Blank (ii)apotheosis vicissitudes gen

54、eralitiesText ExplanationAnswers: (A), (E)Nabokov does communicate in excruciating detail, thus he most likely writes in an ornate prose style. (B) inimical, or antagonistic towards, does not work in the first blank. Essentially, Nabokov is writing about events, so he would not be either (B) or (C)

55、towards them, but (A) taken with, meaning he is attracted to and enjoys writing in an ornate manner. (E) vicissitudes matches up with fall from aristocracy. Vicissitudes refer to a change, usually for the worse, in ones circumstances.In claiming that there are overarching commonalities among every c

56、ulture, Jungenfreud perhaps (i) _ his case: while there are most likely universal belief systems and recurrent myths spanning both time and civilizations, depending on the level of (ii) _ of a scholars criteria, surely not all societies display the exact same characteristics-it is one thing to say t

57、hat every people has an elaborate view of the afterlife (as Jungenfreud does), it is another to show uncanny parallels between the particulars of this afterlife (as Jungenfreud fails to do).Blank (i)overstates misrepresents elucidates Blank (ii)sophistication specificity similaritiesText Explanation

58、Answers: (A), (E)While daunting, this TC is not as difficult as it is lengthy. Simplifying the sentence we can gather that Jungenfreud believes that cultures are very similar (overarching commonalities). The sentence notes that all cultures are similar depending on how general one is being. For exam

59、ple, note the last sentence describes how Jungenfreuds take on the afterlife is very general. Thus how specific, or level of specificity, is important in making Jungenfreuds claim. So in saying that all cultures are the same, Jungenfreud overstates his case.While tempting, (B) misrepresents does not

60、 make logical sense. Why would he misrepresent his own case? Rather Jungenfreud is misrepresenting the issue of cultural similarity.In his critique of the students _ essay, the writing instructor mostly focused on _ details, leading many in the class to believe he was either oblivious to the subtlet


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