高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes listening,Reading II and Talking优质课件 新人教必修1_第1页
高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes listening,Reading II and Talking优质课件 新人教必修1_第2页
高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes listening,Reading II and Talking优质课件 新人教必修1_第3页
高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes listening,Reading II and Talking优质课件 新人教必修1_第4页
高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes listening,Reading II and Talking优质课件 新人教必修1_第5页
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1、2021/8/11 星期三1EarthquakesUnit 44th period 2021/8/11 星期三2Check homework2021/8/11 星期三3Never buy a house that/ which does not have bolts underneath because it will not be safe in an earthquake. 2.Make sure that the walls which/ that should be strong and well-built have the pipes tied to them. 3.The peo

2、ple whose homes are in an earthquake area must make sure their furniture does not move around in an earthquake. 4 Televisions, computers, lamps and TVs that are not tied to tables could cause accidents during an earthquake. 5.Anyone who stands close to windows will be hurt in an earthquake if the gl

3、ass breaks. 6.Those for whom this advice is written should read it carefully.Ex. 1. on page 64.2021/8/11 星期三4 ListeningReading ( ) Talking 2021/8/11 星期三5Listening2021/8/11 星期三6The writer was sleeping downstairs when the earthquake broke out.2. The writer threw away his clothes and rushed out.3. Many

4、 huge buildings were shaking rocks and bricks were falling.4. A lot of people were buried under the ruins.5. Some cows were killed in the fire.6. The writer remembers clearly how he got into the boat.Listen to the tape and then tell whether they are true or false.FFTTFF2021/8/11 星期三7When did the man

5、 talk about the earthquake? How do you know?Is the man clam as he talks about the earthquake? Why or why not?What was the biggest danger for the man: fires, sows or falling buildings?Why?Where was the man going?Have you got any ideas to help this man during the earthquake?Listen to the tape again an

6、d then complete the following table2021/8/11 星期三8Suggested answers to Ex.2After the earthquake had happed, the last sentence gives information about the next day.2.Yes, the man is clam because he is writing about something a long time after it happened.3.The falling buildings were his biggest danger

7、 and he didnt know when one might fall on him. He could at least see the fires and cows coming towards him.4. He was going to the bay to get on a boat.5. Answers will vary but should demonstrate an understanding of the listening text.2021/8/11 星期三9Views of the 1906 San FranciscoEarthquake and Fire20

8、21/8/11 星期三105:13 a.m. April 18th,1906fire around the Call Building2021/8/11 星期三112021/8/11 星期三12earthquake-destroyed water pipebroken water pipes2021/8/11 星期三13Dreadful earthquake damagein Chinatown2021/8/11 星期三14the destroyed church2021/8/11 星期三15damaged warehouse2021/8/11 星期三16refugees fleeing al

9、ong the Street2021/8/11 星期三17The Army later provided tents for refugees.poorly- built shelters2021/8/11 星期三18250,000 peoplelost their homes700 people lost their lives2021/8/11 星期三19Reading (II)2021/8/11 星期三20 1. Who is the man in the picture? 2. What can we see from the word Never in the sentence “N

10、ever before in the history has a city been so completely destroy? 3.How many negative words are used in the first paragraph, and what can we know from these words? 4. Whats the main idea of the second paragraph? 5. What can we learn from the first sentence and the last sentence?2021/8/11 星期三211. An

11、Americas writer, Jack London. 2. From the word never, we can feel that the writer was very sad. And never is a powerful word and London does not use it carelessly here.3. The main idea is out at sea it was calm. 4. The two sentences give us a contrast. Although the city was destroyed the people were

12、 not nervous or upset. They just did what they should do. London was deeply proud of the people.3. There are seven words. They are never, nothing, gone, no, useless and burst.2021/8/11 星期三22 1. What do you know about the cause of an earthquake?2. What new information about earthquakes have you learned now?3. What words and expressions can you use to describe


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