



1、2019上半年高中英语教师资格面试真题及答案一、考题回顾题目来源:5月19日上午辽宁省沈阳市 面试考题试讲题目题目:写作教学试讲2内容:re my talkAmerica n sin ger Bobbie Sharo n was in London yesterday. She went to the Chann el 16 TV studio, where she sang Sometimes, a song from her new album While she was waiting for a taxi outside the studio, she met 16-year-old

2、Sam Parrish, who was two meters tall. I am your biggest fan. said Parrish. well, you fan replied Shar on Could I possibly have your autograph on my arm asked Sam. As you have asked me so nicelysaid Sharon,丨d be delighted to sign your arm.re my talk3.基本要求:朗读所给段落配合教学内容适当板书针对所给材料的内容,设计指导篇改写的教学活动用英文试讲试讲

3、时间:10分钟答辩题目 1.Be ing a teacher is tired and the salary is not high, why do you choose to be a teacher?2.ln a writ ing less on, which part do you think is the most importa nt one and why?二、考题解析【教案】Teach ing aims:Kno wledge aims:After this less on, stude nts can know the differe nee betwee n direct sp

4、eech and in direct speech.Ability aim:Students can improve their writing ability and logic thinking.After this less on, stude nts can get the ability of cha nging direct speech into in direct speech.Emotio nal aim:Stude nts are able to get the con fide nee of lear ning En glish.Students are willing

5、to write English article in their daily life.Key and difficult point:Key Point: stude nts can know the differe nee betwee n direct speech and in direct speech.Difficult Point: stude nts can get the ability of cha nging direct speech into in direct speech.Teach ing procedures:Step 1: Warmi ng-upGreet

6、i ngs.Sing a song: The teacher sing a song n amed Sin gle Lady. Then ask stude nts if they have listened this song. Then tell students this song is every famous in America. The sin ger is who a famous America n pop sin ger Bey one The n tell them the content of this less on is also about a sin ger.S

7、tep 2: Pre-writ ingAsk stude nts to look at the scree n and the teacher reads the passage and askn swestudents“what is this small article mainly talk about?” Then let one student an swethe questi on.Tell stude nts this passage is about a conv ersatio n betwee n a sin ger and her fan. The n let stude

8、 nts to circle their words.Ask one stude nt to come to front and write these senten ces dow n on the blackboard. The n tell them these sen ten ces called direct speech in grammar.The n let stude nts try to relate these sen ten ces as told by ano ther. The n tell them this way called in direct speech

9、.Tell stude nts they should pay atte nti on to the structure betwee n these two forms.Don t change the tense. Change into the object clause with“ that ”.Let them to collect some conjunction words or adverbials. They can use these words in their passage to make their works more logical.Step 3: While-

10、writi ngGive stude nts 15 minu tes to rewrite this passage, they should cha nge direct speech into in direct speech.Whe n stude nts are writ ing, correct their spelli ng and grammar.Step4: Post-writi ngPeer-editing: Ask students to check their passage with their deskmates.Shari ng: In vite some stud

11、e nts to share their works.Give the evaluati on accordi ng to their works.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a stude nt to con clude the content of the less on and summarize with the whole class.Homework: improved their passage after class.Blackboard desig n 略【答辩题目解析】1.Being a teacher is tired

12、and the salary is not high, why do you choose to be a teacher?【参考答案】Teaching is not only a choice of a career, but also the responsibility and sacrifice. Although being a teacher is tired and we can only get low salary, we can t rjob only with the money you can get.Firstly, teachi ng is really great

13、 and it s very importa nt to our coun try. When I help the stude nts and see their progress, I feel proud.Secon dly, I have the goal to be a teacher. We can meet a lot of challe nges in teach ing, such as the teach ing methods, arran geme nt of stude nts and deali ng with all the problems. So, we n

14、eed to lear n more to en rich ourselves and care about all the stude nts.At last, teach ing is a relatively stable job, and we have summer holiday and win ter holiday every year and this is the life style I want. No matter the salary is high or low, I will persist to my dream.2.ln a writ ing less on

15、, which part do you think is the most importa nt one and why?【参考答案】In a writi ng less on, I thi nk the most importa nt part is the Prese ntati on. Because the teacher should set a topic for the students. And show the correct way to search the material and let students know which kind of material is suitable for the certain topi


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