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1、 PAGE 页码 11 / NUMPAGES 总页数 11北师大版2022年四年级英语上册期中知识点综合复习全能练习单班级:_ 姓名:_ 【看图写单词】1. 看图,读句子,写单词。1Mao Buyi is_.2Li Chen is_.3The_are colourful.4Jia Ling is not_.2. 看图,根据题意填写单词,完成下列句子(首字母已给出)。1Liu Tao can s_very well.2I like this p_. Its fat and cute.3Do you have any b_?4-How many c_can you see?-Three.5-Wha

2、t are these?-They are_.3. 看图片,选单词并写一写。girl bird nurse teacher hamburger1My mother is a_.2This is a_.3The_is my sister.4Id like a_.5This is my maths_.4. 根据图片和首字母提示写出单词或词组,补全句子。1This is the c_.2Its c_in Shanghai.3Its time for b_.4The g_are so nice.5The dress is too e_.5. 根据图片内容写出对应的名词与形容词12345【填空题】6.

3、按要求完成下列单词。1sea/si:/(同音词)_ 2too(同音词)_3homework(复数)_ 4teacher(复数)_5one(序数词)_ 6two(序数词)_7is not(缩写形式)_ 8near(近义词)_9hot(反义词)_ 10any(同义词)_7. 看图,补全句子或对话。1Lookatthe_Theyaresocute.2Theyare_.3Whatarethose?_.4_eggsdoyouhave?Eleven.5Arethesehorses?_,_.8. 读一读,选一选。A.speaks B.so C.help D.is E.has1Let me_you.2She_

4、short hair.3She_English well.4My bag is_heavy.5Who_your friend?9. 补全句子。1Hows the weather on Monday?Its_on Monday.2Hows the weather on Tuesday?Its_on Tuesday.3Hows the weather on Wednesday?Its_on Wednesday.4Hows the weather on Thursday?Its_on Thursday.5Hows the weather today?Its_today.10. 根据语义和提示,填入正

5、确的单词。1Look, the b_is on the tree.2Im hungry. Id like a h_.3My mother is a_.4John is a boy. But Amy is a g_.11. 把下列短语分成危险和安全两类。A.play football in the street B.use the sidewalkC.play with the fire D.climb the treeE.wait for green light F.play football in the playgroundG.stop when the light is red H.ru

6、n down the stairs1Safe:_2Dangerous:_12. 将下列单词或短语分类。A. water the flowers B. play football C. music roomD. under E. near F. teachers office G. read a bookH. next to I. library J. on1场所:_2活动:_3方位:_13. 选词填空。nice naughty cute clever shy1. The girl is a bit_.2. Panpans father is a_man.3. She is a_girl.4.

7、Ms Smart is a very_teacher.5. Parrot is a_bird.6Maomao is a_(bit/many) shy.7Lingling and Amy_(is/are) my friends.8This is Xiaoyong._(He/She) is clever.【选择题】14. Do you have _ umbrella? ( )A.a B.an C.an new15. They _ going to have a party tomorrow. ( )A.is B.am C.are16. Its 7 oclock. Time _ go to scho

8、ol. ( )Hurry up!A.for B.to C.at17. _ English lessons do you have in a week? ( )A.How much B.What C.How many18. Whattimeisit? ( )_A.Its11oclock. B.Itsaclock. C.Yes, itis.【连词成句】19. you do an have art room (?)20. on, have, we, any, dont, Sunday, lessons, (.)21. job aunts is your what (?)22. us go Let s

9、chool to (!)23. one, here, red, a, is (.)【阅读理解】24. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。I have a new friend. His name is Mike. This is his photo. He is strong. He has short brown hair. He is friendly. Look, this is his new schoolbag. There are many books in it. Two storybooks, three notebooks, four English books, and one Ch

10、inese book. Its very heavy.1Mike is my _. ( )A.friend B.teacher C.sister2Mike has short _ hair. ( )A.black B.brown C.red3Mike is _. ( )A.thin B.strong C.high4There are _ books in the schoolbag. ( )A.seven B.ten C.nine5Mike is _. ( )A.cute B.friendly C.quiet25. 阅读短文判断。Thisisourclassroom.Therearesomep

11、upilsinit.Sixteenareboysandfifteenaregirls.Sixboysliketomakepaperaeroplanes.Theother(另外的)liketoreadbooks. Ninegirlsliketopaint.Theothersliketomakebirthdaycards. Look!MrsLiiscoming.Shesourclassteacher.Shesagoodteacher.Welikeherverymuch.1Thereareforty-fourpupilsinourclass.(_)2Twelveboysliketoreadbooks

12、.(_)3Ninegirlslikepainting.(_)4Someboysliketomakebirthdaycards.(_)5MrLiisourclassteacher.(_)26. 看图回答问题。(1)What time is it?(2)How many students can you see?(3)Are the students playing football?(4)What are the students doing?(5)Are the students happy or sad?27. 阅读短文,根据图画的内容、中文提示和单词的首字母填入短文所缺的单词。(1)My

13、r(红色的) shoes are in the l(图书室).(2)My yellow j(夹克衫) is in the c(餐厅).(3)My b(蓝色的) bag is in the c(电脑) room.(4)My g(绿色的) s(毛衣) is in the g(体育室).(5)My brown T-shirt is in the p(操场).28. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Today is Sunday. Jill and Tom are in the park. They see some grass under a big tree. Its green and soft.

14、They want to sit under the tree. They put a towel(毛巾) on the grass. They sit on the towel. Jill feels something cold and hard. Its a stone(石头). Tom feels something soft, wet and thin. What is it? Wow, its a snake(蛇)! They are afraid.( )(1)Jill and Tom are in the park.( )(2)The grass is green and har

15、d.( )(3)The stone is hard and cold.( )(4)The snake is soft and warm.29. 阅读理解。A fox is hungry. He is looking for foo D. He sees a frog.Ha ha! A frog! My dinner!Behind (在后面) the fox, there is a tortoise (乌龟). He bites (咬) the foxs tail.Ouch! cries the fox and he looks back. The frog hears the voice an

16、d jumps into the water.Thank you, little tortoise, says the frog.But the fox is very angry. Ill throw you to the sky!Thank you, I like flying in the sky, says the tortoise.The fox stops, I will throw you into the river.Oh, no! I cant swim. I will die(死) if(如果) you throw me into the water.The fox threw the tortoise into the water quickly (快速地).Thank yo


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