【课件】Unit2 Reading for Writing课件 2022-2023学年人教版高中英语必修第二册_第1页
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1、Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionReading for WritingReview Look at the pictures and translate Chinese into English.灭绝措施海报压力栖息地保护区担心的恢复extinction posterhabitatconcernedreservepressuremeasurerecoverThinking What do you think of when you see the pictures? You can use the words in the review part. This is a gr

2、aveyard of extinction, which means there are many animals facing the danger of extinction. We cannot make them alive again, but to protect animals in the globe. We have seen many posters in daily life, but have you ever thought what a poster is.Poster:Aposteris a large notice or picture that you sti

3、ck on a wall or board, often in order to advertise something.Thinking Look at the posters below. Which emotions do the photos communicate? 1frightening because of the picturesad because of the titleLead-inLead-inscreaming animaltears in eyeskoala and its babyhug the treeRead the posters and write a

4、one-sentence summary for each. 2Summary:A summary is a shortened version of the original. The main purpose of such a simplification is to highlight the major points from the original subject. The target is to get the gist.Reading Tips:Pay attention to topic words in the title or paragraph.Read the f

5、irst and last sentence carefully.The tense should be accordant with the paragraph.“Ugly” animals are just as important as cute animals because nature needs variety to function properly.Reading statementreasonconclusiontopic wordCutting down trees to make paper destroys the natural habitat of many an

6、imals. topic wordsbackground infostatementemphasisReading Look at the posters again. Discuss the questions in groups.3What does each poster use to stir up emotions?Who do you think is the intended audience for each poster? Why do you think so?What does each poster want people to do? How do you know?

7、In your opinion, which poster is more effective? Why? DiscussionWhat does each poster use to stir up emotions?Discussionugly picture of animal to give a visual impact;be framed by a Mickey Mouse outline to show the difference between cartons and real imagesTips: focusing on the pictures and literal

8、expressioneye-catching and sympathetic headlineending by a question to make people think more Discussionkoalas real talk2. Who do you think is the intended audience for each poster? Why do you think so?Discussion“WE” means people who dont like ugly animalsPoster 12. Who do you think is the intended

9、audience for each poster? Why do you think so?Discussion“HUMANS” means people who destroy animals habitats to gain profits.Poster 22. Who do you think is the intended audience for each poster? Why do you think so?everyone because they appeal to protecting our planet which we all live on, and to our

10、paper consumption which we all rely on. Discussion3. What does each poster want people to do? How do you know?Discussion“CHANCE” means more attention, preservation and lovePoster 13. What does each poster want people to do? How do you know?DiscussionArouse the awareness of protecting environment.“MO

11、RE PAPER” implies that people need to save paperPoster 24. In your opinion, which poster is more effective? Why? DiscussionTips:Think about your feeling, literal expression, image impact After answering the questions, discuss in pairs: what elements should be included in a poster?key informationreas

12、onsfacts or dataclear information impressive images DiscussionWork in pairs. Make a poster about an endangered animal.41. Choose one of the animals below or one of your own. Do some research to add to the animal fact sheet.Designingfigurehabitatliving habitfoodpredators Work in pairs. Make a poster

13、about an endangered animal.2. Follow these steps to organize your poster.Write a title that is simple, interesting, and unusual, and then collect the information you need.Write the name of the species and why it is endangered.Use a powerful image to attract the readers attention to the facts and pro

14、blems.Tell the readers what you want them to think and do.Designing4Think about some tips for designing a poster:Choose eye-catching colors and images.Choose an attractive headline.Use clear, brief, and vivid language.DesigningExchange posters with another pair. Use this checklist to give them helpf

15、ul feedback5Does the poster include key information about the animal?Does the poster explain why it is endangered?Does the poster support its information with facts?Is the message of the poster clear, i.e. can you tell clearly what the designer wants the reader to think or do?Is the image on the pos

16、ter effective?AssessmentPut up the poster in your classroomAssessmentskin skn n.皮肤;外皮to have dark/fair/olive, etc. skin 皮肤黝黑、白皙、浅褐色等e.g. Its skin feels really smooth. 它的皮摸起来真光滑。 There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer. 皮肤暴露在太阳下与皮肤癌直接相关。Key wordsemotion mn n.情感;情绪e.g. He

17、 lost control of his emotions. 他情绪失去了控制。 Mary was overcome with emotion.玛丽激动得不能自持。unusual njuul adj.不寻常的;与众不同的;不平常的 e.g. Her voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness. 她的声音里充满着一种不寻常的严肃语气。Shes happy with her unusual living arrangements. 她对自己不同寻常的生活安排方式感到很得意。stir st(r) v.搅拌;微动;打动;挑拨;传播e.g. Weve got enough problems without you trying to stir things up. 我们麻烦事儿已经够多的了,你就别再挑拨是非了。Her resignation caused quite a


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