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1、 学科教师辅导讲义审核签字: 日期: 讲义编号: 年 级:七 课时数: 学员姓名: 辅导科目: 学科教师 授课日期及时段教学目标词性-名词教学目标1.作业检查;2.上节课内容复习3.本节课重难点:教学目标 名词概念 (了解掌握) 按意义分类 名词的分类 按是否可数分类 规则变化(见课本)名词 名词单复数变化 (常考考点) 不规则变化 Of 所有格、 名词所有格 s所有格 (共有和各有) 双重所有格 名词做定语考点类型一、 名词概念及分类名词表示人、事、物、地点或 HYPERLINK /item/%E6%8A%BD%E8%B1%A1/9021828 t _blank 抽象概念的名称。它分为 HY

2、PERLINK /item/%E4%B8%93%E6%9C%89%E5%90%8D%E8%AF%8D/3543467 t _blank _ 和_专有名词 表示具体的人, HYPERLINK /item/%E4%BA%8B%E7%89%A9 t _blank 事物,地点,团体或机构的专有名称(第一个字母要大写)。:China(中国)、Beijing( HYPERLINK /item/%E5%8C%97%E4%BA%AC/128981 t _blank 北京)the+普通名词构成的专有名词:the Great Wall( HYPERLINK /item/%E9%95%BF%E5%9F%8E/142

3、51 t _blank 长城)。the+姓氏复数表一家:the Greens(格林一家人) 按意义分类 (1)个体名词:表示单个的人和事物: car、room、 (2)集体名词:表示一群人或一些事物的名称people、family 普通名词 (3)复合名词:两个或两个以上名词连在一起passer-by(过路人)(4)物质名词:表示物质或不具备确定形状和大小的个体的物质。 fire(火)、air (空气)、water(水)、milk(牛奶)(5)抽象名词:表示动作,状态,品质或其它抽象概念。 health(健康)、life (生活)、friendship(友情) 可数名词:能以_来计算,有复数形

4、式 按是否可数分类 不可数名词是指_以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西;不可数名词 它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式,它的前面不能用 HYPERLINK /item/%E4%B8%8D%E5%AE%9A%E5%86%A0%E8%AF%8D t _blank 不定冠词a / an。 抽象名词,物质名词和 HYPERLINK /item/%E4%B8%93%E6%9C%89%E5%90%8D%E8%AF%8D t _blank 专有名词一般是不可数名词。如 milk(牛奶),bread(面包),coffee(咖啡)等。考点类型二、 名词单复数一可数名词1 一般

5、名词复数是在名词后面加上“ _ ”,如 map maps , bag bags , book- books 等; 2 以 _ 结尾的词加“_ ”,bus buses , watch watches, box- boxes , brush brushes 3 以 _或_结尾的名词变复数时 , 去_ 加_的名词有: half halves knife knives leaf leaves wolf wolves wife wives life lives thief thieves4 以 o 结尾的名词变复数时: a )无生命的名词加_ : photo photos , piano pianos

6、, radio radiosb )有生命的名词加_ : potato potatoes tomato tomatoes 5 以辅音字母 y 结尾的词,_ 如 baby babies , family-families, study-studies 等;以元音字母 y 结尾的名词变复数时,_ monkey monkeys , holiday holidays , storey storeys (楼层); 6. oo 变_的单词: foot-feet, goose-geese, tooth-teeth ;7. a 变_的单词: man-men, woman-women, policeman-pol

7、icemen;8. 复数与原形一致的单词: fish-fish, sheep-sheep, deer-deer, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese;注: 1.fish 指“鱼肉”时,是不可数名词; 2.fish 指“鱼的多少”时,是可数名词,但单数和复数同行; There are many fish in the river 。 3.fish 强调鱼的“种类“时,复数是“ fishes ”。 There are many kinds of fishes in the river 。9. 有些名词以 -s 结尾,但表达的是单数意义,例如: news , mat

8、hs , politics , physics , the United States 等。10. 常以复数形式出现的名词,例如: glasses , shoes ,socks 等,要表达他们的量时常用 pair ,例如: a pair of glasses/shoes; 复数只需量词变复数,例如: two pairs of shoes例外: man , woman 作定语时,如果后面的名词是复数,则 man , woman 也要跟着变复数。如: a woman teacherthree women teachers【练习】一、写出下列单词的复数形式1 bag _ 2 orange _ 3 f

9、amily _ 4 wish _ 5 shelf _ 6 knife _ 7 key _ 8 baby _ 9 tooth _ 10 foot _ 11 woman _ 12 sheep _ 13 Japanese _ 14 potato _ 15 radio _ 16 child _ 17 fish _ 18 photo _19 Frenchman _ 20 man doctor _ 21.watch _bus _ 23. sheep _ 24. foot _常见的不可数名词:Food, meat, fish, chicken, beef, drink, milk, water, homew

10、ork, news, information, fun, work, Chinese, English, music 等考点类型三、名词所有格(表示事物间的关系:所属、主谓关系、动宾关系)(一)表示有生命的名词所有格1. 在单数名词后加_ ,如: the teacher s office2. 以 -s 结尾的复数名词后加“_” 如: the teachers s office3. 不以 -s 结尾的名词复数后加“ _”,如: the Children s Palace(二)表示无生命的名词所有格一般用“ _”表示,如: the capital of China(三)双重所有格将 s 与 of

11、结合一起使用构成双重所有格 ,例如:afriendofmyfather s 我父亲的一位朋友a photo of mine 我的一张照片(四)特殊所有格用 and 连接两个并列的单数名词表示共有时,只需在后一个并列名词词尾加“ s ”;如果不是,则需在各个并列名词后分别加“ s ”。:The woman is Mary and Alices mother Mr Smiths and MrBlacks cars John and Mary s home, John s and Mary s home考点类型四:名词做定语名词做定语修饰另外一个名词,往往是说明被修饰词的材料、用途、时间、地点、内容

12、类别等Paper money (材质)、a meeting room(用途)、a story book(内容)、the kitchen window(厨房窗户)注意事项 man, woman用于名词前作定语时,其单复数形式与所修饰的名词的单复数形式一致。 如a woman writer 1 some women writers(女作家)。注意:用man和woman不同,boy 和girl用作定语时,总是用单数。如boy (gir) friends男(女)朋友。用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空:1 There are three_(chair) in the classroom. 2 These

13、_ (tomato) are red. 3 My brother looks after two_ (baby) 4 My father likes to eat_ (potato). 5 Chinese_ (people)like to eat noodles. 6 I have a lot of _ (toy) in my bedroom. 7 My mother wash_ (dish) in the kitchen. 8 I have two_ (pencil-box). 9 There are some_ (bus)in the street. 10 Monster has eigh

14、t_ (foot). 三、选择填空 ( )1 I can see three _ in the zoo. A . monkeys B . monkeys C . monkey ( )2. The pig has four _. A. foot B. feet C. foots ( )3. My two brothers are _. A. policeman B. policemans C. policemen ( )4. I can see ten _ in the picture. A. sheep B. dog C. pig ( )5. The _ has three_. A. boys

15、, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches ( )6. Can you see _on the plate? A. bread B. breads C. breades ( )7. The girl often brushes her_ before she goes to bed. A. tooth B. tooth s C. teeth ( )8. Mr . Black often drink some _. A. milk B. milks C.milkes ( )9. There are some _on the floor. A. child B.

16、 man C. books ( )10. Lucy will has some _. A. photo B. photos C. photoes ( )11. I need a pen and some _. A. books B. desk C. chair ( )12. There are_ in the room. A. photos B. photoes C. photo ( )13. There is some _ in the river. A. fish B. fishes C. fishs ( )14. There_ two _ in the box. A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch( )15. We have to clean _ every day. A. our tooth B. our tooths C. our teeth ( )16. My _ room is next to the reading room. A. teacher B.


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