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1、计量经济第二章Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia1第1页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia2Chapter Outline 本章大纲Definition of the Simple Regression Model 简单回归模型的定义Deriving the Ordinary Least Squares Estimates 普通最小二乘法的推导Mechanics of OLS OLS的操作技巧Units of Measurement and Functional Form测

2、量单位和函数形式Expected Values and Variances of the OLS estimators OLS估计量的期望值和方差Regression through the Origin 过原点回归第2页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia3Lecture Outline 讲义大纲Some Terminology 一些术语的注解A Simple Assumption 一个简单假定Zero Conditional Mean Assumption 条件期望零值假定 What is Ordinar

3、y Least Squares 何为普通最小二乘法Deriving OLS Estimates 普通最小二乘法的推导第3页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia4Some Terminology 术语注解 In the simple linear regression model, where y = b0 + b1x + u, we typically refer to y as theDependent Variable, or Left-Hand Side Variable, orExplained Va

4、riable, or response variable, orPredicted variable or Regressand在简单二元回归模型y = b0 + b1x + u中, y通常被称为因变量,左边变量,响应变量,被预测变量,被解释变量,或回归子。第4页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia5Some Terminology术语注解 In the simple linear regression of y on x, we typically refer to x as theIndependent

5、Variable, orRight-Hand Side Variable, orExplanatory Variable, orControl Variables, orCovariate, or predictor variableRegressor在y 对 x进行回归的简单二元回归模型中, x通常被称为自变量,右边变量,解释变量,控制变量,协变量,或回归元 。第5页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia6Some Terminology术语注解Equation 2.1 y = b0 + b1x + u ha

6、s only one nonconstant regressor x, it is called a simple linear regression model, or two-variables regression model, or bivariate linear regression model. 等式y = b0 + b1x + u只有一个非常数回归元。我们称之为简单回归模型, 两变量回归模型或双变量回归模型.第6页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia7Some Terminology术语注解T

7、he coefficients b0 , b1 are called the regression coefficients or parameter. b0 is also called the constant term or the intercept term, or intercept parameter. b1 represents the marginal effects of the regressor, x. It is also called the slope parameter.b0 , b1被称为回归系数。 b0也被称为常数项或截矩项,或截矩参数。 b1代表了回归元x

8、的边际效果,也被成为斜率参数。第7页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia8Some Terminology术语注解 The variable u is called the error term or disturbance in the relationship. It represents factors other than x that can affect y. u 为误差项或扰动项,它代表了除了x之外可以影响y的因素。第8页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductor

9、y Econometrics Lijun Jia9Some Terminology术语注解Meaning of linear: linear means linear in parameters, not necessarily mean that y and x must have a linear relationship.There are many cases that y and x have nonlinear relationship, but after some transformation, they are linear in parameters.For example

10、, y=eb0+b1x+u .线性的含义: y 和x 之间并不一定存在线性关系,但是,只要通过转换可以使y的转换形式和x的转换形式存在相对于参数的线性关系,该模型即称为线性模型。第9页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia10Examples 简单二元回归模型例子A simple wage equation 2.4wage= b0 + b1(educ) + ub1 : if education increase by one year, how much more wage will one gain.上述简单

11、工资函数描述了受教育年限和工资之间的关系, b1 衡量了多接受一年教育工资可以增加多少.第10页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia11A Simple Assumption关于u的假定 The average value of u, the error term, in the population is 0. That is, E(u) = 0(2.5) It it restrictive?我们假定总体中误差项u的平均值为零. 该假定是否具有很大的限制性呢?第11页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点

12、13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia12A Simple Assumption关于u的假定If for example, E(u)=5. Then y = (b0 +5)+ b1x + (u-5),therefore, E(u)=E(u-5)=0.This is not a restrictive assumption, since we can always use b0 to normalize E(u) to 0.上述推导说明我们总可以通过调整常数项来实现误差项的均值为零, 因此该假定的限制性不大.第12页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,

13、7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia13Zero Conditional Mean Assumption 条件期望零值假定 We need to make a crucial assumption about how u and x are related We want it to be the case that knowing something about x does not give us any information about u, so that they are completely unrelated. That isE

14、(u|x) = E(u)。我们需要对u和 x之间的关系做一个关键假定。理想状况是对x的了解并不增加对u的任何信息。换句话说,我们需要u和 x完全不相关。第13页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia14Zero Conditional Mean Assumption 条件期望零值假定 Since we have assumed E(u) = 0, therefore, E(u|x) = E(u) = 0. (2.6)What does it mean?由于我们已经假定了E(u) = 0,因此有E(u|x) =

15、E(u) = 0。该假定是何含义?第14页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia15Zero Conditional Mean Assumption 条件期望零值假定 In the example of education, suppose u represents innate ability, zero conditional mean assumption meansE(ability|edu=6)=E(ability|edu=18)=0.The average level of ability is t

16、he same regardless of years of education.在教育一例中,假定u 代表内在能力,条件期望零值假定说明不管解释教育的年限如何,该能力的平均值相同。 第15页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia16Zero Conditional Mean Assumption 条件期望零值假定 Question: Suppose that a score on a final exam, score, depends on classes attended (attend) and uno

17、bserved factors that affect exam performance (such as student ability). Then consider model score =b0 + b1attend +uWhen would you expect it satisfy (2.6)?假设期末成绩分数取决于出勤次数和影响学生现场发挥的因素,如学生个人素质。那么上述模型中假设(2.6)何时能够成立?第16页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia17Zero Conditional Mean

18、Assumption 条件期望零值假定 (2.6) implies the population regression function, E(y|x) , satisfies E(y|x) = E(b0 /x)+ E( b1x /x) + E(u /x ) = b0 + b1x.E(y|x) as a linear function of x, where for any x the distribution of y is centered about E(y|x).(2.6)说明总体回归函数应满足E(y|x) = b0 + b1x。该函数是x的线性函数,y的分布以它为中心。第17页,共3

19、2页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia18.y4y1y2y3x1x2x3x4u1u2u3u4xyPopulation regression line, sample data pointsand the associated error terms总体回归线,样本观察点和相应误差E(y|x) = b0 + b1x第18页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia19So: orUi is called stochastic disturb

20、ance, or stochastic error两边取X的条件期望值,可推出E(ui/Xi)=0第19页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia20Deriving the Ordinary Least Squares Estimates 普通最小二乘法的推导 Basic idea of regression is to estimate the population parameters from a sample Let (xi,yi): i=1, ,n denote a random sample of

21、size n from the population For each observation in this sample, it will be the case that yi = b0 + b1xi + ui回归的基本思想是从样本去估计总体参数。 我们用(xi,yi): i=1, ,n 来表示一个随机样本,并假定每一观测值满足yi = b0 + b1xi + ui。第20页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia21预备知识附录A5:附录A7附录A8第21页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,

22、星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia22Deriving OLS Estimates普通最小二乘法的推导 To derive the OLS estimator we need to realize that our main assumption of E(u|x) = E(u) = 0 also implies that Cov(x,u) = E(xu) = 0 Why? Remember from basic probability that Cov(X,Y) = E(XY) E(X)E(Y)由E(u|x) = E(u) = 0 可得Cov(x,u)

23、 = E(xu) = 0 。第22页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia23Deriving OLS continued普通最小二乘法的推导 We can write our 2 restrictions just in terms of x, y, b0 and b1 , since u = y b0 b1x E(y b0 b1x) = 0 Ex(y b0 b1x) = 0These are called moment restrictions可将u = y b0 b1x代入以得上述两个矩条件。第23页,共

24、32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia24Derivation of OLS普通最小二乘法的推导 The sample versions are as follows:第24页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia25Derivation of OLS普通最小二乘法的推导Given the definition of a sample mean, and properties of summation, we can rewrite

25、 the first condition as follows根据样本均值的定义以及加总的性质,可将第一个条件写为第25页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia26Derivation of OLS普通最小二乘法的推导第26页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia27So the OLS estimated slope is因此OLS估计出的斜率为第27页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductor

26、y Econometrics Lijun Jia28OLS推导的思路(1) 2.17 into 2.152.19第28页,共32页,2022年,5月20日,7点13分,星期三Inroductory Econometrics Lijun Jia29Summary of OLS slope estimateOLS斜率估计法总结 The slope estimate is the sample covariance between x and y divided by the sample variance of x. If x and y are positively correlated, the slope will be positive. If x and y are negatively correlated, the slope will be negative. Only need x to vary in our sample.斜率估计量等于样本中x 和


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