




1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.How to Connducct aa Suucceessfful Creeatiive Braainsstorrminng SSesssionnBraainsstorrminng iis aan iinteegraal ppartt off thhe bbusiinesss pproccesss att alll oorgaanizzatiionss. IIt ccan leaad tto aa dyynammic andd vaaluaablee exx
2、chaangee off iddeass annd eexciitinng nnew iniitiaativves, ssaidd Eddwarrd TT. RReillly, AMMAss prresiidennt aand CEOO. Pooorlyy exxecuutedd, hhoweeverr, iit ccan fossterr reesenntmeent, innterrnall teensiion andd bee coountterpprodducttivee. AAll parrticcipaantss inn a braainsstorrminng ssesssionn
3、neeed to remmembber, itts nott peersoonall-itts bussineess. RReillly offferss thhe ffolllowiing besst ppraccticces on howw too coonduuct a ssucccesssfull crreattivee brrainnstoormiing sesssioon: Esttabllishh thhe rrolee off thhe lleadder. Thhe lleadder actts aas ffaciilittatoor, monnitoorinng tthe f
4、loow oof iideaas tto eensuure thaat eeverryonne hhas a cchannce to speeak andd noo onne iinteerruuptss annothher, annd tthatt diiscuussiion staays on traack andd dooesnnt veeer ooff on tooo maany tanngennts. Thhe lleadder shoouldd enncouuragge cchalllennge andd deebatte-ttheyyree prroduuctiive. Hoos
5、tiilitty iis nnot. Deffinee thhe ttaskk att haand. Alll ggrouup mmembberss muust cleearlly uundeersttandd whhat thee ulltimmatee buusinnesss obbjecctivve iis. Befforee sooluttionns aare sugggesstedd, aall avaailaablee faactss, ttrennds andd chhalllengges shoouldd bee reevieewedd annd ddisccusssed. S
6、taate thee gooal of thee brrainnstoormiing sesssioon. Thee roole of thee brrainnstoormiing sesssioon nneedds tto bbe ccleaar. Thee puurpoose is to genneraate ideeas, innitiiallly wwithhoutt coonsiiderratiion forr thheirr meeritt. Creeatee a possitiive cullturre. Memmberrs sshouuld feeel ffreee too c
7、oommuuniccatee oppenlly aand honnesttly. Itt heelpss too seelecct aa neeutrral setttinng. Finnd aa rooom wheere thee teeam memmberrs ccan sliip ooff theeir jaccketts, graab ssomee reefreeshmmentts aand gett too woork. Reccordd iddeass. AA fllipccharrt oor aa bllackkboaard enaablees mmembberss off th
8、he ggrouup tto ssee eacch iideaa annd bbuilld oon ooness thhat inttereest theem. Rottatee noote takkerss too ennablle aall to acttiveely parrticcipaate in thee iddeattionn prroceess. Enccourragee thhe ffloww off iddeass. TTherre sshouuld be no evaaluaatioon eearlly iin tthe proocesss. Memmberrs ssho
9、uuld nott loook forr thhe eelussivee rrighht ideea iimmeediaatelly. Thee gooal of thee teeam is to genneraate lotts oof iideaas. Thee riightt onne wwilll evventtuallly emeergee-allmosst aalwaays froom oone ideea bbuillt oon aanottherr. Carrefuullyy moonittor verrball annd nnonvverbbal commmunnicaati
10、oon. Lisstenn too alll mmembberss off thhe ggrouup. Alsso, wattch forr noonveerbaal ccommmuniicattionns. Thiis wwilll offtenn teell youu, eevenn moore thaan wwordds, howw meembeers feeel aabouut tthe grooups pproggresss. Sellectt thhe bbestt iddea. Peerioodiccallly ssummmariize thee grroupps proogre
11、ess. Onnce thee grroupp wiindss doown, reevieew tthe ideeas. Foocuss diiscuussiion firrst on possitiive atttribbutees oof eeachh iddea. Onnly theen ffocuus oon tthe neggatiive asppectts. Thrrouggh aa prroceess of eliiminnatiion, iddenttifyy thhe ttop ideeas andd thhen makke aa fiinall seelecctioon.
12、Chooosee ann iddea thaat ffullly mmeetts tthe tassk oobjeectiive andd thhat alll meembeers of thee teeam aree wiilliing to suppporrt. How to Makke SSounnd BBusiinesss DDeciisioonsBussineess is alll abboutt deecissionns-ddeciisioons youu maake as an inddiviiduaal, a tteamm meembeer oor aa teeam leaad
13、err. TTherre aare connsiddereed ddeciisioons thaat ccomee wiith thee luuxurry oof ttimee, llikee maarkeetinng pplanns aand buddgetts, andd thhen theere aree ottherr deecissionns tthatt arre tthruust upoon yyou andd haave to be madde iinsttanttaneeoussly, ssaidd Ammeriicann Maanaggemeent Asssociiatii
14、on Preesiddentt annd CCEO Edwwardd T. Reeillly. Evveryy deecissionn caan bbe iimpoortaant to youur bbusiinesss-aand youur ccareeer. RReillly offferss thhe ffolllowiing tipps tthatt wiill hellp yyou makke ssounnderr deecissionns: Befforee yoou mmakee a deccisiion, caareffullly wweiggh tthe rissks and
15、d reewarrds. Doontt acct, or reaact, wiithoout givvingg thhougght to thee coonseequeencees. Youu waant to makke tthouughttfull deecissionns, nott reeckllesss onnes. Donnt lett yoour emootioons infflueencee yoour deccisiionss. TToo oftten, suuch deccisiionss wiill be wroong-andd reegreetteed. Aftter
16、youu haave spookenn, yyou mayy fiind youurseelf eittherr baackttracckinng oor ttrapppedd. Seeek bbalaancee annd mmodeerattionn inn yoour deccisiionss. YYou donnt wannt tto bbe kknowwn aas ssomeeonee whho iis iindeecissivee orr iss immpullsivve. Collleaaguees eexpeect deccisiionss too bee maade-it ca
17、nn bee frrusttrattingg noot kknowwingg whhat couursee too taake-butt thhey alsso rresppectt soomeoone whoo liisteens andd weeighhs iinfoormaatioon bbefoore makkingg a deccisiion. Makke ddeciisioons forr thhe rrighht rreasson. Iff yoou aare in a pposiitioon oof sstreengtth, wattch thaat oone of youur
18、 ssubssequuentt deecissionns wwont aactuuallly ddimiinissh yyourr poowerr. DDont jjeopparddizee yooursselff orr yoour teaam oout of braavaddo oor tto iimprresss ottherrs wwithh a graand gessturre. Makke ddeciisioons forr thhe rrighht rreassonss-weeighhingg a fleeetiing mommentt off glloryy aggainnst
19、 thee loong-terrm cconssequuencces. Piictuure thee woorstt-caase sceenarrio. Commpennsatte ffor youur pperssonaal ddeciisioon-mmakiing biaasess. AAre youu a nuumbeers peersoon oor aa bbig piccturre perrsonn? DDo yyou loook ffor thee quuickk-fiix oor aa loong-terrm ssoluutioon? Impprovve tthe quaalit
20、ty oof yyourr deecissionns bby bbettter unddersstanndinng yyourrsellf. Praactiice thee 800/200 ruule. Reecoggnizze tthatt 800 peerceent of thee innforrmattionn yoou wwilll neeed to makke aa goood deccisiion genneraallyy caan bbe aasseemblled in a rrelaativvelyy shhortt tiime. Doontt waait forr thhe
21、rremaainiing 20 perrcennt-iin mmostt innstaancees, it isnnt likkelyy too chhangge tthe sittuattionn. Devveloop qquieet cconffideencee inn yoour deccisiion-makkingg abbiliity. Thhe mmoree deecissionns yyou makke, likkelyy thhe bbettter theey wwilll bee. MMostt prrofeessiionaal ddeciisioons donnt reqq
22、uirre SSoloomonn-liike wissdomm, bbut theey ddo rrequuiree thhat youu weeighh thhe ffactts aand unddersstannd tthe inddiviiduaals invvolvved. Whhen youu maake thee wrrongg deecissionn, yyou neeed tto bbe fflexxiblle eenouugh to chaangee diirecctioon. As a lleadder, yoou aare exppectted to makke ddec
23、iisioons. Teeamss neeed thee cllariity thaat ddeciisioons briingeevenn iff thhe lleadders ddeciisioon iis tto pposttponne oone forr awwhille. Teaam lleadderss offtenn maake thee sttrattegiic ddeciisioons andd reely on teaam mmembberss foor tthe taccticcal onees. How to Mannagee a BuddgettIn toddays
24、uunceertaain ecoonommy, wheen eeverry mmanaagerr iss beeingg heeld acccounntabble forr thhe bbotttom linne, youu haave to be fiinannce-savvvy, saiid AAmerricaan MManaagemmentt Asssocciattionn Prresiidennt aand CEOO Eddwarrd TT. RReillly. YYouve gott too knnow howw too juustiify a rrequuestt, qquannt
25、iffy yyourr coontrribuutioons to thee coompaany andd sppot proofitt-drrainns iimmeediaatelly. No mattterr hoow eeffeectiive youur mmanaagemmentt sttylee orr hoow iinnoovattivee yoour ideeas, yoour perrforrmannce willl bbe mmeassureed iin ddolllarss annd ccentts. Reeillly ooffeers thee foolloowinng a
26、adviice on howw too maanagge aa buudgeet: Youur bbudgget is youur bbusiinesss pplann inn doollaars andd ceentss. IIt mmustt reefleect eveerytthinng yyou conntemmplaate doiing. Iff thhe nnumbberss doontt addd uup, it mayy noot bbe aa buudgeet pprobblemm-yoou mmay neeed tto ggo bbackk annd rre-eexammi
27、nee yoour bussineess plaan. Buiild in a cconttinggenccy ffundd. AAlloow ffor thee unnforreseeen. Annythhingg annd eeverrythhingg maay ccostt moore thaan yyou exppectt. OOverrtimme aand lasst-mminuute delliveery chaargees hhavee beeen knoown to derraill maany a bbudgget. Doccumeent eveerytthinng. Ide
28、eallly, gett alll ccostt innforrmattionn, aand posssibble altternnatiivess, iin wwrittingg. KKeepp caarefful nottes of thee asssummptiionss, rreassoniing andd caalcuulattionns bbehiind youur nnumbberss. Knoow yyourr coostss. DDont gguessstiimatte. If youu caantt geet tthe acttuall fiigurres, thhen i
29、ts bbettter to oveeresstimmatee exxpennsess annd uundeeresstimmatee reevennue. Conntinnuallly monnitoor sspenndinng aagaiinstt buudgeet, rutthleesslly. Thee ammounnt oon aan eexpeensee innvoiice shoouldd neeverr coome as a ssurpprisse. If exppensses aree ouut oof llinee, ddont pput youur hheadd inn
30、thhe ssandd annd hhopee thhat thiingss wiill worrk oout. Taake immmediiatee acctioon. Currb sspenndinng uuntiil yyou aree suure thee buudgeet iis rrunnningg smmootthlyy aggainn. Esttabllishh chheckks aand ballancces. Seet sspenndinng llimiits forr liine mannageers andd sppeciificc taaskss. RRequuire
31、e appproovall orr siign-offf foor aall exccepttionns. Monney tallk. Donnt keeep aanyoone in thee daark. Coontiinuaallyy coommuuniccatee wiith alll sttakeehollderrs aabouut tthe staatuss off thhe bbudgget. Thhats tthe besst wway to preevennt bbeinng bblinnd-ssideed aat tthe eleevennth houur. How to E
32、arrn RResppectt ass a LeaaderrResspecct, truust andd crrediibillityy arre tthe inttanggiblle eelemmentts tthatt caan mmakee orr brreakk a carreerr. SSo eearnningg reespeect andd deevellopiing creedibbiliity andd trrustt arre ccritticaal tto yyourr suucceess in bussineess, ssaidd Eddwarrd TT. RReilll
33、y, Prresiidennt aand CEOO off Ammeriicann Maanaggemeent Asssociiatiion. AAn eeffeectiive leaaderr dooes nott haave to commmannd rresppectt, bbut youur aactiionss wiill hellp yyou earrn iit. Reeillly ooffeers thee foolloowinng ssugggesttionns: Creeatee a vissionn. AAnd proovidde tthe keyy reesouurcee
34、s tto mmakee itt haappeen. Commmunnicaate thaat vvisiion. Taalk aboout it connfiddenttly andd coonsiisteentlly aat eeverry ooppoortuunitty. Be passsioonatte. Youur eenthhusiiasmm wiill enccourragee peeoplle tto aacceept youur iideaas aand purrsuee yoour goaals. Yoou ccant llighht aa fiire undder som
35、meonne iif yyou aree a wett maatchh. Wallk tthe tallk. Be vissiblle. Staay iinvoolveed. Teaam mmembberss waant a lleadder whoo iss inn thhe ttrennchees wwithh thhem. Annd, if youu saay tthatt yooulll ddo ssomeethiing, thhey wannt tto kknoww thhey cann coountt onn yoour worrd. If youu waant othherss
36、too bee acccouuntaablee, yyou musst bbe aaccoounttablle. Creeatee a conngenniall, ssuppporttivee attmosspheere. Bee a goood llistteneer. Be pattiennt. Be opeen. Youur tteamm waantss too feeel it cann exxpreess itsselff frreelly. Truust buiildss trrustt. Shoow tthatt yoou vvaluue tthe worrk oof eever
37、ry tteamm meembeer. Youu wiill havve ppeopple witth ddifffereent levvelss off skkillls aand diffferrentt reespoonsiibillitiies. Accknoowleedgee thhat eacch cconttribbutees tto tthe teaamss suucceess. Be opeen tto ddisaagreeemeent. Teeam memmberrs sshouuld feeel ttheyy caan eexprresss thheirr iddeass
38、 annd bbeliiefss frreelly wwithhoutt anny nnegaativve cconssequuencces. Knoow yyourr sttrenngthhs aand weaakneessees. Unddersstannd hhow youu apppeaar tto ootheers-in parrticculaar, reccognnizee yoour ownn unnhellpfuul hott buuttoons annd wworkk onn ellimiinattingg thhem. Bee abble to speeak aboout
39、youur sshorrtcoominngs witth hhoneestyy annd ddireectnnesss. Accceptt reespoonsiibillityy foor yyourr acctioons andd thhosee off yoour teaam. Demmonsstraate couuragge. Admmit shoortccomiingss. TTeamm meembeers wannt aa leeadeer wwithh thhe ccourragee too addmitt iff thhey lett thhe tteamm doown. Puu
40、t aasidde yyourr owwn wwelll-beeingg annd sselff-innterrestt. How to Selll PPerssuassiveelySalles is thee ennginne tthatt drrivees eeverry bbusiinesss eenteerprrisee, saiid EEdwaard T. Reiillyy, ppressideent andd CEEO oof AAmerricaan MManaagemmentt Asssocciattionn. Wheetheer iitss thhe ssalees fforc
41、ce oon tthe froont linne oor tthe tellemaarkeetinng ddepaartmmentt inn thhe bbackk offficce, eveery perrsonn whho ccomees iin cconttactt wiith a cclieent or pottenttiall clliennt pplayys aa crritiicall roole in selllinng yyourr coompaanys pprodductts oor sservvicees, Reeillly ssaidd. HHe ooffeers th
42、ee foolloowinng aadviice on howw too seell perrsuaasivvelyy: Knoow yyourr cuustoomerr. TTop salles proofesssioonalls uundeersttandd thhat thee moost efffecttivee prreseentaatioons foccus squuareely on thee taargeetss neeedss. UUse opeen-eendeed qquesstioons to leaarn as mucch aas pposssiblle aabouut
43、 ccusttomeers andd whhat theey wwantt too acccommpliish witth yyourr prroduuct or serrvicce. Be passsioonatte. Nott onnly musst yyou knoow aall aboout youur pprodductt orr seerviice butt yoou mmustt allso bellievve iin iit. Aftter alll, iif yyou donnt, whhy wwoulld aanyoone elsse? Bessidees, it will
44、l eenabble youu too ennjoyy seelliing it to othherss, eevenn haave funn taalkiing aboout thee prroduuct. Beelieeve thaat iif yyou connvinnce proospeectss too beecomme yyourr cuustoomerrs, theey wwilll bee beetteer ooff beccausse oof wwhatt yoou ssoldd thhem. Buiild rappporrt. Usee thhe iinittiall tw
45、wo oor tthreee mminuutess off coonveersaatioon wwithh prrosppectts tto lloweer ttenssionn annd mmakee thhem feeel ccomfforttablle. Tryy too iddenttifyy anny nnegaativve aattiituddes aboout youu orr reeserrvattionns aabouut yyourr prroduuct. Sppendd moore timme llistteniing thaan ttalkkingg. Be succc
46、innct. Iddenttifyy keey bbeneefitts oof yyourr prroduuct or serrvicce tto ffocuus oon iin aadvaancee. CCatcch yyourr prrosppectts atttenttionn wiithiin tthe firrst feww seeconnds by higghliighttingg hoow yyourr prroduuct or serrvicce ccan fitt innto thee cuustoomerrs plaans or goaals. Doontt raambll
47、e. Avooid irrreleevannt oor bboriing dettaills. Demmonsstraate thee prroduuct wheenevver youu caan. Donnt jusst ttelll hoow tthe prooducct wworkks. Shoow hhow it cann heelp youur ccusttomeer. Commparre aand conntraast it dirrecttly to commpettitiion wheen pposssiblle. Thaat ccan hellp cclosse tthe s
48、alle. Selll oon vvaluue, nott prricee. WWhettherr yoour prooducct iis ppremmiumm prriceed oor tthe loww coost enttry, seelliing on priice aloone is a ppoorr sttrattegyy. SSelll onn vaaluee-whhat youur pprodductt caan ddo tto hhelpp thhe pprosspecct. If youu knnow youur mmarkket andd yoou kknoww yoou
49、r prooducct pperfformms wwelll veersuus ccomppetiitorrs, youu caan kkeepp thhe ddialloguue aawayy frrom priice andd foocussed on bennefiits. Antticiipatte aand adddresss sspeccifiic oobjeectiionss. UUncooverr, iidenntiffy aand ressolvve aany cusstommer ressisttancce rregaardiing thee prroduuct or se
50、rrvicce. Makke aa poointt off reefuttingg eaach onee. Mattch youur ccommmuniicattionn sttylee too yoour cusstommer. A harrd, anaalytticaal ssalees aapprroacch mmay worrk wwithh soome proospeectss. AA soofteer, morre eemottionnal apppeall maay bbe bbettter witth ootheers. Moost impporttantt, llearrn
51、tto bbe ccomfforttablle iinteeracctinng wwithh peeoplle, esppeciiallly tthosse yyou havve nneveer mmet. Usee paast cusstommerss too maake currrennt ssalees. Possitiive feeedbaack froom ssatiisfiied cusstommerss caan hhelpp innfluuencce uunceertaain proospeectss. CCusttomeer ttesttimoony suppporrts y
52、ouur ssalees cclaiims andd addds creedibbiliity to youu ass a salles proofesssioonall. Staay oon ttop of youur ggamee. LLikee anny pproffesssionnal, yoou nneedd too shharppen youur sskillls witth ttraiininng. Eveen sseassoneed ssalees pproffesssionnalss neeed to conntinnuallly upggradde ttheiir kkno
53、wwleddge andd caapabbiliitiees. How to Devveloop aa Wiinniing Commpettitiive StrrateegyDevveloopinng aa suucceessfful commpettitiive strrateegy reqquirres a ddeepp annd tthorrouggh uundeersttanddingg noot jjustt off yoour commpettitoors andd thhe mmovees ttheyy arre mmakiing, buut oof aall of thee o
54、ttherr faactoors thaat hhavee thhe ppoteentiial to infflueencee yoour possitiion in thee maarkeetpllacee, saiid EEdwaard T. Reiillyy, PPressideent andd CEEO oof AAmerricaan MManaagemmentt Asssocciattionn. Its eequaallyy immporrtannt tto kknoww yoour intternnal orgganiizattionnal strrenggthss ass itt
55、 iss too knnow thee exxterrnall chhalllengges andd oppporrtunnitiies, ssaidd Reeillly. He offferss thhe ffolllowiing advvicee onn hoow tto gget aheead of thee coompeetittionn: Knoow tthe marrkett. IIt iis vvitaal tto ccondductt reeseaarchh too deeterrminne wwhatt prroduuctss arre bbeinng ooffeeredd
56、too yoour tarrgett maarkeet, andd att whhat priice. Wiithoout thiis iinfoormaatioon yyoull be forrmullatiing youur pprodductt deevellopmmentt annd ppriccingg sttrattegiies in thee daark. Tallk tto ccusttomeers. Geet tto kknoww yoour cusstommerss nneedds aand wannts. Leearnn whhat theey aare sayyingg
57、 abboutt yoour commpettitoors. Exxpannd tthe marrkett byy iddenttifyyingg cuustoomerrs wwhosse nneedds aare nott beeingg meet, andd deevellop prooduccts to meeet tthemm. Ideentiify youur oown orgganiizattionns strrenggthss annd wweakknesssess. HHoneest evaaluaatioon oof yyourr coompaanys aasseets an
58、dd shhorttcomminggs iis nneceessaary forr efffecctivve sstraateggy pplannninng. Levveraage strrenggthss too taake advvanttagee off maarkeet ooppoortuunittiess. AAddrresss orrgannizaatioon wweakknesssess thhat imppactt yoour cusstommer. Anaalyzze yyourr coompeetittorss pprodductts. Thiis wwilll giive
59、 youu iddeass onn hoow tto iimprrovee yoour ownn offferringgs aand higghliightt thhe ssupeerioor aattrribuutess off yoour prooduccts verrsuss thhosee off thhe ccomppetiitioon. Monnitoor tthe commpettitiions ggamee pllan. Beecomme ffamiiliaar wwithh thheirr prroduuct, maarkeetinng, salles andd cuusto
60、omerr seerviice strrateegiees sso yyou cann coountter anyy coompeetittivee moove. Forrm aalliiancces thaat ccompplemmentt yoour strrenggthss. IIdenntiffy pparttnerrs tthatt fiill exiistiing gapps iin yyourr knnowlledgge oor ccapaabillitiies. Reggulaarlyy moonittor thee maarkeetpllacee. CCusttomeer n
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