1、第 页2021内蒙古GRE考试考前冲刺卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.VERIFY: DOUBTFUL :A(A) embellish: austereB(B) depurate: rareC(C) vary: conspicuousD(D) compress: volatileE(E) instruct: awkward 2.Regardless of what might be said about the vehement diatribes of the Minne
2、sota senator, one cant argue that he was any less than utterly his beliefs and his tituents, for invariably, he voted his .A(A) opposed to . politicsB(B) committed to whimsC(C) conflicted in . inclinationsD(D) considerate in . platformE(E) dedicated to . conscience 3.ATOMS: CRYSTAL:A(A) substance: a
3、irB(B) water: densityC(C) level: ramificationD(D) numbers: matrixE(E) agents: reaction 4.ROE: FISH :A(A) skin: whaleB(B) shell: molluskC(C) pincer: crabD(D) egg: birdE(E) web: seal 5.SOUND: ECHO :A(A) sight: rainbowB(B) episode: televisionC(C) light: reflectionD(D) affection: attachmentE(E) observat
4、ion: microscope 6.Regardless of the he evinces, especially when articulating his purportedly innate affinity for tennis, he is nevertheless a less than player once actually the court.A(A) passion. sanguineB(B) disapprobation . mediocreC(C) alacrity. pliantD(D) vivacity. vitiatedE(E) torpor. ebullien
5、t 7.The author offers all of the following ideas as proof that there is no direct correspondence between words and things EXCEPTA(A) Language has other functions than that of reference.B(B) Once a word is grouped into a class, no one-to-one correspondence existsbetween it and what it signifies.C(C)
6、Many words refer to objects that do not exist in the world.D(D) Function words do not refer to objects.E(E) Proper nouns usually refer to unique entities. 8.Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the firstA(A) The second paragraph relies on different eviden
7、ce in drawing a conclusion similar to that expressed in the first paragraph.B(B) The second paragraph provides further elaboration on why an assertion made at the end of the first paragraph proves true in most cases.C(C) The second paragraph provides additional information in support of a hypothesis
8、 stated in the first paragraph.D(D) The second paragraph provides an example of a case in which the assumption described in the first paragraph is unwarranted.E(E) The second paragraph describes a phenomenon that has the same cause as the phenomenon described in the first paragraph. 9.DAMPED:A(A) au
9、ditoryB(B) ductileC(C) amplifiedD(D) focusedE(E) changeable 10.CODA:A(A) restrictionB(B) incrementC(C) soliloquyD(D) prefaceE(E) unprepared act 11.INFINITY:A(A) minute differenceB(B) deficient capacityC(C) limited areaD(D) indefinite voltageE(E) resistance 12.The author of the passage is primarily c
10、oncerned withA(A) refuting a belief held by one school of linguisticsB(B) reviewing an interesting feature of languageC(C) illustrating the confusion that can result from the improper use of languageD(D) suggesting a way in which languages can be made more nearly perfectE(E) surveying new interestin
11、g areas of research in the field of linguistics 13.According to the passage, which of the following assumptions would the nomenclaturist most likely agree withA(A) The seamlessness of reality complicates the notion of linguistic categories, such that those categories must be questioned.B(B) The expe
12、rience of reality largely varies from that of the experience of language, weakening the reliability of both experiences.C(C) Ideas invariably precede, in their existence and meaning, the language that subsequently articulates them.D(D) Language, although capable of developing categories, can never a
13、rticulate more than particular instances.E(E) The meaning of a word is not fixed historically, and may evolve over time due to a variety of factors. 14.Which of the following hypothetical discoveries, if made, would cast MOST doubt on the most recent conclusions regarding the function of the human a
14、ppendixA(A) After laboratory experiments, scientists discover evidence to reject the notion hat the human appendix is a vestigial organ.B(B) Certain animal species which had not previously been given attention are to possess an appendix resembling that of humans.C(C) Lymphoid tissue is discovered, a
15、fter careful study, not to play a role in the recognition of foreign antigens in ingested material.D(D) After re-examination of the evidence, ulcerative colitis is discovered to be caused by factors wholly unrelated to the human appendix.E(E) It is discovered that in rabbits, hindgut fermentation do
16、es not require the presence of an organ acting as reservoir for bacteria. 15.CAPRICIOUS:A(A) profoundB(B) directC(C) faithfulD(D) logicalE(E) deficient 16.The passage provides information in support of which of the following assertionsA(A) Lymphoid tissue somehow involved in the bodys ability to rec
17、ognize foreignantigens in ingested material is a primary cause of ulcerative colitis.B(B) The appendix is an anomaly among mammals, existing in rabbits and humans largely as an evolutionary fluke.C(C) Microscopic research is insufficient to give even the vaguest suggestion of what the human appendix
18、s function may be.D(D) The digestive process in human beings is less dependent on the hindgut fermentation process than is the digestive process in rabbits.E(E) Lymphoid tissue that recognize foreign antigens is absent in the digestive systems of animals that lack appendixes. 17.It can be inferred f
19、rom the passage that the author is LEAST likely to agree with wihich of the followingA(A) Words can be categorized into different grammatical functions.B(B) Some relationship between signifier and signified can be articulated.C(C) Every signifier points to a single pre-existing signified.D(D) Words
20、may name imaginary, non-physical things.E(E) The use of categories is essential to the operation of language. 18.DISTEND:A(A) contractB(B) decayC(C) bendD(D) focusE(E) deteriorate 19.It can be inferred from the passage that the term reductionist would most likely apply to which of the following view
21、s concerning languageA(A) A number of words exist with identical meanings.B(B) Several words with different connotations may refer to the same object.C(C) A word used two centuries ago might refer to the same object today.D(D) Reality is constructed, not discovered, by the medium of language.E(E) A
22、word may refer to non-existent objects, categories, and carry multiple connotations. 20.TORTUOUS:A(A) meanderingB(B) rationalC(C) impassiveD(D) meagerE(E) straightforward 21.EXTEMPORANEOUSA(A) limitedB(B) peacefulC(C) premeditatedD(D) adeptE(E) supplementary 22.It can be inferred from the passage th
23、at the author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following assertions about the appendixA(A) Scientists have ruled out the possibility that the appendix is involved in hindgut fermentation in all species, including rabbits.B(B) As an organ, the appendix is more useful to
24、the immune response of human beings in their first development than later in life.C(C) The human appendix contains greater amounts of lymphoid tissue than the aggregates of which that are found in other areas of the gastrointestinal tract.D(D) The appendix in a human child is generally less well dev
25、eloped than the appendix in a human adult.E(E) The presence of the appendix in humans suggests that the human digestive process resembles the rabbit digestive process more than that of other animal species. 23.PATHOLOGICAL:A(A) normalB(B) sharpC(C) sufficientD(D) erraticE(E) provisional 24.According
26、 to the passage, the word violation would best be classified as aA(A) Function wordB(B) Lexical wordC(C) Concept wordD(D) Category wordE(E) Grammatical word 25.HACKNEYED:A(A) carefulB(B) acceptableC(C) handyD(D) gaudyE(E) original 26.CONNOISSEUR: EXPERTISE :A(A) benefactor: discretionB(B) amateur: o
27、bsessionC(C) zealot: incorruptibilityD(D) malefactor: injudiciousnessE(E) spendthrift: improvidence 27.These over details are an indication of more serious battles to come, between those who want a strong centre at the heart of the Union and those who want to the power ceded by national governments.
28、A(A) sympathies. boostB(B) agreements. measureC(C) adjudications . consolidateD(D) assumptions . inscribeE(E) skirmishes. limit 28.SCRIBBLE: WRITE :A(A) reflect: contemplateB(B) listen: overhearC(C) jot: doodleD(D) simper: smileE(E) glance: ogle 29.The request to censor the art work of criminals, to
29、 which the courts sometimes surrender, might be more reasonable if exposure were somehow to the criminals, instead of humbling them.A(A) ennoblingB(B) intriguingC(C) beneficialD(D) nebulousE(E) tangential 30.Leaving no stone unturned in your for the fugitive, gentlemen, I wish you every advantage, f
30、or the individual we seek is swift-witted, wily, and capable of the swiftest .A(A) adamancy . vengeanceB(B) wrath. chicaneryC(C) search. elusionsD(D) consanguinity . maneuversE(E) hunt. delusions 31.TAILOR: SCISSORS :A(A) physician: pestilenceB(B) photographer: tripodC(C) butcher: cleaverD(D) garden
31、er: hoseE(E) editor: keyboard 32.It is clear that many institutional investors once voted ; now after so many scandals, some managers admit that they should have done more to corporate excesses.A(A) imprudently. curbB(B) insolently . insinuateC(C) intelligently. observeD(D) precariously . exposeE(E)
32、 insensitively . brook 33.It may be to obtain soap that is not antibacterial, given its as a household cleansing product, but according to a new study, such products may be a waste of time.A(A) difficult. ubiquityB(B) imprudent. weaknessC(C) traditional . relevanceD(D) revolutionary . innovationE(E)
33、 extravagant. expense 34.SURMOUNT: ABOVE :A(A) insert: acrossB(B) permeate: throughC(C) deviate: towardD(D) center: roundE(E) pursue: straight 35.After the investigations and that are both necessary and inevitable after a calamity such as the recently ended crisis, it may turn out that authorities c
34、ould have handled the problem in a less way.A(A) observation. convenientB(B) analyses . fashionableC(C) second-guessing . costlyD(D) footwork . organizedE(E) solutions. abstruse 36.IMPERVIOUS: DAMAGED :A(A) implacable: propitiatedB(B) refractory: comprehendedC(C) tenable: confrontedD(D) fitful: inte
35、rruptedE(E) irritable: agitated 37.ACT: SCENE :A(A) stanza: lineB(B) comedy: mockC(C) poem: assonanceD(D) ballet: pirouetteE(E) choir: ensemble 38.EXHORT: SUGGEST :A(A) accommodate: calibrateB(B) collude: premeditateC(C) enrapture: interestD(D) covet: receiveE(E) enlighten: learn 39.POSTSCRIPT: LETT
36、ER :A(A) inscription: souvenirB(B) appendix: textbookC(C) foundation: columnD(D) signature: epistolaryE(E) dialogue: opera 40.The word civilization was just coming into use in the 18th century, in French and in English, when conservative men of letters preferred to avoid it as a newfangled.A(A) orth
37、ographyB(B) homonymC(C) cognomenD(D) misnomerE(E) neologism 41.The author of the passage suggests that which of the following is tru e of the practice of establishing the Eisenstein standard as a model of modernist filmsA(A) While the standard is daunting and rarely achieved, it nevertheless raises
38、the overall standard of art making in a positive fashion.B(B) It is a risky position for a critic to take, given that Eisensteins films are consistently inferior to those of his imitators.C(C) This practice has the unfortunate effect of establishing which films will be noted and which ignored in the
39、 future, without regard to merit.D(D) On the balance it is a wise practice, as it maintains interest in Eisenstein s imitators who would otherwise go forgotten.E(E) It has the effect of ameliorating the transgressive or controversial reputation of experimental film. 42.IMPUGN:A(A) facilitateB(B) elu
40、cidateC(C) exaltD(D) predictE(E) discard 43.BAROQUE:A(A) refinedB(B) volatileC(C) simpleD(D) ornateE(E) brilliant 44.PERSISTENCE:A(A) incapabilityB(B) immoderationC(C) digressionD(D) changeabilityE(E) unfairness 45.CLINCH:A(A) obscureB(B) split randomlyC(C) coddleD(D) evoke suspicionE(E) awaken 46.P
41、UISSANCE:A(A) cynicismB(B) vilenessC(C) wisdomD(D) powerlessnessE(E) generosity 47.According to the passage, which of the following is true about the films that continued Eisensteins filmmaking traditionA(A) They tend to trivialize the Eisenstein movement by rejecting Hollywood norms.B(B) Although t
42、hey have not been taught frequently, they have had a transgressive influence on experimental film-making.C(C) Their availability has been diminished by the apotheosis of Eisenstein as their model.D(D) These films are valued for the challenge they have presented to the norms of Hollywood film.E(E) Th
43、ese films would almost certainly be more popular with mainstream audiences, if only film studies were less specialized. 48.The passage suggests that which of the following would be true if volcanic eruptions did not take placeA(A) The environment would likely contain fewer non-biodegradable pollutants, due to lesser quantities of s
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