高中英语必修三 2.1 Listening and Speaking 练习(解析版)_第1页
高中英语必修三 2.1 Listening and Speaking 练习(解析版)_第2页
高中英语必修三 2.1 Listening and Speaking 练习(解析版)_第3页




1、 Unit 2 Morals and VirtuesPeriod 1 Listening and Speaking练习(解析卷)单词拼写1. I am quick in_(答复) to different situations on the stage due to my hosting experience. 2. This _(事故) shows us how serious the food safety problem is now. 3. To stay _(精力充沛的), I will stick to an exercise schedule. 4. At home, you i

2、nsist on _(帮助) your parents to look after your disabled brother. 5. We students should have _(灵活的) and practical learning methods. 6. How I wish you understood the _(困境) between my feeling for him and the promise for you! 7. On writing this letter, _(宝贵的) memories rush into my mind. 8. In our societ

3、y respecting the old and cherishing the young is a traditional_(美德). 9. Other people also _(抱怨) they are disturbed when phones ring in classrooms. 10. _(因此), its high time we took measures to prevent water from being polluted. 答案:1. responding 2.accident 3. energetic 4. assisting 5. flexible6. dilem

4、ma 7. precious 8. virtues 9. complain10. Therefore.完成句子With so many members disagreeing with him, he was left _. 如此多的成员反对他, 让他一时进退两难。 A flood struck the place, _ the crops. 洪水侵袭了这个地方, 对庄稼造成了巨大的破坏。3We are always told that nothing is_. 我们总是被告知时间最为宝贵。4Our parents always_ the difficulties in our life. 我

5、们的父母总是会帮助我们渡过生活中的难关。Faced with _, she chose to escaped from her parents. 面对包办婚姻的情况,她选择了离家出走答案:1. in a dilemma2.causing great damage to3.more precious than time4. carry us through5.arranged marriage. 阅读理解With the help of the car manufacturer (汽车制造商) Hound, a 13-year-old girl was able to send a messag

6、e to space, where her dad works on the International Space Station (ISS). “He gets to live and work in space and he is doing lots of experiments up there. He has to stay there for long periods of time. . . I miss him when he is gone, ” Stephanie, who is from Houston, Texas, said in a video. “I think

7、 if we could write a really big message he would be able to see it from space. ”Hyundai took her wish to heart and decided to take on the challenge. Using Nevadas Delamar Dry Lake as a canvas (画布), 11 drivers drove Hyundai cars, spelling out “Stephs you” across 2. 14 square miles of desert. A promot

8、ional video, which Hyundai made to record the process, caught her fathers response and showed the picture he took of her message from the ISS. “I am happy that he could see it and knows that we are thinking about him back home, ” Stephanie said. “He has seen so many things up there, but I hope that

9、this message was the most special. ”There are many misunderstandings about what can and cannot be seen from space. Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall of China cannot be seen from space, but many seemingly less important things can be seen. “A farmer from Louisiana could be burning wastes in

10、his backyard, and it would make a big smoke trail that astronauts could see it from space, ” Mike Gentry, a photo researcher for NASAs human-tended vehicles. And with a special camera, they can see the earth in great detail and even keep an eye on their favorite sports teams. 1. What can we know abo

11、ut Stephanies father? A. He likes taking pictures. B. He spends little time at home. C. He works in a car company. D. He often sends messages to his daughter. 2. How did Hyundai help the girl? A. By offering a free ride. B. By taking her to a guided tour. C. By replaying her fathers response. D. By

12、making a large picture with cars. 3. Which of the following can be seen from space? A. A moving car. B. A standing farmer. C. The Great Wall of China. D. The smoke of burning rubbish. 4. What is the best title for the text? A. Send Love to SpaceB. A Girl of Great TalentC. Observe the Earth Far AwayD

13、. A New Way to Explore Space答案:1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A【文章大意】文章讲述了汽车制造商Hyundai用自己的方式, 帮助一位13岁的小女孩向在国际空间站工作的爸爸传递爱和思念的故事。1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“He has to stay there for long periods of time. . . I miss him when he is gone. ”可知, Stephanie的父亲必须待在空间站, 很少待在家。据此可知选B。2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Using Nevadas Delamar Dry Lake as

14、a canvas, 11 drivers drove Hyundai cars, spelling out “Stephs you” across 2. 14 square miles of desert. ”可知, 现代汽车在沙漠上拼出“Stephs you”的图案, 来帮助小女孩让她的父亲在空间站能够看到。据此可知选D。3. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“A farmer from Louisiana could be burning wastes in his backyard, and it would make a big smoke trail that astronauts co

15、uld see it from space. ”可知, 宇航员还在太空中看到一条巨大的烟雾轨迹, 可能是农民在自家后院焚烧垃圾。据此可知选D。4.主旨大意题。结合全文, 本文主要讲述了一个女孩因思念在太空站执行任务的父亲, 设法向其表达爱意的故事, A选项“把爱送到太空”最符合主旨大意。. 语法填空 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Many great people in the world devote themselves to 1. _(improve) society in their own ways. For example, Jane Good

16、all, a woman from Britain, would rather spend time studying chimps in the wild in Africa than 2. _(lead) a comfortable life. For 40 years she 3. _(be) outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of chimps. Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in womens diseases, is another woma

17、n who has made great 4. _(achieve). There was story after story of no matter 5. _ tired after a days work, she went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family. It was because of her hard work and great consideration to her patients that hundreds of babies 6. _(deliver) safely by her. 7. third example is Yuan Longping, the first agricultural pioneer in the world 8. _(grow) super hybrid rice. Using his hybrid rice, farmers can produce harvests twice as large as before


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