1、开心学英语年级下册第单元fruit第一课时教案(共5则范文)第一篇:开心学英语三年级下册第四单元fruit第一课时教案(共)U4 fruit Period I本课是选自广东人民出版社开心学英语三年级下册Unit 4 Fruit 本课将学习水果单词及简单的句型。水果,常出现在我们的日常生活中,通过学习这些单词和句型,学生将提高使用英语进行交流的的能力。II学生分析(Analysis of the students)本次教学的对象为小学三年级的学生,他们已有一个学期学习英语的经验,对学习英语知识有一定的认知能力;他们活泼好动,思维活跃,乐于与人交流合作,喜欢玩游戏,对学习英语有浓厚的兴趣;但自制力
2、不足,注意力容易分散,缺乏一套自我学习英语的方法,需随时留意并控制课堂气氛,提高教学质量。III教学目标(Objectives) 1语言知识目标(Language knowledge) 1)能够听说认读单词: pear; watermelon; grape; cherry 及其复数2)掌握并运用句型: Are these .? Yes, they are. No, they arent . 2语言技能目标(Language skills) 学生能听说认读单词,能够运用句型. 3.学习策略目标 (Learning strategy) 通过图片,游戏,多媒体,pair work等,让学生更好的融入
3、课堂。4.情感态度目标(sentiment) 1)能够学会用英语去辨认水果,并且运用到实际交流当中。2)培养学生的自主学习能力和合作精神,要求学生用所学词汇、句型开展小组活动。教具(Teaching Aims): 录音,幻灯, 图片 教学过程T代表老师 Ss代表全体学生 S代表学生1热身准备(Warming up)1)热身并与学生相互问好T:Good morning,boys and girls. 2)播放歌曲apple tree T:Lets enjoy a song.2.呈现与操练(Presentation and practice)1) 导入T:today,gogo and Jenny
4、go to the supermarket and buy some fruit(水果). What will they buy? Yes,today we are going to learn unit4 Fruit. 2)呈现展示各种水果的图片T:Whats this? You can say in Chines. T:Yes,It a cherry/pear. 跟读单词两遍。齐读单词两遍。T:Look,there are many cherries/pears. Read after me. cherries,cherries(用不同的音调) Are there any differen
5、t between the words? Yes,一样的东西,有很多的时候,要加S或es.(总结规律) Now,let read the words together. Ss: pear pear cherry cherry.pears pears 3)操练T: Let me check you memory. (指着图片)Are these apples? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Ss: Yes, they are. No, they arent . (分组,个人进行提问)T:Practice with your partner, you can cho
6、se any picture you want, use this two sentences. Are these.? Yes/no ,it is/isnt . 玩游戏1.(在单词的图片上写上序号,老师说单词,同学说数字,反之调换)T:look there are some number in the picture, I say number you say words, I say words you say number. Are you clear? 2.(老师描述水果的样子,让同学猜) T:Its red and round. Whats this ? 3. 巩固和总结(Conso
7、lidation) 让同学齐读单词和句子。老师和同学一起总结今天学过的知识点T:what do we learn? We learned some fruit apple,pear,grape,watermelon and the sentences Are these.? 4.作业(Homework) 1.Copy the new words one line for each. 抄写新单词每个1行。2. Use the language to ask and answer in your groups. 用今天学过的句型在小组内找同学进行问答交流。第二篇:四年级英语下册第四单元第5课时教案
8、第五课【教学重点】句型:Whats the weather like in Beijing?How about New York?【教学难点】What are you doing?Whats the matter? 的表达;I have to .的含义【教具准备】Lets talk (B)部分的课件和录音。教学前一天的世界城市天气预报录像。单词卡片:sunny、rainy、windy、snowy、cloudy、cool、warm、hot、cold。Lets check的录音。【教学过程】(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)1、学生唱歌曲“Thunder”;说唱Lets cha
9、nt部分歌谣。2、启发学生将歌谣中的warm、hot、cool、cold根据后一句话的内容替换为:sunny、windy、snowy、cloudy。改编儿歌。3、教师播放世界城市天气预报的录像,然后提问:Whats the weather like in ?学生根据实际内容回答It is(学生既可以从气温的角度回答,也可从气候特征的角度回答,此项活动主要是巩固Whats the weather like in ?的功能结构。)(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)教师提问:Whats the weather like in New York?(同时将录像内容定在New York的界面)学
10、生根据实际来回答。教师领读:New York,注意学生的发音不要受汉语纽约的干扰,适时纠正。教师继续将录像界面定在某一城市,问:How about? 引导学生根据实际来回答。反复利用3-5个城市操练How about,让学生在问答中理解How about?的功能。请学生观看课件,初步理解对话的意思。教师提问:Whats the weather like in Beijing ?学生回答:Its rainy.教师提问:How about New York?学生回答:Its sunny.What are you doing?Not much.教师领读;解释意思。机械性问答操练(接力问答)。What
11、s the matter? I have to close the window.的含义。教师启发学生根据Oh,no!My pictures!说说Whats the matter?的意思;根据Its windy now. 说说have to 的含义. (如果学生始终不能正确理解语句的含义,教师进行讲解。)告诉学生have to是表达由于客观原因不得不要做的事并举例:Its rainy. I have to stay at home. Its rainy. I have to put on my raincoat .然后让学生用I have to说说自己生活中不得不做的事。学生跟录音读对话,注意
12、课文中首次出现语言的语音语调,注意准确模仿。学生两人一组分角色读对话,教师及时进行评价。教师再次播放世界城市天气预报的录像,学生编对话。A:Whats the weather like in ?B:Its How about?A:Its (三) Lets check教师播放三次录音:第一遍让学生先听录音,第二遍勾出与录音内容相符的一项,第三遍检查。录音内容如下:In Beijing its sunny and warm. I go out and fly a kite.In Harbin it is cold, its snowy. I read a story.It is hot in Sh
13、enzhen. I go swimming.(四)趣味操练 (Practice)教师将单词卡片sunny、rainy、windy、snowy、cloudy、cool、warm、hot、cold贴在黑板上,将城市名:BeijingHarbinLhasaHongkongMoscowSingaporeSydneyLondonTianjin竖排写在黑板上。一个同学说句子It isin,另一个同学根据句子内容将天气单词的卡片贴到相应的城市后面。(五)扩展性活动(Add-activities)完成本单元B Lets talk的活动手册配套练习。给同学、朋友打电话用Whats the weather lik
14、e?询问当地天气情况。今天晚上在家听我国城市天气预报,完成教材P52的表格第三篇:四年级英语下册第一单元2课时教案第二课时教学内容与分析教学内容:A . Lets talk Lets play教学目标:能听懂会说句型 this is ., 并能用 Do you have .? 来询问相关情况教学重难点分析重点:与学生学校生活密切相关的基本词汇与会话难点:指示代词this /that以及Is this /that?句型的理解和运用教师要创设情景让学生理解和掌握。课前准备: CAI、头饰、三色五星(红、黄、蓝)教学设计Step1 warmup1、lets sing a song : Our Sch
15、ool2、lets chant 师生合作边说边做动作,让学生动起来,很快投入课堂。 T:Go to the garden.Ss:Water the flowers.Go to the library.Read a story-bookGo to the canteen.Eat some noodles.Go to the teachers officeHand in the homework.Go to the playground.Play football.Step 2 Presentation学习 This is/That is句型 (1)、教师拿出一个football, T: Look
16、 I really have it. Whats this ? 引导学生说:This is a football. 然后指着远处先放好的ball,T:This is a football. Look! That is a ball. Whats that? 引导学生回答:That is a ball.让学生初步感知this 和that 的区别。 (2)、CAI展示学校校园的轮廓图,教师引导学生介绍 This is our school再分别出示单词garden, canteen ,teachers office的图片,将其一一贴入校园轮廓图,(通过离教师站立位置的远近区分This与That的用
17、法),并让学生用 “This is” , “That is”的句型进行描述 例如:This is the garden. 设计主情景:外宾即将来访,校园导游培训(1). 导游记忆训练a、T:The guide must have good memory. So listen carefully and answer this puestion. “where are they ?” 让学生带着问题观看Lets talk的录像,后依次闪现对话教学图片1、图片2、图片3,提示学生回答。b、Listen again and match 呈现空白教学楼的轮廓图,让学生复听对话部分录音,根据获得的信息将
18、图片分别贴到相应的位置并用所学语言进行描述(小组竞赛并记录分数)(2)导游模仿学习1、观察导游之礼,初步模仿T:Lets see how to be a guide. Look at Chenjie and follow her.学生边跟读边跟做动作,然后进行师生分角色表演。2、小组合作,深入模仿T: Three students a group. Please practice. Then will ask some Ss to act.学生自由练习模仿对话,并请学生以外宾和导游的形式表演短剧。 (3)实习导游,计分得优1、 展示更多的活动室和学生进行问答,按学生表现奖励(教师准备三种颜色五
19、星,代表不同分值)2、 让学生拿出作业,自己制作的学校平面图,介绍自己设计的学校其他小组的同学自由发问相关问题. 如 Do you have a library? Do you have lunch at school? 对介绍者和提问者都进行奖分(4)评出合格导游。得到规定分值即为合格导游。Step3 Extension and Consolidation1、给学生示范介绍,让他们制作zigzag book,并运用所学语言This is the.Its on the.floor. We in the .向朋友介绍学校及学校生活。2、完成活动手册中的相应练习。3、 让学生在课收集介绍一些公共场
20、合的禁令标志如:No smoking!第四篇:开心学英语四年级英语下册教案(全册)Unit 1 My school TargetI. Sentences: 1. Theres a hall, a gym 2. How many classrooms are there? There are twenty-five classrooms.3. Of course, Gogo!4. I have an idea.II. Words: a teachers office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym
21、,a classroom;III. Sounds and words:u:room moon cool classroom school noodles MaterialsPicture Cards 1-8, a teachers office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom;教学反思:The first period Step 1 Review 1. Do you know?2. How many words do you know? Step 2Ss: Its a .
22、 Extension activity Step 3 Practice 2 T: What can you see? (S1:A gym) T: Now read the questions. Have Ss read the questions together. Ask individual Ss to answer. Step 4 Homework1、朗读拼背本课单词2、抄写本课单词各5个教学反思:The second period Step 1 Review1、朗读短语。 Step 2 Target Getting ready Ask for three volunteers. Put
23、 the Picture cards on the blackboard. T: Whats in our school? (S1: Theres a )Is there a library in our school? (S1: Yes, there is. /No, there isnt.) Have S1 point to the Picture Cards. Do the same for S2 and others if time permits. Using the book Have Ss point to the first Picture. Model the dialog.
24、 Have Ss point to the second picture. Ask two Ss to model the dialog. Play the disc and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss to repeat. Step 3 Chant activities1) T: Lets listen to the disc first. Play the disc and point to each word as it is chanted. Point to the picture cards of a library and a t
25、eachers office. Chant as a whole group again.2) Play the disc one and pause every sentence. Have Ss fill in blanks in the chant. Step 4 Homework1、朗读拼背本课单词,句子2、抄写句子5次 教学反思:The third period Step 1 Review1、背读短语、句子。 Step 2 Story Using the book (Point to the picture cards of a library.) Look at the pictu
26、re. T: Whats this?Whats in it?Play the disc and pause after each sentence to have Ss repeat. Read outthe dialog sentence by sentence. Step 3 Practice 1 T: Look at A.T: Whats that on the left? (Ss: A classroom.) T: Whats that on the right? (Ss: A library.) T: Lets listen to the disc. Play the disc fo
27、r A, then pause. Continue with the rest. Step 4 Homework1、朗读本课单词,句子,课文。2、抄写本课单词各3个 教学反思:The Fourth Period Step 1 Review Step 2 Sounds and words 1) Getting ready Write room and moon on the board and underline the spelling oo. T: Lets practice this sound .Look at my mouth and repeat. T: /u:/ Ss:/u:/ D
28、rag out the sound /u:/ so Ss hear it clearly. Using the book Have Ss look at the picture on the page. T: Lets listen to the disc.Play the disc and have Ss point to each word as the disc says it. T: Lets listen again and this time, repeat. Have Ss repeat after the disc. After enough practice, point t
29、o the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words. 2) Listen and chant T: Lets listen to the chant. Play the disc once. T: Lets chant together.Play the disc and have Ss chant along. Step 3 Homework 教学反思:Unit 2 Our New Home第一课时一、教学目标: 1.认识目标:Is there a living room in your new home? Yes, there is. Is
30、there a garden? No, there isnt.2.能力目标:Listen and look 3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,用英语打招呼二、教学内容:Listen and look三、教学重难点:重难点是句型的综合运用。四、课前准备:录音机单词卡挂图五、教学过程:1.Geetting ready:教师事先从报刊杂志上收集公寓套间中各种不同房间的图片(如难以找到,可用本教材的图画卡片代替)。T:(展示一张卧室的图片)Look. Its a bedroom. Repeat. Bedroom.Ss: Bedroom. 用同样新方法呈现单词living room 和dining
31、room. 2.新课呈现: 让学生看着课文。T:Lets listen to the tape/disc and read the story.要求学生一边听录音一边用手指,课文中的句子。T: Lets listen again and repeat. 播放录音,逐句暂停,让学生跟读。鼓励学生尽量模仿录音中不同角色的语气语调。让学生分成四人小组,并安排他们分别扮演Dad, Gogo, Tony, Jeny的角色。 再次播放录音,逐句暂停,让扮演不同角色的学生跟读。 鼓励学生朗读时声音带有感情,脸上富有表情。六、板书设计。第二课时一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:认读单词:home, a kiche
32、n, a living room, a bedroom, a garden, a bathroom 2.能力目标:Listen and say 3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,实际地用学过的英语。三、教学重难点:重点是认记单词,难点是bathroom四、课前准备:CD 单词卡五、教学过程:T:(指着厨房的图片)Kitchen, repeat.Ss: Kitchen将卡片翻过来,显示单词的一面,并用手指从左到右在单词下划线。用同样的方法教授其他的单词。 2.新课呈现(1)T: Lets listen to the tape/disc and repeat. Point to each it
33、em as you say it. 播放录音,让学生逐一跟读单词。 教师任意指某一幅图画。 请不同的学生根据图画说出单词。 (2)Target 1.Geetting ready:教师把图画卡片garden贴在黑板上,单词一面朝外。 T:(Sss name),make a question.S1:Is there a garden in the new home? T:(No, there isnt.)继续用其他的图画卡片与另外一些学生进行问答对话。 2.新课呈现 让学生看着本页的图画。请不同的学生读出对话中的句子。反复播放录音,并让学生跟着录音练习朗读。让学生结对表演对话。 (3)Song 1
34、.Geetting ready:让学生看着歌词旁边的图画。 T:(指着厨房的图画)What is it? 请一位学生回答。Ss: It is a kitchen.在黑板上写kitchen。 用同样的方法处理其余图画。 2.新课呈现T: Now lets listen to the song. 再次播放录音给学生听。T:(指着第二、三段歌词中的空白处)Lets finish these sentences .Listen again. 再次播放录音,在需要的地方暂停,让学生在空白处写出答案。 T: Lets sing together!播放录音,全班一起跟录音唱。等学生学会唱这首歌后,把他们分成
35、三组。 每组唱一段,然后交换唱。(4)小结(5)Homework: 听录音朗读单词,句型。抄写单词。六、板书设计:Unit 2 Our New Home home,a kichen,a living room, a bedroom, a garden,a bathroom 教学反思:第三课时一、教学目标: 1.认知目标:能够认读单词arm, art, park, card, garden, party. 2.能力目标:Listen, point, and say. 3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,感知国际音标.二、教学内容:Sounds and words .三、教学重难点:重点是认记单
36、词,难点是ar的发音。四、课前准备:CD 单词卡五、教学过程: 1.复习单词 。 2. Free talk.3.指导学生书写单词。 4. Sounds and words. 1)Listen ,point and say: arm, art, park, card, garden, party. 2)找出含有与arm一样发音的词。 5.完成workbook Unit 2 Our New Home 6.Homework: 听录音跟读Sounds and words.六、板书设计: Sounds and wordsarm,art,park,card, garden,party 教学反思:Unit
37、3 Bank or Beach? Target:一、 Sentences 1. Where are you going? Im going to the bank. 2. Is she going to the bank? No, she isnt.3. Are they going to the beach ? Yes , they are.二、Words: supermarket, bank, park, hospital, restaurant, swimming pool , shopping mall , movie theater .三、Sounds and words fship
38、 ,shirt ,she ,shorts ,shoes, shopping ; Picture Cards 15-22,a supermarket, a bank, a park, a hospital, a restaurant, a swimming pool , a shopping mall , a movie theater .The first period Step 1 Review1. How many classrooms are there? There are twenty-five classrooms.Ss: Its a . Extension activity St
39、ep 3 Practice 2 T:XXX, Can you read sentence ?(S1:Hello,Tony.Where are you going ?)(S2:I m going to the restaurant .Ss:Hes going to the restaurant.) Do the same with the picture of shopping mall. T: Now look at column on the right . Wheres Jenny going ? S1:Shes going to the party . Have Ss read the
40、questions together . Ask individual Ss to answer . Step 4 Homework 1.朗读拼背本课单词 2.抄写本课单词各5个 教学反思:The second period Step 1 Review 1朗读短语 Step 2 Target Getting ready Ask for three volun teers. Put the Picture Cards on the blackboard. T: Where are you going ? Im going to the bank .Have S1 point to the Pic
41、ture Cards. Do the same for S2 and others if time permits. Using the book Have Ss point to the first Picture. Model the dialog. Have Ss point to the second Picture.Ask two Ss to model the dialog. Play the disc and pause after each sentence,allowing Ss to repeat. Step 3 Song activities 1)T: Lets list
42、en to the disc first.Play the disc and point to each word as it is chanted . Point to the Picture Cards of swimming pool and movie theater . Chant as a whole group again.2) Play the disc one and pause every sentence . Have Ss fill in blanks in the chant. Step 4 Homework1、朗读拼背本课单词,句子2、抄写句子5次 教学反思:The
43、 third period Step 1 Review1、背读短语、句子。 Step 2 Story Using the book (Have Ss Look at the Pictures on the page.) T: Lets listen to the disc .Play the disc and pause after each sentence to have Ss repeat. Read outthe dialog sentence by sentence. Step 3 Practice 1 Have Ss read the four sentences listenin
44、g . T: Lets listen to the disc . Play the disc for A ,then pause . T: Wheres he doing ?(Ss:Hes going to the restaurant .) Continue with the rest. Step 4 Homework1、朗读本课单词,句子,课文。2、抄写本课单词各3个 The Fourth Period Step 1 Review 背读第21页短语、句子。 朗读课文。Step 2 Sounds and words 1)Getting ready Write ship on the boar
45、d and under line the spelling sh. T:( point to sh) Lets practice this sound .Look at my mouth and repeat. T:/f/ Ss:/f/ Drag out the sound /f/ so Ss hear it clearly. Using the book Have Ss look at the picture on the page . T: Lets listen to the disc .Play the disc and have Ss point to each word as th
46、e disc says it. T: Lets listen again and this time ,repeat. Have Ss repeat after the disc. After enough practice , point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words. 2) listen and look T: Lets listen to the dialog. Play the disc once . T:Now lets practice.Read outthe dialog sentence by senten
47、ce and have Ss repeat. Step 3 Homework1、朗读第25页内容。2、抄写第25页单词各3个。 教学反思:Unit 4 Free Time Target I. Sentences: 1. May I have a peach? Yes, please.2. May I have a balloon? No, you may not .Sorry.I:tea, read, peach, clean, speak, ice cream,The first periodStep 1 ReviewT: May I have a book? Circle have.Con
48、tinue with the other pictures. Ask individual Ss to answer. Step 4 Homework1、朗读拼背本课单词2、抄写本课单词各5个 教学反思:The second period Step 1 Review1、朗读短语。 Step 2 Target Getting ready May I have a ruler? (S1:Sure.Here you are. /No. Sorry.) Put the Picture Cards on the blackboard. T: May I use your pencil? (S2: Yes
49、, you may. /No. Sorry.) T: May I borrow your book? (S3: Yes, you may. /No. Sorry.) T: May I buy your pen? (S4: Yes, you may. / No. Sorry.) When you get an affirmative, pretend to give the student money, then take the pen. Using the book. Point to the first picture and model the dialog. Point to the
50、second picture and model the dialog. Play the disc and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss to repeat. Step 3 Song1) Listen and singT: Lets sing a song. Lets listen first.Play the disc and point to each word as it is sung. One group sings the questions and the other group sings the responses.2) Ac
51、tivity 1Have Ss Look at the Pictures. T: Draw lines to match the pictures and the phrases. Step 4 Homework1、朗读拼背本课单词,句子2、抄写句子5次 教学反思:The third period Step 1 Review1、背读短语、句子。 Step 2 Story Using the book T: Lets listen to the disc.(Point to the pictures in their books) T: Lets listen again and repeat.
52、Play the disc and pause after each sentence to have Ss repeat. Read outthe dialog sentence by sentence. Step 3 Practice 1 T: Point and talk about the pictures in each number. T: Lets listen to the disc. Play the disc for A, then pause. Continue with the rest. Step 4 Homework1、朗读本课单词,句子,课文。2、抄写本课单词各3
53、个 教学反思:The Fourth Period Step 1 Review1、 背读第27页短语、句子。2、 朗读课文。 Step 2 Sounds and words 1) Getting ready Write tea and read on the board and underline the spelling ea. T: Lets practice this sound .Look at my mouth and repeat. T: /I:/ Ss: /I:/ Drag out the sound / I: / so Ss hear it clearly. Using the
54、book Have Ss look at the picture on the page. T: Lets listen to the disc.Play the disc and have Ss point to each word as the disc says it. T: Lets listen again and this time, repeat. Have Ss repeat after the disc.After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words. 2) Lis
55、ten and chant T: Lets listen to the chant. Play the disc once. T: Lets chant together.Play the disc and have Ss chant along. Step 3 Homework 教学反思:Review 1一、教学目标:复习前面1、2、3、4单元所学内容,检验学生是否掌握和运用。二、教学重难点:目标语言和词汇。三、课时安排:两课时。四、教学过程:第一课时Practce1 1. Geetting ready 让一名学生读出完整的A句。 T:Whats there? 要不同学生回答。 2. 新课呈
56、现T: Lets listen to the tape/dic.播放A句录音,然后暂停。T:Is there a garden,(S1s name)? S1:No,there isnt.Theres a dining room. T:Circle the corret answer.(示范画圆圈) 继续操练其余几个练习。 Practce2 1.Geetting ready 教师把图画卡片任意贴在黑板上。 让学生说出单词。 2.新课呈现T:(在黑板上写出不完整句子)Look A,what is Gogo asking? 让不同学生回答。T:Whats in the picture A?Ss:A
57、playground,a library and a music room. 播放A题录音。T:Circle the right picture in A.(让学生圈出答案。) 继续完成其他题。 Practce4 1.Geetting ready 让学生看本题单词。要不同学生大声朗读单词。 2.新课呈现 指着单词room. T:/u:/, /u:/, room.Lets find the sound /u:/ other words.指着另外三个单词:shopping,moon,art,speak. T: Shopping, Moon, Art, Speak. Which word has t
58、he sound /u:/? Ss: Moon T:See the line from room to moon?用手指在两个单词间连线。 指着其余三个单词:arm, shorts, peach. T: Arm, Shorts, Peach. Can you find out the same sound for them?(Have Ss do the matching) 检查答案并让学生读出有相同发音的词。 Practce5 1.Geetting ready 准备相应的图画卡片,把它们贴在黑板上。让学生读出物品名称。 2.新课呈现 让一名学生自愿上黑板。T:Whats missing in
59、 the words?(让学生在空缺处填上字母) 让其他学生写答案,且不要看黑板。 T:Lets check the answer. Practce6 1.Geetting ready 让学生看看人物在想什么。让学生分成两组。第一组问题,第二组回答。 2.新课呈现T:Where is Tony going ?Ss:Hes going to the swimming pool. 让学生写下A题的答案。 给时间学生完成练习。让学生检查答案并结对读出对话。w 教学反思:第二课时Practce7 1.Geetting ready:让学生看图片。让学生把图片和第二行的词组连线。 2.新课呈现T:Lets
60、 do the match.让给学生检查答案。T:Now,lets raise a question with the phrase. 让学生用词组来造一个句子,并写下来。 Practce8 1.Geetting ready:把相应的图画卡片贴到黑板上。让学生大声说出物品。 2.新课呈现 让学生写下答案。T:What can you do in the picture A?Ss:We can have lessons. 继续完成其它几幅图画。 Practce9 1.Geetting ready:让一名学生自愿读出A文段。T:Listen carefully.Whats in Pams scho
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