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1、1. Age has its privileges in America. And one of the more prominent of them is the senior citizen discount. Anyone who has reached a certain agein some cases as low as 55is automatically entitled to a dazzling array ofprice reductions at nearly every level ofcommerl life. Eligibility is determined n

2、otby ones need but by the date on ones birthago, the discounts havee a routine partofmanybusinessesascommonascolorairliners. 6KUVRK OZN MXG_ NGOX ULZKT GXK MOKT ZNK JOYIUTZY OZNUZ KKT GYQOTM LUX ZNKS;_KZ SORROUTY UL SKXOIGTY GHUK GMK GXK NKGRZN_ GTJ YURKTZ 有支付能力的 (YOTKYYKY Z URJ TKKXeviso rooms and

3、free coffee on. Practically unheard of a generationdare offer discounts to college studentsor anyone under 30 freely offer them toolderAmericans.Thepracticeisacceptable because of the widespread广泛的 be“ needy ”Perhapsf 观点t “elderly” andaresynonymous( 同义的).t once was true, but todayelderly Americans a

4、sagrouphavealowoverty raten the rest of thepopulation.Tobesure,thereiseconomicdiversitywithintheelderly,andmanyolderAmericansarepoor,But most of them arent.3.Itisimsibletodeterminetheimpact of the discounts on individualcompanies. For many firms, they are a stimulus to revenue. But in other cases th

5、e discounts are given at the expense,directlyorindirectly,ofyoungerAmericans. Moreover, they are a directirritantinwhatsomepolitinsandscholarsseeasacomingbetn terations.4. Generationalfueled 激发 bytensarebeingcontinuing debate 争论overwhich关 于SolSecuritybenefits,mostlyinvolvesatransferofresourfrom the

6、young to the old.Employment is another sore po.Another的逻辑它后面所提到的事物前文当中也在提到Buoyed( 支 持 )bylawsandcourtolderdecis,moreandmoreAmericans are declining the retirementdinnerinfavorofstayingonthejob-thereby lessening employment andpromotionworkers.opportunitiesforyounger5. Far from a kind of charity they o

7、ncewere,seniorcitizendiscountshaveeaformidableeconomicprivilegetoagroupwithmillionsofmembers who dont need them.She is far from a good girlfriend.Farfrom 远非是The earth is far from the center of theuniverse.6. It no longer makes sense to treat theelderlyasasinglegroupwhoseeconomic needs deserve priori

8、ty overthose of others. Senior citizen discountsonlyenhancethemythtolderpeople cant take care of themselvesand need spel treatment; and theythreaten the creation of a new myth,ttheelderlyareungratefulandtaking for themselves at the expense ofchildren and other age groups. Senior citizen discounts ar

9、e the essence 本质 of the very thing older Americans arefightingage Essenceagainst-discriminationby的本质.精华Essential 重要的基本的Essentially实际上地本质上地31. We learn from thet .段落的推断题A) offering senior citizensparagraphA The elderly, being finanlly 财政上的Undrivileged 没有的, need humanehelp from society.B Businesses, h

10、aving made a lot of profits盈discounts hase routine commer l practicesenior citizen discounts have enabled many old people to live a decent lifegiving senior citizens discounts has boosted the market for the elderlysenior citizens have to show their births to get a discount27. What amption观点s behind

11、the practice 方式方法 of senior citizen discounts? 细节题利 , should do something for society in return作为回报. 无中生有C Old people are entitled to利做某事 spelTreatment待 for the contribution对贡献 they made tosociety. 无中生有D Senior citizen discounts can make up for the inadequacy of the Som.l Security syste观A点f=notion=c

12、oncept:mption=idea=be28.According to some politins政治学家and scholars者, senior citizen discounts will .细节题 A have adverse不好的艰难的 finanl impact onbusiness companiesHave adverse impact on. 对。有不好的影响无中生有B bring a marked巨大的 显著的 increasehecompanies revenues 收入无中生有C make old people even more dependenton 依赖 soc

13、iety 无中生有 D突 betensifyn the youngs加强冲and the oldThe+adj 表示一类人29. How does the author view the SolSecurity system?细节题It encouragesA鼓励 elderly people to retire 退休 inTime 及时 无中生有.BIt benefits the old at the expense of 以。为代价the young.Folks should not develop the economy at the expense of the environment

14、. CIt should be reinforced加 强by laws and court decis. 无中生有 Dcare It opens up展 开 broad广 阔 的rospects 职业前景 foryoung people.与原文信息相反的选项30. Which of the following best summarizes概括 the authors main argument 观点? 主旨题APriority优先权should be given to the economic needs of senior citizens. 无中生有B Senior citizens

15、should figh t age discrimination.rd agains C The elderly are selfish自私的 and taking senior discounts franted.Take sth franted 把。当做理所当然的无中生有D Senior citizen discounts may well be a type of agediscrimination.两个选项看似比较相同的时候分这两个选项的主谓宾就去划Passage 1Bill Gates, the billionaire 亿万富翁 chairman without a single e

16、arned university degree, is by hi c s raising new doubts about the worth of the business worlds favorite academic title 头衔: the MBA (Master of Business Administration).The MBA, a 20th-century product, always has borne the mark of lowly commerce andgreed (贪婪) on the tree-lined cuses ruledby purer lit

17、erature.3. But cuttingdisciplinech as philosophy andeven with the reapparentlyothehiringofbusinessschoolgraduates, about 79,000 people are expected toreceive MBAs in 1993. This is nearly 16 times the number of business graduates in 1960, atestimony to the wide spread amptiontthe MBA is vital for you

18、ng men and womenwho want to run companies some day.“If you are goingo the corporate world itis still a disadvantage not to have one,” saidDonald Morrison, professor of marketing andmanagement science. “Buthe last five yearsor so, when someone says, Should I attempt toget an MBA, the answer a lot mor

19、e is: It depends.”4.ThesucsofBillGates andothernon-MBAs, such as the late Sam Walton ofWal-MartStoresInc.,hashelpedinspireself-consciousdebatesonbusinessschoolcuses over the worth of a business degreeand whether management skills can be taught.5. The Harvard Business Review pred 打印 a lively 生动的, fic

20、tional 虚拟的 exchange交换 of letters to dramatize 夸大 complaabout business degree holders.s6. The article called MBA hires “extremely=very disappoing” and said “MBAs want tomoveuptoofast升职=getpromoted=promote=climb the corporation 公司 ladder=getahigherition, they dontunderstand politics and people, and th

21、ey arent able to function 起作用 as part of a team until their third year. But by then, theyre out lookingfor other jobs.”7.The problem, most participants inthe hasanddebateacknowledge,istthe MBAacquired an aura (光环) of future richeser farand usefulness.itual 实际的importance8. Enrollment in business scho

22、ols explodedinathe1970sandt no1980sandcreatedthemptionho pursued a businesscareer could do without one. The growth wasfueledbyabacklash( 反 冲 )againstthe 1960s and bythetheanti-business values ofwomens movement.9.Businesspeoplewhohavehiredorworked with MBAs say those with the degreesof often know how

23、 toyze systems but arenotsoskillfulatmotivatingpeople.“Theydont get a lot of groundinghe people sideJamesShaffer,ofthebusiness”,andsaidvice- PerrP2 21.principaloftheTowersanagement consulting firm.According to Paragraph 2, what is thegeneral attitude towards business on cusesdominated 主导 by purer di

24、sciplines? 态度题A) Scornful. 讽刺的B) Appretive. 欣赏的Envious. 嫉妒的 羡慕的Realistic.现实的P 3 4 22. It seemst the controversy 争论over 关于 the value of MBA degrees had beenfueledA)mainly by .thecomplas抱 怨 fromvariousemployers 无中生有B) the sucs of many non-MBAsthe criticism 批评 from the scientists ofpurer 纯粹的disciplines

25、 学科 无中生有the poor performance of MBAs at work无中生有P3观点前面观点 例子后面For exleprove 观点以后P56 23.holders Review?What is the major weakness of MBAaccordingtotheHarvardBusinessA) They are usually self-centered.以自我为中心的 过度推倒B) They are aggressive and greedy.还有贪婪 过度推倒性They keep complaining 抱怨 about theirjobs. 无中生有T

26、hey are not good at dealing with 与人相处people.Office politics政治人际关系p78924. From the passage we knowMBAs .t mostA)canclimbthecorporateladder升职fairly quickly 无中生有B) quit their jobs once they are familiar 熟悉 with their workmates 无中生有C) receive salariest do not match 匹配their profesal training 无中生有D)cheris

27、hunrealisticexpecionsabouttheir future25. What is the passage mainly about?主旨题A) Why there is an increased enrollment 录BA programs.取B) The nesity of reformingMBAprograms in business schools.Doubts about the worth of holding an MBA degree.A debate 辩论 held recently 近期 onuniversity cuses.Questions 21 t

28、o 25 are based on the followingpassage.he villages of the English countryside there arestill people who remember the good old da ys whenno one bothered to lock their doors. There simply wasnt any crime to worry about.Amazingly, these happy times appear still tobe with ushe worlds biggest community.A

29、new study by Dan Farmer, a gifted program mer, using an automated investigative programofhis own called SATAN, showst the ownersof well over half of all World Wide Web sites haveset up home without fitting locks totheir doors.SATAN can try out a variety of well-knownhacking (的) tricks on anernet sit

30、e withoutactuallybreaking in. Farmer has made the programpublicly available, amid much criticism. Awith evilent could use it tot down sites窃).t are easy to burgle ( 闯入行But Farmer is very concerned about the needthe public to poor security and, so far,eventshave proved him right. SATAN hasdone more t

31、o alert people to the risksnCausenew disorder. So is the Neting more secure? Far from it.he early days, when youvisited a Web site your browser simply looked at the content. Now the Web is full of tinto alert提醒yprogramst automatically download whenyou look at a Wge, and run on your ownmachine. These

32、 programs could, if their author s wished, do all kinds of nasty things to yourco mputer.At the same time, the Net is increasingly populated with sers, worms, agents and othertypes of automated beasts designed to penetrate the sites and seek out and classifyinformation.All these make wonderful tools

33、 for antisol people who want to invade weak sitesand cause damage.But lets look on the bright side. Given the lack of locks, theernet irely the worldsbiggest (almost) crime-free society. Maybet isbecause hackers are fundamentally honest.Or that there currently isnt much to steal. Or because vandalis

34、m (破坏) isnt much fununless you haveislike for someone.culiar dWhatever the reason, lejoy it while we can. But expect it all to change, and security tobecome the number one ie, when the most influential inhabitants of the Net are sellingservithey want to be paid for.21. By saying “. owners of well ov

35、er half of all World Wide Web sites have set uphome wit hout fitting locks to their doors”(Lines 3-4, Para.2), the author meanst.A) those happy times appear still to be with us B) there simply wasnt any crime to worry abo utC) many sites are not well-protectedD) hackers try out tricks on anhout actu

36、ally breaking in(C)ernet site wit22. SATAN, a program designed by Dan Fanner can be used .A) to investigate the security ofernet sitesB) to improve the security of theemernet systC) to prevensitesckers from breakingo webD) to download useful programs and informati on(A)23. Fanners program has been c

37、riticized by the public because.A) it causes damage to Net browsersB) it can breakoernet sitesC) it can be used to cause disorder on all sitesD) it can be used by people with evil(D)ent24. The authors attitude toward SATAN is区域态度题.A) enthusiastic 热情的B) critical性的C)itive 积极的D) indifferent(C)如何去区分篇章态度

38、题还是区域态度题看 toward 后面出现的内容是否是文章的主题toward 后面的内容在首末两段都出现的话 它就一定是篇章态度题如果没有出现在首末两段 那她就是区域态度题ArtifilelligenceComputer25. The author suggestshe last pA) we should make full use of the ernet before security measures are strengthenedaragraph t .we should alert the most influen tial businessmen to the importan

39、ce of securityinfluential businessmen should g ive priority to the improvement of Net securitynet inhabitants should not let sec urity measures affect their joy of surfing theernetPubliceducation2 类型 3弊端 2措施itive 积极的 / active 积极的 /积极:supportive 支持的Approving 赞同的 / optimistic 乐观的/ pleasant 高兴的Enthusia

40、stic 热情的 / favorable 喜欢的Sympathetic 同情的否定:negative 消极的 / doubtful 怀疑的suspicious 怀疑的/ critical的Pessimistic 悲观的 / scornful 讽刺的skeptical怀 疑 的 /ironic讽 刺 的/sarcastic 讽刺的中立:neutral 中立的 / objective 客观的/ cautious谨慎的Imal 公正的必 错 : indifferent漠 不 关 心 的 / depressed 沮丧的biased 偏 见 的 / unclear 不 清 楚 的 / vague 模糊的

41、Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.1. When we worry about who might be spyingon our privaives, we usually think about theFederal agents. But the private sector outdoes超the过ernment every time. Its Linda Tripp,not the FBI, who is facing charges 恐高 underMarylands laws against secrete

42、phoneernal Revenueta. Its our bs not theService (IRS),t pass our private finanldaoemarketing firms.2.Consumer activistsare pressing Congress活跃分子国会 for bettrivacy laws without much resultso far. The legislators=law-maker者 lean toward 倾向 letting businesspeople track跟踪 our finanl habits virtually atwil

43、l.随意的3. As an exle of whats going on, considerU.S. Bancorp, which was recently sued fordeceptive practiby the se of Minnesota.According to the lawsuit, the bemarketer called Member Works withd asensitive customer data such as names, phonenumbers, bnumbers, So-account and creditcardl Security numbers

44、, accountbalanand credit limits.4. With these customer lists in hand, MemberWorks started dialing for dollarling dentalplans,othgames, computer software androducts and servi. Customers whoaccepted a “free trial offer” had 30 days to cancel. If the deadline passed, they wereCharged收费 automatically th

45、rough their borcredit-card accounts. U.S. Bancorp collected ashare of the revenues.5.Customers were doubly deceived, the lawsuitclaims. They didnt knowt the bwasgiving account numbers to Member Works.And if customers asked, they were led to think the answer was no.6.The se sued Member Works separay

46、fordeceptive selling. The company deniest itdid anything wrong. For its part, U.S. Bancorpsettled without admitting any mistakes. But itagreed to stop exing its customers tononfinanfew tl products sold by outside firms. Asdecided to do the same.s will still do business withMany other bMember Works a

47、nd similar firms.7.And bs will still be mining data from youraccount in order to sell you finanl products,including things of little value, such as creditinsurance and credit-card protection plans.8. You have almost no protection fromBusinesses商t use youral accounts for profit. F家or ex“tranle, no fe

48、deral law shields 保护ion and experience” informationmainly the details of your band credit-cardaccounts. 定位明确的题目 举例不起任何作用Sol Security numbers are for say privatefirms. Theyve generally agreednot to sell to the public. But to businesses, the numbers are an open book. Self-regulationdoesnt work. A firm

49、 might publish a privacy-protection policy, but who enforit?9.Take U.S. Bancorp again. Customers were told, in writing,t “allal information yousupply to us will be considered.”Then it sold your dao Member Works. Thet it doesnt “sell” yourbeven claimsdata at all. It merely “shares” it and reaps aprof

50、it. Now you know.21.P1 Contrary to popular bef旧观点, the author findst spying on peoplesprivacy.A) is mainly carried out 执行 by means of 通过 secret taB) has been范围扩大ensified加强 with the help of the IRS反C) is practiced exclusively与原文信息相独有的 by the FBI与原文信息相反D) is more prevalent的 in business circles普遍popula

51、r 抽象概括的P2322. We know from the passaget.A) legislators are acting to pass a law toprovide bett息相反B) most s不见 theDeceptiverivacy protection与原文信es are turning a blind eye to 视而的 practi性方式of private businessesC) the sdrawing upe of Minnesota is considering起草 laws to protect private informationD) law ma

52、kers are inclined to倾向探give a free hand to businesses to inquireo customers buying habits究23.P4 When the “free trial” deadline is over,youll be charged without notice for a productor service if.you fail to cancel it with限定periodyou happen tohe specified碰巧reveal your credit card NumberC) you find the

53、 product or service无中生有unsatisfactory无中生有D) you fail to apply for exten延迟 of thedeadline推导24.P8 Businesses do not regard informationconcerningbecauseal baccounts as private.A) its revelationwill do no harm to consumers under thecurrent protection policyB) it is considered “tran违背ion and experience”

54、information unprotected by lawC) is always been considered an opensecret by teral public 无中生有D) its sale can be brought under controlthrough self-regulation无中生有25.P9 We can infer from the passaget推断题A) b.s will have to change their ways ofng business无中生有B) privacy protection laws soon be enforced与反原

55、文信息相C) consumers privacy will continue to beinvadedD)freetrialpracticewilleventuallybebannedA charging dog for sb/sth1. The percentage of immigrants (includingthose unlawfully present)he United Seshas been creng upward for years. At 12.6since the mid-1920s.2. We are not about to go back to the days

56、when Congress openly worried about inferior ra polluting Americas bloodstream. But once again we are wondering whether we havetoo many of the wrong sort ofers.percent, it is now higher n at any poTheir loudest critics argueof immigrants cannot, andt the new wavedo not wantto, fit in as previous gene

57、rations did.3. We now knowt these racist viewswere wrong.ime, Italians, Romanians andmembersofotherso-calledinferiorrabecame exemplary Americans and contributedgrey, in ways too numerous to detail, to thebuildingnation.ofthismagnificent宏伟的壮观的Thereisreasonwhythesenewimmigrants shouldhave the same suc

58、s.4.AlthoughchildrenofMexicanimmigrants do better,in terms of educationaland profesal attaent,n their parents,les has foundUCLA sociologist Edwardtthegainsdontcontinue.,thenfourth generation is marginally worse offthe third. James Jackson, of the University ofMichigan, has found a similar trend amon

59、gblack Caribbean immigrants.les fearstMexican-Americans may be fated to follow inthe footsteps of American blackst largeparts of the community may入) in a seemingly permanent se mired (陷e of povertyLikeandunderachievement.African-Americans,Mexican-Americansareincreasinglyrelegatedto(降入)segregated,sub

60、standard schools, and their dropout rate isthe highest for any ethnic grouphe country.5.WehavelearnedmuchaboutthethefoolishideaofexcludingpeopleonpresumptionBut what we make the prooftheethnic/ralinferiority.have not yet learned is how tos of Americanization work forall. I am not talking about requi


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