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1、面试英语Insight (选网站) interest and majorCourage PreparationConfidence (dont be nervous)FlexibilityPolitenessTeam spiritPersistence面试英语 介绍人品与性格个性,人格,品格外向的正直的古怪的有献身精神的尽职的客观的有创造力的PersonalityOutgoingJustOff-the wallDevotedDutifulObjectivecreative面试英语 介绍人品与性格开朗的,开放的条理分明的内向的,含蓄的积极进取的诚实的守信的一丝不苟的性情温和的容易相处的Open-

2、mindedLogicalIntrovertedAggressiveHonestFaithfulPreciseSweet-temperedEasy-going面试英语 介绍人品与性格大体上而言,我觉得自己是个工作勤奋、负责、能干、而且外向的人In general, Im quite hard-working, responsible, capable and outgoing我比较孤僻,因此我认为我需要多参加社交,多和别人在一起I tend to be withdrawn, so o think I need to become more sociable and spend more tim

3、e with people.面试英语 介绍人品与性格表明性格内向I think Im somewhat on the shy sideIm quite reserved, but I value friendshipI blush every time I speak in publicI seldom talk muchI prefer to be left alone面试英语 介绍人品与性格表明性格外向Im quite active and energeticIm very sociable Im always very optimistic and cheerfulIm curious

4、person ,and I like to learn new things面试英语 介绍人品与性格表明个人品质Though Im the only child, Im actually quite independentBasically Im very easygoing, but I get very serious and cautious when I workI stick to my principles and keep to rulesIm diligent and industrious I have a sense of responsibility面试英语 介绍人品与性

5、格Practice1.你认为你是外向的人吗?你怎样和自己性格不同的人相处。2.你觉得你自己的个性如何? 那你认为自己最大的优点和缺点是什么?你认为作为团队的一员,个人需具备什么样的品质。3.你经常和同事(同学)发生不愉快的事吗?怎么处理?Dialogue One Q: How do you get along with the people whose characters are different from your own?A: I try to adapt myself.Dialogue TwoQ: What kind of person do you think you are?A:

6、 Well, Im always energetic and enthusiastic . Thats my strongest personality.Q: What are your strengths and weakness?A: As I have said, its diligent and industrious. On the other hand, sometimes its too hard working and I put myself under too much pressure to make things perfect.Q: What qualities wo

7、uld you expect of persons working as a team?A: In my opinion, two characteristics are necessary. That is, the person must be cooperative and aggressive.工作目标长久主管短期的动机眼力,想象力坦率的前景,展望LongevitySupervisorShort termMotivationVisionFrankoutlook工作目标 核心句型现在对我来说,最重要的是做好我的本职工作,同时尽可能学习和提高自己的工作能力。What is most imp

8、ortant for me now is to do the best possible for the company and learn and develop my skills as much as possible工作目标 核心句型为了达到这个目标,我只想一步一步地踏实工作。In order to achieve this goal, I just want to work step by step.首先,我要进一步弄清我们的目标、途径和对手、管理状况等。然后,我要制定出计划。First Ill get further information about our goal, ways

9、 and counterparts, managements ,etcs.Then, Ill take my plan.畅想未来目标我希望把我学到的知识及经验用于一切具有挑战性的工作,最终能晋升管理阶层。I want to apply my knowledge and experience to a challenging position and finally move on to management level.我希望将来随着获得越来越多的经验而能步步高升。I wish to move up to higher position with acquisition of more exp

10、erience in the future.Dialogue你有兴趣在管理层任职或希望有朝一日参与工作吗?如果你被录用了,你准备怎样开展你的工作?DialogueI: Are you interested in staying in a staff-level position, or would you hope to move into management someday? A: Well, I havent thought much about this. What is most important for me now is to do the best possible job for the company and learn everything . If the company is satisified with my work , then, I think I would like to consider other position in the company.DialogueI: If we employ you, how are you going to do your part of th


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