已阅读5页,还剩30页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业专心专注专业精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业Unit1 Friendskeep a secret/secrets保守秘密keep the secret to themselves 他们之间的秘密keep it secret保密care aboutyou关心你、xx你tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事tell sb. (not) to do sth.告诉某人(不要)做某事tell sb. funny joke给某人讲可笑的笑话tell a lie/lies (to sb.)(对某人)说谎lie lied lied说谎lie la

2、y lain躺patient impatient耐心的不耐烦的patient作名词时,表示病人play a joke on sb.跟某人开玩笑be willing to do sth.愿意做某事、乐意做某事= be ready to do sth.be ready to help people any time在任何时候乐意帮助人help sb with sth在某事上帮助某人/在某方面帮助某人help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事be good at (doing) sth = do well in (doing) sth 擅长做have a good sense of hum

3、our富有幽默感= be (very) humorousin height在高度方面in weight在体重方面weigh(v) 称的重量weight(n) 重量weigh about eight kilograms重约8千克He weighs about 50kg.= His weight is about 50kg.in a low/loud voice低声地buy two more books再买两本书= buy another two bookseat one more apple再吃一个苹果= eat another applesome more food更多一些食物share st

4、h. with sb. 跟某人分享某物share my joy(不可数) / sadness分享我的快乐/悲伤qualities of a good friend好朋友的品质tell him everything about yourself告诉他有关你的一切have problems/trouble with sth.在某方面有问题have problems/trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有问题believe what he says (said)= believe his words相信他的话cant believe sbs eyes不能相信某人的眼睛trust sb

5、.信任某人agree to do sth.同意做某事agree with sb.同意某人的观点agree on sth. 就某事达成一致意见one of my best friends我最好的朋友这一one of the longest rivers最长的河流之一one of the most famous film stars最著名的影星之一be generous / kind to sb.对某人慷慨/友善a special kind of bamboo一种特殊的竹子help me with my homework在家庭作业方面帮助我help people with their proble

6、ms帮人们解决问题someone in need有需要的人give a seat on the bus to someone in need在公交车上让座给有需要的人need sb to do sth需要做某事need to do something for giant pandas需要为大熊猫做些事have a good/sweet voice有个好/甜美的嗓音wear small round glasses戴小小的圆框眼镜wear (a pair of) glasseswear school uniform穿校服wear thick warm clothes穿厚而暖的衣服have/wear

7、 long straight hair留长直头发look smart in his small round glasses戴着他的小圆框眼镜看起来xxnever feel bored with him和他一起从不感到无聊feel bored or unhappy感觉无聊或不开心b:da boring film一部无聊的电影make some notes of 做关于的笔记make him look smart使他看起来精干make beautiful sounds发出动听的声音make sb. do sth.make me laugh使我大笑make sb. / sth.+adj.make m

8、e thirsty使我口渴make me happy使我开心make breakfast for sb 为某人做早饭walk past our desks = pass our desks从我们桌子旁边经过knock onto the ground把撞到地上knock over撞翻,碰倒knock off把从上撞下来so interesting如此有趣have big bright eyes有双明亮的大眼睛say a bad word about sb.说某人的坏话= say bad things about sb.a true friend一个真诚的朋友sth. worry sb.某事困扰某

9、人sb. be worried about sth.某人担心某事choose sb. as /(to be) your best friend选择某人作为你最好的朋友listen to people carefully认真听人们倾诉make friends with sb. 跟某人交朋友among the six students在六名学生当中among all the Chinese artists在所有的xx艺术家当中talk about our future plans谈论我们的未来计划in the future在将来a small girl with a ponytail一个扎马尾辫的

10、女孩a boy with / wearing glasses一个戴着眼镜的男孩bothand既又.be/ make / become an excellent teacher成为一名优秀的教师like her bright smiling eyes喜欢她明亮略带微笑的眼睛wear/have a smile on ones face面带微笑something to drink一些喝的xxWhat about some milk?一些牛奶好吗?grow up成长,xxgrow very quickly成长得非常快travel around/ all over the world环游世界would

11、like to be a social worker想要成为一名社工works of art艺术品learn more about学习更多关于learn a lot about different cultures学习许多关于不同的文化learn about protecting wildlife学习关于保护野生动物learn foreign languages学外语learn to do sth. 学着做某事the boy on the left在左边的男孩five years ago五年前Whats he like?他长相怎样? 他性格怎样?What does he look like?

12、他长相怎样?What does he like?他喜欢什么?Whats school like? 学校是什么样的?Unit2 School lifeFrancexxFrench法语;xx的;法语的Frenchman法国人discuss = talk about讨论discuss the books with our classmates与我们的同班同学讨论书have a discussion进行一次讨论in class在课上after class课后offer sb. sth.提供某人某物= offer sth. to sb.将某物提供给某人offer me help = offer help

13、 to me提供帮助给我at least至少at most最多、顶多spend time doing sth.花时间做某事spend time on sth.花时间于某事/物上spend the least time on homework花最少的时间在家庭作业上daily English = everyday English日常英语look through the questions quickly快速浏览问题sleep through the winter冬眠go through my mind掠过我的脑海at first= in the beginning起初at last = in t

14、he end = finally最后come first 的第一finish doing sth.完成做某事keep doing sth.一直做某事keep on doing sth.反复做某事keep sb. doing sth.让/使某人一直做某事have to do sth.不得不做某事(表客观)have time to do sth有时间做have time for (doing) sth(做)有时间must do sth.必须做某事(表主观)work hard努力学习/工作hard为副词work the hardest学习/工作最刻苦hard-working刻苦的、勤奋的(形容词)l

15、earn about schools around the world了解全世界的学校buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.给某人买某物in Year Eight在八年级= in the eighth/8th gradego with you 和你一起a mixed school一所混合学校among all my subjects在我所有的学科中among和between都有“在中间”的意思,但among用于三者或三者以上,between用于两者之间。during the Reading Week在阅读xx期间bring in books and magazines

16、from home从家里带书和杂志进来bring带来 :bring heretake 带走:take therenear the end of the week在这周将要结束的时候by the end of到为止at the end of在的末尾,到的尽头in the end = at last = finally 最后from beginning to end 从头到尾listen carefully to my problem(s)仔细倾听我的问题on Friday afternoon在周五下午on the morning/ afternoon/ evening of May.1st 在5

17、.1的上午、下午、晚上in the evening/ afternoon/ morning 在晚上、下午、早上on a rainy morning 在一个下雨的早上*在具体的某一天的上午、下午、晚上用介词on,在具体的某一天也用介词on,如:on August. 6th,2015 (在2015年8月6号)end earlier than usual比平时结束得早些twice a week一周两次four times a month一月四次practice hard练习得很刻苦practice doing sth练习做某事read an article by a boy from the USA

18、读一个xx男孩写的一篇文章a book by Mo Yan xx写的一本书*谁写的,用介词byamong the three of us在我们三个人中= of us threeof us all在我们所有人中come first in the race在比赛中第一have a day off休息一天have weeks off for the summer holiday休息xx过暑假/暑假休息xxdo morning exercises做早操go to exercise去做运动finish the exercises做完练习another half an hour for playing c

19、hess另外半个小时(用来)下国际象棋have an English test进行一次英语测试have a monthly/ weekly /daily test on each subject在每个学科上有月/xx/日考keep writing in English about my daily life坚持用英语写关于我的日常生活Im really sorry to keep you waiting for a long time.真的很抱歉让你等了很长时间。watch English videos at weekends在周末看英语视频have a lovely/good time (d

20、oing sth.)= have fun (doing sth.)玩得开心(做某事)after-school activities课外活动go on a school trip进行一次学校旅行need to do sth.需要做某事need doing需要被做have an hour of homework有一小时的家庭作业have an hour for lunch有一个小时吃午饭listen to music at lunchtime在午饭时间听音乐jump high跳得高jump far跳得远play baseball打棒球*棋、牌、球前面不用theplay chess 下棋play c

21、ards 打牌asas与一样,加形容词或者副词的原形not as/soas表示甲不如乙=less thanJim is taller than Tom = Tom is not as tall as Jimsee a film看电影borrow books from the school library从学校图书馆借书lend sth to sb借某物给某人seem to go faster似乎走得更快seem to do sth.do sports together一起做运动ideal school理想的学校be like +(doing)sth像(做)like做动词,表示“喜欢”。常见搭配

22、:like doing sth(表示一种习惯性的喜欢)like to do(表示具体某一次喜欢)。like 做名词,表示“喜爱,爱好”。like 做介词,表示“像”,后面动词需要用ing形式。in the same way用同样的方法in this way用这种方法in some way在某种程度上in the way挡道by the way顺便on the way (to sp.)在(去某地)的路上人+ spend + 时间 +(in)doing sth = It takes + 人+ 时间 + to do sth. 做某人花了多长时间人+ spend + 时间 + on sth 在某件事情

23、上某人花了多上时间*take、spend、cost、pay区别spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:(1) spend time /money on sth. 在上花费时间(金钱);(2) spend time /money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事。cost的主语是物或某种活动,常见用法如下:sth. costs (sb.) 金钱,某物花了sb.多少钱。take后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法: It takes sb. 时间to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。pay的主语是人,常见用法:(1)pay (sb.) money for sth.付钱(给某人

24、)买。(2)pay sb money to do sth.付钱给某人做某事(3)pay for sth. 付的钱。(4)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。(5)pay sb. 付钱给某人。(6)pay money back 还钱。(7)pay off ones money还清钱。choose to do sth选择做某事have no choice but to do sth别无选择而做choose sb. as /(to be) your best friend选择某人作为你最好的朋友Unit3 A day outplan a day out 计划外出一天a plan for sth.一个

25、的计划the plan for the day一天的计划plan to do sth.打算/计划做某事decide(not)to do sth.决定(不)做某事decision(n.): make a decision做一个决定keep fit/healthy保持健康keep fit = keep healthy = stay fit = stay healthy 保持健康health-healthy-healthily-unhealthy-unhealthilyYou should eat healthilywonder-wonderful-wonderfullyluck-lucky-luc

26、kily-unluckyunluckily放在句子开头用副词Luckily, he was not hurtUnluckily, he didnt pass the exam.关于反身代词的常用句型enjoy oneself = have a good time = play happily = have fun 玩的开心help oneself to sth.请随便teach oneself sth. = learn sth. by oneself自学hurt oneself伤害自己keep sth. to oneself 把放在某人自己心里leave sb alone by oneself

27、 把某人独自留下say to oneself 自言自语for oneself亲自by oneself = on ones own = alone 独自of oneself自动地,自发地be made of由制成 看得见原材料be made from由制成 看不见原材料be made in在地方制造be made up of由组成How heavy.? = Whats the weight of.?invite sb to do sth.邀请某人做某事invite me to join their school trip邀请我加入他们学校的旅行join+组织、机构join in = take p

28、art in +活动join the birdwatching Society加入观鸟社团join sb in doing sth. 加入某人做某take part in activities参加活动take the underground/bus to.乘地铁/公车去=go toby underground/bustake action to do sth.采取措施做某事take action right away立即采取行动take a course in DIY参加DIY课程take Linda to the Summer Palace带琳达去xxtake a notebook with

29、 sb随身携带笔记本take photos of拍的照片take care保重be far (away) from离远数字+(away) from数字和far不能同时使用a lot of traffic = busy traffic = heavy traffic繁忙的交通there is a lot of traffic = the traffic is very heavy/busyarrive at/in at是小地点,in是大地点;= reach = get to如果没有地点,只能用arrivecant wait to do sth等不及做某事get on/off the bus上/下

30、车in front of 范围外的前面in the front of范围内的前面more than = over 超过pull up拉上去pull oneself up the rocks xxfinal-finally,get to the final 进入决赛final形容词或副词 final exam期末考试Finally, the clock strikes. 最后,xx敲响了。in the final of the basketball competition在篮球赛的决赛中lose the final输了决赛with/without your support 有/没有你的支持don

31、t forget to do sth.不要忘记做某事remember to do sth.记起做某事 (这样事没有发生)remember doing sth记得做了某事(这样事已经发生)forget to do sth忘记去做某事(这样事没有发生)forget doing sth忘记做了某事(这样事已经发生)per student = each student每个学生go back to = return to回到某地注意在名词末尾加后缀变成形容词care-careful-careless, help-helpful-helplessuse-useful-useless, cheer-chee

32、rful-cheerlessend-endless, hope-hopeful-hopelessmean-meaning-meaningful-meaninglesssleep-sleepy-sleepless, taste-tasty-tastelesscheer for为欢呼the cost is费用是.climb a hill爬山write an invitation letter to your classmates写一封邀请信给你的同班同学go past the Sydney Opera House经过悉尼歌剧院by the River Seine在xx边the top of the

33、 Eiffelxxxxsee the White House看见xxthe President of the USAxx总统how long多长how wide多宽weigh over 100,000 tons重超过十万吨places of interest = interesting place名胜on the Internet在网上put them on his home page把他们放在他的主页上What about the Great Wallxx怎么样?sound good听起来不错too far away太远the China Science and Technology Mus

34、eum xx科技博物馆the day before yesterday前天go back to the USA回xxbe interested in (doing) sth对(做)感兴趣in a clear blue sky在晴朗xx的天空中some photos of sth的照片group of 3030人一组the purpose of 的目的as high as a real one 和真的一样高real和true区别:true:有两层意思:1.“真的”指符合一定标准,符合一定模式,如:a true friend;2.“真实的”指符合真实情况的,如:It is true that th

35、e earth goes around the sun.real: “真的”,区分真假,如:a real planeUnit4 Do it yourselfwhat to do不加ithow to do it/sth.必须加it或宾语youd better = you had betterhad better do sth.had better not do sth.stand for代表stand up起立stand still站着别动do sth. instead做某事代替(没有代替对象,不加of)do sth. instead of sth./doing sth.I will go to

36、 Nanjing insteadI will watch TV instead of reading books.pay sb money to do sth.付钱给某人做某事be crazy about doing sth./sth. 对某事着迷terribleterribly look terrible, terribly ill区分词性look terrible看起来可怕finish doing sth.做完某事try to do sth.try ones best to do sth.努力做try doing sth尝试做have a try试一试put in安装put up举手 xx

37、 悬挂put out扑灭put away整理 收拾put in a brighter light in his bedroom在他的卧室装一盏更亮的灯put up a picture on his bedroom wall在他卧室的墙上挂一幅画make a mistake/make so many mistakes犯错have a power cut断电another和the other 的区分another是三个或三个以上当中的另一个Would you like to show me another pair?the other是两个当中的另一个I have two brothers, on

38、e is a teacher, the other one is a doctor.但是前面如果有my, his等词,the 省略Tom has some books in one hand, and some bananas in his other hand.hit过去时不变, hit-hitfill.with把用什么装满I filled the bottle with water.be filled with. = be full of的里面装满了什么The bottle is filled with water.paint/colour it blue把它涂成蓝色colour the

39、roses red把玫瑰门涂成红色colour可以做名词,表示“颜色”;也可以作为动词,表示“给涂颜色”。one end of the shelf架子的一段stop to do sth.停下来去做某事stop doing sth.停止做某事not onlybut also 不仅而且主语适用于就近原则Not only my parents but also I am crazy about playing tennisNot only I but also my parents are crazy about playing tennison/over/above 区分on紧靠在一起;over

40、正上方;above 在上方,不一定是正上方The book is on the table.There is a bridge over the riverMr Wang lives two floors above me.advice(名词)advise(动词)a piece of advice, some advice 不可数advise sb to do sth. 建议某人做某事advise doing sth.建议做某事take a course in DIY参加DIY课程attend lessons 上课区分祈使句、动词做主语、动词表目的Open the door please. 发

41、出指令Opening the door is difficult for him.Doing sports makes us healthy描述做某事怎么样:To keep healthy, he often does sports.为了保持健康,他经常做运动keep trying 坚持尝试cut out剪出cut out of从裁剪出来cut with用裁剪cutinto把切成cut sth into small pieces将某物切成小片(块)on each/either side of the streeton both sides of the street 在街道两边give up

42、doing sth.放弃做某事give in屈服,投降give out用完,耗尽give away赠送,给予give off发出(光、热、声音、气味等)give sth to sb = give sb sth给某人某物should/must + 动词原形情态动词可以表示推测cant 不可能must肯定,一定may 也许may not也许不It cant be Mr. Li, he went to Japan yesterday. 不可能是xx,他昨天去了xx。Mr. Li must be at home, the light is on.He may go to Nanjing ,but Im

43、 not sure.Mustnt 不允许,禁止,不是表示推测例:The engineer must be at home,for the light is on ,isnt he? must表示判断时,反意疑问句仍然按照原来那个句子来问。must表示必须时:如 we must go home now,mustnt we?Must I?Yes, you mustNo, you neednt/dont have to注意否定如何回答Can I smoke here?No, you cant/mustntmake sure that+句子make sure to do sth.for example

44、+句子 例如such as +单词或词组such as doing sth.I like football, for example, I often play it with my friends after school.I have many friends, such as Jim, Tom.prepare sth准备prepare for(doing)sth 为(做)做准备prepare to do sth. 准备做某事preparation(n.):make a preparation for (doing) sth为(做)做准备Its time for sth.是时候做了Its

45、time for sb to do sth.Its time for class.Its time for us to do sports.some time一段时间sometime某一时间*速记:分开一段时间,相聚某一时间some times几次,几倍sometimes有时候*速记:分开几次,相聚有时候any time = anytime 任何时候correct correctly incorrect - incorrectlyuncertain, uncomfortable, unimportant,uninteresting, unfriendly, unhappy,unhealthy,

46、 unlucky, unpleasant, untidyunusual, unfairimpatient, impossible, impoliteinactive, incorrect, incompletedishonestan honest boy 一个诚实的男孩 nsthave fun/have a good time doing sth.玩得开心(做某事)go wrong出错keep spelling the words wrong不断拼错单词clear instructions明确的说明What is next?下一步是什么?get some tools拿一些工具make some

47、 paper roses做一些纸玫瑰a pair of scissors一把剪刀enjoy making something new喜欢做新xxrepair something修xxdecorate his house装饰他的家fill the room with water将房间充满水paint it blue将他涂成蓝色know much more about DIY了解更多关于DIYknow about sth= learn about sth了解know sth知道teach sb to do sth教某人做某事be able to do sth. 能够做某事 unable(反)be

48、easy to do sth做某事是容易的be possible to do sth做某事是可能的fail to do sth失败做某事succeed in doing sth 做成功了wash the fruit洗水果mix them together加他们混合add some salad cream加一些沙拉酱tips for (doing)sth(做)某事的xxtips for making a fruit salad做水果xx的建议do outdoor sports做户外运动be usual for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事是平常的stay at home all da

49、y在家待一天our neighbour next door我们的隔壁邻居fix your bicycle修你的自行车tidy up打扫,整理干净right now立刻,马上make her a birthday card给她做一张生日卡片= make a birthday card for herspell the words wrong拼错单词on the cover在封面be late for school上学迟到next door隔壁all over the floor满地都是by myself = on my own独自,独立have fun working together一起工作很

50、开心a piece of furniture一件家具furniture f:nt(r):家具,不可数none left一个不剩Where there is Xi Wang, there is hope.哪里有希望,哪里就有希望。Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。(哪里有意志,哪里就有路。)Unit5 Wild animalslive in the wild在野外居住live alone一个人住= live by oneself = live on ones ownwild animals野生动物free and happy自由快乐的n

51、o way没门have pity on them同情他们in fact事实上be in danger处于危险中write a report写一篇报道a report on sth一个关于的报道do a quiz on sth做一个关于的调查kwzthe king of the animal world动物世界的大王look so cute看起来如此可爱kju:tlook like a white mouse看起来像一只白鼠at four months old在四个月大时go outside for the first time第一次外出eight months later八个月后lateear

52、ly laterearlier latterformerin the beginning开始look after oneself照顾自己= take care of但look after没有保管、保护的意思The teacher told the students to take care of the new books.take care保重face serious problems面临严肃的问题for example例如have a place to live有地方住have food to eat有食物吃build more reserves建立更多的自然保护区make laws to

53、 protect pandas制定法律保护xxget sick生病ill 表示生病的;有病的这一意思时,一般用作表语,不能作定语;如病人可以说a sick man 或the sick, 但不能说an ill man 或the ill。ill 作定语修饰名词时是坏的;邪恶的之意。如:He is an ill man. 他是一个邪恶的人。the bamboo forests竹林become smaller and smaller变得越来越小go towards the water走向水go near the lions and tigers靠近狮子和xxsomething special abou

54、t wild animals关于野生动物的特别的事work out easy maths problems计算出容易的数学题with the help of mouth and ears在嘴巴和耳朵的帮助下get lost= lose ones way迷路come back the same way as they go按去时的路回来for a short while一段短的时间catch tigers for their fur为了他们的皮毛而抓xxother parts of the body身体的其他部分be dangerous to humans对人类危险have fewer and

55、fewer living areas有越来越少的生存区域Im sorry to hear that. 很抱歉听到那。act to protect wild animals做出行动保护野生动物become on the table 变成盘中餐clever and funny聪明又滑稽call her Xi Wang叫她希望start to go outside开始出去start to do sth = begin to do sthnot any more不再live on以为生as a result结果be important to对来说重要stand with its eyes closed

56、闭着眼站着smell things far away闻到远处的xxrun for hours without stopping跑数小时而不停kill for fun为了乐趣而捕杀What a shame!= What a pity! 多可惜ema member of的一员members of的成员have feelings of happiness and sadness有快乐或悲伤的感觉move around slowly in the daytime白天的时候移动缓慢sleep through the winter冬眠in order to为了Unit 6 Birdwatchinglike

57、 birdwatching喜欢观鸟go birdwatching去观鸟go to the market去集市the birds at the market在市集的鸟give them descriptions of the birds给他们鸟的描述brown and grey features棕灰色的羽毛how many types多少种talk about the birds you like谈论你喜欢的鸟Zhalong Nature Reservexx自然保护区in North-east China = in the north-east of China在xx东北部provide sb

58、with sth = provide sth for sb给某人提供某物provide food and cover for a lot of wildlife 为许多野生动物提供食物和栖息地all year round全年/一年到头for a short stay短暂停留lead to导致have more space有更多的空间have enough food to eat有足够的食物吃the Chinese government中国政府once a year一年一次the number of 的数量record their types and changes in their numbe

59、rs记录他们类型和数量的变化count and describe the birds清点并描述鸟understand the importance of (doing) sthxx(做)的重要性understand the importance of the wetlands理解湿地的重要性live in large cages住在大笼子里cover an area of over 20 square kilometers占地面积超过20平方千米write down what you see写下你所看到的at bird shows在鸟展上in their poems在他们的诗歌中a poem

60、about 一首关于的诗part of our lives我们生活的部分introduce myself自我介绍introduce A to B 把A介绍给Benjoy the natural world享受自然界call me on 010-5558 6390打010-5558 6390找我email me at (邮箱)发送邮件给我到(邮箱)encourage sb (not) to do sth鼓励某人(不)做某事nkrdshow sb sth = show sth to sbshow the students some pictures给学生看一些照片prevent (sb) from


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