1、PAGE PAGE 15国有建设用地使用权出让合同Contract for State-Owned Construction Land Use Right Assignment 中华人民共和国国土资源部与中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局制定Formulated by the Ministry of Land and Resources of the Peoples Republic of China, andThe State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China合同号码:Contr
2、act No.:本合同双方当事人:The Concerned Parties of this Contract:出让人:Assignor:邮政地址:Mailing Address: 邮政编码Postal Code: 电话:Tel: 传真:Fax: + 开户银行: Name of Opening Bank: 账号: Account No.: 受让人: Assignee: 通讯地址: Mailing Address: 邮政编码: Postal Code: 电话: Tel: 传真: Fax: 开户银行: Name of Opening Bank: 账号: Account No.:第一章 总则Chap
3、ter I General Provisions第一条 根据中华人民共和国物权法、中华人民共和国合同法、 中华人民共和国土地管理法、中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法等法律、有关行政法规及土地供应政策规定,双方本着平等、自愿、有偿、诚实信用的原则,订立本合同。Article 1 In accordance with the Real Right Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the Law of Land Administration of the P
4、eoples Republic of China, the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Administration of the Urban Real Estates, relevant administrative regulations and rules on land supply policies, the two parties enter this contract based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, compensation, honesty and cre
5、dibility. 第二条 出让土地的所有权属中华人民共和国,出让人根据法律的授权出让建设用地使用权,地下资源、埋藏物不属于土地使用权出让范围。Article 2 The ownership of the assigned land belongs to the Peoples Republic of China. The Assignor can only assign the state-owned construction land use right to the Assignee in accordance with laws. The resources and objects b
6、uried there under shall continue to be owned by the State.第三条 受让人对依法取得的国有建设用地,在出让期限内享有占有、使用、收益和依法处置的权利,有权利用该土地依法建造建筑物、构筑物及其附属设施。Article 3 The holder of the right to use construction land (the Assignee) has the right to possess, use and seek proceeds from the land owned by the state, and shall be ent
7、itled to the construction of buildings, fixtures and their auxiliary facilities by making use of such land.第二章 出让土地的交付与出让价款的缴纳Chapter II Delivery of the Assigned Land and Payment of the Assignment Charge第四条 本合同项下出让宗地编号为 ,宗地总面积大写 平方米(小写 . 平方米),其中出让宗地面积为大写 平方米(小写 平方米)。Article 4 The Registered No. of t
8、he land parcel under this contract is:_, with a total area of (in Upper Case) square meters (in Lower Case square meters). Of which, the assigned land area of the land parcel is (in Upper Case) square meters ( in Lower Case square meters).本合同项下的出让宗地坐落于 。The assigned land under this contract is locat
9、ed at .本合同项下出让宗地的平面界址为 / ;出让宗地的平面界址图见附件1。The ichnographic boundaries of the assigned land under this contract: Please see the Sketch of Ichnographic Boundaries of the Assigned Land (Affix I)本合同项下出让宗地的竖向界限以 / 为上界限,以 / 为下界限,高差为 / 米。出让宗地竖向界限见附件2。The vertical limits of the assigned land under this contr
10、act are to take / as its upper limit while to take / as its lower limit, with the altitude difference of meters. Please see the Sketch of Vertical Limits of the Assigned Land (Affix II).出让宗地空间范围是以上述界址点所构成的垂直面和上、下界限高程平面封闭形成的空间范围。The spatial extent of the assigned land refers to the closed space forme
11、d by the above-said boundary points posed by the vertical plane and the upper and lower elevation level. 第五条 本合同项下出让宗地的用途为 工业用地 面积: 公顷 。Article 5 The use purpose of the assigned land under this contract is for industrial land with an area of hectares.第六条 出让人同意在 年 月 日前将出让宗地交付给受让人,出让人同意在交付土地时该宗地应达到本条第
12、 (二) 项规定的土地条件:Article 6 The Assignor agrees to deliver the assigned land to the Assignee prior to the date of . And the Assignor agrees that the assigned land shall meet the following land conditions regulated in Item 2 of this article upon delivering the land.(一)场地平整达到 ;1. To level the land and mak
13、e it meet the conditions of:周围基础设施达到 The infrastructure around the land shall include:(二)现状土地条件 2. Current Status:第七条 本合同项下的国有建设用地使用权出让年期为 50 年,按本合同第六条约定的交付土地之日起算;原划拨(承租)国有建设用地使用权补办出让手续的,出让年期自合同签订之日起算。Article 7 The use term of the state-owned construction land use right under this contract is 50 yea
14、rs, counting from the date when the assigned land is delivered according to the Article 6 of this contract. In case applying for completion of the formalities on state-owned construction land use right which is previously allotted (or leased), the use term shall be counted from the date when the con
15、tract is signed.第八条 本合同项下宗地的国有建设用地使用权出让价款为人民币大写 元 (小写 元),每平方米人民币大写 元(小写 元) Article 8 The assignment charge for the state-owned construction land use right under this contract is RMB (in Upper Case) (in Lower Case) RMB , with RMB (in Upper Case) (in Lower Case) RMB for per square meter.第九条 本合同项下宗地的定金
16、为人民币大写 元(小写 元),定金抵作土地出让价款。Article 9 The advance deposit for the assigned land under this contract is RMB (in Upper Case) , (in Lower Case) RMB. The advance deposit shall be regarded as a part of the payment for the assignment charge.第十条 受让人同意按照本条第一款第 (一) 项的规定向出让人支付国有建设用地使用权出让价款:Article 10 The Assign
17、ee agrees to pay the assignment charge in a lump-sum payment for the state-owned construction land use right according to Item 1 of this article: (一)本合同签订之日起 60 日内,一次性付清国有建设用地使用权出让价款;1. The assignment charge for the state-owned construction land use right shall be paid up in lump-sum payment within
18、60 days after this contract is signed. (二)按以下时间和金额分 / 期向出让人支付国有建设用地使用权出让价款。2. The assignment charge for the state-owned construction land use right shall be paid in installments according to the following time and amount.分期支付国有建设用地使用权出让价款的,受让人在支付第二期及以后各期国有建设用地使用权出让价款时,同意按照支付第一期土地出让价款之日中国人民银行公布的贷款利率,
19、向出让人支付利息。In case the assignment charge for the state-owned construction land use right is paid in installments, the Assignee agrees to pay interests to the Assignor. When the second installment and each installment thereafter are paid according to payment schedule, the interests shall be paid based
20、on the interest rate published by the Peoples Band of China (PBOC) on the date when the first installment occurs.第十一条 受让人应在按本合同约定付清本宗地全部出让价款后,持本合同和出让价款缴纳凭证等相关证明材料,申请出让国有建设用地使用权登记。Article 11 After paying up all the assignment charges of the land parcel in accordance with this contract, the Assignee m
21、ay apply for the Certificate of State-owned Construction Land Use Right Assignment by presenting this contract and payment receipt of the assignment charge.第三章 土地开发建设与利用Chapter III The Development, Construction and Utilization of the Assigned Land第十二条 受让人同意本合同项下宗地开发投资强度按本条第 项规定执行:Article 12 The Assi
22、gnee agrees the investment intensity to develop the assigned land under this contract shall be meet the criteria stipulated in Item of this article:(一)本合同项下宗地用于工业项目建设,受让人同意本合同项下宗地的项目固定资产总投资不低于经批准或登记备案的金额人民币大写 万元(小写 万元),投资强度不低于每平方米人民币大写 元(小写 元)。本合同项下宗地建设项目的固定资产总投资包括建筑物、构筑物及其附属设施、设备投资和出让价款等。1. Where t
23、he assigned land under this contract is used for construction of industrial projects, the Assignee agrees the fixed assets invested in the land under this contract are not less than the approved amount or the amount put on file, RMB (in Upper Case) (in Lower Case RMB ) and the investment intensity i
24、s not less than RMB (in Upper Case) (in Lower Case RMB_ ) per square meter. The investment of fixed assets to the assigned land under this contract shall include buildings, fixtures and their auxiliary facilities as well as the assignment charge.(二)本合同项下宗地用于非工业项目建设,受让人承诺本合同项下宗地的开发投资总额不低于人民币大写 万元(小写
25、万元)。2. Where the assigned land under this contract is used for construction of non-industrial projects, the Assignee guarantees the total investment to the assigned land under this contract is not less than RMB (in Upper Case) (in Lower Case RMB ).第十三条 受让人在本合同项下宗地范围内新建建筑物、构筑物及其附属设施的,应符合市(县)政府规划管理部门确
26、定的出让宗地规划条件(见附件3)。其中:Article 13 The new buildings, fixtures and their auxiliary facilities established on the assigned land under this contract shall be satisfied with the planning conditions for the assigned land regulated by the municipal (county) planning administrations. (Please see Appendix III)
27、.主体建筑物性质 The nature of the main building 附属建筑物性质 The nature of the affiliated buildings建筑总面积 平方米;The total construction area square meters.建筑容积率不高于 不低于 ;The floor area ratio (FAR) is not more than not less than 建筑限高 Building Height Limitation:建筑密度不高于 不低于 ;Building Density is not more than not less t
28、han 绿地率不高于 不低于 ;Greening Rate is not more than not less than其他土地利用要求 Other requirements for the land use: 第十四条 受让人同意本合同项下宗地建设配套按本条第 (一) 项规定执行:Article 14 The Assignee agrees to develop the assigned land under this contract according to Item A of this article:(一)本合同项下宗地用于工业项目建设,根据规划部门确定的规划设计条件,本合同受让宗地
29、范围内用于企业内部行政办公及生活服务设施的占地面积不超过受让宗地面积的 ,即不超过 平方米, 建筑面积不超过 平方米。受让人同意不在受让宗地范围内建造成套住宅、专家楼、宾馆、招待所和培训中心等非生产性设施;A. The assigned land under this contract is used for construction of industrial projects. In accordance with the planning and designing conditions regulated by the planning departments, within the
30、boundaries of the assigned land under this contract, the land used for office buildings and life and service facilities shall not be more than % of the total area of the assigned land, that is, not more than square meters, and the construction area shall not be more than square meters. The Assignee
31、agrees not to build unproductive facilities on the assigned land under this contract, including residential packages, experts floor, hotel, guest house or training center etc.(二)本合同项下宗地用于住宅项目建设,根据规划建设管理部门确定的规划建设条件,本合同受让宗地范围内住宅建设总套数不少于 / 套。其中,套型建筑面积 90平方米以下住房套数不少于 / 套,住宅建设套型要求为 / 。本合同项下宗地范围内套型建筑面积90平
32、方米以下住房面积占宗地开发建设总面积的比例不低于 / 。本合同项下宗地范围内配套建设的经济适用住房、廉租住房等政府保障性住房,受让人同意建成后按本项下第 / 种方式履行:B. A. The assigned land under this contract is used for construction of residential projects. In accordance with the planning and construction conditions regulated by the planning and construction departments, withi
33、n the boundaries of the assigned land under this contract, the total number of apartments shall not be less than sets, of which, the apartments with the construction area of less-than 90 square meters shall not be less than sets. Within the boundaries of the assigned land under this contract, the la
34、nd area used for developing apartments under 90 square meters shall not less than % of the total area of the assigned land. In case the economically affordable housing and low-rent housing are developed within the boundaries of the assigned land under this contract, the Assignee agrees to do accordi
35、ng to Term / of this item upon completion of construction.1移交给政府;. To transfer to the local government;2由政府回购;. To be purchased by the local government;3按政府经济适用住房建设和销售管理的有关规定执行;. To implement relevant administrative regulations on construction and sales of economically affordable housing and low-ren
36、t housing.第十五条 受让人同意在本合同项下宗地范围内同步修建下列工程配套项目,并在建成后无偿移交给政府:Article 15 The Assignee agrees to construct the following necessary facilities within the boundaries of the assigned land under this contract, and voluntarily transfer to the government upon completion of construction:第十六条 受让人同意本合同项下宗地建设项目在 20
37、11年 月 日之前开工,在 2012 年 月 日之前竣工。Article 16 The Assignee agrees that the construction projects on the assigned land under this contract shall commence prior to , 2011 and complete prior to , 2012.受让人不能按期开工,应提前30日向出让人提出延建申请,经出让人同意延建的,其项目竣工时间相应顺延,但延建期限不得超过一年。In case the commencement of construction needs
38、to be deferred, the Assignee shall submit the application for deferral to the Assignor 30 days in advance. After the deferral of commencement is approved by the Assignor, the time of completion shall be deferred accordingly. But the deferral shall not exceed one year. 第十七条 受让人在本合同项下宗地内进行建设时,有关用水、用气、
39、污水及其他设施与宗地外主管线、用电变电站接口和引入工程,应按有关规定办理。Article 17 During the construction on the assigned land under this contract, where water supply, gas supply, power supplies, sewage disposal, and other facilities need to be connected with the main pipelines outside of the assigned land, the Assignee agrees to do
40、 according to relevant rules.受让人同意政府为公用事业需要而敷设的各种管道与管线进出、通过、穿越受让宗地,但由此影响受让宗地使用功能的,政府或公用事业营建主体应当给予合理补偿。 The Assignee agrees the entering, passing and crossing of any kind of pipelines laid by the government for public purposes. However, in case where the land use functions are affected, the governmen
41、t or relevant departments shall make reasonable compensations.第十八条 受让人应当按照本合同约定的土地用途、容积率利用土地,不得擅自改变。在出让期限内,需要改变本合同约定的土地用途的,双方同意按照本条第 (一) 项规定办理:Article 18 The Assignee shall utilize the land according to this contract. Any alteration of land-use purpose and plot ration is prohibited. Within the assig
42、nment term, where the land use purpose needs to be altered, both parties agree to do according to Item A of this article.(一)由出让人有偿收回建设用地使用权;A. The Assignor shall withdraw the construction land use right with compensation to the Assignee;(二)依法办理改变土地用途批准手续,签订国有建设用地使用权出让合同变更协议或者重新签订国有建设用地使用权出让合同,由受让人按照
43、批准改变时新土地用途下建设用地使用权评估市场价格与原土地用途下建设用地使用权评估市场价格的差额补缴国有建设用地使用权出让价款,办理土地变更登记。B. To go through the approval formalities of altering the land use purpose in accordance with laws, to sign an alteration agreement on the state-owned construction land use right assignment or sign a new contract on the state-ow
44、ned construction land use right assignment. The Assignee shall make a supplementary payment for the balance between the evaluated market price of the construction land use right with the new purpose and the evaluated market price of the construction land use right with the previously approved purpos
45、e. The evaluated market price shall subject to the time when the alteration of the land use purpose is approved. The registration of altering the land use right shall be undertaken.第十九条 本合同项下宗地在使用期限内,政府保留对本合同项下宗地的规划调整权,原规划如有修改,该宗地已有的建筑物不受影响,但在使用期限内该宗地建筑物、构筑物及其附属设施改建、翻建、重建,或者期限届满申请续期时,必须按届时有效的规划执行。Ar
46、ticle 19 Within the use term of the assigned land under this contract, the government reserves its right to adjust the planning of the assigned land under this contract. In case the original planning needs to be modified, it shall not affect the existing buildings on the assigned land parcel. But in
47、 case the transformation, renovation and rebuilding of the buildings, fixtures and their affiliated facilities on the assigned land within its use term, or when applying for renewal of the contract upon expiration of use term, the adjusted planning shall prevail.第二十条对受让人依法使用的国有建设用地使用权,在本合同约定的使用年限届满前
48、,出让人不得收回;在特殊情况下,根据社会公共利益需要提前收回国有建设用地使用权的,出让人应当依照法定程序报批,并根据收回时地上建筑物、构筑物及其附属设施的价值和剩余年期国有建设用地使用权的评估市场价格及经评估认定的直接损失给予土地使用者补偿。Article 20 The Assignee shall utilize the state-owned construction land use right in accordance with law. The Assignor shall not withdraw before the use term in this contract expi
49、res. Under special circumstances, where the Assignor needs to withdraw the state-owned construction land use right for the purpose of social public interests before expiration of use term, approval formalities shall be needed in accordance with laws. And the Assignor shall compensate the Assignee ac
50、cording to the value of buildings, fixtures and their affiliated facilities on the assigned land at the time of withdrawal; the evaluated market price of the remained use term of the state-owned construction land use right; and the evaluated direct loss arising from the withdrawal.第四章 国有建设用地使用权转让、出租
51、、抵押 Chapter IV The Transfer, Lease and Mortgage of the State-Owned Construction Land Use Right 第二十一条 受让人按照本合同约定支付全部国有建设用地使用权出让价款,领取国有土地使用证后,有权将本合同项下的全部或部分国有建设用地使用权转让、出租、抵押。首次转让的,应当符合本条第 (一) 项规定的条件:Article 21 After paying up the assignment charge of the state-owned construction land use right in acco
52、rdance with this contract, and obtains the Certificate for the Use of State-owned Land, the Assignee is entitled to transfer, lease or mortgage all or part of the state-owned construction land use right to a third party. Where the first transfer occurs, it shall meet the conditions regulated in the
53、Item A of this article:(一)按照本合同约定进行投资开发,完成开发投资总额的百分之二十五以上;A. The investment and development to the assigned land shall have begun in accordance with this contract, and 25% or above of the total investment have been made;(二)按照本合同约定进行投资开发,已形成工业用地或其他建设用地条件。B. The investment and development shall have b
54、egun in accordance with this contract, and the assigned land has formed conditions for industrial purpose or other construction purposes.第二十二条 国有建设用地使用权的转让、出租及抵押合同,不得违背国家法律、法规规定和本合同约定。Article 22 The contracts on transfer, lease and mortgage of the state-owned construction land use right shall not go
55、 against the laws and regulations of the country and the articles of this contract.第二十三条 国有建设用地使用权全部或部分转让后,本合同和土地登记文件中载明的权利、义务随之转移,国有建设用地使用权的使用年限为本合同约定的使用年限减去已经使用年限后的剩余年限。Article 23 Where all or part of the state-owned construction land use right is transferred, the rights and obligations specified
56、in this contract and in the land registration documents shall be transferred accordingly. The use term of the transfer contract for the assigned land is the remainder of the use term specified in this contract minuses the number of the years in which the Assignee has used the land.本合同项下的全部或部分国有建设用地使
57、用权出租后,本合同和土地登记文件中载明的权利、义务仍由受让人承担。Where all or part of the state-owned construction land use right is leased, the rights and obligations specified in this contract and in the land registration documents shall be still borne by the Assignee. 第二十四条 国有建设用地使用权转让、抵押的,转让、抵押双方应持本合同和相应的转让、抵押合同及国有土地使用证,到国土资源管
58、理部门申请办理土地变更登记。Article 24 Where the state-owned construction land use right is transferred or mortgaged, both parties related to the transfer and mortgage shall apply for registration of changes for the land use right at the land and resources administrative department by presenting this contract, co
59、ntract on transfer or contract on mortgage, and the Certificate for the Use of State-owned Land.第五章 期限届满 Chapter V Expiration of Use Term第二十五条 本合同约定的使用年限届满,土地使用者需要继续使用本合同项下宗地的,应当至迟于届满前一年向出让人提交续期申请书,除根据社会公共利益需要收回本合同项下宗地的,出让人应当予以批准。Article 25 When the use term agreed in this contract expires, and the
60、land user continues using the assigned land under this contract, an application for renewal shall be submitted to the Assignor not less than one year prior to the use term expires. The Assignor shall approve the renewal unless the Assignor needs to withdraw the assigned land under this contract for
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