



1、2022-2023学年河北省承德市平泉县黄土梁子中学高二英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. -How you found the information about famous people _ you can use for the report?-Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet. A. which B. who C. what D. whom参考答案:A2. the phenomenon of bystander effect in the Yueyue event, most Chinese strongly believe that t

2、here still exist love and warmth in peoples heartsAIn spite of BIn addition to CBecause of DOn behalf of参考答案:A3. Electric trains have now _ steam trains in England.A. taken place B. taken up C. taken on D. taken the place of参考答案:A略4. With what she needed _, she left the shop and made her way home th

3、rough the storm. A. buying B. bought C. was bought D. had been bought参考答案:B5. Do you think you will have the work _ on time?A. finished B. finishing C. to finish D. finish 参考答案:A6. -Have the arrangements for the concert next Saturday been all _?-Not yet. We havent found a free hand.A. in store B. in

4、 trouble C. in turn D. in place参考答案:D7. My birthday is coming. I wish I _ able to receive a very big gold apple as a gift from God.A. were B. was C. am D. can参考答案:A略8. The students are _ to ride the public bicycles to Mount Tianlong for a spring outing.A. perhaps B. likely C. possible D. probable 参考

5、答案:B9. -Shall we go out for a walk or go to the movie? -_ . They are both great ideas. A. It makes no difference to me B. Thats all right C. Yes, we shall. I like them D. It doesnt matter参考答案:A10. As a young man, his father used to _ in the market, trying to find a job for a few coins.A. knock down

6、B. knock about C. knock over D. knock off参考答案:B34. Though computers can do a lot of work man cant do, they cant completely _ human beings. A. replace with B. break down C. take place D. take the place of参考答案:D略12. Come and see me whenever_.Ayou are convenient Byou will be convenientCit is convenient

7、 to you Dit will be convenient to you参考答案:C略13. The research depends on the belief _ when the rules are applied impersonally, the result can be accurate. A. that B. what C. unless D. if参考答案:A略14. Next winter, _ youll spend in Hainan, Im sure, will be exciting holiday.A. which B. when C. what D. wher

8、e参考答案:A15. So far, large quantities of information _ sent to the company by email, which has a great effect on improving the quality of its products.A. has been B. have been C. was D. were参考答案:B略二、 填空16. I will never forget the day when I went to a coming-of age ceremony. Last month, an unforgettabl

9、e adult ceremony _56_ (hold) for all the senior 3 students in our school. It began at half past two in the afternoon. Decorated by color1 ful flowers and balloons, the stadium looked _57_ (fantastic) beautiful. All of us students were dressed _58_ school uniforms with red ribbons on our wrists, show

10、ing the energy of youth. We walked into the stadium in high spirits. _59_ (accompany) by our parents. Our principal delivered_60_inspiring speech at first, and we received _61_ (congratulate) from our teachers. During the ceremony, we expressed our heart-felt gratitude to our parents by_62_ (bow) to

11、 them. I was moved to tears when I got a photo album from my parents, _63_ reminded me of my happy childhood. In the end, we raised our right hands and _64_ (make) a serious promise to become reliable and honest citizens. As far as Im concerned, the ceremony indicates that we should take on more res

12、ponsibilities to be _65_ (independence) and get away from the shelter of our family.参考答案:56. was held 57. fantastically 58. in 59. accompanied 60. an 61. congratulations 62. bowing 63. which 64. made 65. independent【分析】这是一篇记叙文。叙述了作者成人典礼的过程以及它给作者带来的感悟。【56题详解】考查一般过去时被动语态。句意:上个月,一场令人难忘的高三成人礼在我校举行。an un

13、forgettable adult ceremony(主语)与hold (谓语)是被动,last month是一般过去时时间状语,故填was held。【57题详解】考查副词。句意:运动场看起来极其漂亮。副词fantastically 修饰形容词beautiful,故填fantastically 。【58题详解】考查介词。句意:我们所有同学都穿着校服。be dressed in.穿着.,故填in。【59题详解】考查过去分词。句意:我们在父母的陪伴下,情绪高昂地走进运动场。Walked为句子的谓语,所以accompany为非谓语,We 与accompany是被动,所以填accompanied,故

14、填accompanied。【60题详解】考查不定冠词。句意:我们的校长发表了鼓舞人心的演讲。deliver a speech 做演讲。在本句中speech被inspiring修饰,且inspiring第一个音素为元音,故填an。【61题详解】考查名词复数。句意:我们收到了老师们的祝贺。Congratulations贺词,祝贺,故填Congratulations。【62题详解】考查动名词。句意:我们通过鞠躬的方式向我们的父母表达了衷心地感谢。by doing sth通过做某事,故填bowing。【63题详解】考查定语从句关系代词。句意:当我从父母手中接过一本影集时,它让我想起了我快乐的童年,我感

15、动地流下了眼泪。句子的先行词为a photo album from my parents,在定语从句,_8_ reminded me of my happy childhood做 reminded的主语,关系代词可选that或which。又因为定语从句前有逗号,判断为非限制性定语从句,不选that,而选which,故填which。【64题详解】考查一般过去时。句意:我们举起了我们的右手,庄严宣誓成为一名诚实守信的公民。and 连接raised 和made,故填made。【65题详解】考查形容词。仪式表明我们应该承担更多的责任,独立自主,远离家庭的庇护。根据句意,故填independent。【点

16、睛】非谓语动词是考试考查的重点,要掌握它的用法。首先,要弄清楚填空处要填的是非谓语。其次,要知道非谓语动词的三种形式:现在分词、过去分词、动词不定式。再次,要知道非谓语动作与谓语动作是同时发生还是先后发生,还是将要发生。其中分词做状语的考查尤为重要,在小题4中可以很好地体现,在确定句子谓语是walked 后,我们判断出accompany是非谓语,再判断出句子主语we 与accompany是被动,所以用过去分词,故accompanied 为正确答案。三、 阅读理解17. These days I am on my very best behavior whenever I leave the h

17、ouse. If I am wearing pantyhose(连裤袜), I double-check to ensure there is no hole on it. I drive thoughtfully as if Im being tested for a license. I wont even allow myself to frown when another driver is blocking my path.My kids have noticed my fear in public. “Why are you looking all around, Mum?” th

18、ey asked.“You cant be too careful,” I said. “Every single person around us is hiding one of cell phone cameras. They are glad to catch somebody doing something stupid or embarrassing. Then theyll put it on YouTube and a million people will see. Im not taking any chances.”“But I dont think anyone is

19、interested in filming you putting on your lipstick for a YouTube video.” answered one kid.“Oh, really? Dont count me out so quickly.” I said.Actually, in some cases, I am all for public shaming. For example, I admire the cleverness of the man who put up a website where he posts photos of cars and li

20、cense numbers of people who occupy two parking spots. And I take secret pleasure in photos of politicians with their fingers in their noses. Throwing light on bad behavior can awake the sleepy conscience(良知).But what about the poor guy who has already had a bad day at work and then loses his temper

21、at a rude store clerk? What about the woman whose only crime is a terrible judgment error at the hairdresser? Do they deserve to have their images uploaded onto the Internet for all the world to see?None of this is new, of course. Allen Funt pioneered the art of catching people during unguarded mome

22、nts back in the 1940s with “Candid Camera”. But theres a difference. On “Candid Camera”, people are set up in staged situations, such as riding in an elevator that goes sideways. And they must give permission before they enjoy their fifteen minutes of fame. Now we are a nation of Allen Funts. This c

23、ant be a good thing.12. What is the author like?A. She is poor at driving.B. She is a very fashionable dresser.C. She is very cautious about her behavior.D. She is sick to death of others rudeness.13. What is the author truly afraid of?A. Making mistakes before her kids.B. Being filmed while doing s

24、omething stupid.C. Getting involved in a quarrel with others.D. Watching videos on YouTube.14. From the text, the author thinks it good_.A. to keep the poors mistakes secret.B. to download images from the Internet.C. to take pleasure in making funny videos.D. to make the public aware of bad behavior.15. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggest?A. People can be easily caught in embarrassing moments.B. We are permitted to upload images onto the Internet.C. It was once a fashion to film people in unguarded moments.D. Cell phones ma


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