



1、2021-2022学年山东省济南市泺口中学高二英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The youngsters are to be taught to have respect _ social moral standards.Aof BforCover Dwith参考答案:答案:B句意:年轻人应当受到教育,尊重社会道德规范。have respect for是习惯用语,意为“尊重”。2. Jack, this is the third time that you have been late this week. Sorry, sir, but I was _ for 15 minutes o

2、n the way here in the traffic jam. A. held up B. put up C. taken up D. given up参考答案:A3. He did not feel the need to say compliments, since he believed one should be confident within his heart.A. wishes B. complainsC. apologies D. praises参考答案:D考查名词。句意:他不觉得有必要说恭维话,因为他相信一个人应该在心里充满自信。A.愿望;B.抱怨;C.道歉;D.赞美

3、。故选D.4. _ rich people are, they are anxious to make more money.A. No matter what B. whatever C. However D. No matter参考答案:C5. Elder brother as he is, he is to assist his sisters with study.A. unbearable B. uncertain C. unwilling D. unusual参考答案:C6. They left the office without _ a word . A. having sai

4、d B. saying C. to say D. said参考答案:B试题分析:句意:他们一句话也没说就离开了办公室。Without是介词后用动词-ing形式,此处表伴随不表时态故选B. 考点:考查动词形式。7. _ is known to all that Taiwan is part of China and it shall not be separated from the mainland. A. It B. As C. that D. what 参考答案:A8. The best way to wash _ one of these sticky cakes is with a c

5、up of tea, which aids the digestion.AupBoutCdownDoff参考答案:Cwash down“(用水、汤等)把食物送下”;wash up“洗刷(盘、碟);洗脸(手)”;wash out/off“洗净,洗掉”。9. -I sent him a most interesting story book by mail this morning.-You_so; hes coming tomorrow morning.A. neednt do B.neednt have done C.dont need to do D.didnt need do参考答案:B1

6、0. There are nine _students in the school. A. hundreds B. hundred of C. hundred参考答案:C11. This is a novel, but _, it can be looked _ a biography.A. in other words, for B. on the other hand, as C. for one thing, of D. as a matter of fact, on参考答案:b略12. _ round the city, we were impressed by the citys n

7、ew look.A. TakenB. TakingC. To be taken D. Being taken 参考答案:A略13. Carl is studying food science at college and hopes to open meat processing factory of his own .A. the ; a B. the ; the C, / ; the D. / ; a参考答案:D14. Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut?You should try the barbers _ I g

8、o. Its only 15.A. as B. which C. where D. that参考答案:C15. I dont feel sympathy _ the beggars who actually have the ability to work. I am in sympathy _ your point of view. A. for; on B for; with. C. with; for D. on; for 参考答案:B略16. Just an hour ago he told me on the phone that he _ home right after his

9、work.A. has come B. comes C. came D. would come参考答案:D考查动词时态。句意:就在一个小时前,他在电话里告诉我,他下班后马上回家。根据句意可知一小时前他说下班后回家,表示从过去某个时间点看将来的动作,要用过去将来时,故选D.【点睛】过去将来时表示从过去的某一时间来看将来要发生的动作或存在的状态。过去将来时常用于宾语从句和间接引语中。过去将来时由would,was/were going to,was/were to was/were about to等加动词原形构成,也可由was/were on the point of加动名词构成。例句 I kn

10、ew you would agree. 我知道你会同意的。 I said I would arrange everything. 我说我来安排一切。 I didnt know if he would come. 我不知道他是否会来。 17. As a film star she was a success,but as a wife she was _failure,so their marriage ended in _failure. A. 不填;不填 B. 不填;a C. a;a D. a;不填参考答案:D18. East of our school _ two companies _

11、make electric motorbikes.A. are, that B. is; where C.is; that D.are ; where参考答案:A二、 单词拼写61. The problem of food s_has become household talk in China.62. Friends between girls are a_in shared feeling and support.63. Its important to raise peoples awareness of e_ protection.64. I told her we werent go

12、ing to be friends any more because she couldnt keep her w_.65. Life is no fun without a c_to share it with you.66. The other side of the picture is quite the_.(相反)67. Its against the law to cut down trees in large_.(大量地)68. Most of us have formed an_(不真实的)picture of life on a desert island.69. As lo

13、ng ago as the fourteenth century,an Englishman made the_(不寻常的)discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money.70. A crowd of people gathered round him and a lady rubbed his arm with soup and butter,but George was firmly_(卡住,夹住).参考答案:61. security/safety 62. anchored 63. environmental 64. w

14、ord 65. companion 66. opposite 67. quantities 68. unrealistic 69. remarkable 70. stuck单词拼写。61. 句意:食品安全问题已经变成中国日常谈论的话题。答案为security/safety。62. 句意:女生之间的友谊通常是以共享的情感和支持为基础的。be anchored in以.为基础。故答案为anchored。63. 句意:提高人们的环保意识是重要的。形容词修饰名词,可知答案为environmental。 64. 固定搭配:遵守诺言。可知答案为。65. 句意:生活中没有朋友分享的话就都很无趣。可知答案为c

15、ompanion。66. 句意:图画的另一边正好相反。用名词形式,可知答案为opposite。67. 句意:大量地砍树是违背法律的。quantities大量地,可知答案为quantities。68. 句意:我们中的多数人对荒岛生活形成了不切实际的想法。可知答案为unrealistic。69. 句意:早在十四世纪,一个英国人做出了一个不寻常的发现,他发现人们喜欢相当多的钱。形容词修饰名词,可知答案为remarkable。 70. 句意:乔治紧紧地被卡住。句子用被动语态,动词已经给出,可知答案为stuck。三、 阅读理解20. 阅读下列短文,从每题短文所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最

16、佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。They once seemed more at home on the busy streets of Asia like Delhi, Calcutta and Bangkok but cycle powered rickshaws (人力车) can now be seen taking people across town in many European cities. Many people believe that rickshaws are a good way of experiencing a city close-up, while als

17、o cutting down on traffic jams and pollution. In Berlin, one of the first cities to introduce this new model of transport, more than 200 bike-taxis go along at 15km per hour, past many tourist attractions and city parks. “It is completely environmentally friendly; we have new models with an engine t

18、o help the driver up the hills but they use renewable energy.” said a spokesman for VELOTAXI, the leading rickshaw company which has carried a quarter of a million people this year. While the city still has 7,000 motor-taxis, rickshaw company officials say their taxis green ideas, speed and safety m

19、ake them more than just a tourist attraction. While now increasingly out of fashion in Delhi, Berlin people have eagerly accepted the new fleet since their launch in 1997. “Its better than a taxi, better than a bus, better than the train,” said ULF Lehman, 36, as he leapt out of a rickshaw near the

20、world famous Brandenburg gate. “ It feels so free.” “ This is something out of the ordinary, you feel you are on holiday in Bangkok instead of Berlin,” said another traveler. In Amsterdam, driver Peter Jancso said people like to be driven around in his bright yellow rickshaw and pretend to be a quee

21、n in a golden carriage. I like my passengers to feel important, he said as he dropped off another passenger. Another visitor noted how cheap it was compared with a normal taxi. Although increasingly popular in Europe, it is the opposite in India, where hand-pulled rickshaws are considered inhuman an

22、d a symbol of Indias backward past. Nearly 500 bike-rickshaws are running in London and are not required to pay the citys road tax but things may change as other taxi drivers complain of unfair treatment.63. Where are rickshaws becoming more popular?A. Delhi, Berlin, Paris. B. Amsterdam, Bangkok, Delhi.C. Athens, London, Berlin. D. Berlin, Amsterdam, London.64. Why are rickshaws no longer as widely used in India as in the past?A. They are a reminder of a bad period in Indias history.B. They have been banned because they are inefficient.C. The streets of India are too crowded


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