1、我最喜欢的社团,英语作文My Favorite Society, English CompositionMy favorite club activity is skipping rope. Skipping rope enriches my life, enhances my physique, and makes me feel the joy of success.The famous French thinker Voltaire once said that life consists in movementn. Out of my love for sports, I chose
2、skipping rope among many club activities. Now that you have chosen skipping rope, since you want to have a healthy body, you have to study hard to skip rope. I also paid a great price for this: in the hot summer, other people are enjoying the coolness of the air conditioner at home, while I sweat li
3、ke rain on the empty playground and practice skipping rope; I cant reach out, others are enjoying the warmth of home, but I endure the strong wind and learn how to skip rope. Although so tired and so hard, I still deeply love the club activity of ,rskipping rope”.Another reason I like skipping rope
4、is that Mr. Yangs ingenious ,rautonomousn learning and teaching method. The members of our rope skipping team are all “autonomous in learning methods and training: when learning new tricks, the teacher downloads the movements to the computer, allowing us to enjoy the video and learn independently. I
5、t not only trains our thinking but also strengthens our physique; during training, “autonomy“ is fully reflected. We train in groups, rehearse patterns and arrange movements. On the skipping team, we truly feel that we are the little masters of sports.The establishment of the rope skipping club has
6、brought great help to my study. 11 m a sixth grader now, and the bowstrings that I study every day are taut. The activities of the rope skipping club have brought a lot of fun to my boring life. The combination of work and rest has improved my academic performance a lot.One hard work, one harvest. W
7、ith the joint efforts of our skipping team members, we have achieved many enviable achievements. In the Sunshine Sports Activities, Sunshine Youth, and other large and small activities, I tasted the joy of success. It also made me more confident to face life.I love jumping rope, I love jumping rope
8、clubs.中文翻译我最喜欢的社团,英语作文我最喜欢的社团活动是跳绳,跳绳丰富了我的生活,增 强了我的体质,让我体会到了成功的喜悦。法国著名的思想家伏尔泰曾经说过“生命在于运动”。 出于对运动的热爱我在众多社团活动中选择了花样跳绳。既 然选择了跳绳,既然想拥有健康的体魄,就得努力学习跳绳。 我也为此付出了很大的代价:炎炎夏日,别人在家里享受着 空调的凉爽,而我却在空旷的操场上挥汗如雨,练习跳绳; 数九寒冬,刺骨的.寒风让人的手都伸不出来,别人在享受 着家的温暖,而我却忍着狂风学习跳绳花样。虽然如此劳累, 如此辛苦,可我依旧深深喜爱着“跳绳”这项社团活动。我喜欢跳绳活动还有一个原因,那就是杨老师别出心裁 的“自主”学习教学方法。我们跳绳队的队员无论是在学习 方法和训练时,都做到“自主”:学习新花样时,老师把动 作下载到电脑上,让我们欣赏视频,自主学习。即锻炼了我 们的思维又增强了我们的体质;训练时,“自主”更得到了 充分的表达,我们自主分组进行训练,排练花样,编排动作。 在跳绳队,我们真正体会到自己是体育的小主人。跳绳社团的成立,给我的学习了带来了很大的帮助。我 现在是一名六年级的学生,每天学习的弓弦绷地紧紧的。跳 绳社团的活动给我枯燥的
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