已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、阅读技巧一、概述阅读理解(Part I Reading Comprehension),短文选材的原则是:1题材广泛。包括人物传记、社会、文化、日常知识、热门话题及科普常识等。涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解。 2体裁多样。包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等。3文章的语言为中等难度。无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词,如超出全日制文理科教学大纲中词汇表一至三级的范围,则用汉语注明词义。二、考核内容根据统测考试大纲的要求,主要测试以下6大类问题:1 提问文章主要观点比如会经常出现下列提问形式(选择题题干):(1) Which of the following is the main point of the p

2、assage? 下列哪项是文章的主要观点?(2) The author is primarily concerned with. 作者主要关注的是。考生应当排除文中的次要观点,归纳和总结其中的主要观点或中心思想,或者基本目标。2 提问文中的具体论据(1) The author mentions which of the following? 作者提到以下哪个?(2) According to the author根据作者(3) The author provides information that would answer which of the following questions.

3、本文提供的信息回答下列问题这类提问主要用来测试考生理解文中各个论据的能力,区别文中的主要观点的能力。考生不公应仔细阅读,还要有耐心各信心选择正确答案。3 提问文章的逻辑结构(1) The author develops the passage primarily by作者主要通过发展通道(2) Which of the following best explains why the author introduces? 下面哪一个最好的解释了为什么介绍?提问作者采用何种途径说明事由,或者论证的论据是否充分,凡此都用来检验考生对文章的理解能力和评论能力。4 寻求文章的推断观点(1) The pa

4、ssage implies that文章暗示(2) It can be inferred from the passage that从文章中可以推断出来(3) Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? 这可以从文章中推断出什么?它要求考生能推断话语中深层含义或弦外之音。 要学会理解作者的内涵和反义,或者作者选用某一词语的比喻用法。5 猜测某一单词或短语的具体含义(1) The phrase“”in the context means“”这句话在上下文的意思(2) The word“”most nearly means最近的

5、手段(3) Which of the following is closest to the word“”in paragraph 2? 下列哪个是最接近的词“”2段这要求考生具有根据构词法或上下文猜测词汇或短语的能力。6 作者的观点和态度(1) The authors attitude towards作者的态度(2) Whats the authors opinion about? 什么是作者的见解?这不仅用来测试考生在其他场合下如何应用作者思想的能力,而且检验考生识别事理关系能力,文中必有充分论据支持作者的态度、观点和信仰等。三、考试常见问题在三级英语统一考试中,许多考生在阅读理解部分失分

6、较多。究其因主要有以下几个方面:1阅读方法欠妥,速度较慢2对生词的恐惧心理3对句与句,段与段之间的逻辑关系不重视4不熟悉试题类型及解题方法四、解题技巧及方法(一)阅读方法1根据上下文,猜测词义在做阅读题时,考生不可能知道所有词汇的意义,不可避免会遇到不认识的词汇或固定短语。只要生词不多,考生通过提高自己的猜词能力,同样可以理解一个句子、一个段落,乃至一篇文章的含义。(1) 考生通过构词法猜测词义1) 派生法:有些单词是由前缀或后缀加上词根构成。如:in+correct=incorrdct use+ful=useful2)合成法:有些单词是由两个单词合成的。如:green+house=green

7、house ice+box=icebox3)缩略法:有些单词由于所含的字母太多,在文章中出现时,通常用缩略的形式。如:advertisementad. Laboratorylab.4)拼缀法:有些单词是由两个单词拼缀而成的,但与合成词不同的是拼缀后的单词并不是两个单词的简单相加。如:smoke+fogsmog(烟雾) Chinese+EnglishChinglish(中文式英文)(2) 考生通过分析生词所在的句子、段落的上下文,运用自己所掌握的语法构词法以及对其背景的了解,可以决定许多词在特定句子、段落中的内在涵义。运用上下文猜测词义,必须注意以下几点:1) 利用句子中自己能理解的其他词汇用句

8、子的基本含义来推断生词的词义。2) 运用所掌握的英语语法和表达句子中各部分关系的标点符号来判断生词的含义。3) 仅仅要求了解该生词的大概意义,不一定要明白该词汇的定义或同义词。2略读:略读的方法是首先看一下标题(在标题的情况下)。接着读第一段,抓住中心思想。再浏览一下其他段落的首句和末句。最后读完结尾段,这样就达到了略读的目的。略读要点一、将不熟悉的困难词语放弃不读,领会句子大意。略读要点二、阅读中有时会遇到一些较长的句子,可以通过语法结构了解什么是支撑主题的细节描写句,略去细节描写的部分,直接读出其中心含义。略读要点三、特别注意那些重要的构词和标点符号,因为它们可能会导致重要词汇意义的改变。

9、通常,略读适用于考查文章言主旨或大意的试题。例:After a hectic day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day .The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.There are fo

10、ur levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.Although your mind sl

11、ows down, from time to time you will dream, Scientists who study sleep state say that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands rapid eye movement.If you have trouble falling asleep, some people

12、recommend breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep!Question: A good title for this passage is_. A. sleep B. good health C. dreams D. work and rest说明:本题属于主旨型

13、试题,答案为A项。全文共分为四段。第一段说明睡眠的重要性;第二段解释睡眠的四个阶段用睡眠中肌肉、心跳各大脑的活动;第三段指出做梦时伴有眼球活动这一现象;第四段告诉我们治疗失眠的办法。这四段一环扣一环,始终没有离开睡眠这一主题,所以A项是正确答案。回答本题时,考生无需逐句地读,只读首句或末句就行了。3迅读:迅读要领一:首先确定你需要什么事实和细节,并对其形式进行估计。迅读要领二:在略读中由于对各段落和句子已进行过分析,已大致了解主题和细节,迅读要领三:尽快用眼睛扫过文章,找到自己需要的细节描述部分,并在有关句子下做出各种记忆符号。 例:Languages are marvelously comp

14、lex and wonderfully complicated organs of culture: they embody the quickest and the most efficient means of communicating within their respective culture; in the words of a poet and philosopher,“ As many languages as one speaks, so many lives one lives”. A culture and its languages are as inseparabl

15、e as brain and body; while one is a part of the other, neither can function without the other. In learning a foreign language, the best beginning is with the non-verbal linguistic elements of the language, its gestures, its body language. Eye contact is extremely important in English. Direct eye con

16、tact leads to understanding, or, as the English maxim has it, seeing eye-to-eye. We can never see eye-to-eye with a native speaker of English until we have learned to look directly into his eyes.Question: According to this passage, the best way to learn a foreign language is_.A. to read the works of

17、 poets and philosophers B. to find a native speaker and look directly into his eyesC. to begin by learning its body language D. to visit a country where English is spoken说明:本题属于细节型试题,答案为C项。原文中的第四名“In learning a foreign language, the best beginning is with the non-verbal linguistic elements of the la

18、nguage, its gestures, its body language.”,其中“non-verbal”意为“非语言的”。此句大意为:学最好由非文字性语言因素开始经,即从学习讲这种语言的人的手势、肢体语言入手。因此“to begin by learning its body language”正好与题意吻合,故应推断C项为正确答案。考生只需运用迅读法,快速找到这句话所在位置,然后根据句意做出正确的判断。例:Very high waves are destructive when they strike the land. Fortuately, this seldom happens.

19、 One reason is that out at sea, waves moving in one direction almost always run into waves moving in a different direction. The two sets of waves tend to cancel each other out. Another reason is that water is shallower near the shore. As a wave gets closer to land, the shallow bottom helps reduce it

20、s strength.But the power of waves striking the shore can still be very great. During a winter gale, waves sometimes strike the shore with the force of 6,000 pounds for each square foot. That means a wave, 25 feet high and 500 feet along its face, may strike the shore with a force of 75 million pound

21、s.Yet the waves, no matter how big or how violent, affect only the surface of the sea. During most raging storms, the water a hundred fathoms(600 feet) beneath the surface is just as calm as on a day without a breath of wind.Question: From your reading of the paragraph, which of the following is tru

22、e? A. At a depth of 1,200 feet the effects ofa violent surface storm are frightful.B. A submarine commander navigating his vessel at a depth of 700 feet will not be affected by a raging surface storm.C. A typhoon 500 miles out at sea can stir up the ocean bed.D. If high waves can strike the shore wi

23、th a horizontal force of 75 million pounds, the vertical force of such waves can have an even greater effect upon the ocean floor.说明:本题答案为B项。此项为判断题。在本文报后一段,作者表述的意思为:不管海浪多高,多凶猛,它只影响到海面以下有限的深度。即使在最大的风暴中,600英尺以下尝试的水域也会像没有一丝风的白天那样风平浪静。选顼A意为“狂风巨浪会对1200英尺以下的水域造成可怕的影响”;B项意为“一名在水深700英尺以下驾驶潜艇行的指挥员有会受海面上的狂风巨浪

24、的影响”;C项意为“风速每小时500英里的台风能海底的东西掀上来”;D项意为“如果巨浪袭击海岸的力量水平方向为磅,那么它的垂直方向作用在海底的力量比水平方向作用力还要大”。根据最后一段内容,只有B项正确,因为潜艇是在700英尺以下水域航行。A项,C项与B项矛盾,可以排除,D项在短文中没有涉及。正是基于对这部分进行研读,考生才能够得出正确答案。5整体阅读(1) 篇章的阅读。(2) 句、段的阅读。(二)答题方法针对阅读理解的不同题型和测试点,答题可采用以下几种基本方法。1对应法:根据试题要求到文章中去寻找相应的答案。在寻找答案时要注意:(1) 题目与文章段落的对应位置(一般来说题目的顺序与文章段落

25、的顺序是一致的)。通常第一题在文章开头的一、二段里找到的可能性大,而最后一题的答案在文章的最后或后半部分找到的可能性最大。但有时为了提高答题的难度,可能打乱题目与段落的这种对应关系。(2) 注意题目中醒目的词语及符号,如大写的专有名词、年代、符号以及出现次数很少的词语等。题目中的这些词语和符号在文章中的相应部分也会出现,找到了它们也就找到了答案。注意以上两点,既节省答题时间,又可以提高准确性。2分析法:通过对文章有关内容的分析和推论得出正确答案。有些文章没有直接说明某个问题,但通过对文章有关此问题的细节的分析,可推出正确答案。3归纳法:根据段落内容归纳段落中心思想,根据各段中心思想提炼主题。4

26、淘汰法:亦称排除法,即通过淘汰错误答案,以取得正确答案。这里介绍的各种答题法都不是孤立的,可以综合运用,比如做一个较难的题,首先通过分析法找到自己认为正确的答案,然后再用淘汰法排除剩下的三个错误答案,这样就证明了自己的选择完全准确可靠,保证了答题的准确性。五、实例讲解例1:Hillary Rodham Clinton released the first television spot of her Senate campaign this morning, a 30-second commercial that will begin airing statewide on Thursday.

27、 The spot, titled “First,” uses numerous still photos to highlight landmarks in Mrs. Clintons career, while the voiceover says she is “more than a fist lady.”There is no mention of Mrs. Clintons rival for New Yorks Senate seat, New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.Clinton campaign spokesman Howard Wolfso

28、n said the ad was “positive” and “biographical,” instead of focusing on the first ladys opponent.Mrs. Clinton has previously aired radio ads, but has generally stayed with a strategy of making extensive campaign appearances instead of using television spots, while Giuliani has already run statewide

29、TV ads.Text of Hillary Commercial:First she became a lawyer, named one of the top hundred in America.Her first cause was children, fighting abuse and chairing the board of the Childrens Defense Fund.Her first priority was public schools, helping to establish teacher testing.More than a first lady. F

30、or 30 years, shes fought for children and families.As New Yorks senator, shell fight for better schools and heath care for children.Hillary, Put her to work for all of us.1. What does the word “air” in the first sentence mean?A. dry B. express C. breathe D. broadcast2. What does “more than first lad

31、y” in the first paragraph suggest?A. Hillary is not a first lady.B. Hillary does much more than what a first lady is expected to do.C. There are more women in America who does better than Hillary does.D. Hillary is doing better than her husband.3.Which of the following statement is true regarding th

32、e Senator campaign according the passage?A. Hillary has appeared on TV shot for mumerous times.B. Hillary rarely makes her public appearance.C. Giuliani has made TV advertisement for himself.D. Hillary has a bigger chance to win the campaign.4. Hillarys campaign focuses on all the flooowing except_.

33、A. childrens health careB. school education for childrenC. combating child abuseD. family planning policy5.Which of the following can best serve as the title of this passage?A. First Ladys Senator CampaignB. Hillarys TV AdvertisementC. A Rivalry for New Yorks Senate SeatD. The Focuses of Hillary Cam

34、paign难点1 今早,希拉里竞选纽约州议员的电视演说拉开了序幕;Hillary Rodham Clinton:希拉里;美国现任总统克林顿夫人。Spot:(在无线电广播、电视中播出的)短小节目;commercial:宣传2 这句话的意思是该电视节目特别播出了希拉里政绩上的一些重要照片。Highlight:突出;landmark:(具有转折意义的)重大事件3 Voiceover:旁白;话外音4 Biographical:关于一个人的材料的;美国,一般的竞选广告都包括竞选双方的资料,但是在该电视广告里,只播放了希拉里的资料,所以克氏竞选团的发言人说,这次广告具有肯定意义。5 Strategy:策略

35、6 Abuse:虐待答案1.D考点:该题是一个词汇题解析:本题提问的是第一段中的“air”是什么意思。由这句话我们可以得知,希拉里今天早晨发表了她竞选纽约州议员的电视宣传;为时30分钟的电视宣传将于星期二开始进行全国播放。由该句的意思我们可以猜出“air”的意思为“播放”。所以,答案为D.而其他三个词A(晒干),B(表达)和C(呼吸)均与原义不符,故不能入选。2B考点:这是一个理解判断题。解析:本题提问的是第一段里“more than first lady”是什么意思。在世界各地,第一夫人作为国家元首的妻子,是一国之母,她的形象一般是一个帮助总统处理好家务,并且进行一些妇女活动和慈善事业,借此



38、概介绍,并且对希拉里的竞选内容作了一个介绍,同时,作者表达了他自己的观点;整篇文章以介绍她的竞选情况为主,所以,选项A(第一夫人竞选参议员)用以概括全文最为全面,因此,为正确答案。例2:America is in no immediate danger of “running out of water”. People in the West have been aware that water is a precious commodity and must be conserved. In the damp East, an excess of water led to complacen

39、cy until two factors created concern over our water supply. First, the periods of drought from the 1961 to 1966 in the Northeast affected crop production and used up the surface and ground water supplies. Second, attention was called to rapid increases in the rates of pollution of these waters resul

40、ting from increased urban and industrial growth. As a result, there is an increasing awareness of the need for conserving the quantity and quality of our nations water supplies.Water is a renewable resource, but it is not exhaustible. When used for municipal, industrial, or agricultural purposes, it

41、 is not destroyed, but generally finds its way back into our water supply. This used water now carries some waste materials. These dirty waters are often dumped into large bodies of water or are disposed of on land. In the latter instance, evaporation concentrates some of the wastes on the soil surf

42、ace. On the other hand, water moving through the soil will eventually carry some of the wastes down into the ground water supplies, Eventually, all water evaporates and later returns to the earth as rain or snow in a relatively purer state.Through this never-ending cycle, there is just as much water

43、 in this country now as there ever was. The amount, however, does not increase. Our rapid population growth and our agricultural and industrial expansion have caused our water needs to soar. By withdrawing water from streams too quickly, we have in some instances upset the balance of natures built-i

44、n renewal processes for conserving water. As a result, some of our streams and lakes have become “wet deserts.” There is still plenty of water in them, but its water is so polluted that it supports almost no life at all.1.The passage is mainly about_.A. water resources of the United StatesB. the ren

45、ewal processes of water in matureC. the importance of water conservationD.water pollution in America2. The word “drought” in the sentence “First, the periods of droughtground water supplies.” Most probably means_.A. catastrophe of too much rainB. danger of running out of waterC. calamity dry weather

46、D. damage caused by typhoon3. Water is relatively purer in_.A. fast moving streams and riversB. underground water suppliesC. mountainous areasD. rain and snow4. When theauthor says that lakes have become “wet deserts”,._A. he is being angryB. he is being optimisticC. he is being sadD. he is being hu

47、morous5. It is implied in the passage that_A. water can be polluted by desertsB. there are many water conservation programs in AmericaC. water keeps evaporating from the earths surfaceD. water is not polluted by waster maberials难点1.run out of用完,耗尽modity商品,货物placency自满,满足4.drought长期干旱,旱灾5.result from

48、是的结果,由于而发生6.inexhaustible用不完的,无穷尽的7.municipal市政的,市办的8.dispose of处理,丢掉,清除9.evaporation蒸发10.withdraw提取,取回11.deposit放下,放置答案1.C考点:这是一道典型的文章主旨题。解析:文章第一段的最后一句话是文章的中心思想,指出人们越来越意识到保护水的量和质的必要性。第二、三段主要讨论节约用水和水污染 的危害。第二段指出,水虽然百一种可再生的资源,但并不是用之不竭;第三段说,人口的急剧增加,工农业的快速发展使得用水需求高涨并造成严重的水污染。综上所述,我们可以看出,文章主要讨论保护水资源的重要性

49、。选项A、B、D都是以偏概全。2C考点:这是一道理解题。解析:题目要求猜测“drought”一词的含义,我们可以通过这个词的上下文来理解它的意思。文章第一段第四句说,1961至1966年东北部地区的drought影响了农作物的生产,使地表水和地下水供应枯竭。据此我们可以推断出这个词的含义是旱灾。3D考点:这是一道细节题。解析:答案在文章第二段的最一句:“Eventually, all water evaporates and later returns to the earth as rain or snow in a relatively purer state.”(最终所有的水蒸发,然后以

50、更加纯净的形式降雨或降雪回到地球。)4D考点:此题考察学生对作者态度的理解。解析:文章第三段最后一句很好地解释了“wet desert”的含义,即:一些河流、湖泊中有大量的水,但污染非常严重,几乎所有的生物都不能使用。根据这个解释,我们可以理解作者说这番话的心情,作者面对这样一种情况只能感到悲哀,而不是愤怒,因为愤怒无济于事,更不是感到乐观或幽默。5C考点:此题考察学生的判断能力。解析:根据文章第二段的最后一句:“Eventually, all water evaporates and later returns to the earth as rain or snow in a relati

51、vely purer state.”,我们可以推断出水不停地从地球表面蒸发掉,然后在高空中变成水的固态形式。选项A和D与文章内容不符。选项B在文章中没有提及。例3:In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the early postwar era, there was a quite widespread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day. Already today, less than forty ye

52、ars later, as computers are relieving us of more and more of the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives, we are faced with a less dramatic but also less foreseen problem. People tend to be over-trusting of computers and are reluctant to challenge their authority. Indeed, they behave as

53、if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may be pushed, or that a computer may simply malfunction.Obviously, there would be no point in investing in a computer if you had to check all its answers, but people should also rely on their own internal computers and check the machine when they have th

54、e feeling that something has gone awry. Questioning and routine double checks must continue to be as much a part of good business as they were in pre-computer days. Maybe each computer should come with the following warning: for all the help this computer may provide, it should not be seen as a subs

55、titute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills.1.What is the main purpose of this passage?A. To look back to the early days of computers.B. To explain what technical problems may occur with computers.C. To discourage unnecessary investment in computers.D. To warn against a mentally lazy attitude towards computers.2.According to the passage, initial concerns


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