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1、 KKim Ricckettts: MMy nnamee iss Kiim RRickkettts, andd Im hheree too inntrooducce aand wellcomme JJamees KKakaalioos, whoo iss viisittingg uss ass paart of thee Miicroosofft RReseearcch vvisiitorr reeseaarchh seeriees. Jaamess iss heere todday to disscusss hhis neww boook, Thhe AAmazzingg Sttoryy o

2、ff Quuanttum Mecchannicss. Scieencee haas mmet morre ddemaandss off scciennce ficctioon tthann moost peooplee reealiize, thhankks tto qquanntumm meechaaniccs. Thhouggh wwe ddont ssee thee woorldd off thhe JJetssonss wiith flyyingg caars, peeoplle ggetttingg too woork by jett paack or Staar TTrekks t

3、ellepoorteers, yeet, we do havve ssmarrt pphonnes, poockeetsizze ccompputeers andd hyybriid vvehiiclees. Becaausee off quuanttum mecchannicss, wwe mmay alsso ssee manny mmoree scciennce ficctioon ttechhnollogiies beccomee a reaalitty. Jamees iis aa prrofeessoor iin tthe Schhooll off Phhysiics andd A

4、sstroonommy aat tthe Uniiverrsitty oof MMinnnesoota. HHe sservved as a cconssulttantt foor tthe fillm WWatcchmeen aand wonn a reggionnal Emmmy AAwarrd ffor hiss roole in thee Scciennce of Wattchmmen. HHe iis tthe autthorr off thhe ccritticaallyy accclaaimeed TThe Phyysiccs oof SSupeerheeroees. Soo p

5、lleasse jjoinn mee inn weelcoominng JJamees KKakaalioos tto MMicrrosooft. appplauuse. JJamees KKakaalioos: Thhankk yoou vveryy muuch. TThannk yyou forr thhe iintrroduuctiion. TThannk yyou alll veery mucch ffor invvitiing me andd weelcoominng mme. I musst ssay thee woorkiing tittle of my neww boook o

6、riiginnallly wwas thee Woorldd Off Toomorrroww annd sso iitss kiind of a ppleaasurre tto ccomee heere, seee tthe guyys rrespponssiblle ffor thaat. Actuuallly MMicrrosooft seeems to be folllowwingg mee. Twoo weeekss aggo II waas iin NNew Yorrk ffor somme mmediia eevennts andd waalkiing arooundd Tiime

7、ss Sqquarre aat nnighht sseeiing theese hugge tthroongss off peeoplle llineed uup. Annd wwhatt immposse aare conncerrt aare theey ggoinng tto? Noo, ttheyyree waaitiing forr thhe CConnnectt too goo onn saale at middnigght. SSo II asssumme tthatt yoou jjustt liike givve oone outt too thhe sspeaakerrs,

8、 butt llaugghteer. So II waant to tallk aabouut tthe Thee Ammaziing Stoory of Quaantuum MMechhaniics, myy neew bbookk. Firrst lett mee giive youu a litttlee biit oof bbackkgrooundd. Howw diid aa miildmannnerred phyysiccs pproffesssor gett asssocciatted witth ccomiic bbookk suuperrherroess, SSpidderM

9、ann, SSupeermaan iin mmy dday jobb Im aa coondeenseed mmattter expperiimenntallistt thhouggh II doo baasiccallly ssoliid sstatte pphyssicss. Ivve bbeenn dooingg thhis forr ovver 20 yeaars. DDoinng rreseearcch oon aamorrphoous semmicoonduuctoors, yoou kknoww, tthiss iss ammorpphouus ssiliiconn ussed

10、in sollar cellls or flaat ppaneel ddispplayys. Doone fillm ttrannsisstorrs. Ive donne aa loot oof wworkk onn sttudyyingg ellecttronnic noiise in theese matteriialss. Forr abboutt teen yyearrs II sttudiied sannd ppilees. Saand wass quuitee hoot iin pphyssicss thheree foor aa whhilee. We calll iit ggr

11、annulaar mmediia wwhenn wee taalk to thee fuundiing ageenciies. lauughtter. And mosst rreceentlly ccolllaboorattingg wiith proofesssorrs iin nneurrosccienncess ussingg teechnniquues thaat ddeveelopped a ssemiieleectrroniic nnoisse iintoo soorteed ssemiiconnducctorrs aand appplyiing theem tto vvoltta

12、gee fllucttuattionns iin tthe braain. But thaatss noot wwhy Imm heere. IIm herre bbecaausee baack in 20001 II crreatted a ffresshmaan ssemiinarr cllasss att thhat timme UUnivverssityy off Miinneesotta ccallled eveerytthinng II knnow aboout sciiencce II leearnned froom rreaddingg coomicc boookss. Whi

13、ich my collleaaguees ssaidd exxplaaineed aa loot. llaugghteer. Thiss iss a reaallyy phhysiics claass thaat ccoveers eveerytthinng ffromm Issaacc Neewtoon tto tthe traansiistoor, butt thherees nott ann inncliine plaane or pullleyy inn siightt. Alll thhe eexammplees ccomee frrom supperhheroo coomicc b

14、oookss annd aas mmuchh ass poossiiblee thhosee caasess whheree thhe ssupeerheeroees gget theeir phyysiccs rrighht. Now, obbvioouslly, youu knnow, thhe ssupeer ppoweers theemseelvees aare impposssiblle, butt onnce youu grrantt a onee tiime mirraclle eexemmptiion froom tthe lawws oof nnatuure, whhat t

15、heeyrre sshowwingg dooingg wiith theeir powwerss iss sccienntifficaallyy coorreect. I shhoweed tthiss cooverr heere beccausse tthiss iss acctuaallyy a commic thaat II booughht aas aa kiid, eveen tthouugh I wwasnnt a bbig fann off Suuperrmann att thhe ttimee beecauuse Suppermman is herre vvisiitinng

16、aa coolleege cammpuss annd II waas jjustt faasciinatted to finnd oout whaat llifee inn coolleege wass gooingg too bee liike. Evenn ass a kidd, bbackk inn thhe60ss I kneew tthatt thhis parrt wwasnnt tooo acccurratee. Butt thheree arre tthinngs herre oon tthe covver thaat, youu knnow, ass yoou aall kn

17、oow tturnn ouut tto bbe ccorrrectt, nnameely alll prrofeessoors at alll tiimess allwayys wwearr caaps andd goownss. laaughhterr. Annd aall proofesssorrs aare 8000 yeear oldd whhitee meen. But froom tthiss cllasss thhen in Mayy off 20002, I wroote an op ed thaat wwas pubblisshedd inn thhe MMinnneappo

18、liis SStarr Trribuune poiintiing outt hoow aa keey sscenne iin aa cllasssic SpiiderrMann coomicc boook turrns outt too bee a texxtboook illlusttrattionn off Neewtoonss laaws of mottionn. I tthouughtt, wwelll, tthe SpiiderrMann mooviee iss abboutt too oppen, thhe ffirsst oone. AAnd so thiis mmighht b

19、be aa goood oppporttuniity to gett soome sciiencce iintoo thhe nnewsspapper. The Uniiverrsitty oof MMinnnesoota putt ouut aa liittlle ppresss rreleeasee saayinng, welll, SpiiderrManns on thee biig sscreeen butt iff yoou wwantt too knnow aboout thee scciennce of supperhherooes, thhe ppersson to askk

20、iss Jiim KKakaalioos, he teaachees tthiss frreshhmann seeminnar, bllah, bllah, bllah. I shhoulld ppoinnt oout thaat ttheyyvee seent outt prresss reeleaasess abboutt mee beeforre, aboout my worrk oon aamorrphoous semmiconnducctorrs oor oone oveer FF nooisee. Ressultt? Zerro. Yoou wwritte oone stoory

21、aboout SpiiderrMann, hhoweeverr, aand thee mooviee oppeneed oon FFridday, thhe oon eend apppearred on Friidayy. By monney wass geettiing callls froom tthe BBCC, tthe Lonndonn tiimess, CCNN Heaadliine Newws, thee Asssocciatted Preess camme tto mmy ooffiice wheere I jjustt haappeenedd too haave theese

22、 leccturre ddemoonsttrattionn tooolss onn haand. lauughtter. Thaat wwas a lluckky bbreaak. At tthiss sttagee off myy liife, Ive recconccileed mmyseelf to thee faact thaat II caan wwin thrree mobbilee prrizees aand I kknoww whhat phooto theeyrre uusinng iin mmy oobittuarry. Myy coolleeaguues sayy wii

23、n tthreee mmobiile priicess liike howw, oon eeBayy? Thiss arrticcle acttuallly wennt aacrooss thee naatioon. Thhis is a cclipppinng ffromm thhe CChiccagoo Suun TTimees. Itt acctuaallyy weent arooundd thhe wworlld. I thiink I kknoww whhat theeyrre ssayiing aboout me herre. Inn a Turrkissh cclipppinng

24、. Annd tthenn I staarteed sshowwingg upp inn pllacees tthatt phhysiicissts donnt usuuallly aappeear. So iif yyoure eveer pplayyingg Trriviial Purrsuiit aand youuree pllayiing vollumee siix aand youu geet ccardd 2991, Illl ttelll yoou rrighht tthe sciiencce qquesstioon, thee annsweer iis KKrypptonns.

25、 TThe queestiion is whaat pplannets ggravvityy diid sscieencee prrofeessoor JJim Kakkaliios esttimaate by callcullatiing thee foorcee neeedeed tto lleapp ovver an earrth buiildiing in a ssinggle bouund? Now, I diddntt evven knoow aabouut tthiss. Onee off thhe ggradduatte sstuddentts ccamee too mee o

26、nne dday andd shhoweed mme tthiss caard, brrougght thiis tto mmy aatteentiion. II boorroowedd thhe ccardd, bbrouughtt itt doownsstaiirs, shhoweed iit tto mmy ddepaartmmentt chhairrmann. Andd I saiid, Alaan, whoo iss thhe mmostt faamouus sscieentiist youu knnow? lauughtter. Andd hee loookeed aat tthe

27、 carrd aand he loookedd att mee annd hhe ssaidd Stteveen HHawkkingg. laaughhterr. Whho iis nnot a ggeniius. OOh, welll tthenn itts youu. And so in 20005, onee off thhe nnicee thhinggs aabouut aall thiis aatteentiion wass thhe rreceeiviing hunndreeds andd huundrredss off emaiils froom sstuddentts aan

28、d teaacheers andd peeoplle llongg ouut oof ccolllegee whho llikeed tthiss iddea of teaachiing sciiencce uusinng ccomiic bbookks, askkingg iff I hadd a boook, whiich eveentuuallly lled to my wriitinng aa boook, whhichh iss noow oout in a ssecoond ediitioon. Annd tthatt haas lled me to thee cuurreent

29、tallk aand thee cuurreent boook ttalkkingg abboutt thhe TThe Amaazinng SStorry oof QQuanntumm Meechaaniccs tthatt I wannt tto ttalkk abboutt toodayy. Becaausee thheree iss allso a ccomiic bbookk coonneectiion to thiis. Yoou kknoww, rreaddingg coomicc boookss, ttheyy alll ppreddictted whaat llifee wa

30、as ggoinng tto bbe llikee inn thhe ffutuure. HHerees heeres aan oold advventturee coomiccs wwherre SSupeerbooy vvisiits gooes 1,0000 yeaars in thee fuuturre aand meeets theese othher supper powwer teeenaggerss, tthe leggionn off suuperrherroess. Andd thhis wass a verry ppopuularr feeatuure andd hee

31、coonsttanttly by beiing ablle tto bbreaak tthe timme bbarrrierr woouldd goo a thoousaand yeaars intto tthe futturee annd hhavee addvennturres witth tthe leggionn off suuperrherroess. And in thee fuuturre iit wwas proomissed thaat wwe wwoulld bbe iin aa beetteer pplacce. Annd tthe reaasonn wee woould

32、d bee inn a bettterr pllacee iss thhankks tto sscieencee. In a tthouusannd yyearrs ffromm noow, if youu goot iin ttrouublee, yyou wouuldnnt calll ffor thee poolicce, youu caalleed ffor thee scciennce pollicee. Heree inn annothher commic, onne oof tthe leggionnairres is fallselly aaccuusedd off beetr

33、aayinng tthe leggionn annd sso ttheyy loock himm upp. Andd hees gott thhis commputteriizedd deevicce tthatt prroviidess thhe tthreee nneceessiitiees oof llifee, ffoodd, wwateer, boooks. lauughtter. But reaallyy, tthiss gooes bacck eevenn fuurthher. HHerees froom 119288, iif ffirsst aappeearaancee of

34、f Buuck Roggerss inn thhe sscieencee fiictiion pullp mmagaazinne AAmazzingg Sttoriies. AAnd theey pprommiseed uus tthatt inn thhe ffutuure wed hhavee jeet ppackks, flyyingg caars, roobott doomessticc asssisstannts, unnderrwatter cittiess. Whaat wwe ggot inssteaad wwhy celll pphonnes, laaptoop ccompp

35、uteers, DVVDs, Maagneeticc Reesonnancce IImaggingg. So somme gguyss arre rreluuctaant to givve uup oon tthe jett paack. lauughtter. But we do havve jjet paccks. AAnd youu caan ttakee a jett paack to worrk pprovvideed yyou livve jjustt a couuplee off bllockks ffromm whheree yoou wworkk. Beccausse tth

36、e proobleem iis iit thhey thhe wwritterss off thhe sscieencee fiictiion pullps andd kiind of boooks thooughht tthatt wee woouldd haave a rrevooluttionn inn ennerggy, whiich is neccesssaryy inn orrderr too haave likke fflyiing carrs aand deaath rayys wwhenn whhat we gott innsteead wass a revvoluutioo

37、n iin iinfoormaatioon. And eneergyy yoourre pprettty mucch llimiitedd too thhe cchemmicaal bbonddingg sttrenngthhs bbetwweenn attomss annd mmoleeculles. AAnd, yoou kknoww, ffor thee phhysiicissts its oon tthe ordder of a ffew eleectrron vollts. TThatts thee ennerggy sscalle, vissiblle llikee reed ll

38、ighht hhas an eneergyy off abboutt a litttlee unnderr twwo eelecctroonicc vooltss. So thaat ggivees yyou thee seensee off thhe eenerrgy. Whatt yoou veery feww peeoplle iin oordeer tto hhavee ennouggh eenerrgy to takke aan eexteendeed ttripp orr too leevittatee a carr, yyoud nneedd liike nuccleaar pp

39、oweer wwhicch pprodducees mmilllionns oof eelecctroon vvoltts pper reaactiive. AAnd butt feew ppeopple aree wiilliing to havve aan uunliicennsedd nuucleear powwer pacck oon ttheiir bbackks uunleess youuree a memmberr off thhe GGhosst BBustterss. But theere wass sttilll itt waas pprommiseed tthatt we

40、e miightt haave, yoou kknoww, nnucllearr poowerr inn ouur ddaytodayy liivess thhougght bacck iin tthe 500s. Thhis is thee 19957 Forrd NNuclleonn, tthe prootottypee off a nuccleaar ccar. II liike thhey nevver buiilt it, buut iit wwoulld hhavee a litttlee nuucleear fiissiion reaactoor wwithh liittlle

41、mminii coooliing towwer herre wwithh taail finns llongger thaan tthe carr evven. AAnd thee iddea is thaat yyou couuld go 5,0000 milles befforee yoou wwoulld hhavee too swwap outt thhe nnucllearr coore. WWhatt yoou ddo iin tthe casse oof aa feendeer bbendder wass neeverr reeallly ttalkked aboout. But

42、 theeres aactuuallly aan iinteeresstinng cconvverggencce bbetwweenn thhe sscieencee fiictiion futturee annd tthe reaal ffutuure thaat wwe hhad. HHugoo Geernssbacck ffirsst ppubllishhes Amaazinng SStorriess, tthe firrst pullp mmagaazinne ddevootedd too scciennce ficctioon iin AApriil 119266. Alsso pp

43、ubllishhingg inn 19926, Errwinn Scchroodinngerr, ppubllishhingg hiis thhe SSchrrodiingeer eequaatioon, whiich wouuld serrve as thee foounddatiion forr mooderrn qquanntumm thheorry. Schrrodiingeer aand a hhanddfull off ottherr sccienntissts devveloopedd quuanttum mecchannicss beecauuse theeyrre ttryi

44、ing to unddersstannd hhow atooms intteraact witth llighht. A ggeneerattionn laaterr, ggrouups of sciienttistts aat BBelll Laabs, ottherr reeseaarchh laaborratooriees ddeveelopped thee laaserr annd tthe traansiistoor. Yoou ddont aacciidenntallly disscovver a llaseer, okaay, youu haave to go intto tth

45、e labb annd wwilllfullly, wiith mallicee afforeethooughht ggo iin aand buiild succh aa deevicce. And youu caantt doo itt wiithoout an unddersstanndinng oof hhow atooms andd liightt innterractt prroviidedd byy quuanttum mecchannicss. A ggeneerattionn laaterr yoou gget CD plaayerrs, perrsonnal commput

46、terss, llapttopss, ccelll phhonees, eveerytthinng mmy tteennagee chhilddrenn woouldd saay wwithhoutt whhichh liife is nott woorthh liivinng. Noone of theese aree poossiiblee wiithoout thee trranssisttor andd orr thhe llaseer, neiitheer oof wwhicch aare posssibble witthouut qquanntumm meechaaniccs. T

47、hiss iss puure noowaddayss, wwe wwoulld ssay thaat tthiss iss cuurioositty bbaseed rreseearcch. Scchroodinngerr iss juust tryyingg too unnderrstaand howw thhe wworlld wworkks. Scchroodinngerr, HHeissenbbergg, PPaulli, Borrn. Iff yoou wwentt too hiim aand saiid, nicce eequaatioon, Erwwin, whhats iit

48、ggoodd foor, hes nnot goiing to sayy weell if youu waant to stoore mussic in a ccomppactt diigittal forrmatt, bbut reaallyy wiithoout thee innsigghtss prroviidedd byy a hanndfuul oof ppeopple, thhe wworlld wwe llivee inn woouldd bee prrofoounddly diffferrentt. For exaamplle, youu knnow, weed stiill

49、havve ccompputeers, buut ttheyy woouldd usse vvacuuum tubbes. SSo tto hhavee a commputter thaat hhas thee saame powwer as a llapttop, itt woouldd haave to havve bee abboutt thhe ssizee off thhe rroomm. So theere wouuld be verry ffew of theem. Onnly corrporratiionss annd tthe govvernnmennt wwoulld oo

50、wn theem. Thheree woouldd bee veery litttlee reeasoon tto llinkk thhem toggethher in an Intternnet. TTherre wwoulld bbe nno WWorlld WWidee Weeb. Soo thherees alll soortss off thhinggs tthatt thhe wworlld hhas chaangeed tthatt wee doontt reeallly tthinnk oof. I thhinkk I oncce ffiguuredd ouut tthatt

51、inn ann avveraage hosspittal theeres pprobbablly mmoree trranssisttorss thhan theere aree sttarss inn thhe MMilkky WWay gallaxyy. So we donnt notticee hoow oofteen tthiss coomess abboutt. So thiis aall camme aabouut tthannks to semmicoonduuctoor aand sollidstaate phyysiccs wwhicch wwas enaableed ddu

52、e to quaantuum mmechhaniics.How manny ppeopple donnt knoow qquanntumm meechaaniccs hheree? Greeat. TThatt wiill chaangee byy thhe eend of thee taalk. II haave likke aabouut 440 mminuutess too teeachh yoou aall quaantuum mmechhaniics whiich leaavess mee wiith a pprobblemm. Whaat aam II gooingg too do

53、o wiith thee ottherr 355? laaughhterr. It hhas a rrepuutattionn foor bbeinng wweirrd aand inccompprehhenssiblle. Thhe iideaas aare cerrtaiinlyy weeirdd, bbut theeyrre nno wweirrderr thhan sayyingg thhat we livve iin aa seea oof iinviisibble eleectrromaagneeticc waavess, oonlyy a smaall sliice we can

54、n acctuaallyy deetecct. Wee neeverr thhinkk abboutt thhat unllesss yoou ccant gget fivve bbarss orr yoour phoone or youur llapttop. TThenn yoou nnotiice thaat tthe seaa iss miissiing. So llets leet mme bboill itt doown to unddersstannd hhow quaantuum mmechhaniics leaads to sommethhingg liike a llase

55、er. Leet mme bboill itt doown to thrree thiingss liike in thee coomicc boook, thhreee suuspeensiionss off diisbeelieef, thrree thiingss thhat youu woouldd haave to buyy innto. Thatt liightt haas bbothh a wavve aand parrticcle likke pproppertty aassoociaatedd wiith thee teerm phootonns, mattterr haas

56、 bbothh paartiiclee annd wwaveelenngthh prropeertiies, annd oof eeverrythhingg, llighht aand mattterr haas aan iintrrinssic spiin. Thhesee arre thhis is alll iff yoou bbuy thaat, thaatss thhis is nott, tthiss haas nnothhingg too doo wiith, yoou kknoww, wwavee inndettermminaacy or thee meeasuuremment

57、t prrobllem or Schhroddinggers ccat. TThiss iss Im ttakiing whaat II deescrribee a worrkinng mmans vvieww off quuanttum mecchannicss. Thiis iis tthe stuuff thaat wwe eexpeerimmenttaliistss maake usee off whhen dessignningg seemiccondducttor devvicees. So llets llookk att thhe ffirsst pprinncipple. L

58、Lighht hhas botth aa waave andd paartiiclee liike prooperrty, phhotoon. A mannifeestaatioon oof thaat iis tthatt whhen youu shhinee liightt onn a mettal, iff liightt waas jjustt a conntinnuouus sseriies of wavves likke wwashhingg upp onn a beaach, thhe wwavees mmighht eevenntuaallyy puush somme ppeb

59、bbless upp thhe ssloppe oof tthe beaach. BBut reaallyy whhat thee liightt iss coompoosedd off iss a serriess off iss a macchinne ggun bulllett spprayy. Andd byy chhanggingg thhe ffreqquenncy of thee liightt, iis tthe wavves wouuld jusst thhe ffreqquenncy wouuld jusst bbe tthe spaacinng bbetwweenn th

60、he ccressts, annd tthatt woouldd juust dettermminee thhe rratee att whhichh thhe ppebbbless arre aadvaanceed. But thee frrequuenccy aactuuallly cconttrolls tthe eneergyy off thhe bbullletss annd sso bby iincrreassingg thhe ffreqquenncy we cann haave bullletts tthatt caan pprommotee thhe eelecctroons


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