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1、Unit 4 Cyberspace语言点(二) 目标认知重点词汇spend,destination,historical,seaside,settle,central,suburb,zone,protest,sight,view,average,regular,officially,attractive,convenient,purpose重点短语depend on,get to,as well as,cut off,look forward to重点句型whats morewhich引导的非限制性定语从句not only.but also.more.than.知识讲解重点词汇 spend【原

2、句回放】Whats more,we wouldnt have to spend a long time travelling on planes to get to our holiday destinations而且,我们也不必花长时间乘坐飞机去往假日目的地。(P12)【点拨】 spend v.1)用钱,花钱She would rather spend than save她有钱宁愿花掉,也不愿积蓄。2)度过,用尽He spent himself in the service of humanity他耗尽了毕生的精力为人类服务。易混辨析spend,pay,cost,takespend花费时间或

3、金钱,主语必须是人,其结构为“spend time/money on sth.”或“spend time/money(in) doing sth.”。cost花费金钱或时间,主语是物或某种活动,其结构为“sth. costs(sb.)+金钱”或“(doing)sth. costs(sb.)+时间”。cost不能用于被动句。pay花费金钱或付钱,其结构为:pay(sb.)money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买某物;pay for sth. 付某物的钱;pay for sb. 替某人付钱;pay sb. 付钱给某人;pay money back还钱take花费时间或劳力,其主语是物,后面常

4、跟双宾语,常见用法:It takes sb. +时间+to do sth.;doing sth. takes sb. +时间归纳拓展spend time/money on sth.在某物上花费时间/金钱spend time/money(in) doing sth. 花费时间/金钱做某事spend money for sth. 花钱买某物 destination【原句回放】Whats more,we wouldnt have to spend a long time travelling on planes to get to our holiday destinations而且,我们也不必花长

5、时间乘坐飞机去往假日目的地。(P12)【点拨】destination n. 目的地,终点I eventually arrived at my destination.我终于到达了目的地。常用结构place of destination目的地destination address目的地地址destination document目的文档historical【原句回放】Cathy,do you mean well use the computer to travel around the world,entering and exiting countries in seconds and vis

6、iting all the historical sites? 凯茜,你的意思是说我们将利用电脑周游世界,在几秒钟内进出各国,并参观所有的历史古迹吗?(P12)句式分析:well use the computer to travel around the world是宾语从句,作动词mean的宾语,省略了连词that。现在分词短语entering and exiting countries in seconds and visiting all the historical sites作伴随状语。【点拨】historical adj. 历史(上)的,有关历史的We have no histor

7、ical evidence for it我们缺乏证明这一点的史学根据。易混辨析historical,historichistoric意为“历史上著名的,可名垂青史的”,指历史上有重要意义的,也用于形容那些因与历史事件或人物有联系而有名或有趣的事物。如:The area is of special historic interest这个地区有特别的历史意义。historical是指不管重要与否而在过去存在的所有事物,也指与历史或对过去的研究有关的事物。如:Yue Fei is a famous historical figure岳飞是著名的历史人物。 seaside【原句回放】This seas

8、ide city is an important centre for business and industry这个海港城市是一个重要的商业和工业中心。(P14)【点拨】 seaside(2)adj. 海边(的),海滨(的)Winter is the low season of seaside hotels冬季是海滨旅馆的淡季。 (2)n. 海边We had an outing to the seaside last summer去年夏季我们去海边游玩了。易混辨析bank,beach,coast,shore,seashore,seasidebank通常指“河岸”或“湖岸”等,一般不用来指“海


10、re或seaside。settle【原句回放】The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maoris settled in the area奥克兰的历史追溯到650年前,那时毛利人在当地定居。(P14)句式分析:when the Maoris settled in the area是由when引导的定语从句。【点拨】settle1)vt. & vi. 安排,安放,安家,定居He settled his child in a corner of the compartment他把孩子安顿在车厢的一个角落里。易混辨析live,inha

11、bit,settle这三个动词均有“居住,定居”之意。live最普通用词,指固定地居住,可以是长期的,也可以是临时的。inhabit强调人或动物居住在某个地区并已适应某种特殊环境。settle侧重指某人定居于某个城市、国家或地区,而不指居住的住所。2)vt. & vi. (使)安定The baby wouldnt settle down because it couldnt see its mother那个婴儿因看不见妈妈就无法安定下来。3)vt. 解决(问题等),决定,调停She has decided how she should settle the matter她已做出决定如何来解决这

12、件事。4)vi. 支付,结算If you pay for both of US now,we can settle up later,你要是现在先付清咱们两人的账,事后咱们再细算。5)vi. 降落,停留The bird settled on a branch那只鸟落在了树枝上。易混辨析decide,determine,resolve,settle这四个动词都含“决定”之意。decide侧重指经过思考、比较、讨论或询问之后做出的决定。determine指经过深思熟虑之后,决心去做某事并坚持施行。resolve语气较强,强调以坚定不移的信念去做或不做某事,暗含有远大抱负和坚强决心。settle指排

13、除犹豫、怀疑或经过争论之后作出明确的最终结论。常用结构settle down停止,安静下来,安定,定居,安顿settle for勉强接受,满足于settle in安顿下来,适应于新家,适应新工作settle on决定,选定settle up结账,了结某事settle with与达成协议,与成交,算清账目归纳拓展settlement n. 解决,殖民,清算,结账,定居settler n. 定居者,移民 central【原句回放】Later,the capital moved to Wellington,because it was more central之后,首都迁至惠灵顿,因为它更接近国家的

14、中心。(P14)句式分析:because it was more central是由because引导的原因状语从句。 【点拨】central adj. 1)中心的,中央的,形成中心的This is the central city of the whole area这是整个地区的中心城市。2)最重要的,主要的,首要的The central necessity is the union of the Chinese people themselves主要条件是中国人民自己的团结。 suburb【原句回放】Since 1945,the city of Auckland has grown and

15、 it now has large modern suburbs自1945年起,奥克兰城开始扩建,至今已有大面积现代化市郊。(P14)【点拨】 suburb n郊区,城郊(常用复数形式)Now there is a trend that most westerners live in suburbs in preference to the big cities现在有个趋势就是大多数西方人住在市郊而不是住在大城市归纳拓展suburban adj. 郊区的,城外的suburbanite n. 郊区居民suburbia n. (常含轻蔑之意)郊区及其居民的生活方式 zone【原句回放】In 198

16、5,the New Zealand government made the whole country a nuclear-free zone and since then Auckland has been a centre for protest against nuclear testing in Asia Pacific1985年,新西兰政府确定整个国家为无核区,从此奥克兰成为亚太地区反核试验中心。(P14)【点拨】zone 1)n.(划分出来的)地区,区域,地带Welcome to economic development zone!欢迎来到经济开发区。气候带Singapore is

17、 in a tropic zone新加坡位于热带。2)vt. 将划分The city was zoned into four districts这个城市被划分为四个区。protest【原句回放】In 1985,the New Zealand government made the whole country a nuclear-free zone and since then Auckland has been a centre for protest against nuclear testing in Asia Pacific1985年,新西兰政府确定整个国家为无核区,从此奥克兰成为亚太地

18、区反核试验中心。(P14)【点拨】protest1)n. 抗议,反对I cant pass the matter by without a protest我不能对此事视而不见,我要提出抗议。易混辨析object,oppose,resist,protest这四个词均含“反对”之意。object多指因厌恶或反感而反对,但不一定明显地表露出来。oppose普通用词,含义广,语气强于object。多指反对一些较重大的事,隐含其正当性。resist指用力量或意志抵抗、制止对方的入侵、诱惑或影响等。protest一般指通过言语、文字或行为表示出的强烈抗议、反对。2)vt. & vi. (公开)反对,抗议,

19、声明They were formally protesting他们正式提出抗议。常用结构enter/lodge/make a protest提出抗议Under protest无奈地,不服气地,不甘心地without protest无异议地,心甘情愿地,心平气和地protest against抗议,反对,对表示不满归纳拓展protester n. 抗议者,声明者,提出异议者 sight【原句回放】Famous sights include Mt Eden,one of many large volcanoes,as well as the Auckland Harbour Bridge奥克兰的著

20、名景点包括大火山之一的伊顿山,以及奥克兰港大桥。(P14)【点拨】sight 1)n. (常用复数形式)名胜,风景Were going to London for the weekend to see the sights我们打算去伦敦过周末,参观那里的名胜。易混辨析view,scene,sight,scenery这四个名词均含有“风景”之意。view风景,景色,通常指从某个特定位置所见到的景物,侧重从观看者的角度一眼所看到的景色,是一种动态的“景色”。另外还有“看法、观点”的意思,相当于opinion。常用短语有:in view of考虑到,在/从看得见的地方。 scene“(戏剧、电影等的

21、)一场,场景,布景”,指“风景”时通常指某一处的自然风光,侧重指展现于眼前的景色的特征。另外,scene还有“(出事)地点”之意。sight表示“风景,名胜”,通常用复数形式,可指人文景观,也可指所见到的“景象,情景”,作“目光,视力”解时是不可数名词。 scenery表示“风景”,指某地的自然风景,是不可数的集体名词,不能与不定冠词连用。scenery是scene(风景,景色)的总称。视力,视觉He had such a bad sight that he couldnt recognize me even when we were in less than five meters他的视力如

22、此的差以至于甚至我们相距不到5米他也没认出我。视野,视界The train is still in sight火车仍在视线内。看见,瞥见She hates the sight of that old car她讨厌见到那辆旧汽车。情景,景象A suffering animal is a distressing sight看到动物忍受痛苦是很难受的。2)vt. & vi. 看见,发现Their first sight of land came after ten days at sea这是他们在海上待了10天之后首次看到陆地。归纳拓展at first sight初次看见时at the sight

23、of一看见就be in sight看得见,在眼前catch/have/gain/get sight of发现,看到come in/into sight呈现在眼前in ones sightin the sight of sb. 在某人看来,从某人的观点来看in sight看得见in/within sight of在看得见的地方lose ones sight失明lose sight of看不见了,忘了,忽略out of sight看不见 view【原句回放】In the city,you can enjoy all amazing view from the Sky Tower,which is

24、the citys tallest Tower在城市,站在城市最高的塔天空塔上,你可以欣赏到令人惊奇的景色。(P14)【点拨】view n.1)看,观看The speaker stood in full view of the crowd那位演讲者站在了观众都能看得到的地方。2)视力,视野,视线My view of the harbour was blocked by the new building新大楼挡住了我观看海湾的视线。3)景色,风景Id like to book a room with a big window from which I can see a beautiful vi

25、ew我想要预定一个有一扇大窗户的房间,从那我可以看到美丽的景色。4)看法,意见In my view,I dont think this plan is practical我的观点是,我认为这个计划不切实际。常用结构in ones viewin the view of someone以某人的观点归纳拓展viewer n. 观看者,观察者,观众,电视观众viewpoint n. 观点,意见,角度 average【原句回放】It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshinethe average temperature in January(summer) i

26、s 23.4 and inJuly(winter) it is 7.8这里气候温和,阳光充足平均气温1月(夏季)23.4摄氏度,7月(冬季)7.8摄氏度。(P14)【点拨】 average (1)adj. 1)平均的The average income of the family is nearly ten thousand这个家庭的平均收入将近1万元。2)平常的,普通的There was nothing special about the meal;it was average这顿饭菜没什么特别,挺平常的。 (2)n.1)平均,平均数An average of 1,500 persons p

27、ass here every day每天平均有1,500人经过此地。2)平常,普通He is above average in his lessons他的功课在平均水平之上。(3)vt.1)求的平均数If you average 4.5 and 9,you get 6如果你求4,5和9的平均数,结果是6。2)平均为,平均达The rainfall averages 1,000mm a year年平均降雨量为1,000毫米。常用结构above the average在一般水平以上,中上,在平均数以上below the average在一般水平以下,中下,在平均数以下on the average平

28、均,按平均数计算 regular【原句回放】There are regular international flights,too也有定期的国际航班。(P14)【点拨】 regular adj. (1)有规律的,定期的,定时的He leads a regular life他过着有规律的生活。 (2)合乎原则的,符合规定的,正当的,适当的A period is the regular ending for a sentence句点是一个句子符合规则的结尾。 (3)均匀的,整齐的,对称的The chairs were placed at regular distances椅子等距摆放着。 (4)正

29、规的,正常的,经常的I had no regular education我没有受过正规教育。 (5)连续的,习惯性的,固定不变的He has no regular work他没有固定职业。归纳拓展regularity n. 规律性,规则性,整齐,匀称regularize vt. 使合法化,使正式存在regularly adv. 有规律地,有规则地,经常,匀称地irregular adj. 不规则的,无规律的,不合法的,非正规的officially【原句回放】Officially(P16)【点拨】 officially adv. 职务上,正式地His services to the countr

30、y were never officially acknowledged他对国家所作的贡献从未受到过正式的表彰。归纳拓展official adj. 官方的,法定的,正式的officialism n. 文牍主义,官僚主义office n. 办公楼,公职officer n. 军官,高级官员 attractive【原句回放】Qingdao is an attractive city located on the eastern coast of China青岛是一个位于中国东部沿海的迷人城市。(P16)句式分析:这是一个简单句,其中located on the eastern coast of Ch

31、ina是过去分词短语作定语修饰名词city。【点拨】attractive adj. 吸引的,有吸引力的,诱人的,引起注意的Hangzhou is an attractive city SO that everyone wants to see the West Lake杭州是个迷人的城市,每个人都想去那看看西湖。常用结构be attractive to对有吸引力归纳拓展attractively adv. 有吸引力地attractiveness n. 惹人注目(的事物),有魅力(的事物)attraction n. 吸引,吸引力,诱惑力attract vt吸引,引起兴趣 (3)located ad

32、j. 处于,位于Greece is located in the south of Europe希腊位于欧洲的南部。常用结构be located in/on/to位于 convenient【原句回放】I think finding information on the Net is more convenient than searching for books in a library我认为在网上找信息要比在图书馆搜寻书籍更加方便。(P19)句式分析:这是一个复合句,其中finding information on the Net is more convenient than search

33、ing for books in a library是宾语从句,作动词think的宾语,动名词词组finding information on the Net作宾语从句的主语。【点拨】convenient adj. 1)方便的,便利的,合适的I have to find a convenient location for the shelves我必须为书架找一个合适的位置。2)附近的,近便的It is useful to have a convenient supermarket附近有超市实在有用。常用结构be convenient to do sth便于做某事be convenient to

34、/for sb. 对某人来说方便归纳拓展convenience n. 适合,方便,便利conveniently adv. 方便地,便利地inconvenient adj. 不方便的,引起困扰的inconveniently adv. 不方便地,不便利地 purpose【原句回放】Let me know what you think about the Internet and for what purposes you use it让我知道对于因特网你们是怎么想的和出于什么目的使用因特网。(P19)(1)句式分析:这是一个复合句,其中what you think about the Intern

35、et and for what purposes you use it是由and连接的两个并列的宾语从句,作动词know的宾语。【点拨】purpose 1)n. 目的,意图He came to the island for one year with the purpose of helping teach in a relatively undeveloped area他来到海岛一年是为了在这个相对落后的地区支教。作用,用途,效果This machine serves a double purpose这台机器有双重用途。意志,毅力,决心I know she is steady in her

36、purpose我知道她目标坚定。2)vt. 有意,打算The government purposed building a new bridge connecting the two islands政府打算架设一座新桥连接这两个岛。常用结构for/with the purpose of为了的目的for practical purpose为实际目标to little/no purpose几乎/完全白费力气,徒劳to the purpose得要领的,中肯的to good purpose相当/十分有效果,成功carry out a purpose实现目标归纳拓展purposeful adj. 有意义

37、的,有目的的,果断的purposeless adj. 无目的的,无用的,无意义的purposely adv. 故意的,蓄意的 重点短语depend on【原句回放】It depends on the weather那要看天气情况而定。(P12)【点拨】 depend on (1)依赖,依靠He is an able man who we always depend on to help us solve problems他是一个有才干的人,我们总是依靠他帮助我们解决问题。 (2)相信,信赖,指望We cant depend on him to help clean the room becau

38、se he always says he is busy我们不能指望他帮助打扫房间,因为他总是说他忙。 (3)随而定Whether we can go to have a sunbath on the beach tomorrow depends on the weather我们明天能否去沙滩上晒太阳要看天气而定。常用结构depend on it请放心,相信depend upon依赖,依靠depend on sb. to do sth依靠某人做某事It(all) depends要看具体情况来定。归纳拓展dependant n. 受抚养者,靠他人生活者dependence n. 依赖,依靠,对药

39、物之依赖,瘾dependency n. 附属国,附属地dependent adj. 依靠的,依赖的,取决于的 get to【原句回放】Whats more,we wouldnt have to spend a long time travelling on planes to get to our holiday destinations而且。我们也不必花长时间乘坐飞机去往假日目的地。(P12)【点拨】get to1)到达When can you get to the zoo? Well wait for you at the gate你什么时候能到达动物园?我们将在大门口等你。易混辨析arr

40、ive,get(to),reach这三个词都可以表达“到达”的意思,而且有时还能互换。arrive是不及物动词,表示“到达、抵达某地(尤指行程的终点)”,后常接介词at或in,一般in后面接大地方,at后面接小地方,若是地点副词,则不需用介词。如:They arrived at the station at 8 this morning他们今天早晨8点到达车站。reach是及物动词,直接接宾语,其后无须用介词,和arrive一样,属于正式用语。如:They reached Beijing on February 17他们于2月17日到达北京。和arrive一样,get也是不及物动词,只是它多用

41、于口语,其后接介词to,后面如接副词,则不用介词to。如:I get to school at about 7:30 every day,and I get home at 5:00 in the afternoon我每天7:30到校,下午5:00到家。2)触及,接触I cant get to my food我不能吃到我的食物。3)开始Now lets get to the real work现在我们来办正事吧。4)弄清底细We must get to the bottom of the matter我们必须弄清这件事的内情。归纳拓展get along/on(with) 生活,融洽相处,进展,

42、有起色get away逃脱,离开,把送走get down(从)下来,吞下,写下,使沮丧get down to开始认真考虑get off下来,脱下,出发,开始get out出去,泄露,摆脱,说出,出版get over克服,熬过,恢复get through到达,用完,通过,度过,打通get up起床,(风、火等)变得猛烈,筹办,安排as well as【原句回放】Famous sights include Mt Eden,one of many large volcanoes,as well as the Auckland Harbour Bridge奥克兰的著名景点包括大火山之一的伊顿山,以及奥

43、克兰港大桥。(P14)【点拨】as well as1)和一样好,是副词原级比较。He studies as well as Yao Ye2)和,也,同,连接两个并列结构。You as well as he are going to Beijing注意:如果连接的是两个并列的主语,那么谓语动词的单复数要和as well as前面的主语的数保持一致,以强调前者。易混辨析as good as,as wellas good as表示“和一样好”,是形容词原级比较。如:His English is as good as Marys他的英语和玛丽的一样好。as well也,用于肯定句,表示后者和前者情况相

44、同,其位置一般放在句尾。如:I tidied up the tables and chairs as well我收拾了桌子,也收拾了椅子。cut off【原句回放】New Zealand was cut off from the rest of the land on Earth for 80 million years and has some unique animals and plants新西兰大陆与地球上其他陆地分离已有8000万年历史了,所以这里有一些独特的动植物。(P18)【点拨】 cut off (1)剪/切/砍下Kehr cut off some flowers from t

45、he bush凯尔从树丛中剪下些花。 (2)切/隔断,阻碍Our troops cut off the enemys retreat我们的军队切断了敌人的退路。 (3)迅速离开He cut off down a side street他从一条侧道跑掉了。 (4)(疾病等)使(人)死亡Disease cut Brooks off in the best part of life疾病结束了布鲁克斯盛年的生命。 (5)不留遗产Jims uncle cut him off without a penny吉姆的叔叔没有留给他一文钱。归纳拓展cut in插嘴cut up切碎,使伤心cut off(水,电)

46、切断,割断cut across/through抄近路cut down砍倒,削减,改小或缩短(衣服)look forward to【原句回放】Looking forward to receiving your replies期望收到你们的回复。(P19) (1)句式分析:该句中的receiving是动名词作介词to的宾语。【点拨】look forward to意为“盼望,指望,高兴地等待”,通常用进行时,后常跟v. -ing形式。如:I am looking forward to Christmas我盼望圣诞节的来临。I am looking forward to seeing you我正盼望着

47、能看到你。重点句型whats more【原句回放】Whats more,we wouldnt have to spend a long time travelling on planes to get to our holiday destinations而且,我们也不必花长时间乘坐飞机去往假日目的地。(P12)【点拨】Whats more而且,再者,更有甚者,更为重要的是He is friendly to us. And whats more,he studies very well他对我们很友好,而且他学习很好。Hes dirty,and whats more he smells他很脏,身

48、上还有味儿呢。They are going to get married,and whats more they are setting up in business together他们就要结婚了,而且还要一起做生意呢。which引导的非限制性定语从句【原句回放】In the city,you can enjoy all amazing view from the Sky Tower,which is the citys tallest Tower在城市,站在城市最高的塔天空塔上,你可以欣赏到令人惊奇的景色。(P14)【点拨】句式分析:which is the citys tallest T

49、ower是由which引导的非限制性定语从句。归纳拓展定语从句有限制性和非限制性两种。限制性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的部分,去掉它主句意思往往不明确;非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉它也不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之间通常用逗号隔开。如:This is the house which we bought last month(限制性)这是我们上个月买的房子。The house,which we bought last month,is very nice(非限制性)这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。not only.but also.【原句回放】We would not only be

50、 able to travel around the world,but also go to study in any world famous universities we wanted to我们将不但能够游遍世界,而且可以去任何我们想去的著名大学学习。(P12)【点拨】 not only.but also.不仅而且,这是一个并列连词,连接并列的词、词组或句子。(1)not only.but also.连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词与邻近的那个主语保持一致。如:Not only he but also I am going to see a film this afternoon不仅他而且我今天


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