高中英语语法 非谓语动词单项选择题专练 第三辑 100题 (word 解析版)_第1页
高中英语语法 非谓语动词单项选择题专练 第三辑 100题 (word 解析版)_第2页
高中英语语法 非谓语动词单项选择题专练 第三辑 100题 (word 解析版)_第3页
高中英语语法 非谓语动词单项选择题专练 第三辑 100题 (word 解析版)_第4页
高中英语语法 非谓语动词单项选择题专练 第三辑 100题 (word 解析版)_第5页
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1、高中英语语法 非谓语动词单项选择题专练 第三辑 100题1. _ from the hill-top the lake scenery is beyond description.A. To see B. Seeing C. Seen D. Having seen解析:答案是C 这句的主语是Thelakescenery, 与see的关系是动宾,景色是被看的,所以应该用过去分词做状语,表示被动。 2.Pressed from his parents, and _ that he has wasted too much time, the boy is determined to stop pla

2、ying video games.A.realizingB.realizedC.to realizeD.being realized解析:答案是A。介词后通常要用动名词,不用不定式。有时候当介词与所考查的动名词被其他成分所隔开时,容易被忽略。介词from后接有两个并列成分作宾语,一个是his parents,另一个是realizing that。句意为:一方面来自父母的压力,另一方面自己也意识到已经浪费了太多时间,这个男孩决定不再玩电子游戏了。又如:After looking up their number in the phone book and making sure l had got

3、 it right, I phoned again.我查了电话簿,确信电话号码无误之后,我又打了电话。3. _ in the strange forest, the poor girls fell to _.A. Lost,crying B. Lost,cry C. To lost,cry D. Having been lost,crying解析:答案是A 前后主语一致,前半句省略主语girl,lost是迷路的意思 句意:在陌生的森林里迷路了,可怜的姑娘们哭了起来。4.For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _ on his ow

4、n farm.A.grownB.being grownC.to be grownD.to grow解析:答案是A。由于名词fresh fruit与动词grow之间为被动关系,所以首先可排除选项D。而B和C虽然可以表示被动,但与句意不吻合,因为being grown表示一个正在进行的被动动作,to be grown表示一个尚未发生的被动动作,均不合题意。5. Theyll have you _ if you dont pay your taxes. A. to be arrested B. arrest C. arrested D. being arrested解析:答案是C 如果你不缴税,他们

5、就会逮捕你。因为,缴税是每一个人的义务。have sth /sb done ,这里宾语sth 后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系6.I remembered _ the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights.A.lockingB.to lockC.having lockedD.to have locked解析:答案是B。remember后接不定式作宾语和动名词作宾语均可,但意思不同:后接不定式表示记住要做某事,后接动名词表示记住做过的事情。根据句意,选B最合适。句意

6、为:我在离开办公室前记住了要锁门,但忘记了要关灯。又如:Please remember to water the plants while Im away.我不在时,请记住浇花。7. All flights _ because of the storm, they decided to take the train.A. having cancelled B. were cancelled C. have been cancelled D. having been cancelled解析:答案是D 本题考查独立主格结构。根据句子结构,空格应填非非谓语动词,排除AB,其逻辑主语为All flig

7、hts,而句子的主语是we,因此是考查独立主格结构,flights与cancel之间为被动关系,故选。若选,则题目应变成when引导的时间状语从句8._with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.A.FacedB.FaceC.FacingD.To face解析:答案选A。对于固定搭配,原则上按搭配习惯处理。(be) faced with为固定搭配,其意为“面对”,又如:They are all faced with the same problem.他们都面临同样的问题。9._ twice, the postman

8、refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.A.Being bittenB.BittenC.Having bittenD.To be bitten解析:答案是B。根据句意,句子主语the postman与动词bite之间为被动关系,所以首先可排除选项C;再根据句意(尤其是注意关键词twice)可知,表示正在进行选项A和表示将要发生的选项D均不合题意。全句意为:邮递员被狗咬了两次之后要我们把狗拴起来,不然就不给我们送信了。10.There have been several new events_to the program

9、for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.A.addB.to addC.addingD.added解析:答案是D。过去分词作后置定语的特征是:表被动,通常可视为一个被动语态的省略形式。added to the program可视为which have been added to the program之省略。11. Although it was very late when John began doing the job, he managed with his friends assistance, _ before the building was lock

10、ed.A. to be finished B. being finished C. finishing D. to finish解析:答案是D 独立主格结构由两部分组成,前一部份是名词或者代词,后一部分是非谓语动词(不定式、动名词和分词)或形容词、副词、或介词短语。前后两部分具有逻辑主谓关系。独立主格结构在句中做状语,多用于书面语。独立主格结构本身不是句子,在句子中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、伴随、目的等逻辑主语非谓语动词12. Despite the earnest efforts of various private groups as well as government agenci

11、es, many of the problems have not yet been solved, and much remains to _.A. have been done B. be done C. have done D. do解析:答案是B earnest efforts 认真的努力更合适; sth remain to be done 有待完成13.If theres no reply at the front door,_round the backA.comeB.comes C.to comeD.coming解析:答案是A 前面是从句。_ round the back 这部分

12、是主句, 在没有主语的情况下只能看成是祈使句, 动词原形开头。B 选项要主语, CD 两个是非谓语动词, 选任何一个都不能使后一部分成为一个主句14._ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top ofMountTai.A.To be triedB.TiredC.TiringD.Being tired解析:答案是B。首先要注意tired与tiring的意思有区别:前者表示“感到疲劳的”,后者表示“令人疲劳的”或“累人的”,根据句意,显然不宜用tiring,故可排除C;由于是与形容词短语short of b

13、reath相并列,所以应选形容词tired。句意为:虽然累得上气不接下气,但安迪和鲁比是最先到达泰山山项的。15. _ that bad weather was on the way, the climbers decided to put off their attempt on Eiger until the following week.A. Having told B. Being told C. Telling D. Having been told解析:答案是D 在得知坏天气即将来临后,登山者们决定将对艾格尔的尝试推迟到下周。 16.Having finished her proj

14、ect, she was invited by the school _ to the new students. A.speakingB.having spokenC.to speakD.to have spoken解析:答案是C。考查invite sb to do sth句式,但试题中用的是invite的被动式。又如:Dont forget were invited to the Jones for drinks on Sunday.别忘了我们受邀请到琼斯家参加星期日的酒会。17. Members of the Government itself acknowledge many of t

15、heir predictions _ wildly over-optimistic.A. to be B. being C. to have been D. having been 解析:答案是C 首先,承认某物怎么样可以用这个句型 acknowledge sth to be + adj.He acknowledged it to be true/that it was true. 他供认那是事实.第二,政府成员承认许多他们(之前)的预测过于乐观了。因为是对之前的预测做评价,所以用完成时态。综合以上,答案为to have been。18.Michaels new house is like a

16、 huge palace, _ with his old one.A.comparingB.comparesC.to compareD.compared解析:答案是D。compared with为英语惯用表达,其意为“与相比”。又如:Compared with many women, she was indeed very fortunate.和许多女人相比,她的确算是很幸运的了。19.If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but _ an even greater challenge. A.meetsB.meetingC.meetD

17、.to meet解析:答案是D。have no choice but to do sth为英语固定句式,意为“除了做某事外别无选择;只好做某事”,其中的不定式不可改为其他形式。又如:For the above reasons, the management has no choice but to close the factory.基于上述原因,管理层没有办法,只好关闭工厂。20.With the governments aid, those _ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.A.affectB.affectingC.

18、affectedD.were affected解析:答案是C。根据句意和空格后的介词by短语可知,空格处应填一个表被动意义的选项;同时由于句子中已有谓语have moved,所以空格处不能再用谓语形式,而应用非谓语形式,故选C。过去分词短语affected by the earthquake在句中用作定语,修饰those,句意为:在政府的帮助下,那些受地震影响的人搬进了新家。21. The match was cancelled because most of the members _ a match without a standard court.A. objected to havin

19、g B. objected to haveC. were objected to have D. were objected to having解析:答案是A object作为动词,译为反对、抗议、拒绝,后面一般跟介词to,object to sb/sth,object to doing sth,如果后面是跟从句就不需要加介词。例:I objected to such treatment.I objected to being treated in such way.两者均是我抗议受到如此对待的意思。I objected that he was too young to do so.我拒绝的理

20、由是,他还太小不能这么做 object还可以做名词,译为宾语、目标、对象、物体 此句是说,由于大部分成员抗议这个比赛没有标准场地,这场比赛被推迟了。由于object只有名词和动词两个词性,根据句意,此处应使用其动词形式,即反对、抗议之意。故选A。D中,object在were后做表语,可见词性为形容词,而object无形容词用法,故这个选项是错误的。22._in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.A.Dressed B.To dress C.Dressing D.Having dressed解析:答案选A。对于固定搭

21、配,原则上按搭配习惯处理。(be) dressed in为固定搭配,其意为“穿着”,句中的Dressed in表原因,相当于As he is dressed in的意思。23. The teacher doesnt permit _ in class. A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. to have smoke解析:答案是B permit 只能接v-ing 形式作宾语。24._ not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.A.Remindin

22、gB.RemindedC.To remindD.Having reminded解析:答案是B。此题考查的是remind sb not to do sth(提醒某人不要做某事),因句子主语the manager与remind之间为被动关系,所以remind要用过去分词,即选B。为便于理解,此题可改写为:As the manager was reminded not to miss the flight at 15:20, he set out for the airport in a hurry.25. I like watching TV _ to the cinema.A. more tha

23、n to go B. more than goingC. than going D. rather than to go解析:答案是B like doing 喜欢做某事,因为这道题的前半句是like watching,所以后半句也要用doing的形式来做回答,即going,其实这道题目的完整形式是:I like watching TV more than like going to the cinema.千万不要被to the cinema 的to 迷惑了 如果要选A,那么前半句应该是,I like to watch TV more than to go to the cinema 26.Th

24、e prize of the game show is30,000 and an all expenses_vacation to China.A.paying B.paidC.to be paid D.being paid解析:答案是B。过去分词作后置定语的特征是:表被动,通常可视为一个被动语态的省略形式。因all expenses与pay是被动关系,故用过去分词表被动。全句意为:此次电视游戏节目的奖品是30,000美元奖金另加一次完全免费的中国度假。27. The manager promised to keep me _ of how our business was going on.

25、 A. to be informed B. informed C. on informing D. informing 解析:答案是B 经理承诺回让我知道我们的生意进展得怎样了。 这里是考察keep的用法,在这里,keep类似于get和have,keepsth/sb done。 过去分词表示被动。 因为我是被告知的,所以用informed。28.Dont stand out there in the cold_in here and get warm.A.comeB.comesC.to comeD.coming解析:答案是A 这是一个祈使句,所以用动词原形。句意为:别站在外面受冻,进来暖和暖和

26、。29.Before you send the letter,_with Bill to see if the address is right.A.checkB.to checkC.checkingD.checked解析:答案是A 在before 引导的时间状语从句中,send 是一般现在时,表将来,主语时态也应该用现在时态,而且要用谓语动词, 主语you 省略了,所以选 A30. Mrs. Brown is supposed _ for Italy last week.A. to have left B. to leave C. to be leaving D. to have been

27、left解析:答案是A 因为这边是lastweek, 过去时态,即过去的事情,用完成时31.As Jack left his membership card at home, he wasnt allowed _ into the sports club. A.goingB.to goC.goD.gone解析:答案是B。考查allow sb to do sth(允许某人做某事)句式,此题属该句式的被动式,表示“被允许做某事”。又如:Exam candidates are not allowed to use advanced calculators with database capabili

28、ty.考生不得使用有数据库功能的高级计算器。32. Dorothy went to work quietly, _ to work as hard as she could. A. her mind being made up B. with her mind made up C. with her mind making up D. he mind making up解析:答案是B 这里是with +宾语+宾语补足语的结构,make up ones mind下定决心,所以her mind应该是被make up 的,用过去分词表示被动。33._ the right kind of traini

29、ng, these teenage soccer players may one day grow the international stars.A.GivingB.Having givenC.To giveD.Given解析:答案是D。因动词give与句子主语these teenage soccer players之间为被动关系,所以要用过去分词given。为便于理解,此题可改写为:If these teenage soccer players are given the right kind of training, they may one day grow the internati

30、onal stars.34._from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.A.Being separated B.Having separatedC.Having been separated D.To be separated解析:答案选C。强调动作发生在主句谓语动作之前时,原则上要用完成式(根据情况可用不定式的完成式或现在分词的完成式)。因为Australia与separate是被动

31、关系,且separate发生在谓语动词has之前,所以用现在分词的完成被动式作原因状语。35. Husband and wife with a common duty to the country will find themselves _ closer together.A. been drawn B. drawn C. to draw D. drawing解析:答案是B 夫妻对于工业很重要,draw表示吸引或者拉,这里被产业吸引,被动要用过去分词。36.Faced with a bill for $10, 000,_.A.John has taken an extra jobB.the

32、boss has given john an extra jobC.an extra job has been takenD.an extra job has been given to John解析:答案选A。谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语原则上应与主句主语保持一致。由于(be) faced with的逻辑主语是John,故答案只能选A。37. Here we found little snow, as most of it seemed _ blown off the mountain.A. to have been B. that it was C. to be D. that it ha

33、d been解析:答案是A to have beenblownas引导的是原因状语从句 从句中的主语是most谓语动词是seemed后面的不定式可以看做表语。动作发生在前 说明主句foundlittlesnow的原因 所以应该用不定式的完成形式。其他答案都不对。A表是要发生 C seem后面不能跟动名词 D 主语不是it 关于seem句型: it seems that our team will win=our team seems to win. It seems that our team has won.=our team seems to have won.第一句 看起来我们队要赢 第

34、二句 看起来我们队已经赢了。38._ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.A.Being encouragedB.EncouragingC.EncouragedD.Having encouraged解析:答案是C。根据句意和空格后的介词by短语可知,空格处应填一个表被动意义的选项,故可排除B和D;而选项A为现在分词的被动式,除表示被动外还表示动作在进行,与句意不符,故也排除。39. _ halfway through the exercise, the teacher

35、changed his mind and collected all our papers.A. When only being B. When we were onlyC. Being only D. Having been解析:答案是B 句意为:当我们练习到一半时,老师改变了主意,把我们所有的试卷都收了起来。40.Five people won the “Chinas Green Figure” award, a title_to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection. A.being giv

36、enB.is givenC.givenD.was given解析:答案是C。过去分词作后置定语的特征是:表被动,通常可视为一个被动语态的省略形式。a title given to ordinary people可视为a title which was given to ordinary people之省略。41. Some passengers are reading the morning paper, others are talking with one another, _ nervously for the train.A. to wait B. are waiting C. wai

37、ting D. being waited解析:答案是C 句意为:一些乘客在看早报,其他人在互相交谈,紧张地等待火车。42.Every evening after dinner, if not _ from work, I will spend some time walking my dog.A.being tiredB.tiringC.tiredD.to be tired解析:答案是C。此题从四个选项来看是考查非谓语动词的用法,但本质上是考查省略结构,句中的if not tired from work为if Im not tired from work(如果我下班回来不是很累的话),其中的t

38、ired已转化为形容词。43._ many times, he finally understood it.A.ToldB.TellingC.Having toldD.Having been told解析:答案是D。根据句意可知,句子主语he与动词tell之间为被动关系,所以可以排除选项B和C;又因为tell与understand之间明显的先后关系,即先被告诉然后才明白,所以选D不选A。又如:Having been told so beforehand, he was not surprised.因为之前已经有人告诉他了,所以他并不惊讶。44. Theres one thing I disli

39、ke about him: he will never admit _ a mistake.A. having made B. making C. being made D. have been made解析:答案是A 我就有一点不喜欢他,他从来不承认犯过错误. 犯过错误是指过去犯过的,相对于现在是现在完成式.45.Before you decide to leave your job,_the effect it will have on your family.A.considerB.consideringC.to considerD.considered解析:答案是A before 引导

40、的是时间状语从句,填空句为主句,而此主句为一祈使句,故动词用原形。46.If you hear the fire bell,_cool and dont panic.A.keepB.to keepC.keepingD.kept解析:答案是A : if引导的是条件状语从句,填空句为主句,而此主句为一祈使句,故动词用原形。47. Stan spent half a year _ material for his new book.A. to collect B. collect C. collecting D. collected解析:答案是C spend some time doing some

41、thing 花时间做某事48.They use computers to keep the traffic _ smoothly.A.being runB.runC.to runD.running解析:答案是D。此题考查keepdoing sth结构,其意为“保持做某事”“使不停地做某事”。又如:He kept the fire burning.他让火燃着。Im sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起让你等了。49. Its no use _ me not to worry.A. you tell B. your telling C. for you to hav

42、e told D. having told解析:答案是B it is no use + that从句 或者+doing(动名词形式) b 选项就是一个动名词形式50.When Peter speaks in public, he always has trouble _ the right things to say. A.thinking ofB.to think ofC.thought ofD.think of解析:答案是A。考查have trouble doing sth(做某事有困难)的用法,其中的doing sth习惯上不能改为不定式或过去分词,但可在doing sth前加上介词in

43、(加上介词in后,doing为动名词)。又如:No, I dont know his numberI have quite enough trouble remembering my own.不,我不知道他的号码,我光记自己的号码就够困难的了。51. The chairman insists that there be a meeting _ within the shortest possible time.A. to hold B. to be held C. to have been held D. to be holding 解析:答案是B 不定式作定语修饰meeting,因为meet

44、ing和hold之间是被动关系,所以用不定式的被动形式。另外,因为是还没有发生的事情,所以不能用to have been held 这种不定式的完成形式。 52.There is a great deal of evidence _ that music activities engage different parts of the brain.A.indicateB.indicatingC.to indicateD.to be indicating解析:答案是B。从语法上看,“there be+名词”后面既可接不定式,也可接现在分词,其区别是:用不定式表示将要发生的情况,和现在分词表示正在

45、进行的情况或通常性情况。根据句意,显然应用现在分词。句意为:有大量证据表明音乐活动与大脑的不同部位有密切关系。53. When the famous pianist was a child, he was accustomed _ for several hours a day.A. to practicing B. to practice C. to be practicing D. to have practiced.解析:答案是A custom to后面要跟一个名词或动名词,所以选A54.The repairs cost a lot, but its money well_.A.to s

46、pendB.spentC.being spent D.spending解析:答案选B。凡是含有被动意义时,原则上要用过去分词。但是,如果所涉及的动作尚未发生,则用不定式的被动式;如果所涉及的动作正在进行,则用现在分词的被动式。由于money与spend之间为被动关系,故用过去分词。55.Five people won the “Chinas Green Figure” award, a title_to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.A.being givenB.is given C.gi

47、ven D.was given解析:答案选C。凡是含有被动意义时,原则上要用过去分词。但是,如果所涉及的动作尚未发生,则用不定式的被动式;如果所涉及的动作正在进行,则用现在分词的被动式。由于title与give之间为被动关系,故用过去分词。56. In China hundreds of different dialects are spoken; people of some villages _ themselves understood by the inhabitants of the next town.A. making trouble have B. have making tr

48、oubleC. have trouble making D. trouble making have解析:答案是C have difficultyindoing sth / have troubleindoing sth 意思一样,都是做某事有困难。后面的in可以省去57.A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _all four people on board.A.killedB.killingC.killsD.to kill解析:答案是B。现在分词短语killing all four people

49、 on board在此用作结果状语。又如:He fired, killing one of the passers-by.他开枪了,打死了一个过路人。I fell, striking my head against the door and cutting it.我摔了个跟头,头撞在了门上,划了个口子。58. Its a wonderful place for anyone _ in architecture, as you are. A. interesting B. to be interested C. being interested D. interested解析:答案是D 对于一个

50、像你这样对建筑感兴趣的人来说,这是个非常不错的地方。be interested in sth. 对。感兴趣 据此先排除A。在此interested可以看成是形容词做定语,修饰anyone. 排除BC 59.Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always_the same thing.A.sayingB.saidC.to sayD.having said解析:答案选A 用作伴随状语,原则上要用现在分词。现在分词saying在此表示伴随。60.We often provide o

51、ur children with toys, footballs or basketballs,_that all children like these things.A.thinkingB.thinkC.to thinkD.thought解析:答案选A。现在分词thinking在此表示伴随。61. Another feature worth _ is the role of information throughout a feedback control system.A. noticed B. noticing C. being noticed D. notice解析:答案是B 另一个

52、值得注意的特性是信息在整个反馈控制系统中的作用。62.In April, resident Hu inspected the warships inQingdao, _ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.A.markingB.markedC.having markedD.being marked解析:答案是A。mark的意思是“标志”,由于其后带有宾语,所以不可能用过去分词或现在分词的被动形式,故可排除B和D;再从动作的先后顺序来看,应该是先有inspect,后才有mark,所以选A不选C。63. I believe _

53、very largely due to mistaken views of the world.A. this unhappiness are B. to be this unhappinessC. this be unhappiness D. this unhappiness to be解析:答案是D 句意为:我认为这种忧愁很大程度上是由于错误的世界观造成的。64.If you cant get in the front door,_to the back door.A.goB.to goC.goingD.to be going解析:答案是A If you cant get in the f

54、ront door是让步状语,后半句才是主句,是祈使句65. When they met, Leonards and his enemy were fighting _. A. killed each other B. to kill each other C. killing each other D. to be killed each other 解析:答案是B 句意是当他们相见的时候,里昂纳多和他的对手都争斗以致于互相残杀,表示打斗的目的是互相残杀,用不定式表示目的66.The government plans to bring in new laws _ parents to tak

55、e more responsibility for the education of their children.A.forcedB.forcingC.to be forcedD.having forced解析:答案是B。由于空格后跟有动词force的宾语,所以就不可能用过去分词或不定式的被动形式,故可排除A和C;再从句意来看,force并不是发生在主句谓语之前的动作,所以不宜用完成式。顺便说一句,如果选项中有不定式to force也可以选。67.The Chinese are proud of the 29th Olympic Games_in Beijing in 2008.A.hold

56、B.holdingC.heldD.to be held解析:答案选D。用于名词后作定语时,用不定式,表示动作尚未发生;由于2008年奥运会在句中的意思是尚未举行,故要用不定式。68. Before the invention of aero-planes, _ in the sky like a bird was only a dream.A. men fly B. to fly C. for flying D. man flys解析:答案是B 因为根据后面的dream判断,fly还没有实现,所以用不定式表示将来性。这是不定式的特征。而动名词不具备将来性的特征。69. At last they

57、 succeeded _ the job.A. to persuade him to take B. in persuading him to takeC. to persuade him taking D. in persuading him taking解析:答案是B succeed in doing something persuade somebody to do是固定搭配succeed to do不是固定用法,没有这样的表达,有succeed to something 这个用法,这时的to是介词,此时succeed to something 是继承的意思 e.g.She succee

58、ded to the throne(王位) in 1558.70.At the age of 29, Dave was a worker, _ in a small apartment nearBostonand _ what to do about his future.A.living; wonderingB.lived; wonderingC.lived; wonderedD.living; wondered解析:答案是A。两空均填现在分词,用作定语修饰a worker。注意句中的并列连词and,用于连接两个相同的句子结构(即连接两个现在分词短语)。句意为:戴夫29岁时是一名工人,住在波

59、士顿附近的一间小公寓,不知未来怎么办。71. All that it does is _ the place of a house wife.A. takes B. taking C. take D. being taken 解析:答案是C 它所做的一切就是代替了家庭主妇的位置。句子结构:All (主语)that it does(定语)is (be动词)take the place of a house wife(表语)这句话应该是动词不定式做表语,即to take the place of.。但是因为主语部分出现了do,后面动词不定式符号to省略。72._into use in April

60、2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdown. A.PutB.PuttingC.Having putD.Being put解析:答案是A。putinto use为固定短语,其意为“投入使用”。根据句意可知,the hotline与put是被动关系,且于2000年已经完成,所以用过去分词。73. He listened to me _ what Mr. Smith had said the day before.A. to repeat B. to be repeate


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