已阅读5页,还剩37页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Lesson 1: Fathers Mothers Brothers and Sisters一、教学目标 :1、知识目标:学生能熟练的掌握家庭成员的英文名字。并且能掌握 older /younger than句型。 2、能力目标:能在情景中灵活运用词汇和句型,简单介绍自己的家庭成员。3、情感目标:让学生了解做任何事情前,都应想想他人的感受,学会关心别人,培养学生喜欢用英语交流的兴趣。二、教学重难点:教学重点:使学生能够正确地认识本课生词,并能掌握 older /younger than句型。教学难点:older /younger than句型的灵活的运用。三、教学准备:录音机,卡片。四、教学过

2、程:Class Opening and ReviewSing The Family in Our House to review members of the family mastered in Level Key ConceptsI am older/younger than _INTRODUCEShow a picture of my family. Introduce my family to the students.T: Look, this is my father and mother. My father is fifty-seven years old. This is m

3、y mother. She is fifty-five years old. Are they young? ( No, they are old.) T: Look, Who are they? Can you guess? Yes, they are my grandfather and my grandmother.Teach these two words.Are they old? (Yes, theyre very old.)T: Who is she? Guess. She is my sister.Yes,I have one sister.I dont have brothe

4、rs.Ask: Do my father and mother have sons? How many daughters do they have? My sister is thirty. Im twenty-eight. Who is older? My sister. My sister is older than me. Im younger than my sister. T: My father is older than me. My mother is older than me. Older, whats meaning. Younger, whats meaning.Ma

5、ke up the sentencesAsk the students to make up the sentences with older /younger than.USE THE STUDENT BOOK AND AUDIOTAPE Ask the students to look at the books. Discuss the pictures:How many people are there in Li Mings family?Who are they?Explain Why Li Ming has two grandfathers and grandmothers.Doe

6、s Li Ming has brothers and sisters?Look at the Smith family.Discuss:Where does Jennys family live?Who are in Jennys family?How old are they?Play the audiotape as the students follow in their student book.PRACTICEAsk the students to introduce their family in groups.五、板书设计Lesson 1: Fathers Mothers Bro

7、thers and Sisters grandfather grandmother father mother son daughter (brother) (sister) 六、练习:(一)、用家庭成员填空。I have two _ and _ .My _ and _ have one son, he is my _ .My sister is my father and my mothers _ .(二)、写一写:用older /younger than 各写两句话。Lesson 2 : Aunts, Uncles and Cousins一、教学目标 :1、知识目标:掌握家庭成员词汇aun

8、t uncle cousin。2、能力目标:通过情景创设,让学生理解句意,并在情景中学习单词,培养自主学习的能力,获得与同学交流的方法,在日常生活中正确使用以上词汇。3、让学生了解做任何事情前,都应想想他人的感受,学会关心别人,培养学生喜欢用英语交流的兴趣。二、教学重难点:能听懂、会说、会读和会写本课四会单词和句型。三、教学准备:录音机、家庭成员树状图四、教学过程:(一)、Class opening and review1、Greeting : Hello! How are you today? Nice to meet you !How is the weather?(轻松的课前交流,给学生

9、创设愉悦的英语语言氛围)2、Game :Play “Letters”to review the words . (二)、New ConceptsFamily members:aunt uncle cousin.(1)show the family s picture of LiMing .1、 Introduce the words “wife”and “husband”. T: Li Mings father is Li Mings mothers husband. What is “husband”? Can you guess? S: Yes.丈夫read it please. T: L

10、i Mings mother is Li Mings fathers wife? What is “wife”? Can you guess? S: Yes,妻子read it please. T: Youre very clever 2、show Li Mings mothers sister and brother . T: Li Ming mothers sister is aunt. Can you guess “aunt”? S: Yes 姨read it please. T: Li Mings mother s brother is uncle. Can you guess “un

11、cle”. S: Yes 舅read it please. T: Very good(用英语介绍重点单词叔叔、阿姨,使学生更容易理解他们和爸爸、妈妈之间的关系。另外,这种方式小学生更喜欢,他们愿意更主动地猜测其中的人物。) 3、提问 Whats Li Mings aunts name? Who is her husband? Who is his wife?(提出问题帮助学生理解课文内容,培养学生良好的阅读习惯。)4、 Let the Ss introduce Li Mings fathers sister and brother by themselves .Prictice with “c

12、ousin” .(通过课文的学习,可以用这种方法检查学生的理解情况,培养学生口头表达能力。)5、 Use the student book and audiotape , practice their listening .6、 Drawing : Drawing your family and introduce the members of your family .(学生会对这样的活动感兴趣,既培养了学生运用新学知识的表达能力,又锻炼了学生听的能力。)(三)、Class closing五、板书设计Lesson 2 : Aunts, Uncles and Cousins aunt ( mo

13、thers sister / fathers sister ) uncle ( mothers brother / fathers brother)cousin (uncle s /aunt s child )六、练习:(一)、猜单词。例:My mothers sister ( aunt )1. My fathers brother ( )2. My fathers father ( )3. My aunts son ( )4. My uncles daughter ( )(二)、改错:My uncle is tall than my aunt . My sister is older tha

14、n my mother . My cousin shorter than my aunt . Lesson 3:What Do They Look Like?一、 教学目标: 1.说出并且听懂下列词汇Long short straight curly (hair) 2.会读、写、说出并且听懂下列词汇:gray hair , glasses(复数概念) ,eyes 。 3.读出或是背诵一些描述hair eyes 的简单句子,同学之间可以进行简单的口语交 际。4. 在原有基础上更好的掌握比较级。二、 教学重点: 如何用英语描述外貌三、教学过程:(一)、Class opening and revie

15、wStep 1:Lead a dialogue like this: T: How tall are you? S1: _ metres tall. T: How tall are you? S2: _ metres tall. T: Is he/she taller/shorter? S:He/she is taller/shorter.Step 2:导入新课 一、利用图片卷发、直发、长发、短发4种不同的发型,并涂上颜色复习staight hair, curly hair ,long hair, short hair以及blond,red,brown,black.并画上不同颜色的眼睛。 二、

16、猜单词:根据英语表达(如fathers brother)猜出单词,获胜的同学可以随意挑选发型、眼睛、来组成自己这个组的人物标志,为下一步教学做铺垫。(二):新授 一、描述各组的人物标志 如:She has short ,curly , blond hair. Her eyes are brown. (分层教学,学生自由选择:A:能流利地用英语描述一个人物B:能参照课本描述出一个人物C:能用英语短语说出这个人物最基本的特征。这样可以使每个阶段的学生得到练习) 二描述自己的特征。 三、猜猜看。请学生用英语说出一个同学的特征,其他同学猜猜是哪位。 四自学课文 1、自学课文第二部分,找出重点。 2、w

17、ear glasses,gray.以实物讲解单词,开火车拼读单词,比比谁能最先默写出来。 3、赛读课文。以小组为单位赛读课文,一人读一句,比比哪个小组的课文读地最流利,发音最准确。 4,跟读。五、让学生自己介绍自己的家庭(自己说,让学生学以致用)(三)、Class closing五、板书设计Lesson 3: What Do They Look Like?Gray glass-glasses六、练习 仿照课文写一篇小练笔,介绍自己的家庭。(写之前学生已经在课上进行了口头表达)Lesson 4 Do They Work?一、 教学目标:A. 知识目标1掌握句型 : He is a _. She

18、is a _.学生须掌握表示职业的单词,如driver等。(在听说的基础上研究到背写,但对于写单词不做具体要求,根据学生的个体差异,个别对待)2.说出并且灵活运用重点句型 What do they do ?How do they go to work? 掌握一般疑问句的两种回答方式。3培养学生正确使用本课所学句型,来介绍人们的各种职业。B,能力目标能用本课重点句子和职业名称互相问答,并能简单介绍父母及家人的工作。C.情感态度价值观 在教学过程中培养学生的学习兴趣,并向学生渗透尊重父母的劳动,劳动最光荣的意识。二、教学重点:充分掌握句子 He is a _. She is a _.三、教学难点:

19、让学生感知主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词需加s 或加 es 四、教具学具:单词卡片,电脑光盘五、教学过程:(一)Class Opening and Review (1)Greeting with each other(2)Play a game: Simon Says : _ (复习几种交通方式) drive a car ride a bicycle take a bus walk to school (3)Say the words quickly _(复习职业词汇) businessman , cashier , driver , doctor , nurse , waiter , tea

20、cher , waitress , carpenter clerk , police officer , (二)New ConceptsStep 1 : Demonstrate: T:I am a teacher . I work in a school . I go to school by bicycle . T :What do they do ? How do they go to work ? Step 2 Listen and Discuss 出示光盘课文第一部分内容, 听看录音两遍 然后师生讨论 :Picture 1 : Who is this ? What is LiMing

21、s father ? How does he go to work ?Picture 2 : The same as P1Picture 3 : Who is this ? What is Wanrong ? Where does she work ? How does she go to work ? Step 3 Follow to read Part 1 Step 4 Lead to Part 2 T :Do your mother and father work ? What do they do ? Questions :1. Does your mother work ? 2.Is

22、 she a _ ? 3 Does your father work ? 4.Is he a _?Step 5.Talk about : T :Do your mother and father work very tired ? Do they work hardly or easily ? How to do with us ?Step 6. Sing a song Oh, what do you do ? I am a teacher . (三)Class Closing Homework :Write down some sentences to introduce your pare

23、nts . 板书 : Lesson 4 : Do They Work ? What do you do ? How do you go to _? My father is a businessman . He drives to work My mother is a doctor . She goes to work by bicycle .Lesson 5: What do they like to do?一、教学目标:1、知识技能:复习有关I like to . 及相关动词词组,培养学生语言运用能力。2、过程方法:通过情景创设,让学生理解句意,并在情景中学习,培养自主学习的能力,获得与

24、同学交流的方法。3、情感态度价值观:树立学生学好英语的信心,鼓励学生用英语进行表达;培养学生在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助的态度。二、教学重点、难点:复习有关I like to . 及相关动词词组。三、教学准备:单词及词组卡片、录音机及录音带。四、教学过程:一、Class opening and review:复习:1、利用词汇卡片提示进行操练,复习人称代词和有关家庭成员的词汇。2、游戏:找同学到前面表演,学生猜动词或动词短语。二、Key concepts:1、角色表演:师生问答练习What do you like to do? I like to .(板书问答句,让学生利用句型复习,并

25、培养学生的语言表达能力,并为这节课的新授做一个铺垫,让学生能够顺利地说出后面的句型及相关结构。)2、小组练习:a、描述小组内成员喜欢的活动。利用以下句型: (姓名)likes to .He/She likes to . (姓名)and (姓名)are the same. (姓名)and (姓名)are the different.(本环节可用来练习动词在单三人称中的变化,通过练习,让学生巩固学习过的知识,生动有趣。)b、猜活动游戏。教师说出一类家庭成员的称谓,学生甲向学生丙介绍描述学生乙。学生乙表演相应的人物,学生丙正确描述这项活动。可使用如下词汇:This is my .My likes t

26、o .(本活动直接应用了本节课中所学的内容,并使学生学会在生活中使用语言,在生活中运用语言。将本课教学推向高潮。)3、问答活动:Do you like to ? 及回答。学生利用手中的卡片互相问答并结合以上知识进行练习。(本环节为下课前的最后一个活动,充分考虑到了学生的个性特点,让学生自主选择喜欢的活动,将本节课从课上延伸到了课下,给学生以充分的自由空间,使学生意犹未尽。)三、Use the activity book.四、Class closing.板书设计:Lesson 5: What do they like to do?What do you like to do?I like to

27、.Do you like to ?Yes, I like to .No, I dont like .课后练习:1、连线题:下围棋 go for a walk去散步 play checkers用电脑 work on the computer打乒乓球 watch TV看电视 read the newspaper读报纸 play ping-pong2、回答问题:What do you like to do? (以“打电脑”回答) Do you like to read books? (肯定回答) Does your cousin like to skip? (否定回答) What does your

28、 mother like to do? (以“读报纸”回答) 3、连词组句:my uncle, work, on the computer, likes to, go for a work, they, in the evening, like toLesson 6 Having Fun Together一、教学目标a、知识与技能:孩子们掌握并能充分运用词语:watch a movie(the animals) , have supper , fly kites ,buy clothes ,play badminton.b、过程与方法:通过小组合作等形式,能够准确的理解并练习We go to

29、the to . Do you go to the to ? 进行口语交流。c、情感态度价值观:通过体验、合作、创设去情景等途径,使学生参与其中,乐于学习。二、教学重、难点说出并且灵活运用重点句型We / I go to the to . My family likes to go to the to .三、 教具学具准备教学卡片、图片 收音机 磁带四、 教学过程Class Opening First. GreetingsHello, boys and girls.How are you today?How is the weather today?可以让所有学生来回答或个别学生。Second

30、. 小组讨论“ What do you like to do? ”然后两人一组进行对话。ThirdListen to the tape-recorder “ What do you like to do ?”New Concepts (一)We like to have fun together. 通过Chant 导入新课,“ What does your family like to do? ”Do you know?今天让我们一起看看Li Ming 的家人喜欢做什么Have fun together那么去什么地方一起娱乐呢?(教师或学生领读)Go to the movie theatre

31、to watch a movieGo to a restaurant to have supperGo to the park to fly kites让我们帮着想一想还有什么地方?(教师领读)Go to the zoo to watch the animalsGo to the store to buy clothes Go to the gym to play badmiton Show the teaching pictures and ask the students to make sentences: We / I go to the to . STUDENT BOOK: L6 N

32、1Play the tape and the class follows.Hold up the pictures and read after the radio. DRILL句型:We/I go to _ to _下面让我们自己说说去什么地方做什么,小组讨论之后,每组找两个人说。(二)What does your family like to do?My family likes to go to the to . What does your family like to do? Do you go to the to ? 让学生练习回答。Practice in pairs学生自由结组练

33、习问答播放录音,充分利用全班读、男同学读、女同学读等多种方式,慢慢过渡到背诵。(三)Lett chantPlay the tape and the class listens.Play the tape again and the class follows.The class chants with their action.Class Closing把学生分成小组,各小组自己选择图片,练习情景表演。如:表演1:(几个同学在去公园的路上遇见)A: Hello. Where do you go?B: Hi. We go to the park to fly kites. My family l

34、ikes to have fun together.A: Have a good time! B:Thanks! 五、 板书设计Lesson 6:Having Fun Together We / I go to the to .Do you go to the to ?六、随堂练看图对话: A: We / I go to the to .B: Do you go to the to ?Lesson 7: Are You Ready for a Quiz?教学目标: 1、 知识与技能:使学生读、写、说出并听懂词汇:aunt,uncle, cousin, gray hair,eyes,glasse

35、s,We/I go to the to .用than的比较结构。2、 过程与方法:在教学中运用测试、阅读等多种形式,增强学习的趣味性,培养学生课前预习的能力及语言交际能力。 3、 情感态度与价值观:关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的氛围,用多种形式的教学手段和丰富多彩的教学活动吸引学生参与其中,继续激发和保持学生对英语的持久兴趣,促进学生的口语交际能力。教学重点:aunt,uncle, cousin, gray hair,eyes,glasses,We/I go to the to .用than的比较结构。教学难点:充分理解故事内容,并能有简单的语言进行复述。教学准备:录音机、教学卡片等。

36、教学过程:1.Class opening and review:Use the quiz in the student book as review.2.Story:“Maddys family”Prepare to read:Questions:Do you remember Maddy?Is Maddy big or small?These are pictures of Maddys family. What is Maddys family like?Read.Discuss:What does Maddys brother like to do?Is Maddy older or y

37、ounger than her sister?Does her mother work?Does her father work?Where do Maddys cousins live?What do her cousins like to play?Did you like this story? Why or why not?3.Class closing.课后习题:复述故事Maddys family板书设计:Lesson 7: Are You Ready for a Quiz?Maddys familyQuestions:Do you remember Maddy?Is Maddy b

38、ig or small?These are pictures of Maddys family.What is Maddys family like?Lesson 8: Again, Please!一、教学目标:1、 知识与技能:复习词汇:aunt,uncle, cousin, gray hair,eyes,glasses,We/I go to the to .用than的比较结构。2、 过程与方法:在教学中运用游戏、歌谣等多种形式,增强学习的趣味性,培养学生课前预习的能力及语言交际能力。 3、 情感态度与价值观:关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的氛围,用多种形式的教学手段和丰富多彩的教学

39、活动吸引学生参与其中,继续激发和保持学生对英语的持久兴趣,促进学生的口语交际能力。二、教学重点:aunt,uncle, cousin, gray hair,eyes,glasses,We/I go to the to . 三、教学难点:熟练掌握than的比较结构。四、教具学具:录音机、教学卡片,单词卡片等。五、教学过程:(一).Class opening and review:1Greeting 2.review the words:aunt ,uncle , cousin, gray hair, eyes, glasses. 3. Game: Guess the occupation.Ask

40、 for a volunteer to act, and the others guess. For example: teacher, police officer, cashier4.Lets chant: 爸爸的弟弟叫 Uncle ,Uncle Uncle Uncle 妈妈的妹妹叫Aunt , Aunt Aunt Aunt他们的孩子叫Cousin ,Cousin Cousin Cousin5. Practice:I am taller than Jing. We go to the to .6.Expand: Draw the “Family tree”.Ask every studen

41、t to draw a “Family tree”, then show it to the class, and describe it.(三). Class closing.Exercise:背写单词aunt,uncle, cousin, gray hair,eyes,glasses,Lesson 8: Again, Please!Lets chant: 爸爸的弟弟叫 Uncle ,Uncle Uncle Uncle 妈妈的妹妹叫Aunt , Aunt Aunt Aunt他们的孩子叫Cousin ,Cousin Cousin CousinPractice:I am taller than

42、_. We go to the to . Lesson 9: Lets Look at a Map!教学目标:1 知识目标:学生可以读,写,说出并听懂词汇 map, country, north, south, east 和 west。2 能力目标:学生能正确指认英,美,中,澳,加几个国家的位置并能说出英语名称;能用英语表达生活中和地图中的方向;能演唱英文歌曲。3 情感目标:培养学生与人合作,互相帮助的情感态度和国际意识。教学重难点:宏观上初步掌握五个国家的位置,名称,并用英语正确描述方向。教学准备:学生准备:课前查资料(关于讲英语的国家有哪些,基本情况如何)教师准备:世界地图,录音机,卡片,

43、五个国家形状的彩色贴图。教学过程:一、 复习 T:Hello, boys and girls S:Hello, teacher T:Today, I take two gifts for you.This is the first one,look at this(出示一张班内学生的全家福) S:Its a picture. T:Yes, who are they? S: This is This is her mother,This is T:Yes,Thats right. How do they feel? S:They are very happy. T:Do you like my

44、gifts? S:Yes, we like it. (教师在一开始上课便设计了“送礼物”这一情景,吸引学生的注意力,通过一张相片师生展开交流、讨论,在教师的引导下鼓励学生大胆的说英语,用英语,这种师生、生生交流体现了英语的交际性原则。) T:Ok. Look at the second gift .Its a riddle (谜语) If you can guess it ,I will show you. So listen carefully: Its a piece of paper(纸.) We can find many places on it . What is it ? S:是

45、地图? T :Well done. Thats a map. Now, today we will learn Lesson9:Lets look at a map. (在前面复习环节中教师设计的情景“送礼物”吸引了学生的注意力,接下来的第二个“礼物”抓住小学生好奇心强的特点,更是调足了学生的口味。第二个“礼物”猜“谜语” 让学生积极的用英语思维去思考,当学生猜出答案“地图”时,教师马上可以自然导入到新内容Lesson9: “Lets look at a map”同时也使学生在积极思考的同时体验到了学习语言的快乐) 二、 新授 1、countries:China, Canada, United

46、 states, Australia, United Kingdom T:Now, class, Whats this ?(出示一张大地图) S:Its a map.(这里通过单个读、整体读、同桌读等方式练习拼读) T:OK class,Look at this map(教师手指着表示中国的红色部分) S:Its China. T:Yes, thats our “country” , Yes?(教师反复强调our country) S:Yes. (这里学生通过教师的体态语,大概猜出了是“国家” 的意思) T:Ok, read after me “country” S:country.(通过读时

47、声音强弱、长短的变化进行趣味性“读”的操练,充分调动起学生读的兴趣,同时培养良好的语音语调。) T:What colour is China ? S:China is red. T:China is where we live. Yes?(鼓励学生在一定的情景中猜出句子意思) S:Yes. T:Lets look at this country, Jenny lives in this country. Can you guess? S: Oh, Its Canada.yes? T:Thats right.what colour is it? S:The green country is Ca

48、nada. T:OK look at the purple country. this is the countrys flag国旗. (教师可出示美国国旗图案)They speak English.Can you guess? S: 美国。(通过教师的提示让学生通过自己动脑猜出国家名称,并加深记忆) T:Then Read after me “United States 、U.S”(让学生了解美国的简称U.S) S:United States, US. T:This country is _?(教师用手指蓝色部分) S:This country is blue. T:What country

49、 is it?(通过课前预习可让同学自己说) S:英国。(如果有学生知道可以发挥这部分学生的主体作用,让他们当小老师教 大家) T:United kingdoom, we can say_? S: U.K T:This is Australia加拿大. Can you say something about it ? S:(教师可以发挥学生的主动性,让学生把自己预习了解到的知识介绍给大家如:澳大利亚风景很美,这里有人们喜爱的袋鼠等,通过这种方式激发学生的学习热情,扩大学生的知识面,了解外国文化知识,也培养了学生课前预习的能力。) T:Well done class.What colour is

50、 it ? S:Australia is yellow. T:Ok, today we know these countries, they are _? S:China、Canada、Australia、U.S、U.K T:Listen to the tap and repeat 2、north, south, west, east T:Ok class,Im tired class(装作很累) lets do this Ok? S:OKLesson 10:China教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生可以读,写,说出并听懂China, speak, Chinese和the capital cit

51、y。2. 能力目标:学生通过学习,能用英语简单介绍中国。 能运用所学知识介绍自己.3. 情感目标:加强对自己的祖国-中国的自豪感。 培养学生的跨文化意识.教学重难点:学生能用所学知识介绍自己的祖国。教师准备:教学卡片,录音机,中国地图,世界地图。教学过程:一、 复习 1、小组展示并介绍自制方向标如:This is north ,north point up ; This is south, south points down通过游戏“Simon Says”来练习north, south, east, west和map。利用以下短语:Simon says: “Point north / sout

52、h / east / west to a map.” (在英语教学中体现新的教学理念,让学生通过亲手制作方向标体验英语在生活中的运用,而让学生介绍就给学生说、表达自己思想的机会,同时锻炼了学生动手的能力,使学生得到全面的发展) 2、歌曲导入。播放“中华人民共和国国歌”导入新内容。 (用孩子们熟悉的国歌,直奔主题,非常自然的引出今天的内容”China”,同时激发学生的爱国主义热情。) 二、 新授 1、 借助地图、地球仪,以师生对话的形式学习用英语表达首都、语言、地理位置、国旗。2、教师用手偶演示“讲汉语”,每只手上放一个手偶,一个手偶讲英语,一个手偶讲汉语,手偶试图彼此对话,但行不通,讲英语的手

53、偶最终用英语道出问题的所在:Oh! I speak English, but you speak Chinese! 3、 情景教学:设置了一个外国人来到中国,向中国的小朋友了解中国的情况,他们向远道而来的外国朋友介绍了自己的祖国。 人物角色:一位外国人,若干名中国小学生。 学具准备:需要一张中国地图、相关图片 要求:角色表演要以这些基本话题展开:介绍国家国旗、语言、首都、名胜。 语言表达精炼,流畅,有良好的语音语调,把握角色要到位,表演的形象、准确。 三、 拓展与运用 让学生通过查阅资料或向家长、老师请教,介绍我国其他方面值得我们骄傲的东西。如:中国的其他名胜古迹万里长城、秦陵兵马俑、秦皇宫、

54、颐和园等。 四、家庭作业: 将今天学习的中国的信息归类: 如:国家名称:China 国旗 :It is red ,It has yellow stars. 语言:chinese 地理位置:the U.S is east of China . 名胜古迹:the Palace Mueseum , Tiananmen Square.教学板书:Lesson 10:ChinaChina: flag- redyellow starsspeak-ChineseThe U.S. is east of China.Lesson 11:Canada教学目标:1. 知识目标: 学生可以读,写,说出并听懂词汇 Can

55、ada 和English.2. 能力目标: 培养学生的探究能力。能用英语简单介绍加拿大的基 本情况。3. 情感目标:增强学生学习英语的兴趣,培养跨文化意识。教学重难点:能用英语简单介绍加拿大的基本情况。教学准备: 学生准备:有关加拿大的知识。红色纸和白色纸、剪刀、胶水。 教师准备:卡片,录音机,地图。教学过程:. Class opening and review.1, 韵律操Up up dpwn downLeft left right rightNorth points up and south points downWest points left and east points right

56、通过韵律操这一生动活泼的形式复习方位名词 2,师生问答操练:出示世界地图指着中国问Whats this country? (China.)What colour is this country?(Its red.)Whats the capital city of this country?(Beijing.)What country is east of China?(the U.S.)What do we speak in China?(Chinese)Can you talk about Chinas flag?(Its red. It has yellow stars.)What ar

57、e the represent things in China?(The Palace Museum.)通过综合语言训练方式复习了中国的基本常识。. New concepts. Canada.We live in China. Do you know where Jenny and Danny live? Do you know about Canada? (学生谈他们所了解的加拿大)通过学生对加拿大的了解,激发他们继续学习有关加拿大知识的积极性。2Listen to the tape and follow it. (Try to answer the questions in pairs.)

58、 Where does Jenny live?(Canada.)What colour is this country?(Its green.)What do they speak in Canada?(English and French.)What is the capital city of Canada? (Its Ottawa.)What country is south of Canada?(the U.S.)Can you describe Canadas flag? (Canadas flag is red andWhite. It has a leaf.)What is th

59、e famous waterfall in Canada?(Niagara Falls.)Whats the mountains name in Canada?(Rock Mountains)通过一系列提问让学生了解加拿大的基本常识。3利用红色和白色的纸制作加拿大国旗亲手制作加拿大国旗,让学生终身难忘加拿大国旗的样子。4 In groups. Every group is a tourist team, they are travelling in Canada. Suppose one student is a guide. 进一步巩固加拿大的知识。5Activity Book: N3. C

60、lass closing. Homework: 介绍并写一写加拿大Lesson 12: The U.S教学目标:1、知识目标:学习“U.S. know”以及关于美国的相关常识。2、能力目标:可以读、写、说出并且听懂“U.S. know”,可以说出并且听懂“Do you know _ ? Yes, I know. No, I dont know.”3、情感目标:激发学生对英语的持久兴趣,培养运用语言进行交际的能力,鼓励同学之间的合作并能互帮互助。教学重点、难点:能用英语向其他人简单介绍美国这个国家。教具准备:地图、卡片、录音机学生准备:红,白,蓝三色纸,剪刀,双面胶或胶水教学过程:一、 Clas


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