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1、高中英语单词天天记god素材高中英语单词天天记god素材PAGE PAGE 8高中英语单词天天记god素材 god n。gd( gods ) 双解释义 C1。 神being or spirit that is believed to have power over nature and control over human affairs U2。 上帝,天主,宇宙的创造者或主宰the Supreme Being, creator and ruler of the universe C3。 极受崇敬的人person greatly admired or adored C4。 过分注意的事物thi

2、ng to which too much attention is given 基本要点1.god的意思是“神,是可数名词,有复数形式,也可在前面加定冠词the。God是在各种宗教中,尤指基督教、天主教、犹太教、和伊斯兰教中对宇宙的创造者和主宰者的称呼,即“上帝,真主”,其前不可加定冠词the。god有时也用以表示“极受崇敬的人”或“过分注意的事物”。2。习语God forbid常置于句末,如接that从句,则从句用虚拟语气. 词汇搭配动词+believe in god相信上帝make a god of sb 视某人为神灵praise god赞美上帝swear to god对天发誓thank

3、god谢天谢地+名词god willing天意介词+by G老天爷作证,确实in praise of god赞美上帝with god已故的+介词the god of day太阳神the god of fire火神the god of heaven天神the god of love爱神the god of marriage月下老人the god of the sea海神the god of this world上帝the god of war战神 常用短语God almightyGodin heavengood God,(oh) (my) God天哪!(用以表示惊异、恐怖等) used to e

4、xpress surprise, horror, etc。God, what a stupid thing to do!天哪,多么愚蠢的事啊!Oh God,I wish this pain would stop!天啊!但愿疼痛能够止住!“God in heaven,Mary, whats happened to you!?” “I fell off my bike。”“天啊,玛丽,你发生了什么事?!”“我从自行车上摔下来了。”GodHeaven forbid但愿不发生这样的事 I hope notGod forbid!苍天不容!God forbid that anything should h

5、appen to my father。但愿我父亲不会出什么事。I hope we dont have any trouble with the car.God forbid!我希望这辆汽车不要出毛病。但愿不致如此!God forbid that I should ever say nasty things about you!我决不会说有关你的不三不四的坏话.It might pour with rain on Cup Final day,God forbid.锦标赛决赛那天,天可能会下倾盆大雨,但愿上帝不让这样的事情发生。Gods gift to(常作反语)上帝恩赐的人事物(给大家、企业等)

6、sb/sth that seems specially created to be useful to or enjoyed by a group of people, an industry, etc。He seems to think hes Gods gift to women.似乎他认为自己是上帝赐给女人的宝贝。Our new boss,Gods gift to British industry, has succeeded in making our profits even less than they were before he arrived。我们这位新来的老板,也就是上帝赐

7、予英国工业界中的宝贝,他的成功之处,就是使我们所得的利润比他未到任之前还要少.GodHeaven help愿苍天帮助(某人)(表示对某人的安全担心) used when expressing fears for sbs safetyIf thats the way he treats his friends then God help his enemies!如果他是那样对待自己的朋友,那么愿上帝帮助他的敌人.God knows1.天知道,我不知道 I dont knowGod knows how the cat got up on the roof。只有天知道那只猫是怎样爬上房顶的.2.的确

8、,确实 certainly, emphaticallyShe ought to succeed,God knows she tries hard enough.她应能成功,她的确太努力了.God willing若能如愿 used to express the wish that one will be able to do as one intends or plansHis plane lands at six thirty,God willing。如果一切顺利的话,他乘坐的飞机将于6:30降落。Weve had a lovely holiday and will be back again

9、 next summer,God willing.我们已经度过了一个愉快的假期,如果情况允许的话,明年夏天我们会再来.Ill see you again next Tuesday,God willing.如果一切顺利,我下星期二再来看你.in Gods name究竟,到底 used when asking angry or surprised questionsWhat in Gods name was that huge bang?究竟是什么砰的一声响?thank God(用以表示松心或宽慰)谢天谢地 used to express reliefThank God youre safe!你安

10、然无事,谢天谢地!to God(用于动词之后,表示强烈的希望、愿望等)的确;真 used after a verb to express a strong hope, wish, etc。I wish to God hed turn that radio down!我真希望他能把收音机的音量调低些!ye gods(用以表示惊讶)我的天哪,好家伙 be used to express surpriseYe gods!Youre not going out in those clothes, are you?我的天哪的!你们没有穿那些衣服外出,是吗? 句型例句Apollo was the Gree

11、k god of the arts, prophecy, medicine and light.阿波罗是希腊神话中主管艺术、预言、医药和光明之神。If they killed the lion, they would be punished by the gods。他们若杀死那头狮子,将受到众神的惩罚。Early Christians smashed the gods of many Roman temples.早期的基督教徒们捣毁了许多罗马寺院的神像。God bless you!愿上帝保佑你!Jews and Christians worship God。犹太人和基督教徒敬仰上帝。We pr

12、ayed to God, and he answered our prayers.我们向上帝祈祷,上帝就会满足我们的祈求。They had built a mosque to the glory of God by the end of 1980.他们在1980年底前建了一座清真寺以赞颂真主。God helps those who help themselves。自助者天助也!God sends fortune to fools.傻人有傻福。He that serves God for money will serve the devil for better wages。为了金钱而侍奉上帝的人必会为了更多的钱而为魔鬼卖命。When I was eight years old, my parents were faultless gods。八岁时,我视父母为完美无缺的崇拜偶像。He makes a god of his work, and forgets his family.他把工作


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