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1、Unit 5What are the shirts made of?单元话题 In this unit, students learn to talk about what products are made of and where they are made.单元语法Passive voice (present tense)教学目标1.能够用英语描述及询问物品的制作材料。2.正确理解被动语态的用法及句子结构。3.了解一些日常用品的制成材料,增加生活常识,养成良好的生活习惯;了解一些地方知名产品或传统艺术品的制作过程以及制作材料,培养学生的民族自豪感及爱国主义精神等素养。学情分析本单元通过了

2、解中国制造的产品在全世界的影响力,让学生树立强烈的民族自豪感。让学生通过梳理句子主语与谓语的关系,与主动语态的对比,体会被动语态谓语动词结构的变化。在实际运用中熟练掌握被动语态。第一课时Section A(1a2d)eq avs4al(教学设计)eq x(知) eq x(识) eq x(目) eq x(标)重点单词1.produce v. 生产,制造 2.widely adv. 广泛地,普遍地 3.process v. 加工,处理 4.pack v. 包装,装箱5.leaf n叶,叶子重点词组1.be made of/from 由制成 2.be made in sw.在某地制造3.the ar

3、t and science fair 艺术与科学展览 4.environmental protection 环境保护 5.grass and leaves 草地与树叶 6.be known for /be famous for 以闻名7.as far as I know据我所知 8.on the sides of mountains 在山边上 9.for example 例如 10.by hand 用手,手工重点句式1.Whats the model plane made of? 这个飞机模型是用什么制成的?Its made of paper.它是用纸制成的。2. What is the pa

4、inting made from? 这幅油画是用什么制成的?It is made from cotton.它是用棉花制成的。 3.Is this ring made of silver? 这枚戒指是由白银制成的吗? Yes, and it was made in Thailand.是的,并且它是在泰国制造的。4. Where is tea produced in China? 在中国,哪些地方产茶?It is produced in many different areas.在中国的许多不同的地区都出产茶叶。eq x(课) eq x(堂) eq x(环) eq x(节)自主学习案翻译下列词组。

5、 1由做成 _2. 在某地制造_3艺术和科学展览_4.飞机模型_5因出名_6在山边上_7手工制作_8世界各地_9对有好处_ 10. 在过去_11.据我所知_课堂导学案Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) 播放动画片造纸过程的视频,让学生们了解这个中国传统发明的情况。T: Who invented paper first?S1:Cai Lun invented it in Han Dynasty.T: What was paper made of then? S2: It was mainly made of bamboo.T: Was it easy for people to

6、make paper then?S1:No, it was very difficult then.T: What is paper made of now?S3: Its mainly made of wood, bamboo, and cotton. Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation) 1要求学生翻开课本P33页,快速阅读1a表格部分的内容。把物品和可能构成他们的材料匹配起来。(1分钟)2要求学生听第一遍录音,并完成课本上1b的听力任务。(1分钟)3要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2分钟)Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) 1要求学生先练习1a中的对话

7、,再模仿1c的对话,用1b表格中的信息进行对话练习。并邀请23对同学当堂进行演示。(3分钟)2要求学生翻开课本P34放录音一遍,完成2a,2b的听力任务。(1分钟)3要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2分钟)4听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求若干学生给出自己的答案。以巩固对听力内容的了解。(4分钟)5大声朗读听力材料。(1分钟)Step 4 运用与生成 (Production) 1放下听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用2a,2b的信息分角色练习对话。然后邀请23对同学当堂演示。看哪一对的表现最佳。(5分钟)2播放2d的对话录音,让学生跟读,模仿并理解大

8、意。然后让学生分角色朗读并表演2d的对话。(5分钟)Step 5 巩固与提高(Progress) 对话内容巩固训练。要求学生根据2d对话的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求若干学生给出自己的答案。以巩固对对话内容的了解。(4分钟)1China is _ tea both in the past and now.2_ I know, tea plants _ on the sides of mountains.3. When the _ are ready, they _ by hand and then _ for processing.4The tea _ and sent to many dif

9、ferent countries and places _ China.5. People say that tea _ both _ and _ !探究点 Is it made of silver? 它是用银子做成的吗? be made of由制成,表示制成成品后,从成品中能够看出原料来,制作过程仅发生物理变化。eg.The clothes is made of silk.这件衣服是用丝绸做的。(看得出是用丝绸面料做的)【拓展】辨析be made from, be made in (1)be made from由制成,表示制成成品后,看不出原料来。eg.Paper is made from

10、wood.纸是用木材做成的。(已经看不出原材料木头了。)(2)be made in某物生产于某地,in后接某地。eg.This TV set is made in Japan.这台电视机产于日本。针对训练 根据汉语完成句子。 1. 这个课桌是木制的。The desk _ wood.2. 这辆小汽车产于广州。The car _Guangzhou.3这些瓶子是用玻璃制成的。These bottles _ glass.Step 6 家庭作业(Homework)1Recite the conversation in 1c after school.2完成本单元学生用书第一课时的练习。教学反思:_第二课

11、时Section A(3a4c)eq avs4al(教学设计)eq x(知) eq x(识) eq x(目) eq x(标)重点单词1.local adj. 当地的,本地的 2.avoid v. 避免,回避3.mobile adj. 可移动的,非固定的 4.everyday adj. 每天的,日常的5.Germany 德国adj.German 6.surface n表面,表层7.material n. 材料,原料 8.traffic n. 交通重点词组1.American goods美国商品 2.no matter what无论什么 3.products in the local shops本

12、地商铺的产品4.made in China中国制造 5.everyday things日常用品 6.make hightechnology products制造高科技新产品7.in all parts of the world在世界所有的地区8.his shopping experiences 他的购物经历9.on the last Friday of each month在每月的最后一个星期五 10.in Germany 在德国 11.most of the earths surface地球的大部分表面 12.cause many traffic accidents导致许多的交通事故13.u

13、se this silver plate 使用这个银制的盘子 重点句式1.No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries. 无论你可能买什么,你都可能认为这些产品是在这些国家生产的。2. He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.他很有趣的发现在本地商铺有如此多的产品是中国制造的。3. He realized that Americans ca

14、n hardly avoid buying products made in China.他意识到美国人也不可避免地买中国制造的产品。4. However, he wishes that in the future China will also get better at making hightechnology products that people can buy in all parts of the world.然而,他希望在将来中国也能更擅长制造让人们在世界各地都能买到的高科技产品。5.Are your shirts made of cotton?Yes, they are.A

15、nd they were made in the US. 你的衬衣是由棉花制成的吗? 是的。并且是在美国制造的。eq x(课) eq x(堂) eq x(环) eq x(节)自主学习案翻译下列词组。1无论什么 _2当地商店 _3即使_4日常用品 _5. 中国造的产品_ 6.他的购物经历_7美国品牌_8高科技产品_9在种植_10在生产_11.在制造_12在德国_13用过的木头_14.在许多不同的地方_15.造成交通事故_16在每月的最后一个星期五_ 17.地球表面_18被所覆盖_ 课堂导学案Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) 展示一段伦敦奥运会礼品的视频,让学生了解中国制造已被世

16、界人民所接受。Then ask students some questions: T: As we know, there are so many things made in China in England.What about in America and other countries in the world? Now lets read the passage of 3a.First, read quickly and find the answers to these questions:1Where did Kang Jian visit last year?2Were the

17、re many things made in China in the US?3.What two things did Kang Jian want to buy in the US? 4.Where were they made? Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation)1要求学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,并推断每段的大意,并找出康健想在美国买哪两样东西,以及它们都是哪儿制造的。然后邀请几位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起检查讨论。(3分钟)2先邀请几位同学阅读短文(可一人一段),教师要注意语音,及时纠正。然后播放录音,全班同学一起跟读。(3分钟)Step 3练习与体验 (Prac

18、tice)1完成教材3b的任务,要求学生再次阅读短文内容,回答3b中所提出的问题。(5分钟)2再细读一遍3a的短文,写出3c中所给的词分别指代什么。Step 4 运用与生成 (Production)短文内容巩固练习。教师可给出一篇改写了的短文,将一些重点的表达方式空出。让学生在规定的时间内补全短文。然后邀请若干同学给出自己的答案。(4分钟)Now more and more Chinese travel _ for vacation, they found its interesting that _ they go, they could find the products that mad

19、e in China.China is _ known for making _ things, such as football, _mobile phones.These things are _ and sent to all parts of the world.Even in the _ shops, the Americans _ that they can hardly _ buying products made in China._,_we wish that in the future China will also get better at making _ produ

20、cts that people can buy in all _ of the world.Step 5 呈现与输入 (Presentation) 要求学生分角色问答并翻译表格中的句子。说出被动语态的各种句式的变化形式。并能造出相仿的句子。简要归纳被动语态的结构及用法,并完成本单元学生用书单元语法小专题Grammar Focus的精讲专练部分。Step 6 练习与体验 (Practice)1要求学生翻开课本P36,用所给单词的正确形式完成句子。给出5分钟的时限,并请5位同学朗读句子,全班集体核对答案。参考答案1arent allowed 2.are paid 3.is spoken 4.is

21、covered 5.is cleaned2参照4b所提供的信息和例句,用被动语态改写句子。给出5分钟的时限,并请4位同学在黑板上改写,全班集体核对答案。(5分钟)参考答案2. The best materials are used to make dresses in this shop.3Many traffic accidents are caused by careless driving.4Letters and postcards are brought to peoples homes by the postman.5This silver plate isnt used very

22、 often in our family.Step 7 运用与生成 (Production)1先根据4c方框所提供的单词,依照4c方框所提供的对话,向五位同学询问他们穿戴的,及书包中所包含的物品,然后再与同伴交流讨论。SA: Whats your pencil made of?SB: Its made of wood.SA : Where was it made? SB: It was made in Shanghai.2小结训练。要求学生在规定的时间内完成一个小练习。并请若干学生给出自己的答案。有错误的及时解决纠正。(2分钟) 句型转换。 1.We play basketball after

23、 class in our school.(改为被动语态)Basketball _after class in our school. 2. This kind of rice is only grown in_our hometown(对画线部分提问)_ this kind of rice only _? 3. People dont make icewine in Canada any more.(改为被动语态)Icewine_Canada any more.4This kind of glasses is used for_keeping_off_the_wind(对画线部分提问)_ t

24、his kind of glasses _? 5.Do you allow the children under 18 to drive cars in your country? (改为被动语态)_ the children under 18 _ cars in your country?Step 8 巩固与提高(Progress)探究点No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries.无论你买什么,你都可能认为那些产品是在那些国家生产的。此句是由no matter特

25、殊疑问词引导的让步状语从句。意为:无论。no matter常与what/who/when/where等词连用,构成连词词组来引导让步状语从句。从句可放在句首,也可放在句尾。当主句用将来时,no matter特殊疑问词引导的从句常用一般现在时表将来。eg.No matter what he says, dont believe him.Dont believe him no matter what he says.不管他说什么,不要相信他。No matter when you arrive here, just call me.Just call me no matter when you ar

26、rive here.不管你什么时候到这里,给我打电话就行了。No matter how fast you drive, itll take you at least 2 hours from here to there.无论你开多快,从这里到那里,至少得开两个钟头。针对训练 根据汉语完成句子。 1. 无论那栋房子花多少钱,怀特先生都会买下来。Mr.White will buy that house _2无论她拿的是哪一本书,她都应该要问问她的老板。_,she should ask her boss.3无论你是谁都不能违法。_,you cant break the law.4无论你去哪儿我都会跟

27、着你。_,Ill follow you.Step 9 家庭作业(Homework)1用下列短语造句。 no matter, be made in, find it adj.that, even though, avoid doing sth., everyday things 2.完成本单元学生用书第二课时的练习。教学反思:_第三课时Section B(1a1e)eq avs4al(教学设计)eq x(知) eq x(识) eq x(目) eq x(标)重点单词1.international adj.国际的petitor n参赛者,竞争者重点句式1.Where did you go on va

28、cation? I went to an international kite festival.你去哪度的假?我去了一个国际风筝节。2.The international kite festival is held in April every year.国际风筝节是在每年的四月举行。3. Laura didnt know that kite flying could be so exciting.劳拉不知道放飞风筝可能会如此令人兴奋。4. Some of the kites Zheng Yun saw were made of paper.郑云看到的一些风筝是由纸做的。5. Some we

29、re painted with colorful animals.一些(风筝)被画上彩色的动物。eq x(课) eq x(堂) eq x(环) eq x(节)自主学习案翻译下列词组。1找出 _ 2风筝节_ 3如何做风筝_ 4放风筝_ 5去度假_ 6. 因而出名_ 7. 国际风筝节 _ _ 课堂导学案Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) 展示一组风筝的图片对学生们说:你去过山东吗?你知道山东潍坊的风筝节吗?今天我将带大家一起去了解一些山东潍坊的风筝节。请同学们认真思考老师提出的问题,然后作出回答。(3分钟)Show a picture of an international kit

30、e festival and ask:Do you know what festival is it? Its Wei Fang International Kite Festival.Do you like flying kites? What kind of kites do you have? Free talk.Ask students to talk about how to fly a kite and how to make a kite.Finish task 1a.Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation) 要求学生翻开课本P37,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要求

31、完成课本上相应的任务。然后要求58名同学给出自己的答案,教师可把这些句子在黑板上列举出来以进一步巩固被动语态的结构。(3分钟)Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) 1听第一遍录音,完成课本上1b部分的任务。找2个同学核对答案。要求读出序号和完整的句子。2听第二遍录音,完成课本上1c部分的任务。在播放录音前,要求学生抓住要点,并注意一些听写技巧。核对答案时,要求先读出要填写的单词,然后读出完整的句子。1Z 2.L 3.Z 4.L 5.L3再听第一遍录音,用听到的内容完成课本上1d部分的句子。找5个同学朗读句子核对答案。要求读出序号和完整的句子。1kites2.April3.all ove

32、r the petitions5.silk or paper, drawings4听第三遍录音,并打开听力材料,全班逐句进行跟读。(2分钟)Step 4 运用与生成 (Production) 放下听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用1b,1d的信息分角色练习Laura与Zheng Yun的对话。然后邀请23对同学当堂演示。看哪一对的表现最佳。(5分钟)Step 5 巩固与提高(Progress)探究点 Laura is trying to find out more about what Zheng Yun thinks about Weifang.劳拉正试图多了解郑云对潍坊的看法。 find

33、 out找出;发现;查出(真相),其后一般接名词、代词或从句。eg.Please find out where they live.请查出他们住在哪儿。You should find out about the news.你应当想办法查明那个消息。Have you found out who stole your car?你查出是谁偷了你的车没有?【拓展】辨析look for, find与find outlook for寻找;是有目的地找,强调“寻找”这一动作。eg.What are you looking for?你在找什么?find找到;发现,通常指找到或发现具体的东西,也可指偶然发现某物

34、或某种情况,强调的是“找”的结果。eg.He didnt find his bike.他没找到他的自行车。find out多指通过调查、询问、打听之后“搞清楚,弄明白”,通常含有“经过困难曲折”的含义,指找出较难找到的、无形的抽象的东西。eg.Try to find out who has broken the window.尽力查出是谁打破了窗户。针对训练 ( )1.Peter, go and _ who is knocking on the door.Sure, dad.Alook for Bfind Cfind out Dlook at ( )2.Have you _ the keys

35、you lost?Afound out Bfound Clooked for Dlooked ( )3.I_ my pen everywhere.Afound out Bfound Clooked for Dlooked Step 6 家庭作业(Homework)1Try to write a short introduction on how to make a Chinese clay piece. 2完成本单元学生用书第三课时的练习。教学反思:_第四课时Section B(2a2e)eq avs4al(教学设计)eq x(知) eq x(识) eq x(目) eq x(标)重点单词1.f

36、orm n. 形式,类型 2.lively adj. 生气勃勃的3.heat n. 热,高温v加热,变热 plete v. 完成重点词组1.special forms of traditional art 传统艺术的特殊形式2.objects of beauty 美丽的物体 3.according to Chinese history 根据中国历史4.send out 释放 5.be covered with 被覆盖6.sky lanterns 天灯 7.paper cutting 剪纸 8.a Chinese fairy tale 中国童话故事9.fire at a very high he

37、at 在高温下烧烤10.be famous for/be known for以而闻名11.be made of /from由制成 12.be used for被用来做 13.research on how languages are learned关于怎样学习语言的研究重点句式1.The most common things are turned into objects of beauty.这些最普通的东西都被变成美的物体。2.Sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations.天灯用于节日和其他庆祝活动。3.They are

38、made of bamboo and covered with paper.他们是由竹子制成并在外面糊上纸。4.They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.他们被看做幸福和美好愿望的美丽象征。 5. Paper cutting has been around for over 1,500 years.剪纸已有1,500多年的历史了。6. The red paper is folded before it is cut with scissors.红纸在用剪刀裁剪之前,要被折叠。7. The pieces are ca

39、refully shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to airdry.这些陶片被小心地用一种特别的黏土手工成形然后凉干。8. Our town is famous for the rice.我们镇以大米而闻名。9. The boy is known in the whole school for fighting.这个男孩以打架闻名全校。10. Cheese is made from milk by workers.奶酪是由工人们用牛奶制成的。11. This plane is made of st

40、eel in China.这架飞机是用钢材在中国制造的。12. This piece of glass is used as a door for keeping off wind.这块玻璃被当作一扇门用来挡风。eq x(课) eq x(堂) eq x(环) eq x(节)自主学习案翻译下列词组。1把变成_2被覆盖_3被点燃_4被折叠_5春节_6好运 _7中国神话故事_8用剪刀剪_课堂导学案Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) 1情景导入:你在元宵节放过天灯吗?你会剪窗花吗?你见过天津的小泥人吗?这些都是中国的传统民俗艺术。(4分钟)Question: What do you k

41、now about Chinese folk or traditional art?2进行短文学习之前,教师引导学生浏览2a关于短文的介绍。告诉学生下面的短文是关于中国民俗文化的短文。Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation) 1要求学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,并完成短文后的表格。 然后邀请几位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起检查讨论。(3分钟)Traditional art form Materials used1.Sky lanternsBamboo, paper2.Paper cuttingsPaper,scissors3.Chinese clayClay2.先邀请几位同学阅读短

42、文(可一人一段),教师要注意语音,及时纠正。然后播放录音,全班同学一起跟读。(3分钟)Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) 1.让学生再细读短文, 回答2c所提出的问题。(5分钟)(1) They usually try to show the things that are important in life, such as love, beauty and family.(2) The sky lanterns were used for asking for help when in trouble in the past, and now they are used as b

43、right symbols of happiness and good wishes.(3)The most common pictures of paper cuttings are flowers, animals and things about Chinese history.(4)During the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.(5) To make Chinese clay, the

44、 pieces are first carefully shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to airdry.After drying, they are fired at a very high heat.They are then polished and painted.It takes several weeks to complete everything.Step 4 运用与生成 (Production)1用2d方框中所给的短语的正确形式完成2d中的句子。设置一个5分钟的时限,然后请一个

45、同学朗读句子,核对答案。参考答案1send out, rise into 2.turns, into ; put, on3such as, covered with 2让学生分组先讨论一下2e所提出的问题。Step 5 巩固与提高(Progress)探究点The pieces are usually cute children or lively characters from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story.这些陶瓷工艺品常常是一些憨态可掬的娃娃形象或是一些中国神话故事中的人物形象。 lively adj.活泼的,有生气的;栩栩如生的,生动的。eg.His class is always lively.他的课总是很生动。He gave us a livel


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