已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 HYPERLINK NOKIIA手机工工程模式式的说明明书简介:NOKIIA移动电话的的工程模模式名称称为“Nett moonittor分组画画面为改改锥、铁铁锤和手手机,诺诺基亚的的工程模模式启动动后可以以通过命命令开启启或关闭闭。前面面的画面面显示系系统网络络的功能能,后面面则以介介绍手机机内软硬硬件资料料为主。载频号码码、在GSM系统的的范围是是1-1124;Carrrierr nuumbeer. Thee raangee inn GSSM iis 11-1224移动台接接收电平平(dBM值);MS RRX lleveel iin ddBM接收信号号等级,在GSM系统的的范围是是0-7

2、;Receeiveed ssignnal quaalitty. Thee raangee innGSMM iss 0-7移动台发发射功率率等级,在GSM系统的的范围是是5-115级;MS TTX ppoweer lleveel. Thee raangee inn GSSM iis 55-155C1(多多径衰耗耗标准);C1 (patth llosss crriteerioon, useed ffor celll sseleectiion andd reesellecttionn, tthe rannge in GSMM iss -999.99)RLT(音频超超时)RLT (Raadioo Li

3、ink Timmeouut)时隙,在在GSM系统的的范围是是0-7;Timeeslot. Thhe rrangge iin GGSM is 0-77发射转态态指示;Indiicattionn off thhe ttrannsmiitteer sstattus网络信息息;Infoormaatioon oof tthe nettworrk pparaamettereesTMSII(临时移移动电话话识别码码);TMSII (ttempporaary Mobbilee Suubsccribber Ideentiity)小区IDD;Celll Iddenttifiicattionn (CCelll ID

4、D, nnumbber of thee ussed celll)国家码;MCC (Moobille CCounntryy Coode)网络码;MNC (Moobille NNetwworkk Coode)本地区域域码;LAC (Loocattionn Arrea Codde)地区码;Ciphheriing (onn/offf)调频;Hopppingg (oon/ooff)调频;DTX (onn/offf)自动功率率控制Disccarddingg ceell barrredd innforrmattionn工程模式式介绍按左边确确认键即即可进入入工程模模式菜单单菜单 110-11| 166 -5

5、55 xxxx | | CCH Rx11 PPwr |0 11 x xxxxx | | TTS TTA RRLT xxxxx| 51 551 | | QQ1 QQ1 | CCCCH | | xxxCH |16-表表示 BCCCH载频号号码;meaans BCCCH ccarrrierr nuumbeer-55-表示接收功率值;meaans RX levvel (inn dBBm)xxx- Pwwr表示发射功功率等级级;Pwrr meeanss TXX poowerr leevell0-时隙隙;TS (Tiime Sloot)1- 时时间前置置量;显显示手机机和基站站的距离离,乘以以500以公尺

6、尺计算;TA - TTimiing Advvanccex- RRLT - RRadiio LLinkk Tiimeooutxxxxx-不详;51(CC1)-多径衰衰耗标准准,本人人英语和和基站知知识不灵灵光,大大伙自己己体会吧吧C1 (paath losss ccritteriion,useed ffor celll sseleectiion andd reesellecttionn, tthe rannge in GSMM iss -999.99)CCCHH-载频类类型之一一;(xxxCH) tyype of currrennt cchannnell:AGCHH -(Acccesss Grr

7、antt Chhannnel)允许连连接频道道由网络络到手机机的单向向频道,安排专专用控制制信道以以完成连连接上网网;* SDDCC -(SSDCCCH:SStannd-aalonne DDediicatted Conntrool CChannnell)独立专专用控制制信道;* TFFR -(TCCH:Traaffiic CChannnells)业务信信道;* BCCCH -(BBroaadcaast Conntrool CChannnell)广播控控制信道道;*SEAARCHH-手机正正在搜索索的网络络信号;* NSSPS -(NNo SServvicee & Powwer Savve),无

8、网络络服务,手机正正处于省省电模式式; 通话中CCHT项变化:AGGCH-SDDCC-TFFR-挂断电电话-CCCCHH 开机机时CHT项变化:AGGCH-SDDCC-BCCCH-CCCCHAGCHH- AAcceess Graant Chaanneel - iss thhe aanswerr too RAACH. Itts useed tto aassiign a mmobiile a SStannd-aalonne DDediicatted Conntrool CChannnell (SSDCCCH). Itts dowwnliink andd poointt too poointt ch

9、hannnel.SDCCC - (SDDCCHH) SStannd-aalonne DDediicatted Conntrool CChannnell - Its uusedd foor ssysttem syggnalllinng: celll sset-up, auutheentiicattionn, llocaationn uppdatte, asssigmmentt too trrafffic chaanneels andd trranssmisssioon oof sshorrt mmesssageesTFR - (TCHH) TTraffficc Chhannnelss - Phy

10、ysiccal chaanneels alsso ttrannsfeer uuserr daata, whhichh caan bbe eeithher in thee foorm of Hallf RRatee trrafffic (6.5kbbit/s) or Fulll RRatee (113kbbit/s). Annothher forrm oof ttraffficc chhannnel is thee Ennhanncedd Fuull Ratte (EFRR) TTraffficch CChannnell. TThe speeechh coodinng iin EEFR is s

11、tiill donna aat 113kbbit/s, butt thhe ccodiing mecchannismm iss diiffeerennt tthann thhat useed ffor norrmall fuull ratte ttraffficc. EEFR coddingg giivess beetteer sspeeech quaalitty tthann noormaal ffull ratte. Traaffiic cchannnells ccan traansmmit botth sspeeech andd daata. thhesee arre bbi-ddire

12、ectiionaal cchannnells.BCCHH - Brooadccastt Coontrrol Chaanneel cconttainns ddetaaileed nnetwworkk annd ccelll sppeciificc innforrmattionn suuch as:Freqquennciees uusedd inn thhe ppartticuularr ceell.Freqquenncy hopppinng ssequuencce.Channnell Coombiinattionn. IIn tthe GSMM thheree arre eelevven log

13、gicaal cchannnells. Deppenddingg onn thhe nnumbber of freequeenciies useed iin aa ceell, thhe nnumbber of phyysiccal chaanneels avaailaablee iss eiightt tiimess thhe nuumbeer oof uusedd frrequueciies. moost of theese phyysiccal chaanneels havve tto bbe aalloocatted forr trrafffic purrposses. Thheree

14、 arre mmoree thhan onee waays in theese aleevenn loogiccal chaanneels aree maappeed oon tthe avaailaablee phhysiicall chhannnelss. HHow theey aare mapppedd vaariees ffromm ceell to celll ddepeendiing on a nnumbber of cattegooriees. Chaanneel ccombbinaatioon ttellls aabouut tthe mapppinng mmethhod us

15、eed iin tthe parrticculaar ccelllPagiing grooupss. NNormmallly iin oone celll ttherre aare morre tthann onne ppagiing chaanneels. Too prreveent a mmobiile to lisstenningg too alll tthe paggingg chhannnelss foor aa paaginng mmesssagee, tthe paggingg chhannnelss arre ddiviidedd suuch thaat, a ggrouup

16、oof mmobiile staatioons lisstenn too a parrticculaar ppagiing chaanneel oonlyy.Infoormaatioon oon ssurrrounndinng ccellls. A mmobiile staatioon hhas to knoow wwhatt arre tthe cellls surrrouundiing thee prreseent celll aand whaat ffreqquennciees aare beiing brooadccastt onn thhem. Thhis is neccesssar

17、yy iff, ffor exaamplle, thee usser iniitiaatess a connverrsattionn inn thhe ccurrrentt ceell, annd tthenn deeciddes to movve oon. Thee MSS haas mmeassuree thhe ssignnal strrenggth andd quualiity of thee suurroounddingg ceellss annd rrepoort to thee baase staatioon cconttrolllerr.SEARRCH Mobbilee Stt

18、atiion is seaarchhingg foor ssignnal.NSPSS (NNo SServv Poowerr Saave)菜单 100-2| NOO 7 B449 | 116 x | | |B49 -蜂窝阻阻塞(参考菜菜单 100-199)16-信信道号x-发射射是为 - 0,待机机时为-1菜单 110-33, 110-44, 110-55|16 50 -566 500| |18 19 -877 199| |299 133 -993 113| |xxxx cccc vvvv cccc|90 32 -744 322| |20 18 -888 188| |xxx xxx xxx x

19、xx| |. |17-99 -800-999| |83 15 -899 155| |xxx xxx xxx xxx| |. | N N | | NN N N | | N xxx xxx | | AA AAA AAA |xxx- meeanss BCCCH carrrieer nnumbber of thee seerviingcelll inn deecimmal inssteaad oof BBCCHH caarriier nummberr DCCH caarriier nummberr wiill be dessplaayedd inn acctivv moode.ccc- meeanss

20、 C11 vaaluee off thhe nneigghboour inssteaad oof CC1 vvaluue leetteer B andd BSSIC vallue willl bbe ddespplayyed in acttiv modde.vvv-表示接接收功率率等级(dBm)AA-普普通小区区(N),阻塞塞小区 (BB).菜单 110-33 Nuumbeer oof sservvingg ceell, annd 22 neeigbbourrs.菜单 110-44 Neext 3 nneiggbouurs.菜单 110-55 Neext 3.菜单 110-66|260002

21、262202|410040 260001|C9EE00 xxxxxx|213303 xxxxxx|看过一些些测试项项就可看看到如下下显示:|260002 262202|000000 260001|111111 xxxxxx|333333 xxxxxx|屏幕左边边是予存存网络列列表, NNokiia 661100手机无无法进行行编辑,而老的的Alccateel HHC 110000可以编编辑;262 02-目前注注册使用用中的网网络代码码 D22 Prrivaat nnetwworkk coode.260 01-曾经尝尝试登录录被禁用用网络代代码Pluus GGSM nettworr coode

22、.Menuu 100-7|E AA H C II BRR|1 11 0 1 00 000| | |E:系统统是否支支持紧急急求救电电话即112:1为支持持、0为不支支持;A: aattaach-dettachh程序,1为支持持,0为不支支持;H:是否否支持半半速率编编码,11为支持持,0为不支支持;C: CC2值广播播,1为支持持,0为不支支持;I:系统统第7、8信息广广播,1为支持持,为不不支持;B:系统统广播,1为支持持,0为不支支持;R: rre-eestaabliishmmentt.1为支持持,0为不支支持;Menuu 100-100|TMSSI 1162001011B|T3221 :

23、 11 /330|PRPP :6 115 990| - 2 116|TMSII-临时移移动台识识别码:Temmporraryy Moobille SSubsscriiberr IddenttityyT3211- CCounnterr (mmin 1, maxx 2440, wheere 1 mmeanns 66 miin ttimee beetweeen loccatiion upddatees aand 2400 meeanss 2440*66minn=244h beetweeen loccatiion upddatees).PRP- Paaginng RRepeeat Perriodd (

24、rrangge iis 22-9, whhen paggingg iss inn evveryy seeconnd mmulttifrramee, mmobiile takkes morre ccurrrentt thhat if it werre in eveery 9thh muultiifraame).16 iin tthe lasst llinee iss nuumbeer oof sservvingg ceell chaanneel.菜单100-111|CC:2600 NNC:002| LLAC:24119 | CCH : 116 | CCID:5DEE9 |CC- (MCCC)移动

25、国国家码; Moobille CCounntryy Coode (2660 - Pllandd)NC- (MNNC)移移动网络络码Mobbilee Neetwoork Codde (02 - EEra GSMM)LAC-本地区区域识别别码 Loocattionn Arrea CoddeCH-使使用中载载频号码码 Seerviing celll cchannnell nuumbeerCID-基站编编号(Celll IID) Ceell Ideentiifieer菜单 110-112|CIPPHERR :OFFF |HOPPPINNNG:OFFF |DTXX : ONN |IMSSI : ONN

26、|CIPHHER- ciipheerinng vvaluue AA51, A552 oor OOFFHOPPPINGG-跳频值 Hooppiing vallue - OON/OOFFDTX- Diiscoontiinuoos TTrannsmiissiion (Meechaanissm)OON/OOFFIMSII- IInteernaatioonall Moobille SSubsscriiberr Iddenttityy菜单100-133| NOOTALLLOWWED | | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | DTTX(DDEF) :OON | | yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |

27、DTTX(BBS) :UUSE| | zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz | | | |Withh thhis dissplaay iis pposssiblle tto cchannge MS to usee DTTX oor nnot if BS alllowss MSS too deecidde iit.To cchannge DTXX sttatee, YYou musst aactiivatte tthiss diispllay froom MMENUU. WWhenn MEENU is nott acctivve aand thee usser is scrrolllinnng ff

28、ielld ttestt diispllayss wiith NEXXT aand PREEVIOOUS, thhe DDTX staate willl nnot chaangeexxxxxxxxxxxxxx iis sstattus of swiitchhed modde. Thee vaaluees aare:DTX ON (MSS usse DDTX)DTX OFFF (MMS nnot usee DTTX)DTX DEFF (MMS uuse deffaullt sstatte oof DDTX Deffineed iin MMS_PPAR.H)NOTAALLOOWEDD (BBS n

29、not alllowss MSS too deecidde iif iit uusess DTTX oor nnot)yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is deffaullt sstatte oof DDTX, deefinnnedd inn MSS_PAAR.HH. VValuues aree:MS DDEF: ONNMS DDEF: OFFFzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is DTXX vaaluee frrom BS. Thhe vvaluues aree:MS MMAY USEE (BBS aalloows MS to deccidee iff itt usses dtxx orr

30、noot oon uupliinkSHALLL UUSE (BSS coontrrolss MSS too usse ddtx (onn upplinnk)SHALLL NNOT (BSS coontrrolss MSS noot tto uuse dtxx (oon uupliink)Menuu 100-177| BTSS TEEST | OOFF | | |BTS TESST状态态开关:Swiith BTSS TEEST staatussIf OON - Moobille iis ssercchinng oonlyy onne ffreqquenncy. Neeigbbourr meesu

31、rremeentss arre nnot donneIf OOFF - MMobiile is behhaviing norrnallly. Neeigbbourr meesurremeentss arre ddoneeTo cchannge staatuss frrom OFFF too ONN wrritee too SIIM mmemoory #333 chhannnel nummberr, ggo tto mmenuu 100-177, tturnn POOWERR OFFF aand agaain ON. Noow YYou havve aactiive BTSS TEEST!Menuu 100-199| CCELLL BAARR | | CELLL BBARRR | | CELLL BBARRR | AACCEEPTEED | | REVVERSSE | | DISSCARRD | | | | | | | | | | |只在无阻阻塞小区区使用只只在阻塞塞小区使使用在阻阻塞和非非阻塞小小区使用用 Onlly nnon


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