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1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Section A 1a-2d初中英语 九年级下册 RJNew words:unexpected, backpack, oversleepExpressions: by the time, give a liftSentences: When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home. By the time I got back to school, the bell had rung.Learning goalsJanuary, 2020

2、Warming upMay 22nd, 2021June 13th, 2021These are unexpected things.adj. 出乎意料的;始料不及的Life is full of the unexpected.“the + 形容词”表示一类人或物Language pointsLife is full of the unexpected.(教材P89 标题)be full of充满be full of表示状态,相当于be filled with。The world is full of amazing nature, buildings, technology and disc

3、overies. (选自2021金华中考)The schoolbag is full of books.=The schoolbag is filled with books.1a Look at the pictures. What happened to the girl?12345Did the girl have a good day or a bad day?121._S_he_w_o_k_e u_p la_t_e_. 2._S_he_w_a_n_t_e_d to u_s_e_t_h_e_b_a_t_h_r_o_o_m b_u_t_s_o_meo_ne_w_a_s a_lr_e_a_

4、d_y in the b_a_thro_o_m.3453._S_he_r_a_n_t_o ca_t_c_h th_e b_u_s_. 4._Th_e_b_u_s h_a_d_a_l_r_e_a_d_y_l_e_ft_. 5._S_he_g_o_t_t_o_s_c_h_o_o_l_a_n_d r_e_a_li_z_ed s_h_e_h_a_d l_ef_t_ h_e_r_b_a_g_p_a_c_k a_t_h_o_me_. inthe shower. .1b Listen to Mary talking about her morning. Complete the sentences.1. B

5、y the time I got up, my brother h_a_dalreadyleft3. When I got to school, I realized I ha_d l_e_ftn. 背包;旅行包my backpack at home.g_o_t_te_n在以前2. By the time I got outside, the bus h_a_dalready常用于引导时间状语从句。从句若为一般过去时,主句常用过去完成时。Watch the video then role-play the conversation.Boy: Hi, Mary. You look so tire

6、d. Mary: I am. I had a bad morning. Boy: Really? What happened?Mary: Well, first of all I overslept. By the time I got up, my brotherv.睡过头;睡得太久had already gotten in the shower.Boy: Oh, what a pain!Mary: So, after he got out of the shower, I took a quick shower and got dressed. But by the time I went

7、 outside, the bus had already left.Listen and read.Boy: Oh, no!Mary: Oh, yes! So I ran all the way to school. But when I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.Boy: No wonder you look stressed.1c Take turns being Mary. Look at the pictures above and talk about what happened this mo

8、rning.What happened?I overslept. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.Look at the pictures in 2a and answer the questions.Where is Mary in the pictures?Is anything good or bad happening to her?What do you think it is about?2a Listen to Mary continue her story. Number the

9、 pictures 14 in the correct order.13242. By the time I(ring).2b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then listen again and check your answers.1. When I g_o_t(get) home, I realized I h_a_d l_ef_t(leave) my keys in the backpack.g_o_t (get) back to school, the bellh_a_d r

10、_u_n_g3. By the time I wa_lk_e_d(walk) into class, the teacher ha_d_s_t_a_rt_e_d(start) teaching already.Listen and read.Boy: So then what did you do, Mary?Mary: Well, I ran home to get my backpack. But when I got home, I realized I had left my keys in the backpack.Boy: Youre kidding!Mary: So I ran

11、back to school without my keys or my backpack. But by the time I got back to school, the bell had rung.Boy: Oh, no!Mary: And by the time I walked into class, the teacher had started teaching already. She asked for our homework, but of course I didnt have it.Look at the pictures in 1a and 2a and rete

12、ll the story.Key words in 1a overslept, got up, shower, went outside, had left, ran, got to school, backpackKey words in 2a ran home, got home, had left my keys, ranback to school, had rung, walked into class, had started teaching2c Make up an ending for the story and share it with your partner.The

13、teacher looked at Mary andLanguage pointsWhen I got home, I realized I had left my keys in the backpack. (教材P90 2b)leave v. 忘了带;丢下leave+宾语+地点状语 把忘在某地leaveleave sb. by oneself把某人单独留下I left my bag on the bus.Dont leave the child by himself at home.【易混辨析】leave与forget两词都可以表示“遗忘”的意思,其区别如下:Sorry, I forgot

14、 my English book. I left it at home.leave通常与地点状语连用,表示将某物遗忘在某地。forget不与地点状语连用,表示忘记带某物。Look at this picture in 2d.What can you see in the picture? Can you guess what the dialog in 2d is about?发出响声Matt: Why were you late for class today, Kevin?Kevin: My alarm clock didnt go off ! I kept sleeping, and(闹

15、铃等)Matt:out of the door.You didnt eat breakfast?Tapescript冲出;跑出when I woke up it was already 8:00 a.m!Matt: Oh, no!穿上Kevin: So I just quickly put on some clothes and rushedKevin: No, I didnt even brush my teeth or wash my face!But before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.Matt: Then how

16、 did you get here?Kevin: Luckily, Carls dad saw me on the street and gaveme a lift in his car.Matt: Well, at least by the time you got to school, you were only five minutes late for class.捎某人一程Language points2. So I just quickly put on some clothes. (教材P90 2d) put on 穿上put on是动副短语,强调动作,反义短语是take off

17、。其 宾语若是代词,代词要放在put与on中间。Please put on warm clothes when its cold.Youd better put it on when you go out.【拓展】put on的其他用法:增加(体重);发胖Jenny put on 3 kilos during the Spring Festival.上演;举办They sold their second-hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations, even going door-to-door for them.and wh

18、en Iit was already 8:00 a.m.!Matt: Oh, no!some clothes andFill in the blanks.Matt: Why were you late for class today, Kevin?Kevin: My alarm clock didnt g_o o_f_f ! I kept sleeping,wo_k_e_u_pKevin: So I just quickly p_u_t_o_n_r_u_shed o_u_t_o_f_the door.Matt: You didnt _e_a_t _b_r_e_a_k_fa_s_t?Kevin:

19、 No, I didnt evenbrush my_t_e_e_th_or_wa_s_h_my_f_a_c_e!Butbefore I _g_o_t _to_ the bus stop, the bus had already left.Matt: Then how did you get here?Kevin: Luckily, Carls dad saw me on the street and_g_a_v_e_me_a li_ftin his car.Matt: Well, at least by the time you got to school, you were only fiv

20、e minutes late for class.2d Role-play the conversation.A. got; has begunC. got; had begunB. got;has been onD. got; had been on2. (南京中考) We cant enter the room. I cant find my key.Is it possible that you Ait at home?A. leftB. fixedC. managedD. designed一、单项选择1. (乌鲁木齐中考) You didnt watch the movie?Yes,

21、but by the time I Dto the cinema, the movie for several minutes.Exercises二、填空My mother bought me a _b_a_c_k_p_a_c_k(旅行包)as a birthday present.(湖北荆门中考) I o_v_e_r_s_le_p_t_(睡过头)because my alarm clock didnt go off this morning.I saw some boys _p_l_a_y_in_g(play) basketball over there, so I went up to them and wanted to join them.I said sorry to my mother because I had _f_o_r_g_o_tt_e_n(forget) to call her.三、根据汉语意思完成句子他今天早上迟到了, 因为他的闹钟没有响。This morning he was la


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