1、Unit 11 Teenagers NightmarePart I Listening and Speaking Activities Part II Reading Comprehension and Language ActivitiesPart III Extended Activities 第1页 Which one is an explicit command, which one is a “soft” command, and which one is even “softer”.Tom, close the door!Jane, can you close the door?C
2、ould you please close the door, Jack?第2页 Do you object to coming here tomorrow morning?Do you mind coming here tomorrow morning?You are to come here tomorrow morning.You are supposed to come here tomorrow morning.Come here tomorrow morning.You should/ought to come here tomorrow morning.You must come
3、 here tomorrow morning. Notice that these commands are increasing in degree of formality. (increasingly formal)第3页Some other basic commands, for exampleTell him the truth.Bring your notebook next time.Speak only English here.Be punctual for class.Obey the rules and regulations. In small groups, list
4、 more patterns and expressions that are used to make commands and requests第4页.Would I be troubling you too much if I asked you to ?I was wondering if you could possibly ? Would there be any possibility of ? Would you be so kind as to ? Please be quiet, will you?Be kind enough to Would you please ? I
5、 want you to 第5页Responding to DemandsPositive ResponsesYes/Sure/All right. Certainly/Of course. By all means. No problem. Its a snap. Id be happy/glad to. My pleasure. Not at all/Of course not. No, I dont mind a bit. (In response to “Would/Do you mind ?”)Negative ResponsesIm sorry I cant. No, Im afr
6、aid I cant. Id like to say yes, but thats just impossible. Id rather not if you dont mind. Certainly not! Sorry, it cant be done/ helped. No way!第6页Grammatical pointswould, might, could used in hesitant requests;mustnt in prohibition, absence of obligation;should, ought to in duty and obligation第7页P
7、art II Reading Comprehension and Language ActivitiesPre-reading TasksNotesTranslationComprehension workLanguage work (A, B, C)第8页Part II Reading Comprehension and Language ActivitiesPre-reading TasksDo you like school examinations, why and why not?What are the stages of going through an examination?
8、How do you feel when you take an examination? Tick your answer from the following list:apprehensive panic nervous worried frightened terrible scared anxious fearfulexcited amazed joyous jolly cheerfule.g. I often feel apprehensive when I am preparing for an exam because I dont know if I will pass it
9、 or not.第9页Introduction to the passage Asoneofthemostimportantprocedureineducation,examsareaimedtoevaluatehowwellstudentshavelearnedtheirsubjects,nottomakethemsuffer.Butinreality,studentsareallafraidofexams.Theauthoranalyseswhythemostterribletimecomesatthebeginningandattheend.第10页Turn to p. 139, and
10、 listen to the text. Teenagers Nightmare Taking exams must be one of the most frightening experiences that anyone must go through. It is not so much the actual taking of the exams themselves which is so awful, although of course they play a great part in the general feeling of fear; no, the most awf
11、ul time comes at the beginning and at the end. The beginning is the time when you are meant to revise. Revision is a terrible time both if you revise and if you dont. Firstly, if you revise, concentrating on a pile of A4 pages covered in your untidy handwriting, you suddenly wish not only that you h
12、ad written everything down a bit more clearly, but also that you had started revision a lit earlier. However, once resigned to the fact that you cant put the cock back, you prepare to give yourself up to full and thorough revision, putting aside all else in life. 第11页Analysis of the text One of the
13、most frightening and awful experiencesthe most awful time (Para. 1)The beginningthe revisionthe two situations (Para.2-3) 1.Firstly, it is hard to concentrate on a pile of A4pages covered in untidy handwriting Your attention wanders away easily; 2.Secondly, lacking of determination and will power, s
14、uffering most severe complexes.The end of the exam procedureawaiting the results(Para.4)第12页Of course, such a hard decision is absolutely impossible to carry out, although you do try to fool yourself that you can undertake it easily. You let your attention wander away easily, finding you have a sudd
15、en, irresistible urge to tidy up your room, even though it has looked like a pigsty for the last three months. When you are tempted away from your studying by such strange amusements, your are moving onto the territory of the second group concerning revisionthose who know they need and should get do
16、wn to hard studying, but somehow have neither got the determination nor the willpower to force themselves to sit down for hours on end digesting the delights of pure mathematics. Now, this second group in which we have all found ourselves from time to time suffer the most severe guilt complexes over
17、 their lack of revision. Teenagers Nightmare第13页Although they are aware that they should be studying they cannot somehow bring themselves to the awful task; temptation has won over what they know they should be doing, and in a way they suffer far more than those who eventually find the willpower and
18、 determination to sit down and revise. The end of the exam procedure, which is in some cases worse than the revision period, is awaiting the results. While waiting you cant do much about your own school work. You feel that it is very hard to resist the temptation to light a fire with all your notebo
19、oks and files instead of logs, but at the same time you feel that you had better keep a your notes safe in case you discover you have failed and need to re-take all your subjects. Teenagers Nightmare第14页Teenagers NightmareThe worst day of all is the one when you know that the postman is to deliver t
20、he letter (always in a brown envelope to make it look more official and frightening) which will inform you whether the academic world (and society in general) considers you a failure or a success, whether you can get the job you want, or go to the university you wish to attend. That envelope is to c
21、ontain the key to your future and, perhaps most importantly of all, to inform you whether you need to suffer again the horrors of exams. 第15页e.g. 1. The country has gone through too many wars. go through fire and flood2. We went through five pints of milk last week.3. I always start the day by going
22、 through my mail.go trough sth: to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, feeling etc; to suffer to experienceb. to use up money or a supply of sthc. to look at or examine sth carefully, especially in order to find sth 第16页e.g. I thought the police were meant to protect people. be meant to
23、do sth: to be intended to do sth; to be supposed to do sth; must, should (If you are meant to do sth, you should do it, because someone has told you to or you are responsible for it.) (按道理/规矩)应该,有责任,得做,必须做give yourself up/over to sth: to spend all your time doing sth; to allow yourself to feel an em
24、otion completely, without trying to control it 献身,致力于;沉溺于e.g. 1. When you are starting an enterprise, you have to give yourself over to your work. 2. Dont give yourself up to sadness; theres still hope! 第17页concentrate on / upon focus on; be absorbed in; pay attention to; bring or come together at o
25、ne pointSynonym Comparison: concentrate on / focus onThese two phrases mean give special attention to sth., but the object of focus on can be a concrete or an abstract one, while the object of concentrate on cannot be a concrete one. The spotlights are focused on the stage.You should focus your atte
26、ntion on your work.I concentrated on my driving. You will solve the problem if you concentrate on it.第18页wishWish is used to say that we would like things to be different from what they are.I wish I got more letters.I wish that I hadnt said that.In formal style, the verb wish can be followed by a to
27、-infinitive. Used in this way, wish means want.I wish to see the manager. 第19页once resigned to the fact that when / if / as soon as you are resigned to the fact that. resign: subject; submit (oneself) passively; accept or endure sth. as inevitable 顺应,服从;忍受,容忍structurebe resigned to + n. / v-ing resi
28、gn oneself to + n.He resigned himself to a long wait in line.Sheseemedresignedtonothavingholidaythisyear.He was resigned to the fact that she left him.You must resign yourself to the fact that you will never be rich or famous in your life time. Resigned to the fact that she was unable to walk anymor
29、e, she learnt to use wheelchair.第20页you cant put the clock back It means once something has been done, it cant be undone in the text. The writer means it is no use regretting the poor handwriting and the loss of time.第21页e.g.1. Their team will undertake exploration for oil. 2. I can not undertake th
30、at you will make a profit. undertake: (formal) to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it to promise or agree to do sth (undertake to do sth/that )get down to sth/doing sth: to begin to do sth; to give serious attention to sth e.g.Ireallymustgetdowntopreparingformyfin
31、als. My son promised me to get down to his study after the holidays. 第22页 strange amusements: It refers to the students sudden urge to do things such as tidying up their rooms although the untidy rooms have not bothered them for a long time. The subconscious purpose is to put off the actual revision
32、 until the last minute.the second group: those who dont revise. They have neither the determination nor the willpower to force themselves to the revision, even though they know what they should be doing, so they suffer the most severe guilt complexes.第23页e.g. Aftertheexam,heplayedcomputergamesforhou
33、rsonend.The ghost story set her hair on end. on end: without stopping; continuouslyin an upright positione.g. He can not buy it because of his lack of money. lack of sth: when there is not enough of something, or none of it synonym shortage第24页digesting the delights of pure mathematics:digest: v. (o
34、f food) be changed in the stomach and bowels;take into the mindSome foods are digested more easily than other foods.Have you digested everything that is important in the bookThe narrator is being ironic in saying this. The abstract mathematics is probably enjoyable only for those mathematics geniuse
35、s rather than ordinary teenagers.第25页guilt complexesA complex is a psychological or emotional problem. The person who suffers a complex is usually under a severe obsession of a particular concern. In the text, the writer means that those who fail to work hard for examinations would keep feeling guil
36、ty of lacking willpower. The phrase may be the authors coinage out of the phrase Oedipus Complex. Oedipus Complex(恋母情结); Electracomplexsuperiority complex(至尊情结); inferiority complex(自卑情结). 第26页e.g. She couldnt bring herself to tell him the tragic news.bring yourself to sth/do sth: persuade yourself
37、to work on sth; to force yourself to do sthe.g. He disagrees, but we can win him over to our point of view.win sb over/around/round (to sth): to get someones support or friendship by persuading them or being nice to them第27页Story Reproduction Taking exam, the most awful experienceRevision or no revi
38、sion, a hard decision to make Suffering more if no revision Suffering not finished even though exam finishedPainful experience of waiting for the results第28页Activity: what is your opinion on exams?Pros: exams are necessary in study.Cons: Exams should be done away with as they are nightmares for stud
39、ents. 1.Present your viewpoint clearly ; 2. Defend your view point reasonably with some instances; 3.Rebut the counterparts point 4.Reaffirm your viewpoint.第29页Comprehension work (Questions for discussion )1. What are the troubles for those who revise before an exam?2. What is meant by the sentence
40、“you cant put the clock back”?3. What does the expression “strange amusements” refer to?4. What is the main trouble for the second group?第30页Comprehension work (Questions for discussion )5. Why does the writer have a desire “to light a fire with all your notebooks and files”? Why cant he do that? 6.
41、 Why does the letter in a brown envelope seem so important to an examinee?第31页Language work (A, p.141)1. concentrating, files, tempted, temptation, irresistible, willpower/determination, wander, resign, get down.2. procedures, subjects, suffer 3. go through, concerning, carry out, undertake 4. atten
42、d, academic第32页SAT (学业能力倾向测试):the Scholastic Aptitude Test A national examination in the US, which students take during their senior year in high school. A SAT is divided into two parts: on for verbal skills such as reading and vocabulary, and the other for mathematics. Each part is worth 800 points
43、, and most US colleges and universities consider students SAT scores when they are deciding which new students to accept. Students have to pay to take a SAT, and their scores are sent to three colleges that they hope to go to.第33页Language work (B, p.142)1. Elias Howe gave himself up to the design of
44、 a sewing-machine.2. The singer specializes in classic music. Pop music is outside his territory.3. Armed with modern equipment, the police undertook the difficult job of looking for the missing boy I the woods.4. Due to lack of funds, the scientists found it difficult to carry out the plan.第34页Lang
45、uage work (B, p.142)5. Toys in bright colours usually are a temptation to children. 6. You may use this police hot-line in case someone tries to break in.7. Tired of intense publicity, the movie star has an urge to live in a desert island.8. Sades debut album was so successful that it stayed I the T
46、op Ten Charts for months on end.第35页Language work (B, p.142)9. Weve spent so much time talking, now lets get down to the project. 10. The woman resign herself to that fact she would never get the call from the man.第36页Language work (C, p.143)1. a. He didnt want to marry again because he didnt want t
47、o go through all that quarrelling and fighting once more. b. Its said that a person can not be mature without going through some hardships. c. The boy went through his lecture notes before taking the exam.第37页Language work (C, p.143)2.a. Teachers are meant to treat the pupils like their parents. b.
48、Soldiers are meant to defend their country when it is in trouble. c. In Japan, people are meant to take off their shoes before entering their homes.第38页Language work (C, p.143)3.a. He had a sudden urge to ride the horse. b. The old man, left alone at home all day, had a strong urge to talk to someon
49、e. c. The girl waiting impatiently had an irresistible urge to call her boyfriend.第39页Language work (C, p.144)4. a. Youd better take the umbrella with you in case it rains. b. Before the joint project begins, everything has to be written down in case any dispute arises in the future. c. Youd better
50、put the laptop away in case the children treat it like a toy.第40页Language work (C, p.144)5. a. Concentrating on his microscope, the scientist made a sudden discovery of a new organism. b. Concentrating on the novel he was reading, he barely noticed that it was getting dark outside. c. When Im hungry
51、, I cant concentrate on my work.第41页Language work (C, p.144)6. a. Resigned to the fact that she was unable to walk any more, she learned to use the wheelchair. b. I finally have to resign myself to the fact that I have lost the job. I have to find a new one. c. He looked calmly resigned to his fate.
52、第42页DictationScript of the Dictation The term education has had a variety of definitions. The traditional view of education is expressed in the formal teaching activities conducted in schools and universities. A better definition is that education is a lifelong process that includes both formal scho
53、oling and the broad range of other experiences, including television viewing, out-of-class activities, and family living, that usually take more time and often have more powerful influences than the formal schooling does.第43页Comprehensive School(in Britain) a school for pupils over the age of 11 whi
54、ch teaches children of all abilities.The comprehensive system of schools in Britain was started in 1965. Before that, children took an examination called the Eleven-plus at the age of 11. If they passed it they went to a Grammar school, and if they failed it they went to a Secondary Modern school. T
55、he comprehensive system was introduced because people felt that it was unfair to separate children into different schools at the age of 11. Most children in the UK go to comprehensive schools, but there are still a few grammar schools left. Some parents try to send their children to grammar schools,
56、 believing that the standard of education is higher than in comprehensive schools.第44页 Grammar school: (in Britain, especially formerly) a school for children over the age of 11, who are specially chosen to study for examinations which may lead to higher education.Secondary modern school: (in Britai
57、n, especially formerly) a school for children over the age of 11 who are not expected to go on to higher study later. Although most children go to comprehensive schools now, there are still some secondary modern schools.第45页Guidelines for the usages of Auxiliary VerbsAuxiliary verbs should always be followed by bare infinitives, that is, the basic form of verbs without a
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