



1、被广泛使用的英文很多人都知道使用的英文是use ,可是你知道被广泛使用的英文 是什么吗?下面是 为你整理的被广泛使用的英文,希望大家喜欢!被广泛使用的英文1.be widely used2.be extensively usedbe widely used 造句 1. Those optical switches can be widely used in optical fiber communication systems.这些光开关可广泛应用于光纤通信系统.These glasses may be widely used in the field of optoelectronics.它

2、们可以被广泛的应用于光电子领域.Can be widely used in engraving all kinds of nonmetal materials.适用于多种非金属雕刻,用途十分广泛.Buildings can be widely used, cottage, buildings, greenhouse and other agricultural facilities.可广泛用于楼房、平房、民用建筑、日光温室及其它农业 设施等.So this device is simple, cheap and easy to be widely used.该装置结构简单、维修方便、成本较低、

3、易于推广.Natural gas will be widely used in that it causes little pollution.因为天然气几乎不造成污染,所以将被广泛使用.Tunnels and depressed roads will be widely used to promote pedestrianisation.区内将建有隧道及路堑式道路,并广泛设置行人专用区.The utility model can be widely used in the heating field.本实用新型可广泛应用于制热采暖领域.This can be widely used with

4、in refrigeratory, medicine and chemical industry.该项技术可推广应用于冰箱、医药和化工等行业.Tiles came to be widely used in Islamic architecture.此外而专块建筑也被广泛用于伊斯兰建筑中.be extensively used 的例句 1. Lift the turfs carefully; they can be re-used elsewhere.抬草皮时小心点;;它们还能在别处重新利用。Of all these verbs the verb is the most extensively

5、used.在这些动词中应用范围最广的是这个动词.Wood is still extensively used for props.木材仍广泛地用于支柱.You know that I am not a man who can be ill - used with impunity.你知道,我可不是个可以随便欺侮的人.Agar gels are extensively used for growing microorganisms and tissue cultures.现在广泛应用于组织培养和微生物培养.Large diameter drilling piles have been exten

6、sively used in foundation engineering.大直径钻孔灌注桩在基础工程中的应用非常广泛.Those optical switches can be widely used in optical fiber communication systems.这些光开关可广泛应用于光纤通信系统.Excellent spring of material make the products easy to be re - used.良好的弹性,因而具有极好的重复使用性.High technologies will be extensively adopted in the design of the venues.广泛应


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