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1、精品文档 用心整理资料来源于网络 仅供免费交流使用Module 9标准检测卷(满分:120分时间:100分钟)题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择符合句意的图画(每小题1分,共5分)1_2._3._4_5._二、听对话,根据所听对话内容选择正确的答案(每小题1分,共5分)6Where are the speakers now?7How did they go to the supermarket? 8What did the woman do last Sunday?9Whos the mans favourite writer? 10Which season d

2、oes Daming like best,winter,summer or autumn?三、听对话,回答问题(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题11How does Helen often go to school? ABy bus. BBy bike. CBy car.12Why did Helen go to school by car this morning? ABecause her bike was broken.BBecause her home is far from the school.CBecause her father drove to meet

3、 her maths teacher.听第二段对话,回答第13、14、15小题13What does Susans father do now? AA teacher.BA farmer.CA hotel manager.14Was Susans father very rich when he was young? AYes,he was. BNo,he wasnt.CWe dont know.15What did her father often do in his free time? AHe often played cards.BHe often watched TV. CHe of

4、ten played chess.四、听独白,根据所听内容选择正确的答案(每小题1分,共5分)16How old was little Helen then?AEight months. BNine months.CTen months.17What was wrong with Helen?AShe couldnt hear. BShe couldnt see.CShe couldnt speak.18How did Helens parents feel after they saw the first doctor?AThey were sad. BThey were angry.CTh

5、ey were happy.19Where did the good doctor live?AIn the town. BOn a farm.CIn a big city.20What did Helen learn to do later?ATo play computer games.BTo play football.CTo draw pictures.笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21When is the World Book and Copyright Day(世界读书日)?Its_23 April.Ain Bat Con Dduring22Look!

6、My camera is different _ yours.Theyre _ different colours. Afrom;from Bin;inCfrom;in Din;from23Why didnt you buy any bread? Sorry, I _Aforget BforgotCremember Dremembered24The Chinese _ Mo Yan won the 2012 Nobel Prize in literature(文学), and it cheers us up.Aartist BscientistCwriter Dsinger25_ did yo

7、u visit the Science Museum?Three months ago.AWhen BWhere CWhat DWhich26You can read Shakespeares works _ many other languages today. Ain Bon Cfor Dat27Oh, no! I _ my book in the lab.Aleave BleftCwill leave Dwas leaving28Li Ling _ go swimming yesterday.She went to the cinema.Adoes Bdid Cdoesnt Ddidnt

8、29Last week Vivian _ a dress for her mother with her firstmonth salary.Abuy BboughtCwill buy Dwould buy30Did you play computer games in the past?_But I played games like chess.AYes,I did BYes,I wasCNo,I didnt DNo,I wasnt31Tom _ Lucy in 2011.Amarries BmarriedCmarried with Dmarried to32They were very

9、happy to _the league.Ajoin Bjoin in Ctake part in Dgo in33Teachers Day is _ September 10.Ain Bon Cat Dfor34Mr. Smith, what do Chinese often do on_?They usually enjoy the full moon and think of their relatives or friends in the open air.Athe Spring Festival Bthe Water FestivalCthe MidAutumn Festival

10、DTeachers Day35Wang Xiaoli decided _ an actress because she liked TV plays very much. A/ BwasCbe Dto be六、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)(词数:约120;建议用时:5分钟)William Shakespeare was a writer _(36) plays and poems.Some of _(37) famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.He was born _(38) 1564 in England.At school h

11、e liked watching plays.He decided _(39) an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen.He _(40) in 1582 and had three children.At twentyeight he _(41) to London and joined a theatre company.He became a successful actor and started _(42) plays.Queen Elizabeth enjoyed Shakespeares plays.In 15

12、99 the company _(43) the Globe Theatre on the River Thames in London.You can go to the Globe Theatre today.William Shakespeare died at the age of fiftytwo.He was rich and _(44)You can still see his plays in English and in many other languages.He is one of _(45) famous writers in the world.36A.off Bo

13、f CoutDout of37A.his the most Bthe his most Chis most Dhis better38A.out Bon Cat Din39A.to be Bbe Cis Dare40A.to marry Bmarry Cmarried Dmarried to41A.moves Bwent Cgo Dmove42A.writes Bto writes Cwrite Dwriting43A.to build Bto building Cbuilt Dbuilding44A.successful Bsucceed Csuccess Dsuccessfully45A.

14、the more Bmost Cthe most Dmore七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A(词数:约130;建议用时:6分钟) Lu Xun is one of the famous writers in China.His real name is Zhou Shuren.He was born in 1881 in Shaoxing,Zhejiang Province.He wasnt fat or tall.He always wore a long old coat at that time.He got married in 1906.At first,he wanted t

15、o be a doctor and save peoples lives.So he studied medicine(医学)and decided to be a doctor in 1902.Later he gave it up and began to write.He wanted to cheer up Chinese by writing.He wrote his first novel in 1918 and later he wrote many famous novels like The True Story of Ah Q,Kong Yiji and so on.He

16、died in 1936.But we still can read his novels in many languages today.We can always learn many things by reading his works.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。46Lu Xun got married when he was twentyone.47Kong Yiji is one of Lu Xuns plays.48At first Lu Xun wanted to be a doctor.49Lu Xuns novels can save peoples lives.5

17、0Lu Xun died at the age of fiftyfive.B(词数:约190;建议用时:6分钟)Tu Youyou, an 86yearold female(女性) scientist, became the first Chinese to win a Nobel Prize in science on Oct 5. Before that, she ever won the 2011 Lasker Award for finding out artemisinin (Qinghaosu), which saved millions of lives. She was gra

18、teful(感激的) for the Lasker prize, but said, “It is just a scientists duty. I will go on fighting for the health of all humans.”Tu kept her work in the 1960s and 1970s. In that age, Malaria (疟疾) could took away peoples health. Scientists all over the world had already tried over 240 000 times but fail

19、ed. Tu Youyou, a member of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing, began to study Chinese herbs.Before 2011, people didnt know Tu very much. Many friends played jokes with her “the Professor of Three Nones”: no degree(学位), no study experience abroad, not a member of any Chinese nationa

20、l colleges. But she is hardworking. She read a lot of traditional Chinese medicine books and did a lot of researches on the disease. In February, 2012, Tu was named National Outstanding Females (One of the Ten). Tu is now a model of Chinese medical workers. 51Artemisinin is used to _. Amake medicine

21、 Bmake food Cget award Ddo the experiment 52In the 1960s and 1970s _ could find ways to stop the Malaria. Ascientists in China Bonly Tu YouyouCscientists all over the world Dno scientist 53Tu Youyou became very famous _. Ain the 1960s Bin 1970Cbefore 2011 Dafter 2012 54From Tu Youyous story, we know

22、 that she is a _woman. AfriendlyBkindCcleverDhardworking 55Which is not right according to (根据)the passage?ATu Youyou was the winner of the 2011 Lasker Award.BTu Youyou was a professor of much experience abroad.CTu Youyou is the finder of artemisinin.DTu Youyou was one of the ten National Outstandin

23、g Females.八、补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)A:Grandma,may I ask you some questions?B:Of course,Tom.A:_(56)B:I was born in December,1946.A:_(57)B:I was born in a small village.A:_(58)B:No,I didnt,but I had a small radio.I often listened to the radio.A:_(59)B:Yes,my father took me to the cinema once a week.A:_(60)B:I

24、 often played games with my friends.A:Oh,I think you had a happy childhood.B:Yes,I did. AWhat did you do after school?BWhen were you born?CDid you go to the cinema?DWhere were you born?EDid you have a TV at that time?九、根据汉语完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)61他搬到伦敦,并加入了一个戏剧公司。He _ _ London and joined a theatre company

25、.62莎士比亚是一位闻名世界的作家。Shakespeare was a famous writer _ _ _63成龙是世界上最受欢迎的演员之一。Jackie Chan is _ _ the most popular actors in the world.64十月一日是国庆节。October 1st is _ _65他只是一个小孩子的时候就出名了。He _ _ when he was only a child.十、书面表达(30分) 曹禺是我国现代杰出的戏剧家,代表作有雷雨、日出、北京人等,请根据以下提示写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍一下这位作家。 born in Tianjin in 191

26、0;real name:Wan Jiabao Thunderstorm,Sunrise,Beijinger. Thunderstormthe symbol of Chinese modern drama(中国的现代戏剧的代表作)_Module 9标准检测卷听力材料 一、1.My father likes reading newspapers after dinner.2Jane married a young man last month.3Christmas comes on December 25th.4. Shakespeare is a famous writer. 5. Octobe

27、r 1st is National Day.二、6.W:Id like to buy a new dress.M:The womens clothes are on the third floor,madam.7W:How did you and Lucy go to the supermarket?M:We took a bus.Thats quite a long way.8W:I went to the cinema last Sunday.What about you?M:I went to watch a football game.9W:What do you think of S

28、hakespeare,Bob?M:Hes a successful writer.But I like Mark Twain best.10W:Hi,Daming.Which season do you like better,winter or summer?M:Neither.I like autumn best.三、Text 1M:Is your school far from home,Helen?W:No,I often go to school by bike.But I went there by car this morning.M:Why?W:Because my fathe

29、r drove his car to the school to meet my maths teacher.Text 2M:What does your father do,Susan?W:He is a hotel manager now.M:Did your father have much money when he was young?W:No,he didnt.He only had an old bike.M:What did he do in his free time at that time?W:He often played chess with his friends.

30、四、Little Helen was only nine months old.She was different from other children.She did everything very slowly.Her parents didnt know what was wrong,so they took her to a doctor.The doctor found that the girl couldnt see anything.And the doctor said that he could do nothing to help Helen.Helens parent

31、s were very sad.One day, her parents heard that there was a good doctor in the town.The doctor helped Helen see again.After that, Helen learned to draw.听力答案:一、15:DEACB 二、610:BAACC三、1115:BCCBC 四、1620:BBAAC笔试部分五、21.C:表示“在具体某一天或某天的上午、下午或晚上”要用介词on。22C 23B:用语境法解答。句意“你为什么没有买面包?”“很抱歉,我忘记了。”“忘记”这个动作发生在过去,故用

32、一般过去时。24C25.A26.A27.B28.D 29.B30.C31B:考查marry。marry通常用作及物动词,后面直接跟宾语,不用介词。 32A:join参加某种组织、团体等;join in参加某些活动;take part in参加群众性活动。故选A。33B:在具体的某一天用介词on。34C 35.D六、36.B37C:由句意知应用形容词的最高级形式,且定冠词the不能与形容词性物主代词连用,故选C项。38D:在某年用介词in。39A:decide to do sth.决定做某事。40C:由句意及时间状语in 1582可知应用married。41B42D:start doing sth.或start to do sth.开始做某事,故选D项。43C44A:由rich可知此处应填形容词,因为and连接两个相同成分的词或句子。故选A项。45C:由句意知此处应用形容词的最高级形式,故选C项。七


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