



1、2022-2023学年北京外事服务职业高级中学高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. My deskmate has difficulty _ spelling some of the words in American English while I have trouble _ pronunciation.Awith;with Bin;withCin;in Dwith;in参考答案:Bhave difficulty(in)doing sth做某事有困难;have trouble with.在上有困难。2. In short, the brains regulation of _ and b

2、onding is what makes us want to be together, to care for one another, and to value our family, friends and community.A. attachmentB. entertainmentC. argumentD. variation参考答案:A3. There have already been 60 H7N9 bird flu cases on the mainland, so people are _ not to eat half-cooked chicken.A. hoped B.

3、 suggested C. advised D. demanded 参考答案:C4. -He has failed in the exam again.-Oh, _. A. I dont hope B. I hope not C. I dont hope D. I not hope so参考答案:B略5. Peters ability to speak English fluently gave him a(n)_ over those who could not.A. advantage B. character C. attitude D. appearance参考答案:A6. She s

4、pent the whole evening talking about the things and persons_ none of us has ever heard of.A. which B. who C. whom D. that参考答案:D7. I was going to do some shopping in New Mart, but watching TV at home because of tiredness A ended up B took up C got down D settled down参考答案:A略8. .The Camels carried food

5、 and other supplies and returned with wool and other products until_.A. 1920s B. the 1920 C. the 1920s D. in the 1920s参考答案:C9. All things _ since I came here. A. changed B. change C. had changed D. have changed 参考答案:D10. At the discussion, Jack _ an idea that they should bring down the price of the

6、bicycles.A. came about B. came up C. came out D. came up with参考答案:D11. Ive studied gardening as a hobby. Could I make some suggestions? _. A. You will make it B. Go right ahead C. Dont mention it D. Take it easy参考答案: 【答案】12. Theres a store in our school, where we can buy goods very cheaply.A. compan

7、ion B. contentC. donation D. discount参考答案:D考查形容词辨析。句意:我们学校有廉价商店,在那里我们可以买到便宜的商品。分析句子可知companion同伴,同行;content 满足,满意;donation捐款,捐赠,赠送;discount打折扣,减价出售。 discount store廉价商店。分析选项可知选D项。13. All the people _ at the meeting were his supporters. A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important参考答案:A14. One of

8、 my high school friends _in London ever since she moved there in 1998. A. lived B. is living C. lives D. has been living参考答案:D15. After his father died, the boy was _ by his devoted mother, who attached importance to his education. A. brought up B. turned up C. given up D. taken up参考答案:A略二、 填空16. 单句

9、语法填空(不多于3个单词)1It is _ (disappoint) that we cant go on a holiday this summer. We were all _ (disappoint) at it.2The children _(perform) very well in the performance they put _ last Sunday.3It is _ my power to understand how the computer works.4When we arrived at the cinema,we were surprised to find t

10、he audience _(be) leaving their seats.5It just isnt fair; _ I was working as a waiter last month, my friends were lying on the beach.参考答案:1.disappointing;disappointeddisappointing“令人失望的”;disappointed“(人)感到失望的”。2.performed; on句意:孩子们在上星期天的表演中表现不错。“they put on last Sunday”为省略了关系代词的定语从句,修饰先行词the perform

11、ance;“上演”的动词搭配为put on。3.beyond/out ofbeyond/out of ones power(s)“(某人)力所不及的;(某人)不能胜任的”。4.wereaudience当成一个整体看待时,用作单数;当成各成员看待时,用作复数。本句中的时态为过去时,故were符合语法。5.while句意:一点也不公平。上个月当我作为服务员忙忙碌碌工作时,我的朋友们却躺在海边享受。while“当时候”,引导时间状语从句,符合句意。三、 阅读理解17. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Women should not drink any alcoho

12、l during pregnancy. A report released by NICE says. It says if they must drink, they should not do so in the first three months and should limit to one or two ounces once or twice a week afterwards. It replaces previous guidance of saying small daily amounts were fine.NICE decided to tighten its gui

13、dance partly because of the concern that people are now drinking more than in the past. Previous draft guidance suggested women should drink an ounce of alcohol a day once they were past the first three months of pregnancy. The Department of Health in England changed its guidance last year, calling

14、for no drinking while pregnant or while trying to get pregnant. Drinking heavily in pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome (胎儿酒精综合症), which can leave children with features like small heads, widely spaced eyes and behavior or learning problems.The experts said there was no evidence that several

15、ounces once or twice a week would do any harm to the baby but could not categorically rule out (排除) any risk. National Childbirth Trust agreed women should limit their drinking during pregnancy. “Pregnant women who have had a few drinks often worry a great deal about whether they have harmed their b

16、aby. In general, it is believed that if a light infrequent drinker, in good health, drinks to the point of drunkenness on one occasion, the risk to her baby is small.”NICE also made a number of other recommendations for the care of women in the UK who were pregnant or planning to get pregnant. It sa

17、id vitamin D and folic acid (叶酸) supplements should be offered by health staff to help avoid conditions such as rickets (软骨病) and spina bifida (脊椎裂). Officials also called for local health officials to ensure equal support plans where mothers encourage new parents to breastfeed are set up. NICE also

18、 called for improvements in the care of pregnant women with diabetes. About 20;000 pregnancies each year are affected by diabetes and, therefore, carry, higher risk of miscarriage (流产) and still birth. The guidance said women should get access to advice and support, in particular to achieve good blo

19、od sugar control before they get pregnant.56. What is the advice made by the Department of Health on drinking alcohol during pregnancy?A. Little in the first three months and a gradual increase afterwards.B. An ounce a day after the first three months. C. No drinking for pregnant women.D. Those who

20、drink regularly need not worry about the harm to their babies.57. Whats the meaning of the underlined word categorically in Paragraph 4 ?A. Honestly.B. Absolutely.C. Physically.D. Doubtfully.58. According to the passage, miscarriage is caused most probably by _.A. the lack of vitamin D and folic acidB. rickets and spina bifidaC. the lack of doctors advice and supportD. diabetes carded by pregna


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