人体形态学A.deepfascia深筋膜B epimysium肌外膜C_第1页
人体形态学A.deepfascia深筋膜B epimysium肌外膜C_第2页
人体形态学A.deepfascia深筋膜B epimysium肌外膜C_第3页
人体形态学A.deepfascia深筋膜B epimysium肌外膜C_第4页
人体形态学A.deepfascia深筋膜B epimysium肌外膜C_第5页
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1、Multiple Choice Questions (For each question, one BEST answer)General Anatomical Information1. The layer of the body just under (or deep to) the skin is called:A. deep fas深筋膜B.浅筋膜mysium 肌外膜C. an aponeurosis 腱膜neurium 神经外膜D.superfil fasE.2. Sacks or packets of synovial fluid 滑液 near most synovial jo

2、called:s 滑膜关节areA. articular cartilage关节软骨 B. jo关节腔 C. bursae 关节囊D.fibrous capsuleE. synovial membrane 滑膜囊3. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is an exle of naming based on:A. action or function 运动或功能 B. body region 身置 C. attaents 起止点 D. shor size 形状大小 E. heads or tendons 肌腱个数4. After blood leaves the

3、right ventricle 心室, what structure does it enter next?A. left pulmonary artery 左肺动脉 B. lefrium 左心房 C. righrium 右心房D. aorta 主动脉 E. pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干5. The connection of a dorsal 后根 root and ventral 前根 root form a:A. rootlet B. ganglionC. spinal nerve 脊神经 D. gray matterE. white matter6. Which is a

4、long bone.A. costal bone 肋骨parietal bone 顶骨7. Which is the acB. scapula 肩胛骨C. sternum 胸骨 D. humerus 肱骨E.sory 附属结构 structure of synovial jo滑膜关节?,articular capsule,A. articular surface, articular disc, ligamentB. ligamentarticular surfaceC. ligament, articularsynovial bursa, articular discD. articular

5、,synovial fold,E. articular 关节唇 labrum, ligament, synovial fold 滑膜皱襞Head and Neck1. During a physical examination, you have a patient stick out his/her tongue and say AAH. The musclet is responsible for this movement is the:A. geniohyoidB. styloglosC. palatoglosD. genioglos 颏舌肌E. hyoglos2. The coron

6、oid pros 冠突 belongs to which bonehe head?A. maxillary 上颌骨 B. mandible 下颌骨C. sphenoid 蝶骨E. temporal 颞骨D. occipital 枕骨3. The fal artery gives rise to branchest supply each of the regions listedbelow EXCEPT for the:A. medial angle of the orbit 眶内角 B. lateral nose 鼻侧壁 C. region of the eyebrow 【brow 顶】眉部

7、 D. upper lipE. lower lip4. The lateral wall of the ethmoid 筛骨 sinus is also part of the medial wall of the:A. nasalB. orbit 眶 C. anterior cranial fossa 颅前窝D. oropharynxE. nasopharynx5. Which of the following does not openo the middle cranial fossa 颅中窝?A. foramen lacerumD. superior orbital fiB. fora

8、men ovaleE. inferior orbital fiC. foramen rotundumre 眶下裂re6. Impaired function of which of the following muscles would result in difficulty in protruding 降低 the lower jaw 颌? A. digastric 二腹肌 B. lateral pterygoid 翼外肌 C. medial pterygoidD. masseterE. temporalis7. All of the following paranasal sinuses

9、 鼻旁窦 drain鼻道, EXCEPT the:o the middle meatus 中A. frontalethmoidB. maxillaryC. sphenoidD. anterior ethmoidE. middle8. Pulsations felt just above the zygomatic arch 颧弓 and in front of the ear arefrom which veA. fal artery浅动脉?B.ernal jugular veinC. superfil temporal artery 颞D. retromandibular veinE. ma

10、xillary artery9. Which of the following foramina is NOThe middle cranial fossa?A. foramen rotundum 圆孔 B. foramen spinosum 棘孔 C. foramen lacerum 破裂孔 D. foramen ovale 卵圆孔 E. foramen magnum 枕骨大孔10. Which of the following muscles is NOT a muscle of mastication 咀嚼肌?A. buccinator 颊肌 B. temporalisC. medial

11、 pterygoid D. lateral pterygoidE. masseter11. Which of the following depresses 下降 the mandible?A. lateral pterygoid 翼外肌B. medial pterygoid 翼内肌masseterE. buccinatorC. temporalisD.12. Where does the nasolacrimal duct 鼻泪管communicate with the nasal【nose】?鼻腔A. superior meatus B. middle meatusnasopharynxE

12、. sphenoidal sinusC. inferior meatus 下鼻道D.13. Which of the following is a separate bone?独立的骨A. superior nasal concha B. middle nasal concha C. inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲D. crista galli 鸡冠 E. glabella 眉间14. The superior rectus muscle 上直肌 moves the eye in which two directions?A. superior and medialD. i

13、nferior and lateralB. superior and lateralC. inferior and medialE. anterior andteriorhe carotid sheath 颈动脉鞘?15. Which of the following is NOT containedA. common carotid arteryjugular veinB. external jugular vein 颈外静脉C.ernalD. vagus nerveE.ernal carotid artery斜角肌 muscles attach superiorly to:16. All

14、of the scaleneA. spinous prosesB. transverse proses 横突 C. theasD. the hyoidbone E. the nuchal line17. What vebegins at the jugular foramen? 颈静脉孔A. brachicephalic vein 头臂静脉 B. external jugular veinC.ernal jugularvein 颈内静脉D. external carotid arteryE.ernal carotid artery18. Concerning the temporomandib

15、ular jo颞下颌关节, the right description is:A. It is formed by mandibular fossa and head of mandible. racapsular ligment.C. The extracapsular ligament is the medial ligament.articular disc.关节盘:颅的关节中唯一有关节盘的关节B. It hasD. It has anE. The temporomandibular jois dislocated only backward.19. The palatine 颚 ton

16、sil 扁桃体s:A. in oralB. betn palatoglossal arch and palatopharyngeal arch颚舌弓和颚咽弓【palatal 颚的 glossal 舌的 pharyngeal 咽的 pharynx 咽】C. in pharyngeal resD. in piriform resE. interior wall of pharynx20. The visual acuity 灵敏 is highes:A. pars iridicaB. pars ciliarisC. macula luteaD. optic discE. foveacentrali

17、s凹21. Which structure does not belong to the middle ear?A. tympanicE. vestibuleB. auditory tubeC. mastoid antrumD. auditory ossicles22. The auditory receptors in:听觉感受器A. macula utriculiB. macula sacculiC. cristaullarisD. vestibuleE.spiralan 螺旋器23. The refractive 屈光介质 media of eyeball 眼球中屈光 does not

18、include:A. cornea 角膜 B. sclera 巩膜C. lens 晶状体 D. aqueous humor 房水 E. vitreous body 玻璃体24. Which structure belongs to the bony labyrh 骨迷路?A. the semicircular ductsD. cochlear duct 蜗管B. the utricle and sacculeE. Cortis aparatus=spiralC. the cochlea an25. Which structure does not belong to the membranou

19、s labyrh 膜迷路?A. the semicircular ducts 半规管B. the utricle and sacculeC. the cochlea 耳蜗 D. cochlear ductE. Cortis apparatus=spiralan26. WhiA. rectu obliquuuscle turns the anterior pole of the eye superomedially 上内?periorB. rectus inferiorperiorC. rectus medialis D. rectus lateralisE.27. Which one comm

20、unicates with the tympanic 鼓膜的【tympanum】室?鼓A. external acoustic meatusB.ernal acoustic meatus 内耳门 C. bonysemicircular cD. cochlear duct E. auditory tube 咽鼓管28. The ciliary body:睫状体A. divides the chamber of eyeo anterior andterior parts.B. is colourlessand transparent. C. has a anterior portion calle

21、d the ciliary ring. D. is the largest part of vascular tunic. E. contains smooth muscle fibers called ciliary muscle.睫状体肌29. The iris:虹膜A. divides the chamber 房【眼房】 of the eyeo anterior andterior parts.B. meets with the sclera to form the angle of anterior chamber.C. isteriorto the ciliary body.D. c

22、Backter the curvature of lens.E. is the largest part of vascular tunic.1. Which part of the vertebra would connect to the three otharts: the body,the lamina 椎板 and the transverse pros?A. inferior articular facet 下关节面 B. superior articular facet 上关节面 C. laminaD. pedicle【根】根 E. body2. The anterior wal

23、l of the vertebral c椎管前壁 is formed by:A. ligamenta flava 黄韧带B.erspinal ligament 棘间韧带C.teriorE.longitudinal ligament 后纵韧带 D. anterior longitudinal ligament 前纵韧带ligamentum nuchae 项韧带3. A typical vertebra contains all of the following EXCEPT a:A. bodylaminaB. transverse foramenC. vertebral foramenD. sp

24、ineE.4. How many lumbar 腰 vertebrae are there?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 7E. 12D. 33E. 345. How many spinal nerves are there?A. 30B. 31C. 326. Concerning the cervical 【颈部的】【cervic-颈部】【cervix 颈部】vertebrae 颈椎, the right description is:A. All cervical vertebrae have vertebral body and articular pros.B. TheC.cervic

25、al vertebra has no transverse foramen.of the spinous pros of the cervical vertebrae bifurcate entirely.D. The articular facets【面】关节面 are relatively horizontal.vertebra is called axis.7. Concerning the thoracic 胸【thorax】vertebrae, the right description is:E. ThecervicalA. They have transverse foramen

26、.B. They bifurcate at the end of thetransverse pros.C. They have relatively sagittal articular facets.costal fovea.D. They have no transverseE. They have costal fovea 肋凹 on the vertebral body laterally.椎体侧壁8. Concerning the lumbar 腰 vertebrae, the right description is:A. the body is smalllaterallyB.

27、 they have costal fovea on the vertebral bodyC. they have transverse foramen矢状位D. the articular facets are relatively sagittalE. the spinous proses poobliquely downward9. Concerning the sacrum 骶骨, the right description is:A. it is made up of four fused vertebraeB. the base of it is downwardC. the au

28、ricular surface is on the anterior surfaceD. the anterior sacral foramina is not communicating with sacral cE. Is four pairs ofterior sacral foramina 骶后孔10. Concerning theervertebral disc, the right description is:A. 24 in number in adultsB. It is a symphysis betn vertebral archesC. It is comed of a

29、nulus fibrous and nucleus pulus环和髓核D. the nucleus pulus protrude anterorlaterally easilyE. the anulus fibrosus is an inner soft, highly elastic structureThorax1. A blood clot 凝块(embolus) found from which of the following?he left pulmonary artery probably cameA. pulmonary veinsbrachiocephalic veinB.

30、lefrium 心房C. right ventricleD. leftE. left ventricleo right and left primary bronchi at the level of the:2. The trachea bifurcatesA. plane of the sternal angle ribD. seventh cervical vertebra3. Which of the following间支B. suprasternal (or jugular) notchC.E. xiphoid prospanies the anteriorerventricula

31、r artery?前室A. middle cardiac veinB. coronary sinusC. small cardiac veinD. great cardiac vein 心大静脉E. anterior cardiac vein4. The heart is located in which anatomical subdivi纵隔?分区 of the mediastinumA. anteriorB. middleC.teriorD. lateralE. superior5. Which veinpanies the anteriorerventricular artery?C.

32、 small cardiacD. great cardiacE.A. middle cardiacB. coronary sinus anterior cardiac6. The vagus nerve 迷走神经()the diaphragm?panies which of the following throughA. sympathetic chainesophagusB. inferior vena cavaC. phrenic nerve D. aortaE.7. The leftA. 1g is made up of how many lobes?B. 2C. 3D. 4E. 5 h

33、e:8. The sinuatrialnode is locatedA. right atrial wall 右心房壁 【atrium 心房】ventricular wallB. lefrial wallC. rightD. left ventricular wallE.erventricular septum9. Which veinA. great cardiacpanies theteriorerventricular coronary artery?B. anterior cardiacC. middle cardiac 心中静脉 D. smallcardiac10. TheA. le

34、fE. coronary sinusx 尖 of the heart is formed by the:riumB. left ventricleC. righrium D. right ventricle E. both leftand right ventricles11. The azygos 奇静脉 vein drainsA. superior vena cava上腔静脉atriumD. left brachiocephalic veino the:B. inferior vena cavaC. rightE. right brachiocephalic vein12. Which o

35、f the following structures is NOT foundheterior mediastinum?A. esophagusB. aortic arch 主动脉弓 C. azygos vein 奇静脉 D. hemiazygosvein 半奇静脉 E. splanchnic nerves 内脏神经13. The thoracic duct 胸导管 usually drainso the:A. lefternal jugular veinB. junction of the righternal jugular andsubclavian veinsC.left subcla

36、vian vein D. superior vena E. junction of the lefternal jugular and subclavian veins14. Contraction 收缩 of the diaphragm 膈 causes an increase in the thoracic volume by increasing primarily which of the diameters of the rib cage?A. lateralB. anteroteriorC. superior-inferiorE. all three diameters to th

37、eD. any two diameters to the same extentsame extent15. The pacemaker for the heart is ordinarily the:A. sinoatrial nodebundle (of His)B. atrioventricular node结 C. atrioventricular束 D. subendocardial plexus 心内膜下丛 E. membranouserventricular septum16. The articular part of a rib tubercle 肋结节articulates

38、 形成关节 with which of the following structures?A. body of the vertebraeB. costal cartilageC. adjacent ribD. sternumE.transverse pro17. The pleurals 胸膜腔 contains which of the following?C. serous 浆液 pleural fluid 胸膜积液 D. lymph nodesE.A.gs B. Bronchipulmonary arteries and veins18. The parietal pleura 壁胸膜

39、 consists of all of the following parts EXCEPTA. costalB. pericardial 心包 C. mediastinalD. diaphragmaticE. cervical19. Which of the following structures is located隔?he middle mediastinum 中纵A. thoracic duct B.gsC. esophagusD. heartE. azygos vein20. Which of the following is a spel feature of a thoraci

40、c vertebra胸椎?A. foramen for vertebral arteryB. dens for roionC. short spinousprosesD. costal肋骨的 facets on bodiesE. costal facets on spinous肋凹proses21. Which of the following structures is locatedhe left ventricle?C. opening of theA. fossa ovaliscoronary sinus 乙状窦口B. criserminalis 界嵴D. conus arterios

41、us 动脉圆锥E.terior papillary muscle 后肌22. Which of the following is NOT part of the chest?A. 12 pairs of ribsB. sternumC. costal cartilagesD. 12 thoracic vertebraeE. clavicle23. Which of the following structures carry highly oxygenated blood from the gs to the heart?A. pulmonary arteries B. pulmonary v

42、eins肺静脉 C. coronary arteries D.cardiac veins E. ascendinrta24.teriorercostals arteries 肋间后动脉 pass betn which two layers?A. skin and externalercostal musclesercostal musclesB. external andernalC.ernal and innermostercostals muscles肋间肌和肋间最内肌D.transversalis fasand peritoE. innermostercostal muscles and

43、 transversalis fas25. Which of the following passes through the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm?A. esophagusB. thoracic duct 胸导管 C. ascending aortaD. sympathetic trunksE. vagal trunks26. A patient arriveshe emergency room with chest pain. a nurse takes anelectrocardiogram and sees the patienWhat part

44、 of the heart is likely damaged?s a right bundranch 右束支 block.A. righriumB. lefriumC. aortaD. pulmonary trunkE. ventricularseptum 室间隔27. Concerning the ribs 肋骨, the right description is:A. the ribs are eleven in number on each sideribsB. 1st-8th ribs are called trueC. 8th-11th ribs are called false

45、ribsangleD. the anterior end is called costalE. theterior end of rib enlarged 膨大 to form the costal head 肋头Pelvis and Peri1. Lymphatic ves from thec, below the pectinaine 齿状线,draino which lymph nodes?A. para-aorticB. superior mesentericC.ernal iliacD. superfil inguinalE. inferior mesenteric浅淋2. The

46、broad ligament阔韧带of the uterus is a double layer of peritowhichencloses all of the following EXCEPT the:A. ureterligament输尿管 B. ovarian ligamentE. uterine artery韧带C. uterine tubeD. round3. The superior and inferior 下 gluteal arteries 臀动脉 arise from the:A.ernal iliac arteryB. superior rectal arteryC.

47、 common iliac arteryD. inferiorgastric arteryE. median sacral artery4.he male, the membranous urethra膜部:B. starts at the trigone of theA. ist part withhe prose glandbladder三角 C. ist part withhe urogenital diaphragm 尿生殖膈 D. ist part withducthe corpus spongiosum E. is called the ejaculatory5. TheA. su

48、periernal iliac artery give rise to all of the following branches EXCEPT the:lutealB. middle rectalC. superior vesicle D.动脉ernal pudendalE. ovarian6.he male, the pelvicdiaphragm separates the:A. perinotchesfrom the ischiorectal fossaB. lesser and greater sticC. true pelvis from the false pelvisD. de

49、ep perineal pouch from the superfilperineal pouchE. pelvis from the ischiorectal fossa 坐骨直肠窝7. Which of the following leaves the pelvis by passing through the lesser s foramen 坐骨小孔?ticA. piriformis musclemuscle 闭孔内肌 D. inferiB. pubococcygeus muscleC. obturatorernusluteal nerveE. iliacus muscle8. Whi

50、ch of the following structures is located betischial tuberosity?n the ischial spine and theA. obturator foramen 闭孔 B. lesser stic notch 切迹 C. acetabular notch 髋臼切迹 D. pubic arch 耻骨弓 E. arcuaine 弓状线9. Which of the following muscles covers and pads the lateral pelvic wall?A. obturatorernus 闭孔内肌 B. pir

51、iformis 梨状肌 C. pubococcygeus 耻尾肌D.iliococcygeus 髂尾肌 E. ischiococcygeus 坐骨10. Which of the following nerves exits the pelvis through the greater s foramen, superior to thriformis?ticA. slumtic 坐骨神经B. pudendal神经C. superior gluteal 臀上神经D.acral trunk 腰骶干 E. obturator 闭孔(神经)11. Theterior fornix 后穹窿 is th

52、e deepest part of which of the following structures?A. urinary bladderuterusB. vaginaC. deep perineal spaceD. urethraE.12. Which of the following parts of the uterus protrudeso the uppermostvagina?最上部A. round ligament B. bodyC. fundusD. isthmusE. cervix颈13. The oocytes 卵细胞 expelled from the ovaries

53、usually are fertilizedinwhich of the following areas of the uterine tubes?A. infundibulum 漏斗部 E. fimbria 伞部the lateral wall 侧壁 of the部 B.ullaC. isthmus 峡部 D. uterine14. The distal end 远端 of the ovary connects topelvis by which of the following structures?A. round ligament B. ligament ofthe ovaryC. s

54、uspensory ligament of the ovary悬韧带D. transverse cervical ligamentE. lateral cervical ligamento two triangles by drawing a transverse line structures?A. anterior ends of the ischial15. The periis dividedbetn which of the followingtuberositiesB. coccyx to pubic tuberclesC. inferior iliac spines to pub

55、ic symphysisD. medial ends of inguinal ligament to tip of coccyxE. sacrum to pubic symphysis16. The navicular 舟状窝fossa is located in which of the following structures?A.uterus头 penisB. proseC. bladderD. seminal vesicle E.17. Which of the following structures is the largest acsory 附属 gland of themale

56、 reproductive system?A. testesB. seminal vesiclesC. prosbulbourethral glandsE.eD.18. The ovarian arteries动脉arise from which of the following arteries?A. superiluteal B. inferiluteal臀下动脉 C. abdominal aorta 腹主动脉D.superior rectal E.ernal pudendal内动脉19. In males the rectum 直肠 is related anteriorly to al

57、l of the following structures EXCEPTA. fundus of the urinary bladder deferensD. seminal vesiclesB. proximal parts of the uretersC. ductusE. prose20. Which of the following arteries is a direct continuation of the inferior mesenteric artery 肠系膜下动脉?A. superior rectal 直肠上动脉 B. middle rectalC. inferior

58、rectalD. iliolumbarE. lateral sacral21. The membranous part of the male urethra of the following structures?A. bladderB. proseC. external urethral sphincter膜部 is located in which外括约肌 D. bulb ofpenisE.penis22. The relationship (“water passing under the bridge”) is an espeimportant one for surgeons li

59、gating 外科结扎 which of the following arteries?llyA. ovarianB. testicularC. uterine动脉 D. vaginalE. obturator23. Which of the following muscles is the largart and most important musclehe pelvic floor?piriformisA. coccygeusB. obturatorernusC.D. deep transverse perineal muscleE. levator ani 肛24. The super

60、ior end of the vagina surrounds which of the followingstructures?A. round ligament B. urogenital hiatusC. urethraD. cervix of bladder25. What ligament forms borders of both the greater and theforamen?颈 E. necklesser sticA. inguinalB. sacrospinousC. sacrotuberousD. pubicE. ischial26. What structurehe


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