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1、备战2021年高考英语二轮复习篇章体裁分类专项训练专题02说明文二含解析备战2021年高考英语二轮复习篇章体裁分类专项训练专题02说明文二含解析备战2021年高考英语二轮复习篇章体裁分类专项训练专题02说明文二含解析备战2021年高考英语篇章体裁分类专项训练专题02 说明文(二) 话题:完形填空介绍人际交往中一个重要的原则-要以诚相待.阅读理解A篇 介绍了旅游景点Arbeia Roman Fort and Museum的位置、历史、重建及开放时间等信息.B篇 主要讲了微笑的作用以及微笑疗法的运用.C篇 介绍了美国职业技术教育高中师生利用3D打印机给前线医生制造防护面罩。七选五介绍了如何开展竞走

2、活动以及竞走给人们带来的好处。语法填空文章介绍了“中国农民丰收节。改错描写了作者梦想学校的基本概况。一、完形填空People are always asking what the most important element to a healthy relationship is。 The 1 is there are many。 But there is one really important thing that all great and healthy relationships have in common 2 . Yes, of course, there are some l

3、ittle 3 lies even in the best of relationships 4 surprises or unexpected birthday partiesbut the truth is that happy couples communicate honestly and dont 5 to protect their own interests. So how can you have more open 6 in your own relationship?First, remember that honesty is the best policy even 7

4、 your partner might not like what you have to say. Yes, it may be 8 to tell your guy that you dont like one of his friends。 But lying or holding things 9 will make things worse in the long run.The next thing to be 10 is to say what you have to say 11 。 If your partner feels 12 ,he will be less 13 to

5、 what you have to say and may even become defensive. Your delivery is of utmost importance when you are discussing sensitive issues. Think through what you want to say 14 before you bring it up. You dont want to 15 the person that you love. You just want them to be 16 of the truth.One last thing to

6、keep in mind about communicating openly is that it enhances your relationship。 If you arent honest about any dirty little 17 you may have, they will probably come up eventually and 18 you in the backside。 And if you keep things to yourself, your relationship will not be based on the truth, which 19

7、a solid foundation。 Hard 20 the truth may be sometimes, honesty really is the best policy。1AphenomenonBtruthCtheoryDevidence2AhonestyBenthusiasmCcooperationDpersistence3AredBpurpleCwhiteDblack4AsecurityBprivilegeCanniversaryDambition5AlieBbargainCcomplainDinteract6AappreciationBreputationCselectionD

8、communication7AwhyBwhenChowDwhere8AtoughBimmediateCcomplicatedDplain9AinBonCaboveDback10Aserious aboutBproud ofCexpert atDworthy of11AobviouslyBrudelyCnicelyDsmoothly12ApuzzledBattackedCastonishedDsatisfied13AcreativeBrelativeCsensitiveDreceptive14AslightlyBthoroughlyCfrequentlyDbriefly15AsuspectBco

9、nvinceCinsultDfrighten16AafraidBawareCashamedDcapable17AuniformsBsecretsCblanketsDcourts18AtrainBconsultCunderstandDbite19Apicks outBturns onCmakes forDcomes across20AalthoughBwhileCuntilDas二、阅读选择AArbeia Roman Fort (城堡) and MuseumLocation and HistoryArbeia Roman Fort is situated on Hadrians Wall。 It

10、 was the most important structure built by the Romans in Britain, and now it has been a World Heritage (遗产) Site。 Built around AD 160, Arbeia Roman Fort was the military supply base for the soldiers who were stationed along Hadrians Wall. The fort has been gradually uncovered and some original parts

11、 have been revealed. There are reconstructions that show how Arbeia Roman Fort would have looked.The ReconstructionsThe reconstructions of the Commanding Officers house and soldiers quarters are strikingly different。 The accommodation for soldiers is dark and uncomfortable, while the Commanding Offi

12、cers house is spacious and luxurious, with courtyards with fountains for him and his family to enjoy。The MuseumVisit the museum and see many objects that were found at Arbeia. They are historically important and show what daily life was really like at that time。 You will see weapons, tools, jeweller

13、y, and so on. You can also discover how the Romans buried their dead and see tombstones (墓碑) which survive to this day. There is a “handson” area allowing visitors to dig on a certain site and study their findings with the help of museum staff。 You can piece together pottery (陶器), or try writing jus

14、t as the Romans would have done。 For children, they can build this ancient Roman fort with building blocks by themselves。Opening Times and Getting ThereApril 1October 31:Monday to Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm, Sunday 2:00pm-5:00pm.November 1March 31:Monday to Saturday 11:00am4:00pm, closed Sunday。 (Close

15、d December 2526 and January 1)Entry is free.Arbeia is only a ten-minute walk from the bus station at South Shields. Free car park nearby。Website:。uk/arbeia21According to the passage, Arbeia Roman Fort _.A。 was related to the militaryB。 got reconstructions around AD 160C。 was built in a small area in

16、 RomeD. provided a comfortable life for soldiers22What can visitors do in the museum?A. See historical objects。B。 Build tombstones for the dead。C. Write to ancient Romans。D. Try using old tools and weapons。23。 What time does Arbeia Roman Fort close?A. On April 1. B. On October 31. C。 On November 1。

17、D. On December 26. B You know that old saying that laughter is the best medicine。 Well, studies have long shown that laughter can have a positive effect both physically and emotionally. In South Korea, a nation more used to holding back its emotions, at least one hospital is encouraging patients to

18、let loose on their regular basis。Laughing, for those cancer patients and their families, is a weekly exercise at Seoul National University hospital. It is something that does not come easy for them, but an hour of laughter therapy (疗法) is all it takes to fight depression that often follows chemical

19、treatment. Lim Song Li, a therapist at the hospital, was once a depression patient herself. She now is a laughter therapist and says when you laugh, blood vessels expand,and sugar levels drop, producing an abundance of hormones (激素)linked with happiness and pleasure. But in Korean culture, where Con

20、fucian tradition dominates(主导)social behavior,laughing is not a nature thing. Korean men are taught not to cry more than three times in their lifetime。 And the sound of a Korean womans laughter should not be heard outside the fence of her home. But inside this hospital,they are letting it out. By th

21、e end of the session, they make belief laughs somehow become their own。If laughing requires effort,more natural to Koreans, it is singing。 The sing-song star therapist, famous for her therapy sessions to fight housewife depression,Jeong Ji Song says singing is an easier way to express inner feelings

22、,especially for Korean women brought up in the conservative background. For some,these classes can be a stress-management tool,but for many more who suffer from depression, learning to sing out their heart can be a healing process。It not only helped Ying Seung Woo come out of severe depression, but

23、also presented her with a new career。 After taking up singing therapy, she found a talent in herselfcheerleading. And now she is taking courses to become a certified therapist。The author mentions South Korea to show.Athere are few people suffering from depression in South KoreaBlaughter has a positi

24、ve influence on Korean women s healthCpeople in South Korea are used to expressing their inner feelingsDpeople in South Korea have attempted to use laughter therapy25. Why does the hospital encourage patients to laugh?A。 Laughter can help ease patients pain。B.Laughing can help patients fight depress

25、ion。C. Laughter is a natural thing in the Korean society。D. Laughing is not allowed in the Korean tradition。26。 What does the underlined word “healing in paragraph 3 mean?ACuring。 BControlling. CSuffering. DFighting。CAs doctors and nurses struggle for medical supplies to fight coronavirus pandemic,h

26、elp is coming from an unlikely placehigh school students。 The Careen Technical Education Charter High Scholl(CTEC),US,has been using its nine 3D printers to make face masks for healthcare workers on the frontline。Face masks have been particularly challenging to find across the US since the outbreak

27、Valerie Castro,16, a CTEC student,is part of a team of teachers and students who came up with improvement that cut almost 30 minutes off the time it takes to build a face mask。”Thats what makes this school kind of different。 ” Gavin Newsom, Governor of the State of California, said。 ”Even though all

28、 these bad things are happening,were able to make an impact positively. Its like leaving your little mark on the world. ” Makerbot,a New Yorkbased company that makes 3D printers, has also helped CTEC to maximize the building process。 Theyve been churning out nearly 100 masks each day, and that produ

29、ction rate is set to be three times as 20 more 3D printers come online at the school。CTEC staff and students have provided masks to hospitals, dentists, urgent care centers and retirement homes in Fresno County and the surrounding areas in California. ”I was shocked, Stacy Vohra told school staff in

30、 video. We were so thrilled to have the donation from CTEC。 This is something that weve been needing。 ”The entire staff has switched from daily teaching to face mask production,” said Jonathan Delano, director of CTEC。 ”When the new 3D printers arrive, some of them will go to students houses so kids

31、 can help with the handson process。 ”Thats how we get through these things, ” Delano said. ”Our high school focuses on giving back to society。 Students should know the skills they hold can have an impact on a community. ”27What can we learn from the passage?A. High School students are expected to he

32、lp make face masks in the U. S.B。 Valeria alone helps speed up the production of 3D face masks in CTEC。C。 The act of the students in CTEC is highly thought of by Gavin。D。 Makerbot helps CTEC to build a factory for making 3D face masks。28What does the underlined phrase ”churning out in Paragraph 3 me

33、an?A. producing massive B. selling quicklyC。 importing legally D. exchanging equally29How do people feel to receive the donation from CTEC?A. Shocked and embarrassed。 B。 Astonished and excited.C. Disappointed and frustrated. D。 Inspired and joyful.30Whats the main idea of this passage?A. Teenagers h

34、elped design face masks。B. 3D printing technology was used to produce face masks。CA high school made donations to fight the pandemic.D. A high school made contributions by producing 3D face masks。三、七选五If youre tired of freestyle walking programs, you may be interested in leaming how to racewalk. Or

35、you want to pick up speed。 Or maybe you have a desire for competition。 31 , racewalking is a good choice for you。As you begin to racewalk, it is important to concentrate more on movement than on speed. Speed will come later, as you master the movement skills of racewalking。 And you can begin to incr

36、ease your speed once you feel comfortable with the actions of racewalking. Be sure, however, to increase your speed gradually. 32 。Racewalking can increase your walking exercise. You can experience this in person. Try walking as fast as you can, and youll feel your body eager to jog。 33 , you have t

37、o keep one foot on the ground at all times。 While you are jogging, both feet are off the ground at some point, which allows you to cover more distance with one step. So in order to cover the same distance, you have to take more steps than you would if you were jogging.34 。 Before you begin exercisin

38、g, you need to warm up your body and relax your muscles (肌肉). 35 。 It is necessary to cool down in the end. If you ignore these steps, you may suffer muscle pain and even injury。 ANo matter what the reason isBIn order to walk at high speedsCThe same is true after each exerciseDAlways keep safety in

39、mind when racewalkingE。In order to continue walking and not to break into a jogF.Dont push too hard or walk to the point of being tired outG。It is more efficient to warm up your body before exercise四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Chinese Government 36 ( create) the Chinese Farmers Har

40、vest Festival in 2018, 37 (make) it the first time that a national festival has been specially set up for farmers。 The festival will be celebrated 38 (annual) on the autumnal equinox (秋分).The action shows the governments concern about agriculture and its people to draw the whole societys attention t

41、o Chinese farmers, 39 work hard to strengthen the countrys development.The festival falling on the autumnal equinox also shows respect 40 traditional 24 solar terms which 41 (follow) by Chinese people since about 2,200 years ago. Meanwhile, it mirrors Chinese peoples knowledge of seasonal changes in

42、 nature and their willingness to adapt to natural rules. Although climates and crops differ in 42 (difference) parts of China, most crops mature in autumn, and thus its the best time to celebrate the harvest.The festival 43 (accompany) by certain rituals (仪式) is especially important to China, an agr

43、icultural country with 44 (thousand) of years of history。 A whole years hard work brings big harvests, filling fanners with joy. Not only will this festival celebrate harvests 45 it will be a reminder that more attention needs to be paid to agriculture and farmers, as well as traditional culture.五、短

44、文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文 中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或 修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉.修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词.注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2。只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。My dream school starts at 8:30 am。and ends at 3:30 p。 m。 They are three lessons in the morning and two

45、 in the afternoon. We didnt need to do so many homework。 Therefore, we have more time with afterschool activities。 For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one hour every day.My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around

46、 the classroom buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sat by the lake listening music. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.专题02 说明文(二) 参考答案一、完形填空【答案】B 2. A 3。 C 4. C 5。 AD 7。 B 8。 A 9。 D 10. AC 12。 B 13. D 14。 B 15. CB 17。 B 18。 D

47、19. C 20. D【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍人际交往中一个重要的原则要以诚相待。1考查名词词义辨析。句意:真相有很多。A。 phenomenon现象;B。 truth真相;C。 theory理论;D。 evidence证据。根据下文but the truth is that happy couples communicate honestly可知,真相有很多。故选B。2考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是有一件非常重要的事情是所有伟大而健康的关系都有一个共同点诚实.A. honesty诚实;B. enthusiasm热情;C. cooperation合作;D. persistence坚持。

48、根据下文communicate honestly可知,但是有一个真正重要的,所有非常好的和健康的关系共同具备的东西是诚实。故选A。3考查形容词词义辨析。句意:是的,当然,即使在最好的关系中也有一些小小的善意的谎言.A。 red红色的;B。 purple紫色的;C。 white白色的D。 black黑色的。根据下文but the truth is that happy couples communicate honestly可知,这里是善意的谎言。white lies善意的谎言.故选C。4考查名词词义辨析。句意:结婚纪念日的惊喜或意想不到的生日派对。A. security安全;B. privil

49、ege特权;C。 anniversary周年;D。 ambition雄心。根据下文unexpected birthday parties可知,这里是周年的惊喜.故选C。5考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是事实是幸福的夫妇会坦诚沟通,不会为了保护他们自己的利益而撒谎。A. lie说谎;B。 bargain交易;C。 complain抱怨;D。 interact互动。根据上文there are some littlelies可知,夫妇不会为了保护他们自己的利益而撒谎。故选A.6考查名词词义辨析。句意:那么你怎样才能在你自己的关系中进行更坦率的交流呢?A。 appreciation感激;B. reputa

50、tion名声;C. selection选择;D。 communication交流.根据下文One last thing to keep in mind about communicating openly可知,怎么进行更坦率的交流?故选D。7考查连词词义辨析。句意:首先要记住即使当你的伙伴也许不喜欢你不得不说的内容时,诚实仍然是最上策.A. why为什么;B。 when当时候;C。 how 怎么;D. where哪里。故选B。8考查形容词词义辨析。句意:也许告诉你的伙伴你不喜欢他的其中一位朋友有困难。A。 tough困难的;B. immediate立刻的;C。 complicated复杂的;D

51、。 plain朴素的。根据下文that you dont like one of his friends.可知,这件事是有困难的。故选A.9考查介词词义辨析.句意:但是从长远来看,撒谎或者隐瞒事情会让事情变得更糟糕.A. in里面;B。 on在上面;C. above上方;D。 back在后面。根据下文make things worse可知,撒谎或者隐瞒事情会让事情变得更糟糕。hold back隐瞒。故选D.10考查短语词义辨析。句意:下一个要认真对待的是要好好地说你必须要说的.A。 serious about对认真;B. proud of对自豪;C。 expert at专长于;D. worth

52、y of值得.故选A。11考查副词词义辨析。句意:下一个要认真对待的是要好好地说你必须要说的。A. obviously显然地;B. rudely粗鲁地;C. nicely好好地;D。 smoothly顺利地。根据下文If your partner feels _12_,he will be less _13_to what you have to say and may even become defensive.可知,好好地说你必须要说的。故选C。12考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你的伙伴感到受到攻击,他会更不愿意接纳你必须说的,而且甚至会变得有所防卫。A. puzzled困惑;B。 atta

53、cked攻击;C. astonished惊讶;D. satisfied满意。根据下文may even become defensive。可知,如果你的伙伴感到受到攻击.故选B。13考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他会更不愿意接纳你必须说的。A. creative有创造力的;B。 relative相关的;C. sensitive敏感的;D。 receptive接受的。根据下文to what you have to say可知,他会更不愿意接纳你必须说的.故选D。14考查副词词义辨析。句意:在你谈到某事之前,彻底地想清楚你想要说的。A. slightly轻微地;B。 thoroughly完全地,彻底地;

54、C. frequently频繁地;D。 briefly简洁地。故选B.15考查动词词义辨析。句意:你不想侮辱你爱的那个人。A。 suspect怀疑;B. convince信服;C. insult侮辱;D. frighten害怕。根据下文You just want them to be _16_of the truth.可知,不想侮辱你爱的那个人。故选C。16考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你只是想他们知晓真相。A. afraid害怕的;B。 aware知道的;C. ashamed羞愧的;D。 capable有能力的。短语be aware of知道。故选B。17考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你对于你也许

55、有的任何不雅的小秘密不坦诚的话,它们可能最终会出现,咬你的后背。A. uniforms制服;B。 secrets秘密;C。 blankets毯子;D. courts庭院。根据下文if you keep things to yourself,可知,这里指小秘密不坦诚的话,它们可能最终会出现.故选B。18考查动词词义辨析。句意:它们可能最终会出现,咬你的后背.A. train培训;B。 consult侮辱;C。 understand理解;D。 bite咬。根据下文in the backside可知,咬你的后背.故选D。19考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:如果你把事情藏在心底,你的关系不是建立在事实之上

56、,而事实有助于建立坚实的基础。A. picks out挑选出;B. turns on打开;C。 makes for 导致,有助于,走向;D. comes across偶遇。make for。故选C。20考查连词词义辨析。句意:尽管真相有时候可能会不近人情,但是诚实确实是最上策。A. although尽管;B. while然而;C。 until直到;D。 as尽管。使用as引导的倒装句,表示让步状语。故选D。二、阅读选择A【答案】 21A 22A 23D【分析】 这是一篇说明文.介绍了旅游景点Arbeia Roman Fort and Museum的位置、历史、重建及开放时间等信息。细节理解题.

57、由第一段第三句“Arbeia Roman Fort was the military supply base for the soldiers”可知,Arbeia Roman Fort城堡以前是一个为士兵们提供物资的军事供应基地,说明它以前与军事有关联。故选A项。细节理解题。由第三段前两句“Visit the museum and see many objects that were found at Arbeia。 They are historically important and show what daily life was really like at that time(参观博

58、物馆,看看许多在阿贝亚发现的物体。它们在历史上是重要的,并展示了当时的日常生活是什么样子)”可知,博物馆里展出的物件都是些历史文物。故选A项。细节理解题。关于参观时间介绍的最后一句“Closed December 25-26 and January 1可得出12月26日是关门的。故选D项。B【答案】24D 25B 26A【分析】 这是一篇说明文.主要讲了微笑的作用以及微笑疗法的运用,尤其是对抑郁症的积极作用.24细节理解题。根据第二段“Laughing, for those cancer patients and their families, is a weekly exercise at

59、Seoul National University hospital。 It is something that does not come easy for them, but an hour of laughter therapy is all it takes to fight depression that often follows chemical treatment。”可知韩国人们尝试使用微笑疗法,可知D符合题意,故选D。25推理判断题。根据第二段“。an hour of laughter therapy is all it takes to fight depression t

60、hat often follows chemical treatment.”以及“。.when you laugh, blood vessels expand,and sugar levels drop, producing an abundance of hormones linked with happiness and pleasure.”可推断微笑能帮助病人对抗抑郁,因此医院鼓励病人笑,故选 B。26词义猜测题。这句话“For some,these classes can be a stressmanagement tool,but for many more who suffer f


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