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1、昂立新概念一小学英语分院新一组Lesson17-18How do you do?目录Grammar3Vocabulary1Text2(1) employee n. 雇员,职员 区别:_ n. 雇主,老板Vocabularyemployer类似:_ n. 被训练的的人,实习生 _ n. 教练(员)trainertrainee(2) hard-working adj. 勤奋的(形容人) 辛勤的护士 _a hard-working nurse(3) sales rep n. 销售代表(尤指需要旅行出差去推销公司产品的销售员) (rep=representative n. 代表) _ 推销员(普通的销

2、售员)salesman/saleswoman(4) man n. 男人 复数:_ 女人 _ 复数:_ 口语:my old man _menwomanwomen我的老爸(5) office n. 办公室 head office _ office worker _ 总公司,总部办公室职员(6) assistant n. 助手 营业员 _ 办公室勤杂人员 _ teaching assistant _shop assistant/clerk助教,教学助理office assistant I say the number you tell me the word. The fastest one can

3、 get one point.Game on!Text: How do you do?Q: What are Michael Baker and Jeremy Shorts jobs? MR. JACKSON: Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richards.MR. RICHARDS: Thank you, Mr. Jackson.MR. JACKSON: This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor.MR. RICHARDS: How do you do?MR. RICHARDS: Those women a

4、re very hard-working. What are their jobs?MR. JACKSON: Theyre keyboard operators.MR. JACKSON: This is Michael Baker, and this is Jeremy Short.MR. RICHARDS: How do you do?MR. RICHARDS: They arent very busy! What are their jobs?MR. JACKSON: Theyre sales reps. Theyre very lazy.MR. RICHARDS: Who is this

5、 young man?MR. JACKSON: This is Jim. Hes our office assistant.Role Play记忆面包条How do you do?你好吗!陌生人初次见面打招呼用语。What are their jobs?他们的工作是什么?询问别人的工作。-好句推荐要做有礼貌的好孩子哦!GrammarWhat are their jobs? 另一种表达方式:_?回答:复数:They are + 职业的复数 单数:I am/He is/She is +a/an+ 职业的单数What do you do?试一试:1. 你是做什么工作的?_? 我是营业员。 _.2.

6、他/她是做什么工作的?_? 他/她是医生。 _?What is your job I am a shop assistant What is his/her job He/ She is a doctor 3. 他们是做什么工作的? _? 他们是出租车司机。_.4. 你们是做什么的?_? 我们是空姐。_.What are their jobs They are taxi drivers What are your jobs We are air hostesses 疑问句型用法Who is? 或Who are?谁的/什么的 询问人的姓名和身份What?询问人的类别或职业Whose?表示“_”,

7、即可指人,又可以指物Neil and Yoyo are at their friend Davids birthday party. There are a lot of people there.试一试:_ is that young man beside David?_ is Davids brother.Who are these girls?_ his good friends. WhoHeThey are_ are they?They are hairdressers._ doll bear is that?_ is his sisters doll bear.WhatWhoseItSpeak out word by wordEg: Lets practice whats you


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