



1、Unitl(l)Ozone is a gas that occurs both in the Earths upper atmosphere and at ground level.Ozone can begoodor badfor your health and the environment,depending on its location in the atmosphere.臭氧是一种发生在地球的上层大气和地面之间的一种气体.臭氧对人们的健康和环境是好 还是坏的,这取决于它在大气中的位置。0 Ozone occurs in two layers of the atmosphere. T

2、he layer closest to the EEarths surface is the troposphere. Here, ground-level orbad ozone is an air pollutant that is harmful to breathe andit damages crops,trees and other vegetation. It is a main ingredient of urban smog. The troposphere generally extends to a level about 6 miles up,where it meet

3、s the second layer,the stratosphere. The stratosphere orgoodH ozone layer extends upward from about 6 to 30 miles and protects life on Earth from the ssuns harmful ultraviolet(UV)rays.臭氧发生在大气的两层.离地表最近的是对流层,在这里,地面或坏的臭氧是一种有害呼 吸的空气污染物,它会损害农作物,树林和其他植被.它的主要成分是城市烟雾.烟雾通常延伸 到6英里的高空,在那里与第二层平流层相遇.平流层或良好臭氧向上延伸

4、6到30英里, 保护地球上的生命免受太阳有害紫外线的危害。0 Ozone is produced naturally in the stratosphere. But this good ozone is gradually being destroyed by man-made chemicals referred to as ozone depleting substances(ODS),including chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs),hydrochlorofluorocarbons(HCFCs), halons, methyl bromide, carbon te

5、trachloride, and methyl chloroform. These substances were formerly used and sometimes still are used in coolants, foaming agents, fire extinguishers, solvents, pesticides, and aerosol propellants. Once released into the air these ozone-depleting substances degrade very slowly.臭氧是自然在平流层中产生的,但好的臭氧正在被人

6、造化学逐渐破坏,消耗臭氧的物质包 括氯氟碳化合物,氢氯氟碳化合物,哈龙,甲基溟,四氢化碳,和甲基氢仿。这些物质以前 被使用于冷却剂、发泡剂、灭火器、溶剂、杀虫剂和气溶胶推进剂。这些消耗臭氧的物质一但 释放到空气中,就会非常缓慢的降解。 Ground-level or bad ozone is not emitted directly into the air, but is created by chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the pres

7、ence of sunlight. Emissions from industrial facilities and electrio utilities, motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents are some of the majer sources of NOx and VOC. 地面臭氧并不是直接排放到空气中,而是由氮氧化物(NOx)和挥发性有机化合物(VOC)在阳光下 的化学反响产生的。工业设施和电力设施、汽车尾气、汽油蒸气和化学溶剂的排放是NOx和 VOC的主要来源。6 At ground lev

8、el, ozone is a harmful pollutant. Ozone pollution is a concern during the summer months because strong sunlight and hot weather result in harmful ozone concentrations in the air we breathe. Many urban and suburban areas throughout the United States have high levels of bad ozone. But many rural areas

9、 of the country are also subject to high ozone levels as winds carry emissions hundreds of miles away from their original sources.在地面上,臭氧是有害的污染物。在夏季,臭氧污染是一个令人担忧的问题,因为强烈的阳光 和炎热的天气会导致有害的臭氧浓度在我们呼吸的空气中。美国许多城市和郊区都有高水平的 “有害”臭氧。但该国的许多农村地区也受到高臭氧水平的影响,因为风会将排放的气体带到数 百英里以外的地方。Unit5The term “ computer hacker wa

10、s first coined in the 1960s and originally meant someone capable of developing an ingenious solution to a programming problem.But the phrase has since fallen into disrepute,entering the popular vocabulary as a term for a programmer with criminal intent.电脑黑客一词最早出现于20世纪60年代,最初的意思是有能力为一个程序问题开发出一个巧妙的解决

11、方案的人。但是,这个短语已经声名狼藉,作为一个有犯罪意图的程序员的术语进入了流行词汇。 The earliestcriminafhackers were in fact relatively harmless,interested in testingthe boundaries of their knowledge and their ability to get around security measures.They mainly performed innocuous pranks,for example,employing low-tech tricks to get free c

12、alls through the US phone networks.最早的犯罪黑客实际上是相对无害的,他们对测试他们知识的边界和和绕过平安措施的能力感兴趣。他 们主要做一些无伤大雅的恶作剧,比方使用一些低技术含量的技巧,通过美国的 网络获得免费 。 There are many tools in the modern hacking kitjncluding network scanners,packet sniffers,rootkits and decompilers.But social engineeringn for example, putting a particularly

13、enticing message in an email header to encourage people to open it一and even search engines can also be useful weapons for the hacker.在现代黑客工具包中有许多工具,包括网络扫描器、数据包嗅探器,隐匿技术和解码器。但是,社会工 程一一例如,在电子邮件标题中放置特别诱人的信息以鼓励人们翻开它一一甚至搜索引擎也可能是黑客的 有用武器。And it is not just ordinary desktop computers that are under threat.G

14、overnments, banks and critical infrastructure can also be brought to a standstill by an expert armed only with a laptop computer and a net connection.不仅仅是普通台式电脑受到威胁政府、银行和关键基础设施也可能被一台笔记本电脑和一个网络连接进 入停滞状态The biggest new target for computer hackers is the mobile device.Virus writers are already experime

15、nting with code designed for smartphones and experts predict more may be on the way,while hackers are also looking at ways to crack handheld devices.最大的电脑黑客的新目标是移动设备。病毒作者已经在试验为智能手机设计的代码,专家预测更多黑客们 也在寻找破解手持设备的方法。While the Internet has transformed global communication beyond recognition,the arms race b

16、etween those intent on harnessing its power for criminal purposes and those tasked with preventing them has only just begun. 互联网已经使全球通讯变得面目全非,那些意图利用其力量进行犯罪目的的人与阻止他们的人的任务才刚 刚开始。Unit8Holmess team is the first to design an enzyme that successfully recognizes a mutated gene underlying human disease, and

17、 to show that it prompts efficient gene repair. Its terrific, says Dana Carrol, who studies these enzymes at the University o Utah. The team hopes that this technique will prove a safer way of treating SCID than traditional gene therapy. A French clinical trial of the latter has been stopped twice b

18、ecause three children developed cancer: probably because the corrective gene, when added to their cells, inserted itself next to a cancer-causing gene.霍尔姆斯的团队是第一个设计出一种酶,这种酶能成功识别人类疾病背后的突变基因,并证 明它能促进基因的有效修复。“太棒了,”犹他大学研究这些酶的达纳卡罗尔(Dana Carrol) 说。研究小组希望这项技术将被证明是一种比传统基因疗法更平安的治疗SCID的方法。法 国的一项针对后者的临床试验已经被叫停

19、了两次,因为有三个孩子患上了癌症:可能是因为 矫正基因在加入他们的细胞时,把自己插入了一个致癌基因旁边。The gene-correction technique ought to avoid this problem, because the new DNA replaces the old copy at the same site. HThe genome is left unscarred, explains Phitin Gregory, Sangamos senior director of research.基因修正技术应该可以防止这个问题,因为新的DNA会在同一位置取代旧的拷贝

20、。桑加莫 的高级研究主任菲丁 格雷戈里解释说:“基因组没有留下任何伤痕。”Researchers acknowledge that there are still potential pitfalls. It may, for exampl, prove difficult to engineer enzymes that recognize particular spots in the genome. And there are concerns that the enzyme might snip and damage DNA at an inappropriate place. We

21、dont want to be cutting up the genome w川y-nillyj says Wilson.研究人员成认,仍有潜在的陷阱。例如,事实可能会证明,设计识别基因组特定斑点的酶是困难 的。还有人担忧这种酶可能会在不合适的地方剪切和破坏DNA。威尔逊说:“我们不想随意 地切割基因组。”UnitlOSome years ago, researchers found something that sent shivers through the scienti community: a diverse community of microbial life-forms tha

22、t live without sunlighto ready supply of nutrients. 几年前,研究人员发现了一件令整个ft达基社区不寒而栗的事情:一个没有阳光就没有充足 营养的微生物群落。The scientists were not searching deep space when they made their find. Rather, they were sampling the bottom of a 2.5-mile-thick (4-kilometer-thick) Antarctic ice sheet.当科学家们发现这一现象时,他们并不是在探索外太空。相反

23、,他们是在一个2.5英里厚(4 公里厚)的南极冰盖的底部取样。The frozen mass covers Lake Vostokl, a freshwater lake. Scientists demonstrated that the bottom layer of the ice sheet, the same one that contained the microbial life forms, was composed of accreted, or frozen, lake water. This, in turn, led scientists to suggest that

24、a large, diverse community of microbes lived in the lake itself. If true, the theory would answer questions about the limits of life on Earth and expand the range of environments that might potentially host life-forms in space.冰封的冰块覆盖着Vostokl湖,这是一个淡水湖。科学家们证明,冰盖的底层,也就是包含 微生物生命形式的那一层,是由蓄积或冻结的湖水构成的。这反过

25、来又使科学家们认为,一个 巨大的、多样的微生物群落生活在湖泊本身。如果这一理论是正确的,那么它将回答有关地球上 生命的极限的问题,并拓展可能在太空中孕育生命的环境范围。According to Priscu, new data gathered by his team shows that the microbes have diverse physiologies. The data also suggest that Lake Vostok hosts the life-forms in 191 S high abundance, he said.根据Priscu的说法,他的团队收集到的新

26、数据说明这些微生物有着不同的生理结构。他说, 这些数据还说明,沃斯托克湖拥有191种丰富的生命形式。“I believe there are about 10,000 microbial cells per milliliter (0.2 teaspoon) in Lake Vostok surface water, which is about a hundred times lower than that typical in the open ocean,H Priscu said.“我相信在Vostok湖的地表水中每毫升(0.2茶匙)大约有10000个微生物细胞,这比在开放 的海洋中一

27、般情况下耍低100倍, Priscu说。Karls team has also conducted further analysis and found that a viable microbe population lives in the Antarctic lake buried under miles of ice, although Karl noted that the biomass may be very low.*卡尔的研究小组还进行了进一步的分析,发现埋在几英里深的冰下的南极湖中有一种活的微生 物种群,不过卡尔指出,“生物量可能非常低。”Unit 12What is he

28、alth? The World Health Organization of the United Nations describes health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social wel-lbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Perhaps this description is not realistic; after all, people are not a race of super beings.A far more realistic

29、definition of health is provided by the Joint Committee on Health Problems in Education* of the U.S. National Educational Association and theAmerican Medical Association. According to the Joint Committee, health is “a condition in which the individual is able to mobilize all of his resourcesintellec

30、tual, emotional and physical for optimum living. What is referred to here is the best possible use of ones assets,however great or small they may be. This is a definition that can apply to the great majority of individuals. It will hold for particularly favored individuals, for those of average or l

31、ess-than-average physical and mental development, and even for the handicapped persons who have come to terms successfully with their disabilities.Guidelines for the IndividualTo a considerable extent, the individual is responsible for his own health. He must establish a definite pattern of healthfu

32、l living if he is to maintain a satisfactory level of well-being.There are some basic guidelines to follow to reach and maintain this level: 什么是健康?联合国世界卫生组织将健康描述为一种完全的身体、精神和社会健康的状 态。不仅仅是没有疾病或虚弱。也许这种描述是不现实的;毕竟,人不是超级生物的种族。美 国国家教育协会的健康问题联合委员会和美国医学协会提供了更现实的健康定义。木蝴联合委 员会的说法,健康是一种个人能够调动他所有的智力、情感和身体资源一一以获得最正确生活的 条件这里所指的是一个人的资产的最正确使用,无论其大小。这是一个可以适用于 大多数人的 定义。它将适用于特别受青睐的个人,那些身体和精神发育一般或低于一般水平的人,甚至那些 已经成功接受残疾的残疾人。个人指南在很大程度上,个人要对自己的健康负责。如果他想保持令人满意的幸福水平,他必须建立一个 明确的健康生活模式。到达并保持这一水平需要遵循一些基本准那么:Unitl4Scientists have invented a plastic solar cell that can turn the suns power into


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