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1、2022版高考英语一轮复习对点冲关训练板块5第3讲并列句和状语从句含解析外研版2022版高考英语一轮复习对点冲关训练板块5第3讲并列句和状语从句含解析外研版PAGE 2022版高考英语一轮复习对点冲关训练板块5第3讲并列句和状语从句含解析外研版第3讲单句语法填空1Sometimes its hard to accept the truth _ the lie sounds so much better.because句意:有时候事实真相很难被接受,因为谎言往往要顺耳多了。此处表示原因,故填because. 2_ noted otherwise, these brochures are free

2、 of charge.Unless句意:除非另外说明,否则这些小册子都是免费的。根据语意可知,空格处用unless,引导一个省略的状语从句,相当于Unless they are noted。3She was such a proud person that she would die _ she would admit she was wrong.before句意:她是个非常骄傲的人,宁愿死也不认错.这里用before,翻译成“宁可也不愿”,常与will或would连用.4I had hardly rung the bell _ the door was opened suddenly, an

3、d my son rushed out to greet me。 when句意:我刚一(几乎还没有)按门铃,门突然就被打开了,我儿子就冲出来迎接我。hardly/scarcely 。. when,表示“一就,刚刚就。5When you read the book, youd better make a mark _ you have any question.where句意:当你读这本书的时候,你最好在你有问题的地方做个标记。where在此处引导地点状语从句。6_ the movie star has always been the focus of much media attention,

4、 he tries to lead a normal life.While/Though/Although句意:虽然这个影星一直是媒体关注的焦点,但是他努力过一种正常的生活。根据题意可知,从句表示让步, 故填While/Though/Although。7_ students decide which college to go to, they should research the admission procedures.Once句意:一旦决定了要上哪所大学,学生们应该去查询学校的录取程序。once “一旦”,引导时间状语从句。8Well, we certainly know from e

5、vidence in the sleep center and that of many other scientists that naps can give you benefits for both your brain _ your body.and考查连词.句意:当然,我们从睡眠中心和其他许多科学家提供的证据中得知,午睡能给你的大脑和你的身体带来好处.根据设空处前的both可知设空处填and,构成“both。.。and.。”结构。9The boss will sample some of the delicacies(佳肴)that pop up in the office, eit

6、her when staffers return from China _when the goodies are cooked right here.or分析句子结构以及句中的“either可知,此处表示选择关系.故填连词or。10Twelve weeks later, 6。5 of them stopped smoking actively in the high frequency group _3 got rid of smoking in the low frequency group。 while句意:12周后,在高频率组中,6。5%的人主动戒烟,而在低频率组中,3的人戒烟。此处表

7、示对比,故填while。11(2020山东省实验中学高三阶段性检测)_ most kids were going to the movies on weekends, George preferred to design his own special projects. While/Though/Although句意:虽然大多数孩子周末会去看电影,但George却喜欢设计他自己的特殊项目。此处表示让步,故填While/Though/Although。12(2020河北衡水中学二调)Chinas industrial output is expected to rise by around 6

8、.5 percent this year, marking the best performance since 2010, _ the Made in China 2025 strategy(战略) helps to raise productivity and revenue(税收). as/because句意:中国的工业产量今年有望增长约6。5,标志着自2010年以来的最高产量,因为“中国制造2025”战略有助于提高生产率、增加税收。由句意可知前后是因果关系,故填as/because。13(2020湖南长沙长郡中学检测)And away from the mysterious world

9、, Colonel Sanders didnt open his first KFC restaurant_ he was 62,while Fauja Singh ran his first marathon at 89 until/till此处是说他直到62岁才开了第一家KFC餐馆.此处为not.。until/till.。结构,该结构意为“直到才”。14(2020浙江台州高三第一次模拟)When the servants brought the steak, he took out a fork and began to eat_ people did in Italy。 as句意:当仆人

10、拿来牛排时,他拿出一把叉子,开始像意大利人那样吃起来.结合句意可知,此处应用as引导方式状语从句。15(2020浙江高考模拟)As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom _ they are performed on a routine basis。if考查条件状语从句。根据语境可知,设空处表示条件,故填if。语法填空A(2020临沂二模)Xu Lizhen, a 74。year。old lady, has been acting as a tour guide for nearly 20 years in Yang Shu

11、o, Gui Lin, 1_ is a city known both in China and abroad for its beautiful landscape。2_ she attended only primary school when she was young, she can now speak approximately 11 foreign languages 3_ (fluent)Since 20 years ago, tourists 4_ (show) affection for Yang Shuo, including a great many foreigner

12、s。In order to make a 5_ (live), Xu Lizhen began to sell water.However, she could hardly make any money at first because foreigners didnt understand her accent.She tried to imitate the 6_ (pronounce) of the foreigners, take notes and learn them 7_ heart.If she came across tourists who can speak both

13、Chinese and a foreign language, she would ask them to translate their words many times so that she could remember them 8_ (well)It is in this way that the old granny masters 11 languages, such as English, French, Russian, Korean。Now, she has no difficulty at all 9_ (communicate) with foreign friends

14、 in simple oral English。She is also 10_ (refer) to as Mother Moon for her kindness among tourists.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了一位自学了11门语言的74岁导游奶奶的故事。1which此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词是Yang Shuo,引导词应填which.2Though/Although/While此处用连词Though/Although/While引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”。3fluently副词修饰动词speak。4have shown根据时间状语“Since 20 years a

15、go”可知,此处应用现在完成时。故填have shown。5livingmake a living“谋生”,为固定搭配。6pronunciation此处表示模仿外国人的发音,pronounce的名词形式pronunciation作宾语。7bylearn by heart“记住,为固定搭配。8better多翻译几次的目的是记得更好,所以用比较级better.9communicatinghave difficulty (in) doing sth。“做某事有困难”,为习惯用法,故填动词的现在分词.10referred她还被称作“月亮母亲”。“被称作”为be referred to as,主动形式为

16、refer to.。.as.。.。BEastern Europe holds some of the worlds most hidden travel bargains。Bulgaria is one of the nations that arent often mentioned in the news or in many books on European travel。Yet its a culturally diverse Balkan nation thats quite 11_ (expensive)to visit。In Bulgaria,you can explore t

17、he ancient churches in 12_(it) capital city,Sofia,such as the Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.13_ youre in Sofia,you dont have to travel far 14_ (reach)the countryside and mountains。You could,for example,visit Vitosha Mountain,15_ is famous for the amazing views in every season.In the summer,you ca

18、n cool off at some of Europes most beautiful 16_(beach)by the Black Sea,such as Nirvana Beach and Perla Beach.Another 17_ (attract)by the sea is Sozopol,an ancient city that 18_ (found)by the Greeks in the 7th century BC.and is now 19_ popular seaside tourist town.Bulgaria is also well.known 20_ the Rose Kingdom.So you can enjoy a fragrant and pleasant tour in the oceans of roses there.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了东欧国家保加利亚的旅游特色。11inexpensive上文谈到东欧有一些鲜为人知的低价旅游景点,保加利亚就是其中之一,由此可知,此处应是“便宜”的意思,故填inexpensive。12its设空处修饰名词短语capital city,应用形容


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