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1、2021年高考英语大一轮复习课时作业47Module5TheConquestoftheUniverse含解析外研版2021年高考英语大一轮复习课时作业47Module5TheConquestoftheUniverse含解析外研版PAGE PAGE 152021年高考英语大一轮复习课时作业47Module5TheConquestoftheUniverse含解析外研版课 时 作 业 eq o(sup1(47),sdo1()。阅读理解(河北省邯郸市高三月考)A survey that ranks the best destinations in Europe has given the top ti

2、tle to Porto, Portugal for the third time and highlights a developing nature destination in Finland that has become wildly popular, particularly among Asian travelers。For the eighth edition of European Best Destinations, Porto took the largest number of votes from travelers around the world, getting

3、 138,116 of the nearly 426,860 votes cast from 174 countries, the most of any other destination on the list。While organizing some of the results to the Portuguese who mobilized to give Porto the leading edge in the competition, they note that 57 percent of the vote also came from travelers around th

4、e world, including the US, the UK, France, Denmark, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Ireland and Canada, who voted the coastal city their favorite destination in Europe。Rounding out the top three spots on the list is Milan and Gdansk, Poland。 Meanwhile, a stretch of wilderness in northeast Finland

5、 also made an appearance on the 2017 ranking for the first time, thanks to its soaring popularity among Asian travelers in search of wilderness。Wild Taiga in Finland landed 15th on the list, and is ranked the No.1 destination among Chinese travelers (three out of four Chinese travelers voted it thei

6、r favorite destination) and the fifth most popular destination among Koreans.Stretching from Kuhmo to Suomussalmi, the area is becoming increasingly popular among nature lovers for wildlife spotting and the variety of summer and winter activities, which range from hiking and cycling paths, canoeing

7、and fishing to snowmobiling, husky safaris or cross.country skiing.Wild Taiga joined in the competition in partnership with the EDE (European Destinations of Excellence) network the largest European network for sustainable tourism。这是一篇介绍说明类文章。调查表明,欧洲最受欢迎的旅游地是Porto和Portugal。文章还介绍了一些其他受游客们喜爱的旅游目的地。1Wh

8、ich spots are ranked the top 3 destinations in Europe?APorto, Milan and Kuhmo.BPorto, Milan and Gdansk。CPorto, Milan and Wild Taiga in Finland。DPorto, Gdansk and Wild Taiga in Finland.答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“A survey that ranks the best destinations in Europe has given the top title to Porto, Portugal和第

9、四段中的“Rounding out the top three spots on the list is Milan and Gdansk,Poland”可知,排名前三的是Porto, Milan and Gdansk。故B选项正确。2According to the text, Chinese travelers favorite destination is _.APorto BMilanCGdansk DWild Taiga答案:D解析:细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的“Wild Taiga in Finland landed 15th on the list, and is ranked

10、the No。1 destination among Chinese travelers”可知,Wild Taiga最受中国游客的欢迎。故D选项正确.3Why does the area from Kuhmo to Suomussalmi become popular?AIt is an environmentally friendly town。BIt has special culture and beautiful scenery。CIt offers visitors choices in search of old architectures.DIt offers many inte

11、resting activities to visitors to enjoy。答案:D解析:细节理解题.由倒数第二段“Stretching from Kuhmo to Suomussalmi, the area is becoming increasingly popular among nature lovers for wildlife spotting and the variety of summer and winter activities, which range from hiking and cycling paths, canoeing and fishing to sn

12、owmobiling, husky safaris or crosscountry skiing。可知,因为野生动物发现活动和各种夏冬活动,所以从Kuhmo到Suomussalmi的区域很受欢迎.故D选项正确。4What can we learn from the text?AJust Portuguese took part in the survey。BPorto has been ranked first three times on the top list.CEDE network did some help to Porto to rank first。DThe spot of w

13、ilderness in northeast Finland appeared on the list before.答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“A survey that ranks the best destinations in Europe has given the top title to Porto, Portugal for the third time”可知,Porto已经三次排在榜首了。故B选项正确。完形填空(延边中学月考)Have you ever flown on an airplane? Before you left, you _1_ everythin

14、g you would need for your _2_ in a suitcase. Most suitcases that travel on an airplane have to be _3_ in special areas away from the passengers. It helps keep the plane _4_。 This also frees up more room for passengers and makes them more _5_.While you were flying in the airplane, you might have had

15、_6_ looking out of the window or listening to music. Your suitcases, though, didnt get the same _7_。 Where had they gone? Most airports have baggage handling(处理) systems that _8_ your baggage during your trip.The systems differ from airport to airport, but baggage handlers have three _9_ jobs。 First

16、, they move your baggage from the checkin area to the _10_ youll be catching. Then your baggage _11_ sit with all the other passengers baggage in certain areas of your airplane. Second, if you have to _12_ airplanes somewhere during your trip, your baggage will be moved to the new airplane you are g

17、oing to _13_。 Finally, they will move your baggage from the airplane to a _14_ area at your final destination.Of course, the systems must make sure baggage travels to the _15_ airplanes。 Even so, mistakes happen every day. Sometimes, baggage may _16_ their airplane。 When this happens, they may be fo

18、und _17_ and sent on the next available airplane。 Some baggage, though, gets _18_ for longer periods of time and may end up in off.site storage facilities(异地仓储设施点). Baggage that can never be _19_ to their owners may be given away to charity _20_ they can be sold at special auctions(拍卖会)本文是一篇说明文。文章主要

19、介绍了人们乘坐飞机时其行李箱的运送方式.1A。discovered BrewroteCpacked Dforgot答案:C解析:考查动词.A。discovered发现;B。rewrote重写;C。packed打包;D.forgot忘记。由文章首句可知,这里是说坐飞机的经历。你在出发前会将旅行需要的东西都“打包 (packed) ”。故选C。2A。village BhouseCvisit Dtrip答案:D解析:考查名词.A。village村子;B.house房子;C.visit访问;D。trip旅行。由文章首句可知,这里是说坐飞机的经历。你在出发前会将 “旅行(trip) ”需要的东西都打包.

20、故选D。3A。repaired BstoredCshared Dcleaned答案:B解析:考查动词。A。repaired准备;B。stored储存;C。shared分享;D。cleaned打扫。由下文的 your baggage.。.in certain areas of your airplane 可知,多数行李箱都会“存放(stored) ” 在远离乘客的固定区域。故选B。4A.organized BheavyCfixed Dsafe答案:A解析:考查形容词。A。organized安排有秩序的;B。heavy重的;C.fixed固定的;D。safe安全的。将行李箱存放在固定区域内会使机舱

21、内变得“整齐有序(organized) ”。故选A。5A。comfortable BconfidentCbeautiful Dcareful答案:A解析:考查形容词.A.comfortable舒适的;B.confident自信的;C。beautiful美丽的;D。careful细心的。由该空前的 This also frees up more room for passengers 可知“同时”会让乘客更加“舒适(comfortable) ”。故选A。6A.patience BcourageCmoney Dfun答案:D解析:考查名词。A。patience耐心;B。courage勇气;C。mo

22、ney金钱;D.fun乐趣.由该空后的 looking out of the window or listening to music 可知,你可能会望望窗外或是听听音乐,享受旅行的快乐。故填fun。7A。experiment BknowledgeCtreatment Deducation答案:C解析:考查名词.A.experiment实验;B。knowledge知识;C。treatment 待遇;D.education教育。由上文的 Most suitcases。in special areas away from the passengers 可知,你的行李箱并不会享受同样的 “待遇(tr

23、eatment) ”。故选C。8A。break away from Bcatch up withCtake care of Dmake use of答案:C解析:考查动词词组。A.break away from脱离;B。catch up with赶上;C。take care of照顾;D.make use of利用。由该空前的 baggage handling systems可知,机场的行李处理系统会专门负责安置你的行李。故选C.9A。well。paid BmainCinteresting Deasy答案:B解析:考查形容词。A.well。paid收入高的;B。main主要的;C.intere

24、sting有趣的;D.easy容易的。由该段中的First,Second和 Finally等相关信息可知,机场的行李处理系统有三项“主要(main) ”工作.故选B.10A。airplane BtrainCboat Dbus答案:A解析:考查名词.由上下文内容可知,这里是说乘坐“飞机(airplane)”。故选A。11A。still BneverCnearly Dusually答案:D解析:考查副词。A。still仍然;B。never从来没有;C.nearly几乎;D.usually通常.你的行李箱“通常(usually) 会和其他乘客的行李箱一同放置在机舱内的固定区域。故选D。12A。cho

25、ose BchangeCcontrol Dstop答案:B解析:考查动词。A。choose选择;B.change改变;C.control控制;D。stop停止。由该句中的your baggage will be moved to the new airplane可知,这里是说:如果你在中途要“转机 (change airplanes) ”的话,你的行李箱也会被转移至你即将“乘坐”的飞机上。故选B.13A.order BsaveCtake Dsee答案:C解析:考查动词。A。order命令;B.save挽救;C。take拿走;D.see看见.由该句中的your baggage will be m

26、oved to the new airplane知,这里是说:如果你在途要转机的话,你的行李箱也会被转移至你即将“乘坐(take) ”的 飞机。故选C.14A。collection BrestCdining Dpicnic答案:A解析:考查名词。A.collection收集;B。rest休息;C。dining吃饭;D。picnic野餐。由该空后的final destination可知,你的行李箱最终会被转移至目的地的行李“收集(collection) ”站。故选A。15A.slow BsmallCquiet Dright答案:D解析:考查形容词.A.slow慢的;B。small小的;C。qui

27、et 安静的;D.right正确的。由该空后的 Even so,mistakes happen every day可知,这里是说:这些系统必须确保行李箱上“对 (right) ”飞机。故选D。16A。destroy BmissCfollow Dmeet答案:B解析:考查动词。A.destroy毁掉;B。miss错过;C.follow跟随;D.meet遇见.由该空后的 When this happens, they.。.the next available airplane可知,行李箱有时也会“错过(miss) ”它们的飞机。故选B。17A。suddenly BstrangelyCquickly

28、 Dclearly答案:C解析:考查副词。A。suddenly突然地;B。strangely奇怪地;C。quickly迅速地;D.clearly清楚地。它们可能“很快(quickly) 就会被找到,然后搭乘下一班飞机。故选C。18A.prepared BbrokenCwashed Dlost答案:D解析:考查形容词。A。prepared做好准备的;B.broken折断的;C.washed 洗过的;D.lost丢失的。由该空后的 end up in offsite storage facilities可知,有些行李箱“遗失(lost) ”的时间会更久。故选D。19A。returned Bintr

29、oducedClent Dadded答案:A解析:考查动词.A.returned归还;B.introduced介绍;C.lent借出;D.added增加。由该空后的 may be given away to charity可知,那些永远都无法“归还(returned) ”给失主的行李箱可能会被捐赠给慈善机构.故选A。20A。but BorCso Dif答案:B解析:考查并列连词.由charity和auctions可知,此处是一种选择关系,故填or。.语法填空(湖北省黄冈市高三调研)The saying “last man standing” refers to a(n) _1_ (compet

30、e), contest, or other situation where the field of participants is narrowed until only a single individual remains. Occasionally, the term may be used to describe a winning couple or team rather _2_ an individual。The exact origins of the term are _3_ (certain). Some believe the term _4_ (original) a

31、pplied to the last boxer to remain during a match. Others claim the term came from oldfashioned spelling bees, where participants either gave up _5_ were judged “out” and asked to sit。 Perhaps the most widely use of the term is in connection with a tontine (联合养老制), an agreement in _6_ a number of pe

32、rsons collectively own something of value, often land. Interest in a tontine cannot _7_ (pass) to another party, so the last man standing, in this case the last person alive gets the entire interest. Throughout history, tontines have been dangerous investments。Today, the term is used in a number of

33、_8_ (situation). It may refer to the winner in any _9_ (give) contest. It may even refer to the last person to continue his attempt _10_ (achieve) a goal after the others have given up。本文属于说明文,介绍了last man standing(坚持到底)这个短语的意思、使用场景以及起源.1competition解析:考查名词。句意:last man standing主要是指在比赛或其他场景中,到最后只有一个参赛者

34、.由于前面有不定冠词修饰,且与后面的contest并列,所以需要用名词,故填competition。2than解析:考查介词短语。句意:有时,这个表达法用于获胜的团队,而非个人。此处为固定短语rather than(而不是),故填than。3uncertain解析:考查形容词。句意:这个表达法的确切起源是不确定的。通过后文可知,人们对这个表达的来源持有不同的观点,因此用“不确定(uncertain)”。4originally解析:考查副词。句意:一些人认为,这个短语最初与拳击比赛获胜者有关系。此处original修饰动词短语apply to作状语,故用副词originally.5or解析:考查

35、连词.句意:另外一些人声称这个短语与旧时的拼字比赛有联系,在比赛中,参赛者要么放弃比赛,要么被判出局,然后被要求坐下。此处为结构either.or,并列连接gave up和was judged out,因而用or。6which解析:考查定语从句。句意:这个短语使用最广的还是与联合养老制有关系,在这个协定中,很多人集体拥有一些有价值的东西,通常是土地。此处为定语从句修饰先行词agreement,同时关系词在从句中作in的宾语,故用which。7be_passed解析:考查被动语态。句意:在联合养老制中,利益不能传递给其他人,因此协定中最后活着的人获得全面的利益.通过分析句子成分,本句缺少谓语,故

36、pass在句中作interest的谓语,与主语属于动宾关系,故用被动语态be passed。8situations解析:考查名词。句意:如今,这个短语用在很多场景中。a number of后接可数名词复数,故用situations.9given解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:这个短语可用于指任何给定比赛中的获胜者。give在此处修饰contest作定语,同时与contest属于动宾关系,故用其过去分词形式given。10to_achieve解析:考查动词不定式。句意:这个短语也可指在别人都放弃时,最后一个继续完成目标的参赛者。此处动词不定式作目的状语,故用其不定式to achieve。短文改错(靖远一中月考)Have you ever been to Wuzhen? It is so beautiful a village that I had already visited it many times。Locating in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, it has a history of about 6,000 years。 Like many small towns in the southern area, which has a lot of small bridges going through clean streams。 Lo


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