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1、NANCHONGFood & Music Festival 美食音乐节一场属于这个城市的热闹A lively event that belongs to the city of Nanchong一场摆脱所有束缚的狂欢A carnival free from all shackles与时尚一起来狂欢聚集最潮流时尚的年轻人在音乐世界里尽情狂欢NANCHONGFood & Music Festival 美食音乐节活 动 概 述Event overview聚集最潮流时尚的年轻人 音乐节概况活动主题:2021年xx首届美食音乐节活动时间:2021年5月中旬活动地点:(待定)预计人数:5000人NANCH

2、ONGFood & Music Festival 美食音乐节饕餮美食与潮流音乐的融合顶尖摇滚乐队与美食季风的激情碰撞The fusion of gourmet food and trendy musicTop rock bands collide with the trend of gourmet monsoon一个电音HI舞台国内顶级DJ告诉你什么是现场带给你最为疯狂的音乐体验An electronic HI stageTop domestic DJ tells you what is liveBring you the craziest music experience网红小吃和异国美食的

3、结合多样化的口味带你尽享美食盛宴The combination of Internet celebrity snacks and exotic foodVariety of tastesTake you to a feast of foodNANCHONGFood & Music Festival 美食音乐节宣 传 推 广Activity content高速宣传视觉呈现High speed publicity visual presentation传统纸张宣传视觉呈现Traditional paper publicity visual presentation公交站牌视觉呈现Is the bu

4、s stop visual presentation互联网宣传视觉Internet advertising vision在公关领域引入其他行业的先进思维率先在公关市场开辟出了全传播整合宣传理念立体式宣传。媒体先行事件引爆后期传播线上线下结合,轮番信息轰炸在媒体整合上为事件引爆奠定基础,通过传统的资源优势,制造事件关注,以事件亮点,延续后期报道。宣传手段Publicity meansNANCHONGFood & Music Festival 美食音乐节活 动 内 容Activity content|极致音乐|极致音乐|电音之王音符炸弹电音之王音符炸弹电音DJ RAP电音DJ RAPWE ARE

5、ROCK YOUWE ARE ROCK YOU压轴嘉宾-Rock singer Zhang Bin中国内地摇滚歌手中国青岛国际啤酒节摇滚嘉宾广州汽车音乐节摇滚嘉宾江苏卫视原激情60秒演唱嘉宾广元女儿节群星演唱会嘉宾成都欢乐谷跨年音乐会摇滚嘉宾广州摇滚音乐节电子摇滚乐演唱嘉宾摇滚歌手张滨摇滚歌手张滨经典至上纪念一代天王迈克尔杰克逊Classic firstCommemorate a generation of kings Michael Jackson美食集市唯有爱与美食不可辜负Food marketOnly love and food can not be disappointed暂拟美食小吃

6、:柠檬鸡爪液氮冰淇淋云朵棉花糖狼牙土豆新疆羊肉串乐山钵钵鸡铁板鱿鱼糍粑冰粉(异国美食)巴西烤肉韩国辣炒年糕日式章鱼烧墨西哥卷饼越南春卷泰式袋装奶茶 .潮流集市/周边售卖ROCK文化元素帽子 cap项链 necklaces钥匙扣 Key chain潮鞋 Wet shoes创意街头文化集市海娜纹身Creative street culture fairHenna tattoo创意街头文化集市嘻哈脏辫Creative street culture fairHip Hop Dirty Braids创意街头文化集市人物速写Creative street culture fairCharacter ske

7、tch创意街头文化集市荧光手绘Creative Street Culture FairFluorescent hand paintedNANCHONGFood & Music Festival 美食音乐节现 场 氛 围On site Atmosphere创意舞台区域美食&潮流集市A区观众区域创意街头文化帐篷区拟场地平面图Pseudo-planar design桁架打围区桁架打围区网红打卡DP点创意门头区域桁架打围区美食&潮流集市B区桁架打围区铁马打围铁马打围门头设计Door head design门头设计(备选)Door head design (optional)集装箱舞台设计Contain

8、er stage design舞台设计(备选)Stage design (optional)网红打卡DP点设计Net celebrity check-in DP point design最终视招商情况而定。桁架+KT板+LED灯带打造美食&潮流集市区网红ins风小帐篷+星星灯带打造创意街头文化集市NANCHONGFood & Music Festival 美食音乐节执 行 保 障Implementation guarantee强而有力的执行团队活动推进计划Activity Promotion Program方案确定执行方案人员分工演出管理设计定稿采购制作物料筹备资源筛选编排培训活动实施现场布置

9、执行督导项目管理细则Project management rules项目部现场执行小组策划创意小组 后勤保障小组舞美布置小组组织实施礼仪培训物品管理物料制作文案拟定图文设计餐饮管理演出督导节目排演演员管理现场规划物料运输舞美布置项目经理统筹管理项目小组组长责任制安保部署Security deployment为了保障这一大型活动的外围环境秩序,区域城管应联合公安、交通等执法部门统一部署,各司其职,进行全面保障。城管大队为了全力保障在大型活动期间晚会区域外围环境秩序,还应专门抽派执法力量,加强这一区域的监控。Leshan City Plaza area of urban management sh

10、ould be a joint public security, transportation and other law enforcement agencies in order to protect the major events of the order of the external environment, the unified arrangements and carry out their duties, comprehensive protection.Urban management unit in order to fully protect the order of

11、 the external environment of the party area during large events, should also specialized pumping sent law enforcement forces to strengthen the monitoring of the region.临时限行Temporary limit line 建议依托当地公安交巡警部门,对音乐节会所在区域周围路段采取临时限制措施:如某一特定路段禁止私家车辆由西向东行驶;某一特定路段禁止私家车辆由北向南行驶;某一特定路段禁止除公交车和用于短途转驳的车辆外其他车辆进入等。被

12、限行的车辆,可以从旁路绕行。Traffic and Patrol Department, relying on the local public security, to take temporary restrictions on the the party area surrounding sections: If a particular section prohibits private vehicles traveling from west to east; prohibit a particular section of a private vehicle traveling n

13、orth to south; prohibit a particular section of addition tobuses and vehicles for short-haul forwarded other vehicles to enter. These sections are limited to line of vehicles, from the bypass detour; watched the performance of the vehicle according to the scene of the traffic police command to enter

14、 the parking area.临时停车区域Temporary parking area根据音乐节的活动规模,为最大限度满足前往观看市民停车的需要,交巡警部门分别在演唱会所在区域周围路段以及周边收费社会停车场设置临时停车区域。According to the scale of the activity of the concert, to best meet the trip to see the need for public parking, Traffic and Patrol Police Department set up a temporary parking area soc

15、ial parking the concert area surrounding sections, as well as the surrounding charges.同时,交巡警部门将根据活动当晚道路交通流量具体情况,对周边道路临时采取疏导、限制通行、禁止通行等措施。被限制车辆请按照现场交通标志的指示,提前选择道路绕行,并服从现场交通管理人员的指挥疏导。在临时占道停车区域停放车辆时,应当服从现场交通管理人员的指挥且有序停放。Traffic and Patrol Department will be based on the specific circumstances of the ac

16、tivities the night road traffic flow, temporary sports centers around the road to take counseling, restricted access, to prohibit the passage of such measures. Is limited to the vehicle in accordance with the instructions of the traffic signs, early selection of bypass roads and obey the command of

17、counseling to traffic management. Temporary road parking area parking, should obey the command of the site traffic management personnel and orderly parking.现场消防安全设施Field fire safety facilities联系消防支队,调用水罐车、消防车,来到晚会现场参与执勤,负责演唱会期间及其前后的安全保卫工作。执勤官兵分成两个安全保卫组,由实战经验丰富的干部分别负责。支队官兵提前到达现场后,仔细观察周围环境,了解疏散路线和固定消防

18、设施情况。Contact the fire brigade, call the water tanker fire truck came to the party scene in duty, is responsible for the safety and security during and after the concert.The duty officers and men divided into two security groups, by combat experienced cadres are responsible.紧急疏散预案Emergency evacuation

19、 plan音乐节开始前,支队官兵对晚会现场所有观众分区、电源线路、消防设施、疏散通道、安全出口进行3次全面细致的检查。相关领导每到一处,叮嘱现场负责人和执勤的官兵一定要提高警惕,加强巡查,确保安全。Before the start of the concert, the detachment of officers and men of the party scene for all audiences partition, power lines, fire-fighting facilities, evacuation passageway and safety 3 times a det

20、ailed and thorough examination.The relevant leaders Everywhere told field officials and duty officers and men must be vigilant and step up inspections to ensure the safety.准备预案Prepare plans针对音乐节地点的实际情况,应制定保卫方案和灭火预案,着重制定疏散逃生方案。在音乐节开始前,支队官兵再次检查各自的装备使用情况,着重检查通讯器材,确定装备完整好用后,支队官兵各就各位。 The actual situatio

21、n of the location of the concert, defend the program and fire plan should be developed to focus on the development evacuation escape plan.Before the start of the concert, the detachment of officers and men again check the use of their equipment, focused on checking communications equipment, to deter

22、mine equipment complete easy to use, the detachment of officers and men to find their own place.现场预案Site plan音乐节期间,执行监护任务的消防官兵守卫在舞台两侧和舞台后方,全程监守岗位,高度戒备,一旦有焰火和礼花喷出,官兵们就到责任区巡视,确保安全。各个小组及区块落实保卫人员,明确具体保卫职责任务,使保卫工作有条不紊。在工作中既做到分工明确,又做到协调配合,对发现的问题及时互通信息,有效进行通力合作。 支队长需不时深入各执勤点进行督察检查,直到演出全部结束。During the conce

23、rt, fire officers and men of the guardianship task to guard the stage on both sides and the back of the stage, the entire probation jobs, high alert once the fireworks and fireworks spray, the soldiers went to the area of responsibility to inspect and ensure safety.Each group and block the implement

24、ation of the security personnel, clearly the specific guard duties and tasks, so that the security work in an orderly. Be a clear division of labor both in the work, they do coordination and timely exchange of information on the problems found, and effective co-operation.Captains need from time to t

25、ime, in-depth various duty points Inspector check until the show is all over.退场预案Exit plan音乐节结束后1小时消防官兵离场,此前需一直守护在各进出口,有效杜绝安全事故的发生。Fire officers and men to leave one hour after the end of the concert, after the need has been guarding various import and export, effective way to eliminate the occurrence of security incidents.突发事件预案Events plan一旦出现火灾、骚乱、踩踏、恐怖袭击等突发事件,在现场的指挥部和工作人员按照已经制定的大型活动现场安全应急预案实施报警、疏散观众和演职人员、进行现场保护等工作。In case of fire, riots, trample, terrorist attacks and other emergencies, at th


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