1、跨文化商务交际课程号:31080362课序号: 01、02开课学院: 国际商务外语学院Definitionethnocentrism: the tendency to look at the world primarily from the culture.Orof ones ownethnocentrism: a general tendency for people to put their own culture and society in a centralition of priority and worth.2. high masculine culture: males dom
2、inate a significant portion of the society andwith females being controlled by male domination.er structure,3. high-context communication:In high-context communication, most of the information ishephysical world or in individuals; only minimal information ishe transmitted message.4. verbal communica
3、tion: the communicationt is carried either in oral or written form with the use of words.Orverbal communication: the transferring of thoughts betmessages.n individuals via spoken or written5. kinesics: the nonverbal behavior related to movement, either of parts of the body, or of the body asa whole,
4、 including fal express, gestures,tures, eye contact, etc.II. Translation1.在各种事件的影响下并通过与其它文化的接触, 文化在不断变化,不断发展。交际(沟通)是基于语境的,因为所有交际(沟通)都发生在特定的语境中。语言可以用于完成不同任务,但言语行为的实现是因文化而异的。女性气质文化期望和女性在二者关系中相互合作、相互扶植。许多影响到文化休克持续的时间和效果,因此与其它阶段相比,有些阶段持续的时间会更长,也更难以应对。III. ComprehenCheckIV. CommunicationysisTheys
5、is of the following cases is open and there are no definiy correct answers. The given1. F2. F3. T4. F5. T6. T7. F8. T9. F10. T11. F12. T13. T14. T15. T16. T17. F18. T19. T20. T21. T22. F23. T24. T25. Tanswers are just for reference. The key standard isand grammatically right.t the explanations are s
6、uped to be logically1. The pros of communication involves the following elements:messageA invites B to a film. sender(source)A receiverBchannel (medium)spoken languagenoiseThe teacher comes in andencodingA puts the messageerrupts their conversation.o a signal.decodingBrets the signal from A.feedback
7、the reaction from B to Acontext the classroom2. Americans are low-context people who focus on the literal meanings of words. In suchcultures, most of the information is explicithe transmitted messages, so they need to explaineverything clearly in words.ts why American contracts are longer. On the ot
8、her hand, theFrench are high-context people. In such cultures, most of the information ishe physical worldor the individuals; only minimal information is in the transmitted messages. So to the Frenchmuch information doesnt need to be explained and thelot, so their contracts are relatively shorter.s
9、and backgrounds can explain a3. The manhe case suffered “culture shock”, which is the anxietyrson suffers when hemoveso anew culture. Obviously, the man was not comfortable with American workingsetting. He didnt like American food and missed Chifood very much. Mentally, he was inthe low mood and fel
10、t tired. He washe second stage of culture shock,t is, the hostilitystage. Culture shock may happen to everyone, but it will pass sooner or later.4. This case reveals the difference in the perception and use ofal space betnAmericans and Saudi Arabians. American culture is a non-touch culture. People
11、value privacyand dont like to be very close to each other in public pla. Besides, Americans arefortable with natural scents. On the contrary, Arabs belong to touch-culture. They usuallystay very close to others, even strangers. They think smell is the extenyou can have their smell, it means they are
12、 friendly to you. It was the caused the patients refusal to the Saudi doctor.of their body, and ifing perceptionstV. DiscusThe two questions are open-ended questions as well, so students mayanize their own answersbased on their own understanding. The key standard is what they say should make sense.1
13、. Question 1 may involve the following pos:1)2)3)Chipeople are generally polychromic (P-time).Definition of P-time: People can do many things aime.Features of P-time: emphasize the completion of tranions and the involvement of peoplerathern a rigid adherence to the clock; tend to do several things a
14、t the same time; schedulesare subordinated toal relationships4)Exles may vary.2. Question 2 may involve the following pos:1)2)ercultural acculturation is a dual pros for marketers., marketers must thoroughly orient themselves to the values, befs, and customs of thenew society to appropriayition and marke
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