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1、生態保育策略鄭先祐生態主張者:Ayo 工作室1生物保育策略傳統的方法 (範例)Heath hem (Tympanuchus cupido cupido)曾分布於New England 至Virginia State1876,只存在於 Marthas Vineyard。1900,只剩不到100隻。1907,設立refuge(保護區)。1916,族群數目增加到800隻。但當年火災,冬天又有強大的掠食壓力,族群數目又下降到100隻至150隻。1920,族群數目再上升至200隻。但又遭疾病侵襲,又再下降到100隻以下。1932,滅絕。2生物保育策略四項不確定因素(1) demographic stoc

2、hasticity(2) environmental stochasticity(3) natural catastrophes(4) genetic stochasticity3生物保育策略研訂 minimum population size(1) Experiments(2) Biogeographic patterns (3) Theoretical models(4) Simulation models(5) Genetic considerations4生物保育策略Genetic considerations小族群容易滅絕的原因(1) inbreeding 造成homozygosit

3、y 上升。(2) Genetic drift(3) 環境不斷變動。5生物保育策略生物地理學(Biogeography)生物隨著時間於空間上的分布情形之研究。植物地理學(Plant geography)動物地理學(Zoogeography)島嶼生物地理學(Island Biogeography)6生物保育策略生物地理學的發展史 1820 1940:主要為描述性的生物地理學。1940年以後:Cain(1944)加入詮釋性的生物地理之研究,可分為:歷史生物地理學(Historical biogeography)與生態生物地理學(Ecological biogeography)。1961年研討會:兩種

4、遷移法:(1)跨越水域,(2)經由暫時性的陸橋。7生物保育策略1960年代的島嶼生物地理學原則:(1) 愈大愈好。(2)不要切割。(3)切割後,每塊間的距離愈近愈好。(4)周長/面積,要愈小愈好。8生物保育策略Fig. 10. Schematic illustration of some principles for the design of nature reserves.9生物保育策略Fig.5a. The Galapagos Islands 10生物保育策略Fig. 5b. Number of land-plant species on the Galapagos islands in

5、 relation to the area of the island. S= 28.6A 0.3211生物保育策略Fig. 6. Species-area curve for the amphibians and reptiles of the West Indies. S= 3.3A 0.3012生物保育策略Fig. 9. Island biogeography applied to mountaintops.(a) Map of the Great Basin region of the western United States showing the isolated mountai

6、n ranges between the Rocky Mountains on the east and the Sierra Nevada on the west.13生物保育策略Fig. 9. Island biogeography applied to mountaintops.(b) Species-area relationship for the resident boreal birds of the mountaintops in the Great Basin.14生物保育策略Fig. 9. Island biogeography applied to mountaintop

7、s. (c) Species-area relationship for the boreal mammal species.15生物保育策略Fig. 7. Equilibrium model of a biota of a single island. 16生物保育策略Fig. 8 Equilibrium models of biotas of several islands of varying distances from the principal source area and of varying size.17生物保育策略Fig. 10 Colonization curves o

8、f four small mangroves islands in the lower Florida Keys, whose entire faunas, consisting almost solely of arthropods, were exterminated by methyl bromide fumigation.18生物保育策略1960-1980:相關學科的發展(1) 大陸飄移。(2) 分子生物技術於系統分類學的應用。(3) MacArthur and Wilson (1963, 1967):島嶼生物地理學的平衡理論。(4) Vicariance 生物地理學。1980年以後,

9、the study of biodiversity。19生物保育策略Fig. 11. Baja California 20生物保育策略表1. Cortez 海域島嶼間生物地理之比較。項 目陸生植物沿岸魚類陸棲鳥類陸棲爬蟲蜥蜴陸棲哺乳50km2 之海洋島嶼所含之平均數105139.33.51.3陸橋性島嶼比海洋性島嶼含有更多的種類?NoNoNoYesYesVery Yes島嶼上所含之種類比大陸塊上還少嗎?No有一點YesYesVery YesHolocene才出現之海洋性島嶼所含的種類數比老生島嶼還少嗎?NoNoNoNoNo 有一點距大陸愈遠,種類數愈少嗎?陸橋性島嶼海洋性島嶼NoNoNoNoN

10、oNoNoNoNoYes有一點Yes特有性:陸橋性島嶼海洋性島嶼020000535047166921生物保育策略Fig. 13. 島嶼生物地理學(修改自Case & Code, 1987)22生物保育策略當代的切割理論與生物保育策略一大或是多小?(1) maximizes the mean size of reserves(2) maximizes the number of reserves23生物保育策略Fig. 4. The distribution of areas of nature reserves in the world.24生物保育策略Fig. 14. Diagram of

11、experimental design. Plots with solid edges represent enclosures preventing access by sheep. Broken lines mark delineated plots in the grazed area.25生物保育策略表2. 於不同大小面積之隔離區與牧養區內,顯花植物的種類數之比較。項目隔離區牧養區小型中型大型小型中型大型N32821641總數292620261615 最多/各區1515151312(15) 最少/各區381558(15)全區34種26種26生物保育策略 表3. 各型樣區的種類數目之變化

12、。項 目小型中型大型全部種類1985 1986 1987293033262729202025343340遺失種類 1985-1986 1986-198742533251新增種類 1985-1986 1986-19875565374627生物保育策略Fig. 16. Cumulative species-area curves for oceanic archipelagos.a. Extant native birds of the Hawaiian islandsb. Galapagos land birdsc. Galapagos Darwins finchesd. Galapagos f

13、erns.海洋性島嶼離岸200公里以上28生物保育策略Fig. 16. Cumulative species-area curves for oceanic archipelagos.e. Galapagos insectsf. Galapagos flowering plantsg. Caribbean bats.h. Facroes islands ground beetles.海洋性島嶼離岸200公里以上29生物保育策略Fig. 16. Cumulative species-area curves for oceanic archipelagos. g. Caribbean bats.h

14、. Facroes islands ground beetles.i. Canary Islands birdsj. Canary island ground beetles.海洋性島嶼離岸200公里以上30生物保育策略Fig. 17. Cumulative species-area curves for nearshores archipelagos. a. Seabirds on islands off of Scotland.b. Extant marsupials on islands in the Bass Straits.c. Reptiles on islands in the

15、Bass Straits. d. Sand dune mammals on islands in the Bass Straits. 沿岸島嶼離岸100KM以內31生物保育策略沿岸島嶼離岸100KM以內Fig. 17. Cumulative species-area curves for nearshore archipelagos. e. Birds of the California Channel islands.f. Reptiles and amphibians of the California Channel islands.g. Plants of the islands in

16、 the Gulf of California.h. Mammals of the islands in the Gulf of California.32生物保育策略Fig. 17. Cumulative species-area curves for nearshores archipelagos. g. Plants of the islands in the Gulf of California.h. Mammals of the islands in the Gulf of California.i. Reptiles and amphibians of the islands in

17、 the Gulf of California.沿岸島嶼離岸100KM以內33生物保育策略Fig. 18. Cumulative species-area curves for terrestrial habitat isolates.a. Mammals of East African national parks.b. Birds of East African national parks.c. Mountaintop small mammals. d. Mountaintop plants.陸域隔離區34生物保育策略Fig. 18. Cumulative species-area cu

18、rves for terrestrial habitat isolates.e. Mountaintop birdsf. Birds in New Jersey woodlotsg. Mammals of Australian wheatbelt reserves.h. Lizards of Australian wheatbelt reserves.陸域隔離區35生物保育策略Fig. 18. Cumulative species-area curves for terrestrial habitat isolates. g. Mammals of Australian wheatbelt r

19、eserves.h. Lizards of Australian wheatbelt reserves.i. Mammals of U.S. national parks.陸域隔離區36生物保育策略Fig. 19 Effect of anthropogenic extinctions on cumulative species-area curves for two island groups.a. Extant native birds of the Hawaiian islandsb. Extant and fossil birds of the Hawaiian islands.c. M

20、arsupials on island in the Bass Strait.d. Marsupials on island in the Bass Strait.37生物保育策略切割棲息地後,所含的生物種類數反而增加,可能的原因:1. Habitat diversity2. Population dynamics.Priority effectsMultiple stable equilibriaEdge effects DisturbanceSpecies pool and dispersal ability.ColonizationEvolutionary effects.Extinctions.3. Historical effects. 38生物保育策略問題與討論 請提出問題!japalura39生物保育策略Ch


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