蒙大英语国家-英国概况扩展课件05 British family_第1页
蒙大英语国家-英国概况扩展课件05 British family_第2页
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蒙大英语国家-英国概况扩展课件05 British family_第5页
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1、ContentsWarm up1Language study2Detailed study3Extension 4Part Two British familiesWarm-Up Discuss the Following Questions1.How do you think about “nuclear family”? 2,The British marriage has been based on monogamy, how about Chinese marriage?Patriotism n. 爱国主义,爱国精神Language StudyCustodian n. 监护人,看守人C

2、hastise v. 惩罚,惩戒Extravagant adj. 奢侈的Valid adj. 有效地Subsidize v. 补助,资助Cocktail party 鸡尾酒会Breadwinner n. 养家糊口的人Influenced by Christianity, British people attaches the utmost importance to family life and the upbringing of children.The English family is called nuclear family-husband and wife with their

3、unmarried children. The British marriage has always been based on monogamy without exception.The contract was considered holy and could only be terminated by death. They believed that the bond of marriage was stronger than any previous family bonds.The law protects communication between husband and

4、wife as confidential, and they have the right not to tell anyone.Due to the influence of the religious stories about Virgin Mary and the birth of Jesus Christ, women and children were given special protection in times of war and natural disaster.Detailed StudyBritish families were patriarchal in str

5、ucture. A married woman had to take her husbands surname, and her legal existence was suspended during marriage in history.Today a married woman still take her husband surname and both of them have equal rights and obligations.Parents are the legal as well as natural guardians of their children. The

6、y could reasonably chastise the children, such as smacking, but the law does not allow parents to chastise their children excessively.Detailed StudyParents must provide for their children such necessities of life as food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care.The English law does not requir

7、e sons and daughters to provide for their parents even if their parents are too old to look after themselves. That not mean that the English values concept rejects filial piety, they just regards it as the duty of society to help elderly people who need help. Detailed StudyEverything related with fa

8、mily life included family meal , is regarded as privacy in Britain.British people like drink tea. Afternoon tea is an important component of the English way of life, but different classes has different routines. British people are not heavy drinkers and alcoholic beverages may only be sold in licens

9、ed hotels, pubs, or wine merchants.Detailed StudyThe First World War caused great changes in British society.Women got paid jobs because men were drafted as solders and this led to change in womens social status.With the growth of their income, women feel they are entitled to more personal gratifica

10、tion through marriage and family life and if unsatisfied, they choose divorce. So the size of British families continues to shrink and the birth rate falls.Detailed StudyNotes Nuclear family:In British, a family that consists of father, mother and their unmarried children, when it is thought of as a

11、 unit in society. (核心家庭,小家庭)Monogamy:The fact or custom of being married to only one person at a particular time. (一夫一妻制)Afternoon tea:It is an important component of the English way of life, but different classes have different routines . (下午茶) Working-class people have a “high tea” with hot dishes

12、 at about 5 pm. Middle-class people have a “light tea” at about 4 or 5 pm. Notes The Sex Discrimination Act:The act of 1975 outlawed discrimination between men and women in employment and education. With the development of new industries, women gained more employment opportunities and with the growt

13、h of their income, women feel theyre entitled to more personal gratification through marriage and family life. (性别歧视法案)The Family Allowances program:A way that the government makes weekly financial payments to parents to subsidize the cost of rising their children. The purpose is to maintain proper

14、growth of population and help families with children. (家庭津贴计划)Extension 根据基督教福音书,耶稣是伯利恒的圣母玛利亚受圣灵感孕后生下的,玛利亚和丈夫约瑟当时正在去罗马人口普查注册的路上。耶稣的出生在信徒看来是犹太教预言中的弥赛亚将要到来计划的实现,因为伯利恒是约瑟祖先大卫一族的家。圣诞节也是西方世界以及其他很多地区的公共假日。其中包括像日本,香港这样的亚洲国家和地区。但耶稣确切的出生日期是存在争议的。 路加描述说,玛丽娅年幼时收到天使加百列的消息,身为处女的她藉由圣灵受孕。当时罗马皇帝奥古斯都有下旨,叫天下人民各归各城人口普


16、Mary 与天主教在天主教会中,人们对圣母玛利亚的敬礼特别隆重,对她的祈求特别热切。圣母玛利亚在信徒的心目中是一位“天上的母亲”。从圣经上看,与基督的救世事业发生密切联系的除了宗徒之外,便是玛利亚了。由于玛利亚这层关系,救赎便具有了某种属于女性的视角。教会关于圣母玛利亚的教义与教会关于基督、关于救赎的教义密切相关,在神学上形成玛利亚学。教会对圣母的其他认识,如无染原罪受孕、终生不犯本罪、卒世童贞、荣升天堂等等都源自圣母玛利亚是天主之母这个信念。根据新约的记载,教会认为玛利亚在基督的救世事业中所起的独一无二的配合作用,使圣母能够成为恩宠的中保。也就是说,天主因耶稣的救世之功而赐给人们的恩宠或直接



19、如利奇尔等则认为不能把历史上的耶稣与信仰中的基督分开。从公元1世纪犹太史学家约瑟弗斯的犹太古史和古罗马史学家塔西陀的编年史中,都可以找到关于耶稣的一些资料,这些资料间接地说明了历史上的确出现过耶稣其人。Assignment一.Fill the blanks.1.Traditionally, the British culture has been characterized by its requirements of decency and civility. 2.When English economy was based on agriculture, English people we

20、re divided into the upper class, the middle class and the working class.3.The upper landed class/the nobility/aristocracy/ were once the ruling class set the tone for the whole society and continued to play key roles in the House of Lords even after the founding of Parliament.4.Today , the British middle class accounts for over 60% of the total population.5.Primogeniture limited the growth of the English noble class in size.Assignment二.True or False 1.According to British tradition, the bond of marriage is stronger than any previous family bonds. (T)2.Under


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