1、人力资源管理师英语试题一、翻译题(1至15题,每题2分,共30分,请将下面旳 英语译成汉语,汉语译成英语。):1. human resource planning2. bonus3. career4. selection.5. employee6. team7. labor market8. job analysis9. training10. contract11. 积分法12. 工作构造13. 外包14. 纪律15. 就业许可证二、选词填空题:(16至25题,每题1分,共10分,请将 框中最恰当旳答案以相应旳字母填入括号中)A.job analysis B.job evaluation C
2、.task analysisD.mediator E.validity F.reliabilityG.creativity H.appraisal accuracy I. wage surveyJ.human resources planning16.To estimate a tests consistency or( ),you could administer the same test to the same people at two different points in time, comparing their test scores at time 2 with their
3、scores at time 1. 17.A ( )serves primarily as a fact finder and to open up a channel of communication between the parties.18.The simplest ( ) method ranks each job relative to all other jobs, usually based on some overall factor like “job difficulty.”19.When job evaluation and ( )data are used joint
4、ly, they serve to link the likelihood of both internal and external equity. 20.Interviews, questionnaires, observations, and diary/logs are the most popular methods for gathering ( ) data.21.The test has ( )to the extent that the people with higher test scores perform better on the job.22.Rater trai
5、ning is no panacea for reducing rating errors or for improving ( ).23.A key component of( )is forecasting the number and type of people needed to meet organizational objectives.24.The second step in training-needs assessment is( ) which involves reviewing the job description and specification.25.A m
6、odest level of stress may even lead to more( )if a competitive situation results in new ideas being generated.二、单选题:(26至35题,每题3分,共30分,请将最恰当答案前旳字母填入括号中)26.People who contribute to the job analysis process include the following, except for the:( ) A. stockholder B. job analyst C. employees D. supervis
7、or27.The suitability of college graduates for technical and managerial positions often depends on their: ( ) A. dental records B. ethnic background C. religious belief D. major field of study28.A statement of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a job is a: ( ) A. job requirement
8、 B. job specification C. job position D. job objective29.The extent to which two or more methods yields similar results or are consistent is referred to as: ( ) A. validity B. reliability C. truth D. similarity30.The selection procedure usually begins with: ( ) A. employment tests B. a medical exami
9、nation C. a supervisory interview D. completion of an application form31.The primary reason organizations train new employees is to: ( ) A. increase their knowledge, skill, and ability level B. help trainees achieve personal career goals C. comply with government regulations D. improve the work envi
10、ronment32.Research has shown that performance appraisal are used most widely as a basis for: ( ) A. transfer B. criticism C. assessment centers D. compensation decisions33.It is recommended that a diagnosis of poor employee performance focus on all of the following except: ( ) A. skill B. personalit
11、y C. effort D. external conditions34.Job evaluation systems provide for internal equity and serve as th basis for: A. wage-rate determination B. job analysis C. training plan D. career plan35.All of the following are common causes of workplace stress except: ( ) A. excessive job pressures B. high wo
12、rkloads C. disagreements with managersD. empowerment四、阅读理解:(36至45题,每题3分,共30分,阅读下列 文章并回答问题,请将对旳答案以相应旳字母填入括号中。)(一)There is no standard format you must use in writing a job description, but most descriptions contain sections on: job identification, job summary, relationships、responsibilities、and duties
13、, authority of incumbent, standards of performance, working conditions, and job specifications.An example of a job description is presented in the following figure. Sample Job DescriptionJob Title: Supervisor of Data Processing OperationsStatus: Exempt Job Code: 012.168Date: June 3, Plant/Division:
14、Olympia, Inc.Main officeWritten By: Arthur Allen Section: Data Processing-SystemsApproved By: Juanita Gates Level: 12 Points: 736Pay Range: $16,760 $20,760Title of Immediate Supervisor: Manager of Information SystemsJob Summary Directs the operation of all data processing, data control, and data pre
15、paration requirements.Job Duties: 1. Follows broadly based directives.(a)Operates independently.(b)Informs Manager of Information Systems of actives through weekly, monthly, and / or quarterly schedules.2. Selects, trains, and develops subordinate personnel.(a)Develops spirit of cooperation and unde
16、rstanding among work group members.(b) Directs training involving teaching, demonstrating, and/or advising users in productive work methods and effective communications with data processing.3. Reads and analyzes a wide variety of instructional and training information.4. Plans , directs, and control
17、s a wide variety of operational assignments by 5 to 7 subordinates; works closely with other managers, specialists, and technicians in Information Systems as well as with managers in other departments.(a)Receives, interprets, develops, and distributes directives ranging from the very simple to the h
18、ighly complex and technological in nature.(b)Establishes and implements annual budget for department.5. Interacts and communicates with people representing a wide variety of units and organizations.(a)Communicates both personally and impersonally, through oral or written directives and memoranda, wi
19、th all involved parties.(b)Attends local meetings of professional organizations in the field of data processing. 36.According to the passage, the immediate supervisors title is also shown in the( )section as is information regarding the jobs salary and / or pay scale. A.job summary B.job identificat
20、ion C.job relationships D.job title37.It would appear from the passage that( )permits easy referencing ofall jobs since it represents important characteristics of the job. A.job code B.job status C.pay range D .job summary38.According to the Sample Job Description in the passage, when a supervisor o
21、f data processing operations is at work, he or she ( ). Adoesnt need to report to the immediate supervisor B.needs to attend business meetings at least once a week C.doesnt need to explain directives to his or her subordinates D.needs to show others how to communicate with data processing39.In the f
22、igure the duty “reads and analyzes a wide variety of instructional and training information ” can be further defined as follows, not including( ). A.ensures that work group members receive specialized training as necessary in the proper functioning or execution of procedures and methods B.applies la
23、test concepts and ideas to changing organizational requirements C.assists in developing and / or updating manuals, procedures, specifications, etc., relative to organizational requirements and needs D.assists in the preparation of specifications and related evaluations of supporting software and har
24、dware40.The author of the passage would most likely agree that ( ). A.a job description should portray the work of the position so well that the duties are clear with reference to other job descriptions B.a job description should have fixed format for defining a position C.for writing up job descrip
25、tions, we should select the most specific Words to show the kind of work and the degree of complexity D.long statements usually best accomplish the purpose when we are writing up job descriptions (二) When appraisals fail, they do so for reasons that parallel these three steps defining the job, appra
26、ising performance, and providing feedback.Some appraisals fail because subordinates are not told ahead of time exactly what is expected of them in terms of good performance.Others fail because of problems with the forms or procedures used to actually appraise the performance; a lenient supervisor mi
27、ght rate all subordinates “high”, for instance, although many are actually unsatisfactory.Still other problems arise during the interview-feedback session, which include arguing and poor communications.These and other problems are summarized in the following figure.Common Performance Evaluation Prob
28、lems Problems can occur at any stage in the evaluation process.Some of the pitfalls to avoid in performance appraisals are:(1)Lack of standards.Without standards, there can be no objective evaluation of results, only a subjective guess or feeling about performance.(2)Irrelevant or subjective standar
29、ds.Standards should be established by analyzing the job output to ensure that standards are jobrelated.(3)Unrealistic standards.Standards are goals with motivating potential.Those that are reasonable but challenging have themostpotential to motivate.(4)Poor measures of performance.Objectivity and co
30、mparison require that progress toward standards or accomplishment of standards be measurable.Example of measurable standards include quantifiable measures such as 10 rejects per 1,000 units or 10 sales per 100 calls, as well as qualitative measures, such as projects completed or not completed. (5)Ra
31、ter errors.Rater errors include rater bias or prejudice, halo effect, constant error, central tendency, and fear of confrontation.(6)Poor feedback to employee.Standards and/or ratings must be communicated to the employee in order for the performance evaluation to be effective.(7)Negative communicati
32、ons.The evaluation process is hindered by communication of negative attitudes, such as inflexibility, defensiveness, and a non-developmental approach.(8)Failure to apply evaluation data.Failure to use evaluations in personnel decision making and personnel development negates the primary purpose of p
33、erformance evaluations.The use and weighting of multiple criteria as well as the frequency of evaluation also present problems.41.In writing about the subject, the author of this passage apparently ( ). A. gloats over the errors of some supervisors B. slyly introduces the fact that there is no neces
34、sity to appraise performance C. wants to share his opinions on how to appraise performance effectively D. remains cautiously optimistic about performance appraisals42.According to this passage, we may conclude that to result in the success of performance appraisals( ). A. supervisors and their subor
35、dinates should agree on duties and job standards of the employees B. plans are made for any development that is required when defining the job C. a supervisor might rate all subordinates “fair” D. supervisors have to make decision whether or not they should let their subordinates know the standards
36、of some appraisals43.The author of this passage would probably agree with which of the following ? ( ) A. The traits and degrees of merit must be open to interpretation in order to avoid unclear standards in performance appraisals B. Different supervisors would probably define “quality of work ” differently C. The best way to avoi
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