3、台PHHP+MyyS QLL+Apaache环环境的搭建建。对系统统的两大功功能人机交交互和人人人交互在VVirtoools以以及环境下下的实现方方法进行了了详细的介介绍,给出出了部分的的Virttoolss脚本和PPHP程序序。并且把把该系统嵌嵌入“网上购房房超市软件件平台”进行了网网络实验,实验验证证该系统交交互能力良良好,可满满足楼盘展展示中虚拟拟社区系统统的设计需需求。最终终利用VVVeb-33D技术、网络数据据库、wwww服务器器等技术建建立了一个个基于Weeb-3DD的网络虚虚拟社区系系统,实现现楼盘展示示中的交互互设计,将将楼盘展示示与虚拟社社区的概念念相结合,营造了一一种新的楼
4、楼盘展示方方式。该系系统方式新新颖,解决决了传统楼楼盘展示的的交互方式式单一、互互动少等缺缺点,且产产品设计周周期短,成成本低。【英文摘要要】In modeern ssocieety, withh thee acccelerratedd pacce off liffe, tthe oonlinne shhoppiing bbecommes mmore and moree poppularr, thhe nuumberr of onliine sshowiings/purcchasee webbsitee shoowed a trrend of ccontiinuedd groowth than
5、nks tto thhe deeveloopmennt off Webb-3D techhnoloogy. Web-3D ttechnnologgy iss thee appplicaationn of virttual reallity(VR) techhnoloogy iin thhe neetworrk. TThe oonlinne shhowinng/puurchaase wwebsiite bbasedd on the Web-3D ttechnnologgy meet thhe coonsummers deesiree in dynaamic, intteracctivee and
6、d thrree-ddimennsionnal ddispllay oof onnlinee prooductts. BBut nnowaddays the mostt shoowinggs/puurchaase wwebsiites onlyy proovidee mann-to-machhine inteeracttive, andd lacck off mann-to-man inteeracttion. Thiis arrticlle iss bassed oon thhe reesearrch pprojeect “Onliine ppurchhase supeermarrket s
7、ofttwaree plaatforrm”, thhis aarticcle bbuiltt Webb-3D virttual commmunitty onn thiis pllatfoorm, and it rreseaarcheed thhe reealizzatioon off mann-to-machhine inteeracttive and man-to-mman iinterractiion iin thhe viirtuaal coommunnity, witth emmphassis oon thhe reealizzatioon off mann-to-man inteer
8、acttion.Thiss papper aanalyyzed the modee of the reallizattion of WWeb-33D teechnoologyy, annd thhe addvanttagess andd dissadvaantagges oof a variiety of ddomesstic and foreeign Web-3D ssoftwware. Andd it desiignedd thee virrtuall commmuniity iin esstatee shoow baased on tthe ccurreent sstatuus off
9、esttate showw. Itt inccreassed tthe iimmerrsionn feeelingg forr connsumeer byy thee dessign of iinterractiion. Thiss papper cconduuctedd a nneedss anaalysiis off virrtuall commmuniity iin thhe esstatee shoow, aaccorrdingg to the funcctionnal ddesiggn inn thee “Onliine ppurchhase supeermarrket softtw
10、aree plaatforrm”. Itt gavve a soluutionn of virttual commmunitty inn thee esttate showws annd itt addded tthe ffuncttion of iinterractiion bbetweeen ccustoomer and purcchasiing gguidee or custtomerr andd othher uuser. Theen itt ressearcched the key techhnoloogy wwhichh is needded iin buuildiing tthe
11、 iinterractiive vvirtuual ccommuunityy, annd thhe coorresspondding soluutionn is giveen. IIn thhe laast ppart, it desccribeed thhe prrocesss off setttingg up the enviironmment of PPHP+MMySQLL+Apaache whicch iss useed ass thee bacckgroound plattformm of systtem. Thenn thiis paaper intrroducced tthe r
12、realiizatiion mmethoods oof twwo fuunctiions of ssysteem inn dettail whicch iss thee funnctioon off mann-to-machhine and the funcctionn of man-to-mman. And it eexperrimennted on tthe nnetwoork wwith embeeddinng thhe syystemm in the “Onliine ppurchhase supeermarrket softtwaree plaatforrm” Thee expper
13、imment veriifiedd thaat thhe syystemms abbilitty off intteracctionn is goodd, annd itt cann meeet thhe reequirremennt off thee virrtuall commmuniity iin thhe esstatee shoow.Thhis ppaperr buiilt aa nettworkk virrtuall commmuniity iin thhe esstatee shoow baased on WWeb-33D byy Webb-3D techhnoloogy, ne
14、twwork dataabasee tecchnollogy, wwww serrver techhnoloogy aand sso onn. Itt reaalizeed thhe innteraactioon deesignn in the estaate sshow, andd commbineed thhe coonceppt off virrtuall commmuniity aand eestatte shhowinng too creeate a neew moode iin esstatee shoow. TThe mmode of tthis systtem iis noov
15、el; it solvved tthe sshorttcomiings of ssimplle moode oof innteraactioon annd laackinng thhe coommunnicattion betwween userrs. AAnd tthe pproduuct ddesiggn cyycle is sshortt, annd loow coost.【关键词】Web-3D 交互 楼盘展示 Virtools 数据库 PHP【英文关键键词】Weeb-3DD iinterractiion esttate showw VVirtoools daatabaase PHPP【
16、目录】基基于Webb-3D的的VR虚拟拟社区的交交互研究与与设计 摘要 6-77 Absstracct 77-8 第第1章 绪绪论 113-199 1.11 问题的的提出 13-114 1.2 WEEB-3DD技术国内内外发展现现况 114-166 1.22.1 国国外Webb-3D技技术的发展展 144-15 1.2.2 国内内Web-3D技术术的发展 15-16 11.3 存存在的问题题及解决思思路 116-177 1.44 本文所所做的工作作 177-18 1.5 论文的组组织结构 18-19 第第2章 虚虚拟现实(VR)技技术及WEEB-3DD技术简介介 199-26 2.1 虚拟现实
17、实技术 19-221 2.1.1 概述 19 22.1.22 虚拟现现实技术的的特点 19-220 2.1.3 虚拟现实实技术的应应用 220-211 2.22 WEBB-3D技技术 221-233 2.22.1 WWeb-33D实时渲渲染引擎 21-22 22.2.22 Webb-3D作作品制作流流程 222-233 2.33 楼盘展展示中的虚虚拟社区系系统 223-255 2.33.1 虚虚拟社区简简介 223 2.3.2 虚拟社区区系统的设设计与实现现 233-25 2.4 本章小结结 255-26 第3章 常见WEEB-3DD软件优缺缺点分析VVIRTOOOLS介介绍 226-355
18、3.11 几种WWEB-33D软件优优缺点分析析 266-30 3.1.1 Cuult3DD 266-27 3.1.2 Unnity 3D 27-228 3.1.3 VRPIIE 228-300 3.22 VIRRTOOLLS软件介介绍 330-311 3.22.1 选选择Virrtoolls开发环环境的优势势分析 30-331 3.2.2 Virttoolss用户界面面 311 3.33 VIRRTOOLLS编程思思想 331-344 3.33.1 VVirtoools的的行为模组组 311-32 3.3.2 Buuildiing BBlockk(BB) 322-33 3.3.3 Viirtoools作品品制作流程程 333-34 3.4 本章小结结 344-35 第4章 虚拟社区区系统的设设计 335-499 4.11 “网上购房房超市软件件平台”介绍 35-336 4.2 需求求分析 36-338 4.3 系统统总体框架架 388-39
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