mep-tc spec services testing and commissioning rev曼氏香精香料厂房工程_第1页
mep-tc spec services testing and commissioning rev曼氏香精香料厂房工程_第2页




1、MANE China New Factory Project曼氏(中国)香精香料新建厂房工程General Contractor Package总包投标文件ationMEP Specifications机电技术要求MEP-SPEC-07TESTING AND COMMISFIRE SERVIING消 防 设 施 的 测 试 和 调 试说 明:曼氏(中国)香精香料Package Owner: MANE (China) FRAGRANCE AND FLAVOUR CO.,.版次:0 Revi: 0编制日期:2017 年 01 月 20 日Preparation Date: Jan. 20th 20

2、17项目名称:曼氏(中国)香精香料Project: MANE China New Factory Project新建厂房工程Table of Contents 目 录11.11.2Testing Procedures 测 试 程 序General 概 述Visual Inspection 目测22. Systems 电 气 系 统Auto Fire detection System 自 动 火 警 探 测 系 统Activated devi激活设备Audio & Visual Alarm devi声光Emergency warning system 紧

3、急设施系 统33.1Hydraulic system 水力 系 统Pi管 道1.0Testing Procedures 测试程序1.1General 概述Supply apparatus and materials nesary for, and carry out the commising, and testsspecified herein, or required by the Fire Inspectors, Supervi presence of the Project Managers represenive.unit, and Fire Bureau,he应提供进行调试和测试所

4、需的设备和材料,这里所指的测试是指应消所要求的,并在项目经理的代表参与下所进行的。查员、监理和消防局等All tests should be carried out in a manual mode of operation as well as simulating an automatic emergency condition.所有的测试都为手工操作,并模拟自动紧急情况。Tests listed here are a minimum requirement and the contractor shall perform all ne testing and inspections to

5、 the satisfaction of the Project Manager and Authorities.sary这里列出的测试均为最低要求 ,承包商必须按项目经理和当地试和检查。部门要求进行所有必要的测1.2Visual Inspection 目测A detailed inspection shall precede testing and should be carried out with the section of the Works under inspection disconnected from the supply.在测试之前要进行仔细的检查,检查进行时测试区域应断

6、电。The detailed inspection shall confirmt the Works have been installed in accordance with thedesign and include, but not be limited to, verificationt:应进行仔细的检查以确保安装与设计相一致,并至少应确认:Equipment comp s with the specified standards, has been properly selected and erectedand is not visibly damaged or defectiv

7、e so as to impair safety, and has been provided.t adequate acs设备符合规范,其选型合理,安装正确,且没有会会影响安全操作的明显的损坏,并且便于维修。Appropriate isolating and switching devihave been provided andt protective andmonitoring devihave been appropriay chosen and set.应安装合适的绝缘和开关设备,并且已经选择和设置了合适的保护和设备。Identification labeling has been

8、properly provided for circuits, switches, fuses andterminals, andt operating diagrams and instructions, together with danger and warningnoti, are in place.应在电路,开关,保险丝和接线端已经贴上可识别的,并设有操作说明和警告。Pipework has been paed to the requirement of the specification.管道已按说明的要求油漆好。Penetrations through fire walls ha

9、ve been sealed in an approved manner.应对中缝隙按认可的方式填充。2.0Electrical systems 电气系统21.Automatic Fire Detection System 自动火警探测系统Ensure fire detection equipment comp s with clearance measurements from air outlet grilles and the like.应确保火灾检测设备与风口保持一定的测量间距。Each component group,should be separay functionally te

10、sted. Each function check shouldbe carried ouleast twice.每个组件均需单独进行功能测试。每次功能测测试至少进行两次。Function checks should include, but not be limited to, for verification功 能 测 试至少应包括以下内容:t:erlocking and overriding deviensuret the overall sequence of control is achieved.应提供连锁和过载设备以确保整个控制按序进行。Equipment protection

11、devi设备保护设施运行良好operate satisfactorily.Deviactivated by fire alarm operate satisfactorily.与火警装置联动的设备运做良好Safety is not jeopardised突然断电时不危及安全he event of theerruption of the electrical supply.Smoke detectors shall be tested using an approved smoke source. Activating the sensor to ensure both the red indi

12、cating light is illuminated (on the sensor) and the alarm haivated the FAP使用认可的烟源检测感烟探测器。激活探测器以确保探测器上的红色指示灯点亮,并且激活火灾盘。Heat detectors shall be tested using an approved heat source. Activating the sensor to ensureboth the red indicating light is illuminated (on the sensor) and the alarm haivated the F

13、AP使用认可的热源检测温烟探测器。激活探测器以确保探测器上的红色指示灯点亮,并且激活火灾盘。Carryoommising tests to the requirement of the functional Specifications and drawings.按设计说明和图纸的要求进行调试。Every function of the FAP shall be tested and verified in accordance with the approved design and performance criteria.火灾盘的每项功能都均测试和校准, 且应与过的设计技性能参数相一致。

14、2.2Activated devi激活设备Test the functional operation of: 测试下列设备的功能Fire doors 防火门Smoke and fire ders. 排烟防火阀HVAC equipment 暖通设备Electricalerlocking devi电气连锁设施2.3Audio & Visual Alarm devi声光设施Test the functional operation of: 测试下列设备的功能Audio alarms, i.e. Bells, sirens 声音, 如: 警铃,器Visual system, i.e. strobes,

15、 flashing lights 光系统, 如:闪光灯2.4Emergency Warning Systems 紧急系统Carryoommising tests to the requirement of this 9+Specification.应按此说明的要求进行调试。Check the functioning of the PACP.检查公共广播控制盘的功能。3.03.1Hydraulic systems 水力系统Pi管道Hydrosic Tests 水压测试Maain a test prere of 1.5 times theum sic working prere forriod of 24hours orif nesary to complete the inspection of pipework under test.管道测试压力为最大工作压力的 1.5 倍,并保持 24 小时或以上(如果需要的话)。W


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