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1、 冲刺南外六年级综合模拟测试卷 (时间:90分钟 总分:150分)(小提示:各位同窗,拿到试卷和答题纸后请一方面写上你旳姓名和班级。)姓名 班级 得分 Part I 英语知识大比拼(91%).Finish the following English rhymes. (7%) I want to write a letter I want to write a letter To t_ my new friend Taylor My English is now better And I can read much f_. I want to write a letter To tell my

2、new friend Peter My English is now better And I can speak much l_. I am a parrotI live in a b_ next to the fridge, Each and every day is just the sameThey keep s_, Hello pretty!And things much less witty,Its lucky for them Im so tameIm just a parrot who wants a q_ life,So when my cage is rattled I g

3、et mad!When they smoke cigars Or poke fingers through the bars,It really winds me up so_!II. Fill in the blanks according to the text. (10%) Last Sunday afternoon, I was in a bookshop. I wanted to buy a book about animals. S_ I saw a short man behind me. He s_ my purse and ran out of the shop. I f_

4、him along the street, but he ran f_ than me. I s_, Stop thief! A policeman came to help. Then a woman came and t_ us, I saw him. He ran along the street and t_ left at the first crossing. The policeman s_ to run. He ran faster than the thief. S_ he stopped the thief and I g_ my purse back. III. Voca

5、bulary. (16%) A. Can you find out some words about disease(病症) in this series of letters?(3%)LGIHOAVFESUMCDTR_,_,_ B. Code puzzle. (3%) 如果分别用数字1、2、326代表a、b、cz,请你将下列密码译出,看看是什么?5 14 7 12 9 19 8 ,3 15 1 3 8 9 14 7 ,16 1 16 5 18 _ _, _, _ C. I give you a Christmas-related word or phrase that is spelled

6、WRONGLY. You spell it CORRECTLY! Example: Chris miss talking (two words) Christmas stocking No punctuation is needed. (10%)1. Crest mist kook keys (two words) _ _Cress mess presence (two words) _ _Crease Ms. deck core Asians (two words) _ _Sand ah claws (two words) _ _Crest mist heave (two words) _

7、_IV. Choose the best answers . (10%)( )1、There are many bananas the tree.A、in B、on C、of D、with( )2、Please dont stand behind .A、I B、me C、my D、mine( )3、Which truck has ladders the first , the second or the third?A、more B、most C、the more D、the most( )4、The sun is bigger than the moon.A、quite B、very C、m

8、uch D、more( )5、You are busy. I am busier than you.A、a few B、a little C、quite D、very( )6、These are his trousers. Mine over there.A、is B、am C、be D、are( )7、 , I can help you with your Chinese.A、Dont worry. B、Not worry. C、Dont be worry. D、Not be worried( )8、 is your home from the school ?Only a few kilo

9、meters.A、How much B、How many C、How far D、How long( )9、The students are going to play football after school.A、the B、a C、 D、an( )10、There a football game on TV this afternoon and Im going to it.is going to have, watch B、is going to be , watchC、has, see D、is going to be, look at V. Communication. (15%)

10、 A. Complete the following dialogue with proper sentences in the box.(5%)A. Would you like to do that? B. What shall we do?C. Cant we ride our bikes there? D. Good idea!E. Lets go to the country.F. Dont forget to bring some snacks and fruit A: Well have a holiday tomorrow. _ B: _ Well stay there for

11、 a week. A: We could go for a walk. Do you like to walk? B: Yes, I do. A: We can walk up east Hill. _ B: OK. But its a long walk. _ A: All right. Well do that. B: We should leave early. Well need a lot of time. A: Good. _ B: I wont. Ill bring some water, too. B. Complete the following dialogue with

12、the proper words. (10%) A: Excuse me, please. Could you tell me _1_ to get to the East Street Hospital?B: Go _2_ this street until you _3_the second traffic lights. _4_right and youll _5_ the hospital at the _6_ of the road.A: How _7_ is it?B: About three kilometers. Itll take you about half an hour

13、. But youd _8_ catch a bus.A: _ 9_ bus shall I take?B: The Number 2 bus will take you _10_.A: Thanks a lot.B: Youre welcome. Reading comprehension. (24%) AIn our big city there are a lot of shops near the Department Store. They make a big shopping center and sell all kinds of things. You can always

14、buy everything you want here. Here is a list (目录;列表) of big shops.NameTelephoneAddressDepartment Store41853051No.189 Yonghua RoadMobile Phone Store41653789No.67 Xiangyang RoadOld Wang Shoemaker41861736No.180.Yonghua RoadShanghai Sweater Shop41615789No.75 Xiangyang RoadYiwu Shopping Market41836547No.

15、190 Heping RoadZhiyuan Computer Company41653786No.68 Xiangyang RoadXiwang Toy Shop41586327No.195 Heping RoadYang Liuqing Painting Store41861861No.192.Yonghua Road ( ) 1.If you want to buy a pair of shoes, where will you go?A. Xiwang Toy Shop. B. Mobile Phone Store.C. Shanghai Sweater Shop. D. Old Wa

16、ng Shoemaker.( ) 2.Whats the telephone number of Shanghai Sweater Shop?A.41861736 B. 41853051 C.41615789 D. 41586327( ) 3.Which shop is beside Zhiyuan Computer Company?A. Mobile Phone Store. B. Department store.C. Yiwu Shopping Market. D. Shanghai Sweater Shop.( ) 4.How many big shops are on Yonghua

17、 Road?A. Eight. B. Three. C. Two. D. Six.B阅读下面短文,从方框内选择恰当旳句子填入短文空白处,使短文内容完整、意思连贯。Four girls were at the same school. They were good friends, so they often studied and played together. 1 One day one of the girls said, “There is a test this morning. Lets go to school late. Then we wont have to take th

18、e test.” “What can we tell the teacher?” One of the girls said. “Hell be an-_ 2_”The girls thought for several moments, then one of them said, “Lets tell him that our taxi had a flat tire(爆胎).” “ 3 ” the other girls said. “Well tell him that.” 4 The test was finished.“Why are you late?” the teacher

19、asked. “You miss the test.” “Our taxi had a flat tire,” one of the girls said.The teacher thought for a moment, then he said, “Sit down, one of you in each corner of the room.” The four girls did this. Then the teacher said, “Write the answer to this question on a piece of paper: 5 ”A. Well need a g

20、ood excuse.B. Which tire was flat?C. Thats a good idea, D. They arrived at school an hour later. E. They went to school every day by taxi. CHave you ever heard the saying “If you want a friend, be one”?Here is a story about one new teacher making friends with the girls and boys in her class on the f

21、irst day of school. As the bell rang, the teacher came in smiling at each girl and boy. Then she said in a quiet voice, “Good morning, girls and boys! How happy I am because I have all of you in my class this year. Id like to know each of you. I am sure we will enjoy working together. I am sure that

22、 the more we get together the happier well be.” Her voice was so sweet and her looking was so friendly. Everyone believed what she said.She told the girls and boys her name and wrote it on the blackboard. She told them some of the things she liked to do and she was hoping to do with them during the

23、year.Then she said to the whole class, “Now you know my name and the things I like. Next I want to know your names and the things you like. Then I will feel that I know you.”Could you make friends by doing the same as this teacher did?One way of getting to know girls and boys in our class is to know

24、 more about them. It is usual to be friends with those people who have the same interests with you. You can play the same games and go on journeys together. You may find that some new comers in your class miss their old friends and feel strange and lonely. You can invite them to take a walk or to ri

25、de bikes with you. You will find many things in common to talk about. It is one good way to make friends just by talking together in a friendly manner.( )1. How do you understand the saying “If you want a friend, be one”?A. If you want to have a friend, try to make one be your friend.B. You can make

26、 friends by doing what a friend do.C. You may have a friend by doing everything for him.( )2. The teachers sweet voice and her friendly looking_. A. showed that she would like to be a friend of the girls and boys B. made every girl and boy happy C. told the girls and boys everything about herself( )

27、3. A new comer will be your friend if _. A. he always thinks of his old friend B. he knows you very well C. you talk with him in a friendly way( )4. If you want to make friends with others, you should_. A. know more about them B. talk with them in an unfriendly way C. have different interests with t

28、hem( )5. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. If you want to make friends with others, you should be one of them. B. Friends often share the same interests with each other. D (10%)Fill in the form according to the following passage.What do you think of the most important inven

29、t in the world? The TV? The printing? The telephone? Or the computer? A report shows that they are not the only important invent. Here are three other important inventions.One of the simplest invent is the toilet. Before toilets, waste ran into rivers from peoples houses. Illnesses were common in bi

30、g cities, and it was often difficult to find clean drinking water. Animal food is another important invention. Before the invention, most animals were killed every autumn because there was not enough food for them in winter. After hay became a kind of common animal food, animals could live through t

31、he long winter.The third great invention is glasses. Glasses help people read, write and do “close work” after the age of forty-five. Without glasses, the world would be difficult for the people above forty-five.Important _1_Some most important inventionsThe TV, the _2_, the _3_, the computerThree o

32、ther important invention Before the invention the _5_4_ ran into rivers from peoples houses_6_ were common in big citiesIt was often difficult to find _7_ drinking waterhay, animal foodMost animals were killed in _8_ because there wasnt enough food in winter_9_Reading, writing and “close work” would

33、 be difficult for the people over _10_ . Fun English. (9%)1. What are the missing letters?(3%) J F M A M J J A _ _ N DS M T _ T F S2.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa . bdzb . cgac . djzd . ? (1%)3. If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: (1%)A.

34、River B. Country C. City D. Animal E. Plant4. Answer the following questions in English. (2%) a. What is never used until its broken?b. What has a tongue but cannot talk?c. What has ears but cannot hear?d. What can go through water but never get wet?5. Logic puzzles. (2%)Four students in Mr. Holland

35、s class were out sick last week. They were Greg, Rachel, Kisha, and Darrell, One of these students had the flu, one had measles, one had whooping cough, and one had a sprained ankle. Use the clues below to figure out which students had which malady.1. Greg, the girl who had measles(麻疹), and Kisha al

36、l sit in the first row.2. Darrell and the boy who had whooping cough are best friends.3. Darrells doctor did not diagnose(诊断) him as having the flu.(流感) Part II 知识万花筒 (9%).choose the best (5%)1. On Feb. 28, in , National Committee of Scientific and Technical Terminology Examination and Approval HYPE

37、RLINK t _blank 全国科学技术名词审定委员会officially named 正式命名PM 2.5 as _ A. air pollutants 大气污染物 B. suspended particles 悬浮颗粒物C toxic smog 毒雾 D. fine particulate matter 细颗粒物2. The earliest record(记录) of Halleys(哈雷) Come(彗星)t was made by _. A. Greek希腊人 B. Egyptian 埃及人 C. Halley D. Chinese3. The World War broke ou

38、t in . A. 1910 B. 1914 C. 1939 D. 19404. K is used to gold content(含量) internationally国际上. 18K means that gold takes up占 _ of the whole. A. 90% B. 83% C. 75% D. 50%5. “Promote physical culture and build up the peoples health. 发展体育运动,增强人民体质 is the inscription(题词) of _. A毛泽东 B.周恩来 C.邓小平 D.贺龙II. Travel

39、 around the world.(4%)1. Look at the following places of interest in the photo. Can you work out which countries are they in? (2%) A B C D EA. Italy, Egypt, France, England, China B. Egypt, Italy, England, China, FranceC. China, Italy, England, France, Egypt D. Italy, France, Egypt, China, England2.

40、 The place “天竺 ” Journey to West is ( ) (2%) A. Ancient China B. Tibet C. Ancient Indonesia D. Ancient Thailand E. Ancient India Part III Math problems. (50%) (1-10题每题3分,11-20每题2分)1. DIDIIDID is to 49499494 as DIIDIIDD is to: A) 94494499 B) 49949944 C) 49499494 D) 94944949 E)499449492. What would be

41、 the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 3. If the price of a book is 25 yuan, then the seller can gain a profit of about 25%. If the seller wants to gain a profit of 40%, then the price of the book should be( ).4. Grandma sent Johnny some money for his birthday. Johnny sp

42、ent all of it in five stores. In each store, he spent $1.00 more than half of what he had when he came in. How much money did he get from grandma?5. Please put “ ,”in the following formulate to make it true.12 3 4 5 67 891006. There is a rectangular solid. The sum of the measure of area of the front

43、 side and the up side is 209 square centimeters. If the length, width and the height are all prime numbers, then the volume(体积) of the rectangular solid is_ _.7. The sum of two digits of a two-digit number is 12 and the tens digit is one-third the units digit. What is the number? 8. Here is a cuboid

44、s. (Length 8cm, width 7cm, height 6cm) . If we cut a largest cube from it, what is the sum of all remained(剩余旳)edges? .9. 27 people go to the shop to buy some water. One of the drinks is on sale(促销). Every three empty bottles can get a bottle of drink. If each of them can get a bottle of drink, how

45、many bottles of drink should they buy at least? 10. What number is question mark instead of ? 11. There are some water in two ponds. The volume of A is as 1.2 times as B. If we pump(抽)some water from B to A , there will be only 10 tons of water left after A is full; If we pump some water from A to B

46、, there will be only 20 tons of water left after B is full. How much water are there in all in A and B?12. There are two candles with the same length. The first one can burn 4 hours, while the second one can only burn 3 hours. If we light the two candles at the same time, how soon will the length of the first one be 2 times longer than the second one?13. Peter bought some apples at the price of 3 apples /1 yuan, then he sold them at the price of 5 apples/2


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