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1、学生宿舍管理系统需求分析The Requirement Specification of StudentDormitory Management SystemV1.0拟 制 人“追梦者”项目组Writer “Dream Chaser” Project Team审 核 人魏 日 祥VerifierRIXIANGWEI批 准 人Approver二一三年四月二十一日April 21, 2013目录 Directoryroduction (撰写人:编写目的 Writing Pur3102101220 Writer: CFeng Wu)11引言1.4e1背景 Background1定义

2、 Definitions2参考资料 Referen 2任务概要 Summary of tasks(撰写人:3102101120 Writer :Fan Zhang)3项目来源 Project Source3目标 3用户的特点 The characteristics of the user4管理员用户的特点 Features of the administrator user4学生用户的特点 Features of the student user42.4假定和约束 Amptions and constras52.4.1 直接约束 Direct constra 52.4.2

3、选择约束 Choosing constras53功能需求 Amptions and constras63.1 对功能的规定 The Provis of The Function63.1.1 学生个人管理需求分析 Studentsal Management RequirementSpecification(撰写人:3102101124 Writer:Yong Shi)83.1.2 学生信息管理需求分析 Student information management needsysis (撰写人:3102101120 Writer :Fan Zhang)113.1.3 登录管理需求分析 The Lo

4、ganagement Requirementysis(撰写人:3102101220 Writer: CFeng Wu)153.1.4 报修管理需求分析ysis of repair management needs (撰写人:3102101105 Writer: MingDi Wei)173.1.5 水电管理需求分析 The Hydroer Management Requirementysis(撰写人:3102101113 Writer: RiXiang Wei)203.1.6 卫生管理需求分析 Hygiene Management Requirementysis(撰写人:祥 310210111

5、3 Writer: RiXiang Wei)243.2 对性能的规定 Provis For Performance (撰写人:3102101105 Writer:MingDi Wei)精度 Accuracy28时间特性要求 Time characteristics28灵活性 flexibility293.3 输入输出要求 Input and output requirements293.4 数据管理能力要求(针对系统)Data management ability request ( For softwaresystem )293.5 故障处理要求 Fault

6、 prosing requirements303.6 其他专门要求Other spel requirements31运行环境规定 Run the environmental regulations (撰写人:3102101220 Writer:4CFeng Wu)314.1 需要的硬件环境 Need the hardware environment31Support the software324.2 支持接口erface33硬件接口 Hardwareerface33接口Softwareerface334.3.21引言roduction (撰写人:3102101220 Writer: CFen

7、g Wu)随着计算机网络技术的发展,计算机技术得到普及,因此被应用到各行各业各个领域。在如今的社会,如何才能高效的解决宿舍管理员的管理呢?学生宿舍管理系统取代了传统的笔录,用计算机网络技术解决了传统的笔录所带来的麻烦和笔误,大大提高了管理员的办事效率,在高校里显得尤为重要。Along with the development of computer network technology, computer technology has gained popularity, therefore be appd to all walks of life eachodays society, how

8、 to efficiently solve the dormitory administrator management?Student dormitory management system replaced the traditional record, use work technology to solve the problems brought by the traditional record and a slipof the pen, grey improving the efficiency of the administrator, is particularly impo

9、rtant in colleges and universities.1.1编写目的 Writing Pure学生宿舍管理系统是运用计算机网络技术,以其通用性,简单方便,易于操作等特点,让高校的管理从人工管理模式转为电脑管理模式,提高了管理员的办事效率,减少了不必要的人力物力和财力的支出,实现了学生宿舍管理的信息化,时代化。Along with the development of computer network technology, computertechnology has gained popularity, therefore be appd to all walks of li

10、fe each.odays society, how to efficiently solve the dormitory administrator management? Student dormitory management system replaced the traditional record, use computer network technology to solve the problems brought by the traditional record and a slip of the pen, gre y improving the efficiency o

11、f the administrator, is particularlyimportant in colleges and universities.背景 Background1.2a. 追梦者项目组所设置的这款名称为“学生宿舍管理系统”。The dream chasroject team have set up the software name is studentdormitory management system.b. 该项目的提出者为“淮阴工学院计算机”,开发者为“追梦者”项目组,用户是广大的各个高校的学生,实现对象是这些高校的宿舍管理员。The project participa

12、nt in Huaiyin Institute of Technology -Institute of Computer Engineering, the developer is Dream Chaser project team, each user isthe college students, and the college dormitory administrators are implement object.c. 该系统同“信息学院”,“江苏食品学院”,“林业大学南方学院”等均有来往。This system with Huaian College of Information

13、Technology, Jiangsu Food Science College, Nanjing Forestry University-Southern College“have friendlyercourse.定义 Definitions1.3SDMS: Student dormitory management system用户:宿舍管理员、学生学生宿舍管理系统User:Dormitory Administrators,Students1.4参考资料 Referen1,工程(第 5 版).:人民邮电,2008.022来羽,ASP.NET 3.5(C#).,2011.33Abraham

14、Silberschatz,Henry F.Korth,darshan.数据库系统概念.第五版.:机械工业,2008.64Chris Hart, John Kauffman, David Sussman, Chris Ullman. ASP.NET 2.0,2007.7经典-C#篇,人民邮电1Zhang HaiFan. The Software Project (fifth edition). Beijing: Peoplespress. 2008.02t and2Wang Hui, Lai Yu, Chen DeXiang. The ASP.NET 3.5 (C#). Tsinghuauniv

15、ersity press. 2011.33Abraham Silberschatz,Henry F.Korth,darshan.Database system concepts.Fifth edition Beijing: Machinery Industry Press, 2008.64Chris Hart, John Kauffman, David Sussman, Chris Ullman. The ASP.NET 2.0Classic Tutorial-C#. Peoplest and press. 2007.72任务概要Summary of tasks(撰写人:3102101120

16、Writer :Fan Zhang)2.1Project Source研究表明,目前项目来源据长达一个月的各大高校在宿舍管理方面并未拥有其独立的管理系统,基本都是通过纸张和手工书写。在学生信息以及宿舍资料的统计方面相当的麻烦,都是根据纸张资料逐张的统计。而由于不可的自然,纸张、易燃故不易保存,而且过多的使用纸张也浪费资源。综上所述缺点,Dream Chaser 项目小组决定开发出一款针对上述宿舍问题的管理系统,这个系统主要是为了改善学校的宿舍管理,来节约宿舍管理员的部分时间,同样也可以使及时了解自己宿舍的信息。在这个信息化的时代,在宿舍推行类似管理系统也成为了重要的一部分。According

17、to month-long research showst, the Huaian major colleges anduniversitieshe dormitory management did nove its own independentmanagement system, basically through pr records and hand-writing. Considerabletroublehe survey of student information as well as dormitory data are based onpr-by-Zhang sistics.

18、 Due to unpredictable natural factors, the pr easy tide,flammable, it is not easy to save, and exsive use of pr records is also a waste ofresour. In summaryings, the Dream Chasroject team decided todevelop a management system for the quarters, this system also allows students in atimely manner in or

19、der to improve the management of the school dormitory, part-timeto save the dormitory administrator, understanding of their own quarters.his era ofinformation technologyhe quarters to implement similar management system hasalsoe an important part.2.2目标本项目设定的目标如下:(1)(2)(3)系统拥有美观的登录界面,使用户以一种轻松舒适的感觉来使用

20、。系统拥有账户登录,使信息得到最大化的保护。系统拥有良好的查询运行能力,是的工作效率得到最大化。(4) 在项目的开发过程中,来锻炼项目组成员的调研交流能力,以及开发能力和项目组之间的管理配合能力。The project set the following objectives:(1)The system has the appearance of the login screen, allowing users to use in arelaxed and comfortable feeling.(2)(3)(4)System account login, toize protection.T

21、he system has a good query runs, the efficiency isized.heprojectdevelopmentpros,toexercisebetnresearchcommunication skills of the project team members, as well as to develop theability and the project team management.2.3 用户的特点 The characteristics of the user2.3.1 管理员用户的特点 Features of the administrat

22、or user本项目的用户主要有两类,一类是主要的管理员的用户,由于管理员查找学生信息需要拿出纸质资料来逐个查找,并且宿舍报修等方面都需要学生去宿舍管理员那边登记,还有宿舍卫生、水电费等等信息的。这些工作都需要花费管理员大量的时间精力。通过该管理系统,他们可以相当方便的查找学生信息,并且动动手指就可以发布宿舍卫生、水电等信息,更可以方便的查找到保修情况。省去了管理员大量的时间和精力。Users of the project are mainly two types, one is the main administrators useradministrators to find studen

23、ts need to come up wipr to find one by one, andstudents need to dormitory quarters repair administrator side registration record, as well as dormitories health, utilities, and so the information published. These efforts need to spend a lot of time and effort by the administrator. Through the managem

24、ent system, they can quite easily find the student information and fingertips can publish quarters health, water and electricity, can easily find warranty. Sort the administratorlot of time and effort.2.3.2 学生用户的特点 Features of the student user另一类用户是学生,由于宿舍每次保修都需要去管理员那边登记,而有时又会由于种种原因忘记保修,这就会给学生的学习生活造

25、成不便。还有就是无法查询所在宿舍的水电费,这会使得有时无缘无故断电了都不知道拖欠了电费。而通过该管理系统学生可以方便的提交修理的申请。作为用户,使用该系统不需要特殊培训,只需掌握基本计算机知识即可轻松的操作该管理系统。Another type of user is a student, the quarters of each warranty need to go to theadministrator side registration, and sometimes will fet the warranty due to variousreasons, which will give s

26、tudents life causing inconvenience. There is not query the dormitory where the utilities, which would make sometimes for no er and we do not know arrears electricity. Students through the management system can be easilysubmitted to the application of the repair.As a user, the system does not require

27、 spel training, just to master basiccomputer knowledge can they can easily operate the management system.2.4 假定和约束 Amptions and constras2.4.1 直接约束 Direct constra计算机的配置不符合要求和器的配置不符合运行环境。性能无法达到一定程度。The configuration of the computer does not meet the requirements and memory configuration does not compl

28、y with the operating environment. The performance cannot be achieved to a certain extent.2.4.2 选择约束 Choosing constras编写以及数据库的运行环境和系统相不符,无法运行出所需要的数据。客户的要求和的某些功能不符合。的要求与的某些,涉及具体的问题。The operating environment for software development, and database and systemdoes not match the required dan not run out. S

29、ome features do not meet therequirements of customers and software. Software requirements andernmentregulationsinvolving specific laws and regulations.3功能需求 Amptions and constras对功能的规定 The Provis of The Function3.1系统设置System SettingsF忘记Change Password修改宿舍卫生信息 dormitory Health卫生水电查询Health query学生Stud

30、ent宿舍水费信息 Dormitory water宿舍电费信息 Tariff Information学修理申请 Requesting repair查询修理Query repair报修 Repair生确认修理 Make sure service宿系统设置System Settings忘记F舍Change Password修改管录入学生信息 Input student information学生信息设置set student information查询学生信息 Check student information理修改学生信息 Modify student information系管理员删除学生信息

31、 Delete student informationManage宿舍卫生信息 dormitory Health统卫生水电管理Health Management宿舍水费信息 Dormitory water宿舍电费信息 Tariff Information查询保修Query repair报修管理Repair management通知修理Notification repair删除报修信息 Delete the repair information3.1 功能模块图 Function Block Diagram(撰写人:3102101120 Writer :Fan Zhang)The student

32、 dormitories management systemot password用户登录Usasswordot passwordassword用户登录Us学院college学院collegenamename学生信息Student information班级 class班级 classregister学号StuID学号StuID学生 stdent宿舍 dormitory宿舍 dormitory导师 menor财物 property财物 propertypassword管理 manae时间 time项目 project用户名 username管理员 administratorpassword报修

33、Repair service查询 uery评价Evaluation备注 note卫生评价 Evaluation of Hygiene学生信息Student informationSerial number时间 time评价Evaluation宿舍号 Dormitory no.操作 operator管理 manage学号StuID宿舍 dormitory宿舍号 Dormitory no.学 student使 use用水量 Water consumption超级管理员super administrator水电管理 Hydroer management收水费 The water fee欠水费 Owe

34、 water rate用电量 Electricity consumption用户名 username欠电费 Olectricity ratepassword收电费 The electricity fee3.2E-R 图 E-R Figure3102101124 Writer:Yong Shi)(撰写人:学生宿舍管理系统的顶层数据流图:Top-level Data Flow Diagram of Student Dormitory Management System学生宿舍管理系统第 0 层数据流图:Tier 0 Data Flow Diagram of Student Dormitory Ma

35、nagement System3.3数据流图Data Flow Diagram(撰写人:3102101113 Writer: RiXiang Wei)3.1.1 学生个人管理需求分析 Studentsal Management RequirementSpecification(撰写人:3102101124 Writer:Yong Shi) 模块功能图 Module Function Chart学生个人管理模块主要包括学生对自己信息的查询与修改的修改以及找回、查看相关的其他信息和公告、通过留言系统对管理员提出自己的要求。Student information management

36、module mainly includes the students for theirinformation query and modification, password changes, Check the related information and other announcements, and retrieved by a message to the administrator systemproed their own requirements.个人信息信息修改学生个人管理信息修改个人信息查询信息查询他人信息查询al informationInformation mae

37、nanceStudent MISInformation changeal information queryInformation queryOthers information query图 学生个人管理功能图FigureThe Studentsal Management个人信息查询al information queries个人信息查询模块便于学生登陆并自己查看信息,便于学生校验自己信息,方便管理者进行管理。al information query module facili e students to login and look up informatio

38、n, facili e students check their information, convenient for managers to manage.个人信息修改The Information Change管理是学生个人的相关信息,如、出生年月等。管理包括对各种信息的修改,便于及时更新自己的信息。也可以是宿舍管理员进行管理操作,对学生的有关信息根据学校要求或者学生自己的意愿进行修改等操作,及时更新自己的信息。al information management is to record the studental information,such as gender, date of

39、birth, phone number, etc.al information managementincludes the change of all kinds of information, to update their information ime. Can also be a dorm administrators to manage operations, to students related information in accordance with the requirements of the school or students themselveswill mod

40、ify etc operation, update their information in a timely manner.修改The Password Change学生只拥有自己的权限,拥有自己的,而是学生登陆的唯一密钥,The password change因此对于的管理是很重要的,在修改模块中,学生必须先输入原始,然后才能进行录入新的,如果忘记则需要验证保护,这是为了提高系统性。Students only have their own rights, have their own password, the password isthe only key to student logi

41、n, so it is important for password management, in thechange password module, the student mustenter the original password, then entera nessword, if fet the password need to verify the password protection, this isin order to improve the system of information security. E-R 图E-R diagram管理Manage图

42、学生个人管理模块E-R 图Figure E-R Diagram of the Students 数据流图Data flow diagramal Management登陆学生Studentpassword landing图 学生个人管理数据流图Figure Studentsal Management data flow diagram 数据字典Data Dictionarypassword他人信息查询 Others information query修改 change管理Manege个人信息nel inform

43、ation修改ChangePassword学生Student宿舍 dormitory用户名user name学院collegePassword班级 class 信息Information管理员Administrator学号 StuID用户名user namename3.1.2 学生信息管理需求分析 Student information management needsysis3102101120 Writer :Fan Zhang)(撰写人:学生信息管理模块用以实现管理员对学生信息的录入、修改、删除来进行相应的操作。学生的信息包括、学号等等。Student Information Manag

44、ement module is used to achieve the administrator of student information entry, modify, delete the corresponding operation. Studentinformation including name, gender, student number.模块功能图Module Function Chart学生信息管理录入学生信息 Input student information查询学生信息 Check student information管 理 员 登录Adminis

45、trator Login修改学生信息 Modify student information删除学生信息 Delete student information图 学生信息管理功能图FigureThe Student Information ManagementStudent Information名字:学生基本信息Name: student basic information别名:学生信息Alias: student information描述:系统对学生信息进行Description: student information system on storage定义

46、:学生基本信息=帐号+学号Definition: students basic information = account + password + name + student id位置:到学生基本信息数据库中。Location: basic information storedhe student database.数据约束:帐号为学生学号,为不少于 6 位的字符型Donstras: account for students, student id, the password for the type of not lessn 6 characters管理员登录 Administrator

47、 Login管理员根据自己的帐号登录。在系统主页点击学生信息管理按钮。跳转进入学生信息管理界面。Administrators use their own account and password to login. Click onStudent Information Management button in the system home page. Jumpothethestudent information managementerface.录入学生信息Input student information管理员进入信息录入页面,在界面上根据提示填入相应的信息(如:、学号、学院、班级、宿舍

48、、)。Administrator to enter the informationo the page, follow the prompts to fill inthe appropriate information (such as: name, gender, school, college, classes,dormitories at theerface,ephone number).查询学生信息Check student information管理员进入查询界面,输入、学号进行查询。Administrator to enter the queryerface, enter the

49、name, student number query.修改学生信息Modify student information查询获得学生信息,点击修改,对学生信息进行修改。要求:对学生信息进行及时的修改,必须经过学生允许之后才可进行信息修改。Query to get student information, click Edit to modify the student information.Requirements: modify student information in a timely manner, information must be carried out before stu

50、dents are allowed to modify.删除学生信息 Delete student information对离校或其余原因不再住宿的学生,查询获得学生信息,点击删除,对学生信息进行删除。Students leave school or the other reasons is no longer stay, query to obtaininformation, click the Delete t E-R 图E-R diagramete student information.帐号管理员录入,查询修改,删除查询学院学号班级宿舍Account numbasswor

51、dAdministratEntry, modify query, deletequeryephoneFacultyNumberNameClassDormitorySex图 学生信息管理模块E-R 图Figure Student Information Management Module E-R diagram 数据流图Data flow diagram2.1录入学生信息Inputstudent information录入权限录入12.2.1修改学生信息 Modify student information2.2.2宿舍管理员 Dormitory adm

52、inistrator2.2查询学生信息查询 Check studentinformation删除学生信息Deletestudent information删除图 学生信息管理数据流图Figure Student Information Management data flow diagram管 理 员Administr修改 数据字典 Data Dictionary名字:别名:描述:管理员知道学生的定义:位置:=男或女至学生信息表名字:别名:描述:管理员通过联系学生定义:位置:=11字符11至学生信息表名字:学生别名:描述:使管理员知道定义:位置:=学

53、生名字至学生信息数据库Name: Student Name Alias:Description: Enables administrators to know Definition: Name = name of students Location: store to student information sheetName:Alias:Description:Administratorephone contact studentsDefinition: Contact = 11 characters 11 Location: store to student information she

54、etName: Student ID Alias:Description: identify students key Definition:102101101characters1012101130Location: store to student information sheet名字:学号别名:描述:识别学生的关键定义:102101101字符1012101130位置:至学生信息表Name: Class Alias:Description: administrators understand the students classDefinition: Class = student be

55、longs Class Location: store to student information sheet名字:班级别名:描述:管理员了解学生的班级定义:班级=学生所属班级 位置:至学生信息表Name: Dormitory No. Alias:Description: administrators know students dormDefinition: Dormitory No. = 5 characters Location: store to student information sheet名字:宿舍号别名:描述:管理员知道学生所住的宿舍定义:宿舍号=5字符5位置:至学生信息表

56、名字:学生基本信息别名:学生信息描述:系统对学生信息进行定义:学生基本信息=+学号+学院+班级+宿舍号+位置:至学生信息数据库+Name: student basic information Alias: Student InformationDescription: The system stored information for studentsDefinition: students = name + sex + school+ College + Class + dormitory number + Location: store to student information dat

57、abaseName: Gender Alias:Description: administrators know tder of the studentsDefinition: gender = male or female Location: store to student information sheet3.1.3 登录管理需求分析The Loganagement Requirementysi(s撰写人:3102101220 Writer: CFeng Wu)模块功能图 Module Function Chart图 登陆模块功能图Figure

58、 landing module FigureE-R 图 E-R diagramNumberNameContact way宿舍管理员Dormitoryadministrator被管理managed管理manage超级管理员Super administrator学生Student宿舍号Dormitory no.学号Stu IDContact wayNameNameGenderNumber图 登陆模块E-R 图Figure landing module E-R找回Password back 忘记Fotthe password重置Resetthe passw

59、ord输入Enterthe password学生 Student ,管理员Administrator ,超级管理员 Super administrator重新登陆 Log back in错误Password mistake输入Enterthe password登陆系统 Login system正确Password correct 数据流图 Data Flow Diagram输入 Enter the password重置 Thereset忘记登陆 loginFot thepasswordD2找回Password back图 登陆模块数据流图Figure 3.1.3.

60、3 landing module data flow diagram 数据字典 Data Dictionary名字:登陆模块Name: landing module描述:使学生,宿舍管理员和超级管理员能知道别人的信息和资料 Description: to make the students, the dormitory administrator and super administrator cnow the information and the information of others定义:登陆=用户名+重置+找回Definition: log = user name +


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