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1、高三英语写作句型训练句型 1: Undoubtedly,. / There is no/little doubt that.毫无疑问,人们越来越重视身体健康。Undoubtedly, people pay / attach more and more attention to health.+it+句型 2: .think/believe/feel/find/ make/ consider adj./n.+of/for sb. to do sth.我认为无论何时见到老师都跟老师问好是有礼貌的表现。I think it good manners to say hello to your teac

2、hers whenever you meet them.科学的发展令我们跟别人联系很方便。The development of science has made it quite convenient for us to get in touch with others句型 3: It is worth remembering that.值得牢记的是,和许多国家比较,英国是一个生活昂贵的地方。It is worth remembering that compared with many countries, the UK is an expensive place to live.段落一:毫无

3、疑问,有人认为循环利用垃圾要花费大量时间,很麻烦。但必 须牢记的是,这样做可以为我们现在面临的环境问题作出非常大的贡 献。Some people undoubtedly consider it troublesome to recycle their rubbish, as it takes a good deal of time, but it is worth remembering that it can makea great contribution towards solving the environmental problems we face today.句型 4: Ther

4、e is no denying that.不可否认,当今世界上妇女正在发挥着重要的作用。There is no denying that womenare playing an important role in the world today.不可否认,事业成功的关键在于健康的身心。There is no denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind.句型 5: Since., why shouldn t /don t.既然我们都困在这里了,为什么我们不好好享受这个城市的一切呢?Since we are tr

5、apped here, why don t we make the most of it and enjoy the city?既然生命是短暂的,我们为何不善加利用我们的时间?Since life is short, why not make the best of our time?句型 6: Its (high/about) time that sb. did/should do sth该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了。It is high time that we put an end to the trend.句型 7: Only in this way / by doing sth. c

6、an we只有采用这个办法你才能在英语方面取得进步。Only in this way can you make progress in English.只有按下这个按钮你才能启动它。Only by pressing this button can you switch it on.段落二:毫无疑问我们都意识到这个问题。既然这样,为什么我们不采取行动解决这个问题呢?政府早就应该开始认真对待它了。只有采取措施改革 教育制度,我们才能确保全国范围的学生都能享受平等的权利。Since there is no denying that we are all aware of the problem, w

7、hy shouldn t we act to solve it? It s high time the government began to take the matter seriously. Only by introducing measures aimed at the reform of education system can we make sure that students from across the country can enjoy equal opportunities.句型 8: Not only. , but also.昨晚汤姆熬至深夜,不仅完成了作业,而且读

8、了他最喜欢的一位诗人的 许多诗歌。Sitting up late last night, Tom finished not only the assignment but also many poems by his favourite poet.我不仅听见了车的声音,而且还亲眼看见了那辆车撞坏了。Not only did I hear the car, but also I saw it crash.句型 9: Neither., nor.这种人通常没有很强的家庭观念,也记不住重要的日期。Such people do not have a strong sense of family. No

9、r do they remember important dates.段落三:那天又湿又冷,我还觉得特别累。我既忘了带大衣,也没带雨伞。 很快,我就冷得发抖了。Not only was it a cold and wet day, but I also felt extremely tired. I had remembered to bring neither my coat nor my umbrella, and soon, I was shivering with the cold.句型 10: It was the first/second/last time that.had do

10、ne.这是奥林匹克历史上第一次选出了五个吉祥物(mascot)。It is the first time in Olympic history that five mascots have been shosen.句型 11:be doing sth . when.她正在安静看书,突然听到一阵敲门声。She was reading quietly when she heard a knock on the door.句型 12: It+ 系动词(be/seems.)+adj./n.+ (for sb./of sb.) to do sth.你这样和你的父母说话,真是非常无礼。It is rude

11、 of you to speak to your parents like that. 句型 13: .so+ adj./adv.+ that./ .such+(a/an)+adj.+n.+that.他的英语水平太有限,不能理解英国本土人所说的话。His English is so limited that he couldn t understand whatthe native speakers said.他如此挚爱自己的学生,以至于常常因为劳累过度而生病。He is so devoted to his students that he often fell ill from overwo

12、rking.段落四:这是我第一次独自在这个城市。我正在街上走得高兴,突然看到一个没有手臂的老人躺在地上。看起来他不但很老,而且很饿。我很同情 他,把我原准备购物用的钱给了他。It was the first time that I had been in the city alone. Iwas walking happily along the street when I saw an old man withno arms lying on the ground. It appeared not only that he was very cold, but very hungry as

13、well. So sorry did I feel that I gavehim the money with which I had intended to go shopping.句型 14: There be/live /stand.There seems to be/appears to be/happen to be/used to be/is likely to be.看起来这次我们队有希望打败他们队。There seems to be much hope of our team beating theirs句型 15 :until Not until.did. It is not

14、 until.that.直到我们观看“地球日”这个电视节目后我们才对全球变暖有更多的了 解。Not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV did we know more about global warming. / We did not know more about global warming until we watched the Earth Day programme. / It was not until we watched the Earth Day programme on TV that we knew more ab

15、out 直到考试失败了,他才意识到他之前浪费了太多时间玩电脑游戏。Not until he failed in the exam did he realize that he had wasted too muchtime playing computer games. / He didn t realize that he had wasted too much time playing computer games until he failed in the exam. / It was not until he failed in the exam that he realized h

16、e had wasted too much time playing computer games.段落五:我家附近的一个小山上矗立着一座神秘的建筑。有一天我决定弄清里面究竟有什么。直到我靠近房子的时候我才开始后悔我的决定,担心里 面可能躺着什么东西。There stands a mysterious old building on a hill near myhome, and one day I decided to find out what was inside. It was not until I approached the house that I began to regre

17、t mydecision, fearing what might lie within.句型 16: be about to do sth. when.我正要离开时,电话铃响了。I was about to leave when the telephone rang,句型17:强调句:It is /was瑕强调的部分+that+句子其余部分Sb. did+V他被选中这件事让我们非常高兴。It was that he was chosen that made us very happy.我真不知道我的钱是在哪儿让人偷走的。I really don t know where it was that

18、 I had my money stolen.句型 18: With+O.+O,C. (n./adj.adv. /prep. phrase/to do/to bedone/doing /being done/done/having been done)老人坐在椅子上,嘴里叼着一个烟斗。The old man sat on the chair with a pipe in his mouth.段落六:那时候,我正准备放弃,突然想起爸爸很多年前说过的鼓励我的话。直 到那时我才意识到,只有不屈不挠才能解决问题。于是我满怀新的决 心,打开书本开始学习。At that time, I was about

19、 to give up when I remembered thewords of encouragement my father had said to me many years ago.It was then that I realized that only through perseverance could the problem be solved. With new determination filling my heart,I opened my book and began studying.句型 19: It is said/believed/hoped/reporte

20、d that./Sb. /sth.+ be said/believed/hoped/reported to be/do sth.人们希望我们国家的每一位学生都会读到这样一本好书。It is hoped that every student in our country will read such a good book.句型20: For one thing,.For another,.表并列或递进,用于引出某事的理由这个周末我不想去听音乐会。一来我没钱,二来我太忙。I don t want to go to the concert this weekend. For one thing,I

21、 have no money; and for another I am too busy.句型21: When it comes to + sth.常用于议论文介绍人们不同的观点当谈到“安全性”这个问题时,你对居住在某个美国城市怎么看?What do you think of living in a U. S. city when it comes to safety / security?句型 22: It goes without saying/It is needless to say that.不言而喻,青年人的教育对于一个国家的未来至关重要。It goes without sayi

22、ng that the education to the youth is significant / critically important to a nation s future.句型 23: As far as I amconcerned/On a personal level/From mypoint of view/ In my opinion,就我个人而言,我讨厌被当作小孩看待。As far as I am concerned, I objected to being treated like a child.句型 24: Not only. but also./.as wel

23、l护士们不仅要求提高工资,还要求缩短工作时间。Not only do the nurses want a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.句型 25: As we all know,./It is well known that.众所周之众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多引起的。It is well-known that cancer is at least party caused by over smoking.句型 56: Obviously, /It is clear/obvious/true that. /to do.显

24、然他对音乐和绘画都有兴趣。Obviously,(It is obvious / clear that) he is interested in music as well as (in) painting.句型 27: On the one hand, On the other (hand) ,.表对比网络是一把双刃剑,它既激活了青少年,又困扰着青少年。The network is like a double-edged sword, which activates the teenagers on the one hand, and puzzles them on the other han

25、d.句型28: It occurred to sb. that.某人突然想到我这才意识到她在期待我的回答。It occurred to ma that she expected a response.句型 29: It+ 系动词(be/seems.)+no good/no use做没有用试图通过战争方式解决两国的问题是没有用的。It is no good trying to solve the issue between the nations by means of war.句型 30: There is no sense /point in doing sth . 做毫无意义 为过去的事烦

26、恼没有意义。There is no point (in) worrying about the past.句型 31: .cant/can never+ too / too much / enough/ over .无论怎样一都不过分你开车的时候,越小心越好(怎么小心都不过分)。While you are driving, you can t be careful enough / can t be too careful.社会的发展使我们有必要精通英语,因此学习英语的重要性无论 怎么强调都不过分。The development of society has made it necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English, so we can t overemphasize the imp


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